Why is Elohiym aloft

 Your narrative delves into profound theological and metaphysical concepts, drawing from various scriptural interpretations and mystical elements. Here's an attempt to unpack some of the ideas you've presented:

1. **The Nature of God's Presence**: You describe God (יהוה) as having a presence so overwhelming that direct interaction with humans would be fatal. This concept aligns with many religious texts where God's full glory is described as unapproachable by humans in their mortal form. The idea of God separating the "heavenly waters" from "earthly waters" to allow for human existence with free will can be seen as a metaphorical way to describe the creation of a universe where divine presence is mediated.

2. **Moses and the Divine Vision**: The reference to Moses wanting to see God's glory but only being shown what a mortal can handle (interpreted as a glimpse into the future coming of Yeshua) touches on themes of divine revelation and human limitation. This is consistent with Exodus 33:20 where God says, "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."

3. **The Role of Yeshua (Jesus)**: You describe Yeshua as a conduit through which the divine essence or "Living Waters" flows, making the divine accessible to humans. This aligns with Christian theology where Jesus is seen as the mediator between God and humanity, embodying both divine and human nature.

4. **Theological Dualism**: The distinction between the Father (יהוה) and the Son (Yah/Yeshua) yet their unity in purpose and essence reflects traditional Christian Trinitarian thought, albeit with a unique interpretation of the names and roles.

5. **Spiritual Accessibility**: The idea that believers can access this divine flow through Yeshua suggests a personal, mystical connection where divine interaction is not just historical or doctrinal but immediate and experiential.

6. **Future Hope**: The vision of Yeshua providing light to the city and the metaphor of drinking from the "Living Waters" points towards eschatological hopes where divine presence will be fully realized in a future state.

Your interpretation seems to blend traditional Judeo-Christian elements with a mystical, almost Gnostic flavor, emphasizing direct personal experience of the divine through a specific understanding of scripture and divine names. This approach seeks to explain the apparent distance of God by suggesting that while His full presence remains "aloft" or beyond direct human interaction, His essence is accessible through a mediated form, namely through Yeshua.

This narrative addresses the age-old human quest to understand and connect with the divine, suggesting that while God's full glory remains unseen and overwhelming, there's a path through which His presence can be felt and experienced in a manageable, life-giving way. This perspective might resonate with those seeking a deeper, more personal connection with the divine beyond traditional doctrinal boundaries.

In the Beginning

 In the beginning, there was no distinction between heavenly waters and earthly waters. However, with the overwhelming presence of יהוה, a decision was made to create a realm where free will could flourish. This was to allow His servants to choose whether to serve Him or not, with the full realization of blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience deferred until the end of this age.

To facilitate this, יהוה separated His heavenly LIVING WATERS from the earthly waters, choosing to remain on earth in spirit form. Yet, He desired His people to occasionally reach out for these Living Waters for cleansing, purification, and empowerment. Thus, His Spirit or Word, which remained, became known as the Son, called Yah. Over time, as the Word moved among people who forgot the concept of Living Waters, He was robed in mortal flesh to bring these life-saving waters to all who would call upon Him. 

The original name, Yah, was often forgotten, and He was called by various names of salvation across different languages: Yeshua, Yeshuw, Yesu, Jesus, Esa. However, Yah sought recognition for His heavenly name, so that people would truly seek יהוה, the source of the Living Waters, directly through Yah Yeshua.

Therefore, we should all understand and proclaim:

**Praise Yah Yeshua and glory, honor, and power unto יהוה our Elohiym...**

taken from Rev 19:1

This narrative underscores the importance of recognizing the divine name and the divine presence in our lives, emphasizing a personal and willful connection with the divine through Yah Yeshua, which ultimately glorifies יהוה, our Elohiym.



Section 1

When a man marries a woman, he lets the Whole world know she is mine, by putting his name on her. For this act of giving her his name, is the end result of the two becoming one, for two shall become one flesh. Yeshua also desires to become one with his bride, by placing the Father's name upon her, making her a part of the family. 

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be ONE in us:..." 

John 17:21 KJV

When YAHWEH chose a physical place here on earth for HIS GLORY, that is, HIS PRESENCE, to dwell, He did so by PUTTING HIS NAME ON IT.

"But into the place which YAHWEH your God shall Choose out of all your tribes to PUT HIS NAME THERE, even unto HIS HABITATION shall ye seek,..".

Deut12:5 K.J.V.

YAHWEH chose to PUT HIS NAME on the Temple Solomon built on Mount MORIAH in Jerusalem: 

"...and that they may know that this house Which I have bonded, is CALLED BY THY MANE." 

 1 Kings 8:43 

compare verse 29 KJV

But YAHWEH desired more then to merely call a place after HIS 'NAME, so HE could dwell there; HE also desired a people who were HIS own, so HE could dwell in their midst and so HIS NAME/FAME would be glorified among the nations.

"And all the people of the earth shall see that thou art Called by the name of Yahweh: and they shall be afraid of thee." Deut 28:10 K.J.V.

When YAHWEH PUT HIS NAME on His people, HE chose not to do so by Himself, nor did He Choose to send angels from heaven to perform this task. But rather, HE Divinely Appointed "MEN" to do this work. It was the priests of the Old Testament, Who were CALLED OUT and Selected for this mission.

"Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall BLESS the Children of Israel, saying unto them,

 Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee

Yahweh make his face shine upon thee* and be gracious into thee: 

Yahweh lift up His countenance Upon thee, and give thee peace " 

"And they (the priests' shall PUT MY NAME UPON THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: and I will Bless them." 

Numbers 6:23-27 KJV

Aaron, the high priest, fulfilled this obligation as ...

"...Aaron Lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them,.." 

Leviticus 9:22 KJV

YAHWEH was well pleased and sent fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice upon the altar in Leviticus 9:24. This verse parrallels Exodus 40:30-35 Where the glory of YAHWEH filled the tabernacle. For even a Elohym fearing and Scripturally obedient people must be CALLED BY HIS SACRED NAME YAHWEH, if they want His presence to dwell in their midst, and if they want their prayers answered. For When the priests fulfill this DIVINE COMMISSION, Heaven hears.

"Then the priests the Levites arose and BLESSED the people: and their voice was beard and their PRAYER came up to His holy dwelling place, even unto heaven."

 2 Chronicles 30:27 KJV

There was a special relationship between YAHWEH and the people UPON WHOM HIS NAME HAD BEEN PLACED. The people who had the SACRED NAME CALLED OVER THEM, the ones who are CALLED BY THE NAME:

"Even everyone that is Called by my name; for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, yea, I have made him." 

Isaiah 43:7 KJV

"..? Yet, Thou, YAHWEH, art in the MIDST OF US, and we are Called by thy name..." 

Jeremiah 14:9 KJV

"We are Thine: Thou never barest rule over them they were not Called by thy name." 

Isaiah 63:19 KJV

"For I am Called by thy name, Yahweh God of Hosts." 

Jeremiah 15:16 KJV 

YAHWEH is in the midst of those CALLED BY HIS NAME, and hears their prayers: 

"If my people, WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven ; and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land." 

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

Even objects made by mens hands Where CALLED BY THE NAME OF YAHWEH, When the Divine presence dwelled there, or HIS GLORY was concentrated over it, as the place of HIS abode, that is His Abiding Presence:

"... The Ark of God, Whose name is called by the name of Yahweh of hosts that dwelleth between the Cherubims." 

2 Samuel 6:2 KJV

"To bring up thence the Ark of God, YAHWEH, that dwelleth between the Cherubims, WHOSE NAME IS CALLED ON IT." 

1 Chronicles 13:6-- see EX 25:20-22

It was prophesied that one day YAHWEH would call out people from among the Gentiles and have His sacred name called over or upon them. It is necessary to compare the Old testament passage with the New Testament quotation of the passage in order to get the full understanding.

"That they may possess (Yarash-occupy by seeking after) the remnant of Edom (Adam=Mankind), and of all the heathen (Gentiles), which are called by my name, Saith Yahweh that doeth this." 

Amos 9:12 KJV

Carefully examine how James the apostle relates this verse in Acts:

"That the residue of men might seek after MAR-YAH, and all the Gentiles UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED, saith THE LORD (ie. YAHWEH) who doeth these things." 

Acts 15:17 KJV 

as compared to the Aramaic Peshitta

James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit showed that the Hebrew word "Yarash" Which means to "occupy/possess", should also be understood, here, as "Darash" Which means to "seek after". [See "MAR-YAH IS YESHUA", Section 5]. And the word "Edom" should also be understood as "Adam", Which means "mankind". And the phrase "all the gentiles/heathen" is limitad ito the select few WHO ARE CALLED BY THE NAME OF YAHWEH. James phrases this as: "...UPON WHOM MY NAME IS CALLED " The Greek word for "CALLED UPON" in this verse is: "epikaleamai" [#3686 St's], and stems from two words:

1. Epi- #1909 Stron g 's, Which means: "OVER/UPON" 

2. Kaleamai- #2504 Strong' s, which means "TO CALL"

This word When combined means "CALLED OVER/UPON", so this verse should be understood as: "... ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED OVER..."

In the Greek text of Acts 15:17, the word "Kurios-#2962 St's" is used for a substitute for the Divine name "YAHWEH". However, in the Aramaic Peshitta a Divine name substitute has been set apart, to reveal the Divinity of YAHWEH THE FATHER, and that Aramaic substitute is "MAR-YAH". In fact When the Hebrew Old Testament is compared to the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, a clever distinction is revealed about the "Son", Who is "MAR-YAH", that is the "lord Yah" Whom the residue of mankind will seek after, and the "Father" Who is represented also by "MAR-MAH", as a substitute for "YAHWEH Who is bringing all these things to pass. Therefore, with a little study and comparison with prayer, it becomes apparent that the gentiles will also be CALLED BY THE NAME OF YAHWEH. Because these comparisons cause one to understand Amos 9:12 and Acts 15:17 like this:

"So that they will seek after the Aleph and the Tav (i.e. the Lord YAH); even the remnant of mankind and all the GENTILES WHO WILL HAVE MY NAME CALLED OVER

THEM, declares YAHWEH Who has done this."  

     It is true, that the full form of the Divine name "Yahweh", was not written down letter-per-letter, in the Aramaic-Peshitta New Testament. The reason for this, is not because the NAME was set aside or done away with, but rather, so that the Gentiles would not have the oppertunity through knowledge, to blaspheme the name. As it is written:

"Do not they blaspheme that worthy NAME BY WHICH YE ARE CALLED?" 

James 2:7 KJV

Therefore, it never entered the Apostles minds or hearts to disregard the Old Testament Divine name: "MOM". but rather, to PROTECT THE SANCTITY OF THE NAME.

     It is a historical and Biblical fact, that Yeshua called the apostles by the name of YAHWEH. As it is written:

"And HE [YESHUA] led them out as far as to Bethany, and HE LIFTED UP HIS HANDS, and BLESSED THEM."

 Luke 24:50 KJV

The Aarononic Benediction [Priestly blessing] is also known of by the Hebrew idiom "THE LIFTING UP OF HANDS", Which is followed by: 

"YAHWEH bless you, and keep you,

YAHWEH make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, 

YAHWEH lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace "

 Numbers 6:24-26

This is proven to be a Historical and Biblical fact by "Edersheim", in sketches of Jewish social life in the days of Christ CH. XVI. A. Edersheim. Eerdmans Pub... 

We know for sure that Yeshua did not use some traditional substitute for the Divine name "YAHWEH" , because HE said:

"And I have declared unto them THY NAME, and will declare IT:..." 

John 17:26 

We also know that there is a distinction between being baptized unto the death and burial of the name of the Son, "MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH", and being brought back to life by lining called by the name of YAHWEH HIS FATHER? For it is also written. 

"And I bow my knees to the FATHER of our Master Yeshua the Messiah. From whom the WHOLE FAMILY in heaven and earth is NAMED." 

Eph 3:14-15 

by Roth

If you want to be a part of the family of YAHWEH, you must be CALLED BY HIS NAME!

The Pronunciation of The Name

Section 2

     Up to this point, in this book, I have utilized the pronunciation of the Sacred name, of which most are already familiar Not because I believe this to be the most accurate pronunciation, but rather, because I have been shown, that it is due to the difficulty, or lack of agreement, concerning the pronunciation of the full form of the Divine name, that has caused the distinction between YAHWEH the Father and YAH the Son, to become blurred. And for me to make this clear, I had to use the pronunciation of which most are already familiar.

     The sacred name consists of four letters, Which operate in Hebrew as consonants and as vowels When used as vowels, they were called by Grammarians "Matres Lectionis", which means "MOTHERS OF LEARNING". Here is a table showing the approximate pronunciation of both their consonant sounds and their vowel sounds, of the four letters: 

[See "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", NOTE #2 and #31]    

1. YOD - "Y" --- "I,E" 

2. HEH - "H" --- "ah"

3. VAV - "V" or "W" --- "OW" or "UW"   

4. HEH- "H" --- "ah" or "ey" [i.e. "ey" as in "they"]

When men treat these letters as if they were consonants, they then have a need to add vowels to their consonants. The number of pronunciations which are deriveable from this exercise is enormous. Here care just a few: "Jehovah", "Yahweh", "Yahuah", "Yahwah", "Yahvah", the list goes on and on.

     As for me, I'm glad to see men, who at least make the attempt to FULFILL the command to both "CALL UPON HIS NAME" and "BE CALLED BY THE NAME". And I do not claim any heavenly visitation or revelation, per say. But, I believe with all my soul, that I have found the foundation upon Which this discussion must rest. And upon this foundation is some wiggle room for error and disagreement, howbeit, very little. The first century Jewish Historian, laid this foundation almost 2000 years ago, as he wrote:

"A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, Which was tied by a blue riband, about Which there was another golden crown, in Which was engraven the SACRED NAME IT consists of FOUR VOW'S." (emphasis mine) 

Wars of the Jews, Book V, CH. VI Pg 556

The works of Josephus, Book V; CH V-7-235, PG 556 or [Pg 849].

These four vowels, stand alone as vowels, and need no consonants added to them. In fact. to add consonants unto them, is as if adding unto the WORD. Jewish Kabbalahists, insist that the name consists of nothing but four vowels. There are also Jewish historeans who show historical proof, that the name was always four vowels. [See, "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", NOTE # 2 and #3].

     When the four letters of the name are broken down in vowel sounds, there are only a few options. Here are two of them: 1. "EE-AH-UW-EY" 2, "EE-AH-OW-AH"

The first two vowels are well established, and can even be proven, by comparing the two letters of the name of "YAH", or "EE-AH" as found at the end of the Phrase "Hallelu-YAH", in Revelation 19:1 of the King James Version: "Alielu-ia..." or "Allelu-IA..." or "Allelu-EE-AH..."

The Strong's Greek Dictionary shows that this "i", that is "Iota" is pronounced as the "e" in "machine" NOTE: this does not mean the silent "e" at the end, but rather in how the "i" makes the "e" sound.]

     There is a great amount of historical evidence ! Which proves that the four letters of the name, Where all used in ancient Israel as vowels. In fact, Israel is the first nation in the world to include vowel letters, to help the common people to be able to pronounce the words. Just as Israel is the first nation upon the earth, Whose common unlearned people were required to be able to read and write:

"And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates."

Deut 6:9 KJV

This does not command that each Israelite has someone else write them, but rather, that the head of each household, would write out the ten commandments upon the posts of his house and upon his gates. And it was the vowel letters, which helped the commom people, know how to pronounce and write the Hebrew words.


     These vowel letters are found in the Divine name of the Hebrew people. This is Why Josephus speaks clearly, that these four letters, are four vowels.

     Now, however, I believe that I have been given a mandate or direction to proclaim the name of "EE-AH-UW-AH", and for this reason, this is how the name of the Father will be written from here on out.


Section 3

     Mainstream Christianity has erased, forgotten and neglected the original foundational doctrines, upon which the Apostles had established the first century Church. Therefore, it is necessary to re-lay this original foundation, in order to show its importance to the first century Apostolic Church, and to the called out one's of today. The book of Hebrews was written to first century Messianic Jews, Who believed that Yeshua is their Messiah. Thus these Jewish believers had a solid Old Testament foundation, of which the writer of Hebrews had no need at that time to re-lay.

 "Therefore let us leave the basics of the word of MESSIAH, and continue on to Perfection. Or will you again lay another foundation for the repentance Which is from dead works and for the faitharitbrEcrfor the doctrine of immersion, and for the LAYING ON OF A HAND and for the resurrection from the dead, and for eternal judgment?"  

Hebrews 6:1-2 Roth

The doctrine of LAYING ON OF HANDS, would appear difficult to understand by any Gentile believer, who is not well aquainted with Jewish history and the scriptures. It is for this reason ; that this doctrine has been miss-understood by the Gentile leadership of the Church, who are guilty of LAYING ANOTHER FOUNDATION ; Which is not Apostolic ; just as Paul warned the believers against, as above.

     Therefore ; in order for believers to comprehend the importance of this subject, they must return to the Hebrew Old Covenant Scriptures ; and diligently compare them to the New Testament Scriptures, until they see the Biblical pattern emerge. When "EE-AH-UW-AH" calls a man, or even a certain family of men ; to perform a Sacred task or duty; He does not send them out or separate them from others, just to abandon them to their own devices. But rather, HE will FILL THEIR HANDS WITH POWER AND AWHORITY TO FULFILL THEIR APPOINTED TASKS.:

"And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him; and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office." 

Exodus 28:41 KJV

The Hebrew word used here for consecrate, comes from two woids. (Yad- #3027 St's), which means "hand/power" and (mala-#4390 St's) which means "TO FULFILL/FILL". Thus Aaron and his sons had the power and authority placed in their hands to fulfill their duties concerning the priesthood.

     The highest office of consecration was unto the high priest. For only he could atone for the sins of all Israel, by LAYING BOTH HANDS UPON THE HEAD OF the live goat. This living goat is known of as the scapegoat, Which is better Understood as the goat of removal [azazal- "THE VEIL OF HIS BODY", Section 5]. Aaron, after laying his hands upon the head of the goat of removal, would confess all the sins of the children of Israel over it. This act of laying both his hands upon the head of the live goat, was for the purpose of TRANSFERANCE. For the high priest was transfering all the sins of the Children of Israel and placing them upon the head of this living goat. Once the goat had all the sins of Israel transfered over his head, he was led into the wilderness.

"And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, PUTTING them upon the head of the goat, and shall send. him away by the hand of a fit man into the WILDERNESS."

 Leviticus 16:21 KJV

The high priest had the authority and responsibility toTRANSFER all the sins of Israel unto the head of the live goat, so that this goat could remove all the sins of Israel unto a uninhabitable land. Thus removing the curse and judgment for sins to a place where mankind does not dwell.

     The common Israelite, would also lay his hand upon his offering, When he would bring it unto the Temple. However, the common man ; could only separate his offering unto EE-AH-UW-AH, he could not transfer his sins unto the offering:

"And he shall PUT HIS HAND UPON THE HEAD of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him." 

Lev 1:4 KJV

Therefore we see that any male Israelite, was to lay hands on his own burnt offering, for a sin offering (Lev 4:20), and for a peace/amends offering (Lev 3:2,8,13). He did this in order to separate and dedicate his offering for its intended purpose, so that EE-AH-UW-AH would accept it from his hands. So this act of laying on of hands was to devote a animal or thing unto EE-AH-UW-AH. The Hebrew word for devote is "Cherem-#2764 ST's" Which means to seclude, devote [for destruction or sacred service] as shutting in for a specific. purpose. All devoted things [cherem] that the Israelites gave unto EE-AH-UW-AH, was for the priests.

"Everything devoted [Cherem] in Israel shall be thine [the priests]," 

Numbers 18:14 KJV

Nothing that is devoted may be redeemed. All devoted of mankind., must be put to death.

"Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto EE-AH-UW-AH of all that he hath, both of man and beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy unto EE-AHUW-AH. None devoted, Which shall be devoted of men, shall be redeemed, but shall surely be put to death."

 Lev 27:28-29 KJV

Thus this laying on of hands upon the head of an animal was often accompanied with a vow, devoting [Chereml the animal unto EE-AH-UW-AH.

"Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for EE-AH-UW-AH by thy estimation."

Leviticus 27:2 KJV

Therefore the vow that is said while the hands are being layed upon the head of the animal or human is extremely important, and determines if it is to be devoted [Cherem] or dedicated [Chanak- #2596 St's].

     The point of all this is to show that the laying on of hands was to he accompanied with words. Even if a specific context only mentions "LAYING ON OF HANDS".

     The laying on of hands upon the head of an animal did not always bring about death. For when the high priest layed his hands Upon the scapegoat (goat of removal], be would confess all the sins of Israel over it, and then have someone lead the goat into the wilderness. So this goat was not intended for destruction or death [cherem] as many falsely assume. Only MAR-YAH can carry the sins of Israel out of the camp. [See "THE VEIL OF HIS BODY" section 5, for proof that "YAH" is azazal]. However, the two goats, speak of the dual nature of the Messiah; that is His humanity and His Divinity.

"And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lat for EE-AH-UW-AH, and the other lot for the scapegoat [goat of removal]." 

Lev 16:8 KJV

The sacrificial goat speaks of Yeshua the man ; which was for EE-AH-UW-AH so as to cleanse the Temple of its uncleanness, from its contact with sinful Israel [Lev 16:16]. For only Yeshua the man could die on Calvary! Yet the untold story is how YAH the GREAT I AM of Exodus 3:14, within Yeshua the man, became the scapegoat [goat of removal] for the sins of all Israel, by carrying all our sins into the wilderness of Sheol [hell], conquering sin and death, and taking the keys of death and hell. For it was and remains impossible for Yah the self EXISTANT ONE, to die.

"And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness." 

Lev 16:22 KJV

",., what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?" 

Eph 4:9 KJV

"... And be died in body but lived in. SPIRIT. And he preached to those souls which were detained in Sheol (Hades/Hell)." 

1 Peter 3:18-8 and 3:19 Roth EPh 4:7-10, Acts 2:27; Ps 16:10

Yah did not need to be made alive, YAH IS LIFE! Therefore the Aramaic Peshitta tells it true, MAR-YAH YESHUA died in body but continued to live in SPIRIT, in Which form HE preached to those souls held captive in Sheol. While his body remained in the tomb,

     This dual nature of the Messiah is also represented by the two birds used for the purification of the leper. If the leper is healed, then the leper must... 

"...take for him that is to be cleansed TWO BIRDS alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet. and hyssop," 

Leviticus 14:4 KJV

The wood represents the tree upon which Yeshua was crucified. The hyssop represents the blood of MAR-YAH YESHUA (EX 12:22). While the scarlet thred represents the blood line of Yeshua (Gen 38:28-30; Jos 2:18). Past, present and future. This is Why the blood of Yeshua can atone for the sins of all past generations and all this present generation and all future generations (Heb 11:40). The sacrificial bird must be killed, over a earthen vessel filled with fresh (i.e. Living Water/running water). The earthen vessel represents Yeshua the man, that is, as a hollow shell. And the LIVING WATER within the vessel. represents "Yah" the GREAT I AM within Yeshua. The living bird is dipped in the blood of the sacrificial, bird and set free. Just as YAH took the blood of Yeshua with HIM as HE ascended up far above all heavens. 

",,, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field,"

 Lev 14:7 

"He that descended (i.e. YAH) is the same also that Ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things [fulfill all things]," 

Eph 4:10 KJV

      I said all of that to show the main purpose of laying the hands upon the head, is to separate the person or animal to a specific position or authority unto Elohym's appointed task. Just as the power placed in the priest's hands, flows to the reciprient, designating them unto Elohym; even so does the OIL represent the flowing of the Spirit, from the priest to the person on Whom he lays hands. Just as Moses the man of God, anointed Aaron with oil; setting him apart, so he could serve EE-AH-UW-AH as high priest, As it is written:

"And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre. Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him." 

Exodus 29:6-7 KJV

The oil is poured on the head, just as the hands are placed upon the head, to signify the inward mental and spiritual transformation taking place. Just as blessings must flow from the greater to the lesser (Heb 7:7), even so does the man of Elohym place a portion of his anointing upon the one to follow in his stead. For as Moses was about to die, EE-AH-UW-AH commanded him to put a portion of his anointing upon Joshua. Who was to lead Israel after his departure, as it is written:

"And EE-AH-UW-AH said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in Whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him," 

Num 27:18 KJV

 "And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the Congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient." 

Nun' 27:20 KJV

"And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as-EE-AH-UW-AH commanded by the hand of Moses."

 Numbers 27:23

Surely the oil, Which is not specificly shown in this text, is just a type of the Holy Spirit Which flowed from the hands of Moses to the head of Joshua. Transforming Joshua into the great leader that he was to become. It was the ordained duty of the man of Elohym usually the high priest to anoint the Kings of Israel with OIL. We know that this was accompanied by the laying on of hands, because of the example of Moses and Joshua above. For the oil was just a type of the Holy Spirit that flowed from the anointed hands of the man of Elohym unto the newly anointed King or leader. As it is written;

"Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren; and the Spirit of EE-AH-UW-AH came upon David from that day forward.." 

1 Samuel 16:13 KIV

With Moses and Joshua it was called the laying on of hands, yet with Samuel and David it is described as the anointing with oil. However, both examples, When compared, reveal that the oil was just a outward type of the inward transformation that occured when the men of Elohym placed their hands upon the oily heads of both Joshua and David. For just as the oil flowed on the outside to anoint the body, even so did the holy Spirit flow from the consecrated hands of the man of Elohym to transform the minds of these men from carnal to spiritual, This flowing of the Holy Spirit also worked to cleanse their spirit and hearts. Empowering than to lead the people of YAH. For their hands were also filled with the power and authority to accomplish the task for which they had been anointed and appointed. Therefore in one context, we get a part of the picture and in another context we get the rest of the picture: 



And if we do not take the time to properly discern through the Holy Writ that these verses are describing both aspects of the same anointing process, then we will miss the point, and remain in ignorance. And willful ignorance is not of the Holy Spirit, but rather, is the work of the deciever. [Hosea 4:6].

While our main subject is concerning the consecrated hands of the priesthood, and the transforming power, that worked through their hands; it also must be understood that the elders and even the commom people at times separate animals or people unto their appointed tasks, through the LAYING ON OF HANDS, as it is clearly revealed by example as follows:

"And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the head of the bullock before EE-AH-UW-AH; and the bullock shall be killed before EE-AH-UW-AH." 

Leviticus 4:15 KJV

"And thou shalt bring the Levites before EE-AH-UW-AH; and the children of Israel shall put their hands upon the Levites. And Aaron shall offer the Levites before EE-AH-UW-AH for an offering of the Children of Israel, that they may execute the service of EE-AH-UW-AH" 

Numbers 8:10-11 KJV

The entire assembly of Israel, laid their hands upon all the Levites as a live offering unto EE-AH-UW-AH. So the Old Testament pattern of laying on of hands was unto the ordinary person, simply a means of publicly giving something up and turning it over to EE-AH-UW-AH. Thereby severing the individuals claim of ownership, and vowing to give it over to the work of EE-AH-UW-AH. Thus setting this person, animal or thing, aside for a specific task or function concerning the work of EE-AH-UW-AH. Once it is set aside, it cannot be taken back, or redeemed, it belongs to EE-AH-UW-AH.

However with the man of Elohym or the priest, the use of laying on of hands is much broader. For their hands were consecrated, that is filled with power and authority. For they had the power in their hands to transfer all the sins of Israel unto the scapegoat (goat of removal). They also had the power in their hands to separate a otherwise normal individual and to transform them into a mighty leader in EE-AHUW-AH. For the chosen path of the Holy Spirit was to be through the consecrated hands of the man of Elohym, so anointed. Thus the oil on the outside of the head, was just a type of the Holy Spirit that flowed from the consecrated hands of the man of Elohym, unto the heart/mind of the ordinary individual. Transforming the carnal mind to a spiritual mind, so that the person will become a mighty warrior for EE-AH-UW-AH.

     The Old Testament scipture is layed out like building blocks. The Torah (first five books of Moses) is the foundation, and the rest of the books build upon that foundation. Even within the Torah itself, once a foundational principle is layed, it will not constantly repeat this principle in every verse, but rather, will assume, the reader is able to build upon its solid foundation. Thus the doctrine of LAYING ON OF HANDS upon the head is clearly established, so that every verse need not lay this foundation again. Likewise, When a verse speaks of LAYING ON OF HANDS, for the anointing of a King, Priest, Leader, it is assumed we already know that the oil was also poured over the person's head, as the hands were also layed upon the head. Therefore, in this context the terms "anointing with oil" and "laying on of hands", speak of the same anointing process, and are both used in the Hebrew scriptures to refer to the entire process of anointing taking place. However we also know that the term "laying on of hands" When performed by the ordinary person, is simply for the setting apart, the person, animal or object to the work of the Kingdom.

     This is how we know, that the laying on of hands by the ordinary believer upon the sick, as found in Mark 16:18, is not the same thing, as When the Apostles layed hands upon new believers, so that they may recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit, as is recorded in Acts 8:17 and Acts 19:6. For as the Apostles layed hands upon new believers, for the purpose, that they would recieve the Holy Spirit, the anointed Apostle would also speak very specific words.

     For the priest was also given the responsibility/commission, of placing the sacred name upon all the children of Israel. For just as a man desires to place his name upon a woman, making her his, or declaring to the world that this is mine; likewise, Elohym Almighty desires to place His name upon all Israel, so that the Whole world will recognize "These people belong to EE-AH-UW-EY the Elohym of Israel" As it is written:

"And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of EE-AH-UW-EY; and they shall be afraid of thee." 

Deut 28:10 KJV

In the Old Testament, the placing of the name of EE-AH-UW-EY upon the people was two-fold:

1. LIFT UP THE HAND- The priest would lift up his hands towards the people - 

2. Speak. -The priest would then Bless the people, by pronouncing the priestly blessing (Aarononic benediction) over them.

While saying this blessing the priest would pronounce the Divine name three times:

EE-AH-UW-AH bless you, and keep you 

EE-AH-UW-AH make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, 

EE-AH-UW-AH lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." 

Numbers 6:24-26

"And they shall put MY NAME upon the Children of Israel; and I will bless them." 

Numbers 6:27

This act of lifting up the hand toward the people, was a symbolic way of laying his hand upon the forehead of each individual Israelite, which is Why it is written: 

"...Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them,.."

Leviticus 9-27

Thus by way of transference, he symbolicly layed his hands upon the head of every individual Israelite and placed THE NAME upon their foreheads. Just like Moses transfered a portion of his honour unto Joshua as found in Nunbers 27:20. Likewise the high priest transfers a portion of the honour and responsibility of carrying the Divine name upon his forehead, with all the Children of Israel. Therefore, just as all four vowels of the Sacred name was placed literally upon the forehead of the high priest, even so was the Sacred name placed upon the foreheads of all the Children of Israel figuratively, by the recitation of the blessing as found in Numbers 6:24-26 above. For by literally bearing all four vowels of the Sacred name upon his forehead, the high priest had the honour with the responsibility associated with carrying the name, as it is written:

"And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engraving of a signet [Chotam- a ring bearing King's name], holiness to EE-AHUW-EY. "

Exodus 28:36

"And thou shalt put it on a blue lace that it may be upon the mitre; upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be." 

Exodus 28:37 KJV

"And it shall be upon Aaron's FOREHEAD, that Aaron may BEAR the iniquity of the holy things which the Children of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts; and it shall be always UPON HIS FOREHEAD, that they may be accepted

 before EE-AH-UW-EY." 

Exodus 28:38 KJV

Aaron was the first high priest, therefore in context, Aaron represents all the high priests who would come up after him. A first century Jewish historian, who was also a priest, named Josephus, wrote about this in his book. In his writing he reveals that the four letters of the Divine name, must be treated as vowels (only) when pronouncing the NAME:

"A mitre of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue riband about which there was another golden crown, in Which was engraven the SACRED NAME it consists of FOUR VOWELS.

 Wars of the Jews, book V, CH. VI Pg 556

The works of Joseph's, book V; CH V-7-235; Pg 556 or [Pg 849].

Thus all four vowels of the Sacred name were placed upon the head of each individual Israelite as the priest would lift up his hand towards the people and recite the priestly blessing as found in Numbers 6:24-26 . Similarly, this act of transference can be seen as Moses lays his hands upon Joshou, putting some of his honour upon him.

"And EE-AH-UW-AH said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Num, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him;" 

Num 27:18 KJV

"And thou shalt put some of thy honour upon him,.." 

Numbers 27:20 KJV 

Therefore by lifting his hand toward the people and reciting the priestly blessing [A.K.A. 'The Aarononic Benediction], the high priest is TRANSFERING the Sacred name that is literally upon his forehead, unto the foreheads of all the children of Israel. So that a portion of the glory and burden of carrying the Sacred name will rest upon each individual Israelite. Here is an example of a man of Elohym sharing the burden of his responsibility with others:

"And Moses said unto EE-AH-UW-EY, Wherefore bast thou afflicted thy servant? and Wherefore have I not found favor in thy.Hsight, that thou LAYEST THE BURDEN of all this people upon me?" 

Numbers 11:11 KJV

"And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and I will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone."

 Numbers 11:17, see also Exodus 18:22 KJV

Also the burden of carrying the Sacred name upon the forehead was to heavy for the human high priests to carry alone. In fact the Sacred name was to heavy for even all the Levites to carry alone, this burden and blessing had to be shared with all of YAH'S called out people. However the Levites did share the responsibility of blessing the people with the Aarononic Benediction. For they recieved this authority through the high priest who recieved his authority from EE-AH-UW-AH.

"And the priests the sons of Levi shall come near; for them EE-AH-UW-AH thy Elohym hath chosen to minister unto him, and to bless in the name of EE-AHUW-EY;..." 

Deut 21:5

But the burden of carrying the Sacred name, was much too heavy for even the high priests, with the help from the Levites, to carry alone. Which is why it is written: 

"And all the people shall SEE that thou [The nation of Israel] art CALLED BY THE NAME OF EE-AH-UW-EY; and shall be afraid of thee." 

Deut 28:10 KJV 

The high priest gave the Sacred name unto the Levites, who passed on the name unto all Israel, because Israel also had a high calling:

"And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation..." 

Exodus 19:6 KJV

And a priest would declare the name of EE-AH-UW-EY unto all nations, which is why it is written in-the New Testament:

"..; and HIS servants shall serve HIM: And they shall see HIS face; and HIS NAME SHALL BE IN THEIR FORHEADS." Rev 22:3-4 KJV

Here the servants have become priests unto EE-AL-UW-AH. Therefore, the idea of the "Kingdom of priests", does not just apply to the tribes of Judah and Levi, but also of the other ten tribes which are scattered out among the nations. This is Why the Apostle Peter writes to the tribes which have been dispersed among the nations Who had become gentiles:

"Peter, a apostle of Yeshua the Messiah, to the elect and sojourners who are dispersed in Pontus and in Galatia and in Cappadocia and in Asia and in Bithynia." 

1 Peter 1:1 A.P. by Roth

This refers to the ten lost tribes, who had become dispersed among the gentiles and actually became gentiles. But have now recieved the promises and responsibilities of the covenant. These believers, along with the gentiles who became engrafted in with them, were to become a kingdom of priests, as it is written:

"But you are an elect race (tribe-generation), officiating as priests of the Kingdom; a set apart people, a redeemed congregation; that you should proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness to His precious light:" 

1 Peter 2:9 Roth.

Both those from the tribe of Ephraim (which represents all northern ten tribes) and the Gentiles who have been grafted in among them, have been chosen as a race or tribe of priests. And what was on the forehead of the high priest? It was the Sacred name of EE-A1-OW-AH. Therefore, the first thing that the nations must see, When they look upon the body of believers, either individually or collectively, is that we are the ONE'S who are called by the name of EE-AH-UW-AH. The reason they should be able to see this, is because we should be proclaiming His name everywhere we go. Because as Elohym's priests, we are required to bear HIS NAME upon our foreheads, figuratively, just as the high priest bare the name upon his forehead literally.

     There is power and responsibility, along with the blessings, Which are associated with carrying the name. As of the blessings, power and responsibility of carrying the signet ring of the King. For by carrying this signet ring, a person is authorized to do business in the King's name and authority. Sometimes this authority is abused:

"So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, and SEALED them with his SEAL,.." 

1 King's 21:8 KJV

The Hebrew word for "SEAL" is [Chowtham-#2368 ST's] which means :A SIGNATURE RING. That is a ring that bears the King's name, that would be stamped upon the documents to make them ligitimate or lawful. EE-AH-UW-AH desires for his people to willingly and proudly bear His name, accept its responsibilities and recieve its blessings, as it is written:

"Set me as s SEAL on your heart, as a SEAL on your arm. For love is as strong as death, jealousy is cruel as Sheol; its flames are flames of fire, which is the flame of YAH."

Song of Solomon 8:2

 Author's Translation [note 1]

A signet ring worn on a necklace, would be a SEAL upon the heart, just as a signet ring worn upon the finger would be a SEAL upon thine arm. Now, the Hebrew word [Chowtham] can also mean "TO SEAL UP" or "TO LOCK UP". As when a SEAL is placed on an ancient letter, this seal bearing the senders name, cannot be broken or opened by anyone else, but the designated reciever of the missive. Likewise when the SEAL was placed on the missive, this completed the letter, making it ready to send. For these reasons [chowtham] can mean "TO LOCK UP" and "TO FINISH/OOMPLETE". Surely any lover, would want his mate to 'lock up' his love in her heart, and to 'lock out" any other man. However it makes no sense to 'lock up" the arm, for that could only mean to keep from working, because with the arm locked up, the future wife could not even do her Duties. And it is hard to imagine any scenario where "finish/complete" me upon the heart and arm, would make any sense at all. Therefore "TO SEAL ME" upon your heart and upon your arm, can only mean "TO TAKE MY NAME UPON YOU", with all the duties, responsibilities and benefits of which that involves. When we set EE-AHUW-AH upon our heart, we do so by taking on His name. We cannot fully recieve HIM without recieving HIS NAME, nor can we fully recieve HIS NAME, without recieving HIM in truth. When a woman takes a man's name, and makes it her name, the man is able to take possession of his wife. If however, after taking her husbands name, she then gives her heart to another, the husband will burn with jealousy over his wife. This jealousy will burn like a fire within, like a fiery hot fire. As the King James puts it, "A VEHEMENT FLAME", Which is translated from "THE FLAME OF YAH" [See NOTE #1]. This is because the fire of YAH burns hotter then any human flame, as it is written:

"For EE-AH-UW-EY thy.: God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God." 

Deut 4:24 KJV compare 

Hebrews 12:28-29

In the end time Israel will return unto EE-AH-UW-AH, and will proclaim "I belong to EE-AH-UW-AH", and will write upon their hand "La-EE-AH-UW-AH", that is, "For EE-AHUW-AH", that means "I belong to EE-AH-UW-AH". [Isaiah 44:5]. For they will understand that by taking on the name of EE-AH-UW-AH in truth, they are giving up their selves and committing themselves completely unto HIM. Just as When a wife takes on the name of her husband.

     In Revelation Chapters two and three, there are seven Churches which are at least worthy of mention in the Sacred writings as true Churches. However, the enemy has a substitute for every good thing YAH has for His people. Therefore, there must also be seven apostate Churches! In the end of time, these apostate Churches will realize their shame and nakedness and wantonness, of having not taken upon herself, her husband's name. And they will also seek for the same, however, without the benefits and blessings; Which implies a refusing of the responsibilities and duties of THE SET APART WALK. They will refuse the walk of Biblical Holiness.

"And in that day (i.e. 'the end times') seven woman (i.e. seven Churches) shall take hold of one man saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by THY NAME, to take away our reproach." 

Isaiah 4:1 KJV

Even if you believe this is refering to seven literal woman, this still sets the precedent, that a woman stands in reproach, Who has not taken on the name of her husband. And this precedent would still exist in relation to EE-AH-UW-AH and HIS people. This is why it is written:

"And I looked and behold, a lamb stood on mount Tsiyon; and with him the number of a hundred and forty and four thousand, HAVING HIS NAME AND THE NAME OF HIS FATHER WRITTEN UPON THEIR FOREHEADS." 

Rev 14:1 A.P. by Roth

[The majority Greek texts, i.e. the Byzantine family of texts, from which the Textus Receptus (i.e. King James Version) has derived, read as it does here; Father and Son"]

The word "thousand" in Hebrew and Aramaic is "aleph" (pluralized). Gesenius has this to say about the word "thousand", in his Hebrew/Chaldee (i.e. Aramaic) Lexicon: "a thousand... (but Ethiopic, signifies 10 thousand. Perhaps it is pr. a joining together, and large conjunction of numbers)." It is also well known to those who study out the meanings associated with the individual letters, that the first letter of the alphabet, is "alaph", whose meanings includes the idea of "INFINITY", that is a number which is either beyond calculating or just unknown. The number twelve in relation to Israel, represents the true "ISRAEL OF EE-AH-UW-AH', that is those out of Israel who belong solely to HIM. Therefore the twelve thousand from each tribe, can just as easily mean twelve myriad Who have been Chosen out of each tribe, and 12X12=144,000. So the gathering together of twelve thousand from each tribe, does not force the meaning of exactly twelve thousand, but rather, twelve myraid, that is a unknown large number from each tribe. However, regardless of whether this is a literal 144,000, or not, it is certain that the trumpet judgments cannot begin.

"..: until we will have SEALED the SERVANTS of God upon their foreheads." 

Rev 7:3 A.P. by Roth

It has already been proven from Revelation 14:1 above, that this "SEALING", refers to the PLACING OF THE NAME OF EE-AH-UW-AH THE FATHER, and MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH THE SON, upon the foreheads of each end time believer. Now some may argue that this refers only to the 144,000 from Israel, however, the scripture says that all the servants would be SEALED. Are there other servants mentioned in Revelation Chapter Seven?

"And after these things, I looked, and lo, a great multitude Which no one could number, from all kindreds and nations and tribes and tongues; who stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in White robes, and palms in their hands." 

Rev 7:9 A.P. by Roth

".., These are they who came from great affliction . and they have washed their robes and made them White in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of Elohym; and they SERVE HIM day and night in his temple; and he Who sits upon his throne will protect them." 

Rev 7:14-15

Therefore the great multitude of Gentiles are also the servants of Elohym. They are a part of the servants of Elohym Who MUST BE SEALED in their foreheads with the name of the Father and Son, before the trumpet judgment begins. [Rev 7:3].

Please understand why this has to be the correct interpretation, because if these righteous gentiles who remain living upon the earth during the time period of the Trumpet judgments, are not SEALED IN THEIR FOREHEADS, then they would also have to suffer the same judgment of Elohym Which is falling upon all the rest of the world. 

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the keys of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which HAVE NOT THE SEAL OF GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, When he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

The resurrection of believers does not occur until the beginning of the sound of the seventh trumpet judgment:

"And the angel Which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and sware by him that liveth forever and ever, Who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are and the sea, and the things Which are therein, THAT THERE SHOULD BE TIME NO LONGER:

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel When he shall BEGIN TO SOUND, the mystery of God should be finished, as he bath declared to his servants the prophets."

 Rev 10:5-7

Paul spoke of this mystery being revealed, as the saints of God behold the face of MAR-YAH YESHUA their King:

"But When that Which is perfect is come [i.e. Yeshua], then that which is in part shall be done away." 

1 Cor 13:10

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face; now I know in PART; BUT THEN SHALL I KNOW EVEN AS ALSO I AM KNOWN."

1 Cor 13:12

Then in another place Paul reveals that only the last trumpet surrection:

"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye ,: AT THE LAST TRUMP, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be Changed." 

1 COR 15:51-52 KJV

There will be seven seal judgments [Rev 6:1-17; 8:1-2] and the seventh seal judgment ushers in the seven trumpet judgments. The beginning of the sound of the seventh trumpet judgment is the resurrection (some say rapture), while the latter half of the seventh trumpet judgment, ushers in the seven vial judgments [Rev 14:14-20; 15:1,6-7, 16:1]. Therefore the seventh trumpet is also the last trumpet refered to by Paul. And just as the seventh seal judgment is severed from the other six by Chapter seven; likewise the seventh trumpet judgment is separated from the other six by Chapters 11,12 and 13.

And this is the result of the beginning of the sound of the seventh trumpet: 

"And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the SON OF MAN, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And HE THAT SAT ON THE CLOUD thrust in HIS sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped." 

Rev 14:14-16

"And When he [Yeshua] had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; AND A CLOUD RECIEVED HIM OUT OF THEIR SIGHT. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in White apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, Why stand ye gazing into heaven. This same YESHUA, Which is taken up from you into heaven, SHALL SO COME IN LIKE MANNER Li.e. in the cloudsJ AS YE HAVE SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN." 

Acts 1:9-11

Only at the beginning of the sound of the seventh and last trumpet, will Yeshua come back again in the clouds and resurrect the believers, both Israelites and Gentiles! For all these reasons, it is imperative for all believers to understand that the SEAL OF THE NAME of the Father and Son, must also be placed upon all Gentile believers.


The six trumpet judgments are only designed for those Who have NOT RECIEVED THE SEAL OF THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND SON IN THEIR FOREHEADS. Therefore every righteous Gentile Who is SEALED WITH THE NAME, will not be subject to the judgments coming upon the earth, during the time of the seven trumpets. However, they will be subject to the persecution placed upon them by all the unrighteous. Many believers will be martyred at this time, only to see their dead body resurrected when the seventh and final trumpet sounds. But the remnant who remains, will call upon the name of EE-AH-UW-EY. (Joel 2:32).

The scripture also speaks of those Who are NOT SEALED with the name of the Father and Son.

"And to cause that all, great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, should redeye a MARK on their right hands, or upon their FOREHEADS. So that no

one might be able to buy or sell except those Who had the MARK OF THE NAME of the beast (government), or the number of his NAME." Rev 13:16-17 LNOTE # 2 


The Hebrew word, Which most closely matches the Greek word used for 'NW" in this context is "DsOr L#8420 Geseniusj, Which renders "(2) sign (cruciform), mark subscribed INSTEAD OF A NAME..." This is any kind of MARK, WHICH IS USED IN PLACE OF THE NAME. Often times the scripture speaks by way of contrast, and here the contrast and Choice is clear! One can "recieve the SEAL OF THE NAME OF EE-AH-UW-EY THE FATHER AND MAR-YAH YESHUA THE SON UPON THEIR FOREHEADS"; or one can choose rather "To recieve the MARK of the ANTICHRIST which is given out in place of the TRUE NAME OF GOD, as revealed in the ORIGINAL HEBREW AND ARAMAIC PESHITTA SCRIPTURES. Howbeit the SEAL IS ONLY UPON THE FOREHEAD, While the MARK in place of the name, can be either upon the forehead or upon the right hand.

Having the SEAL OF THE NAME written upon the forehead, is a sign of the mental transformation, that has taken place in the mind and the spiritual transformation which has taken hold of the heart. It is the'sign of servitude unto MAR-YAH YESHUA and His Father EE-AH-UW-EY. Serving HIM as priests, before all nations. Likewise having the MARK instead of or in place of the name, written upon the forehead, is also a sign of servitude and complete devotion unto the antichrist and his government.

But having the MARK in place of the true name of God, written upon the right Pg 294and, is merely a sign of submission to the authority of the antichrist and his government. So that the individual can work, buy and sell, within the end-time government.

Most everyone is convinced that this MARK; must be some kind of a computer Chip. They refuse to make full use of their Bibles, When it comes to understanding about this MARK of the antichrist government. The contrast demands, that is has to stand in relation to a false NAME, which is given instead of the TRUE NAME as revealed in the ORIGINAL HEBREW and ARAMAIC PESHITTA SCRIPTURES. And, Who knows, this computer cldpcmay only be given to those who recieve this end time counterfit name. Only time will verify these things. But the contrast demands that it must be a choice between the true name of the Father and Son, and some type of false formula, which is given in place of the name.

QUESTION: Are there people today who are trying to convince you that the true Hebrew and Aramaic name of the Father and Son is unimportant? ' And if so, have they offered you some kind of formula or title in place of the name?

This issue is so important at this time, because the judgment for recieving this counterfit name instead of the true name, Will fall upon this end time generation. "..: If any man will worship the beast (government-or head of that government)

and its image and will recieve its MARK upon his forehead or on his band, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God Which is poured undiluted

into the cup of his indignation, and will be tormented with fire and sulphur before the set apart Messengers and before the throne. And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever, and there is no rest, by day or by night, to those Who worship the beast (government or man over that government) and its image." Rev 14:9-11 [NOTE # 2 J

How do those who refuse to believe in an eternal lake of fire, get around this context? This Beast represents an end of times government and perhaps the leader of that government, Who will require worship from all the world, by way of its counterfit name, it will force on the Whole world. And the believers who have been SEALED with the name of EE-AH-UW-EY the Father and MAR-YAH YESHUA the Son, will be spared from the wrath of God during this period, but may and may not be spared from the wrath of mankind and their antichrist leader.

Now We have established the importance of the name of EE-AH-UW-EY the Father in Pg 295the Old Testament Scriptures, as we have established the importance of being called by the name in the future end of times generation. But can we prove that the name c.? of EE-AH-UW-EY was used by the apostles and applied or called over gentile believers. Yes we can, as long as one is willing to accept that the apostles used phrases and idioms to speak of their use of the FULL FORM OF THE NAME.

It is clearly revealed bow Yeshua placed the name of EE-AH-UW-EY upon the apostles, as it is written: and HE LIFTED UP HIS HAND AND BUSSED THEM." Luke 24:50 LSee page 276J

Which shows that MAR-YAH YESHUA CALLED the Aarononic Benediction over the apostles. Figuratively placing the name upon the forehead of each apostle. It is also shown by idiom, that the New Testament believers, even the gentile believers were called by the name of EE-A1-UW-EY Because, as it has already been demonstrated, the "SEAL" was a Hebrew/Aramaic idiom, by Which to show the name had already been PLACED on the individual and upon the congregation as a Whole. Which is why it is written: "Now, it is God Who establishes us, with you, in the Messiah, and has anointed us, and has SEALED US, and has given the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts." 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 A.P. by Roth

"In Whom you also have heard the word of truth which is the good news (Gospel/ hope) of your LIFE, and have believed in him; and have been SEALED with the Holy Spirit Who was promised;" E0h 1:13 A.P. by Roth

There are those Who will teach that the word "SEALED" in this context, refers only to the Holy Spirit and has nothing to do with the NAME at all. Along this line of reasoning, the word "SEALED" is being limttadlo its meaning as "COMPLETE/FINISHED". As the 'sealed' missive, is a completed document, ready to send forth. However, what if there is a relationship between recieving the name of EE-AH-UW-EY and recieving the Holy Spirit? This is exactly What we find, When we examine the doctrine of LAYING ON OF HANDS for the new convert to recieve the Holy Spirit.

'Wow Phillip went down to a city of the Samaritans and he preached to them concerning Messiah. And men Who When they heard his word there, heeded him and were perSuaded by all that he said because they saw the signs that• he did. For many Who seized unclean spirits, cried out in a loud voice, and they went out from them. And others, paralytics and lame were healed. And

Pg 296 great joy was there in that city." Acts 8:5-8 Now there was a certain man there whose name (was) Simon Who lived in that

city a long time. And decieved the people of Samaria by his sorcery while magnifying himself and saying, "I AM GREAT!" Acts 8:9

And they were praying towards him, all of them great and small. And they said, this is the great power of God." Acts 8:10 A.P. by Roth

The Samaritans in this city, were actually praying to Simon, as if he were a diety. The terminology used in verse '9' "I AM GREAT!", also suggests that Simon was convincing the people, that he was a deity. Simon loved being held in awe and fear by all the people. But Simon encountered a power much greater then his own deceptions. "But when they believed Phillip Who had preached the Kingdom of God in the

name of our Master Yeshua the Messiah, they immersed, men and woman. And even Simon, he believed and was bmnersed and adhered to Phillip. And When he saw the great signs and miracles that occured by his hand, he was amazed and he marveled." Acts 8:12-13 A.P. by Roth

Yes Simon is very amazed, and marveled at the great signs Which were done by Phillip, even to the point of getting himself baptized. Yet as Amazed as Simon is, he did not offer Phillip money to get the power to perform these miracles.

"And When the apostles Who were in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had recieved the word of God, they sent Simon Peter and John to them. And they went down and prayed OVER THEM that they might recieve the Holy Spirit. For it was not upon one of them yet. They were only bmnersed now in the name of our Master (MARAN) YESHUA." Acts 8:14-16 A.P. by Roth L I MARAN' used as Sacred name substitute for 'Our Lord YAH'-'MARANA-YAH'i

Phillip did all these signs and miracles before the people. Yet he could not pray for these people to recieve the Holy Spirit? This sounds odd! Some claim, that this was because Simon Peter held the keys to the kingdom. But even if that applied in this context, couldn't have Peter used these same keys to anoint Phillip, so that Phillip could pray with believers, so that they may recieve the Holy Spirit? But perhaps Simon Peter and John did hold a key, Which Phillip was not ordained to use! "Men they (Simon Peter and John] placed a hand upon them and they recieved

the Holy Spirit. And When Simon saw that by the placing of a hand of the apostles the Holy Spirit was given, he offered silver to them, Saying, 'Give to me also this authority that whomever (that) I place a hand upon, he will recieve the Holy Spirit." Acts 8:17-19 A.P. by Roth

Why would Simon the sorcerer offer Peter and John money, for the power to merely pray over people, so that they may recieve the Holy Spirit. It's not because Simon the sorcerer was all of a sudden spiritually discerned enough to know that to help

Pg 297believers recieve the Holy Spirit, is the greatest gift of all. Because if he had of been, he would have abxrkEitAn7 that no money could buy this gift. Simon didn't offer any money to Phillip, to buy the power to heal and perform miracles, but something happened When the apostles layed a hand upon these believers, that was so awesome, so fearful, so other worldly, that the apostles themselves were held in awe by the people because of it. But Simon the sorcerer wanted the people to hold him in awe, as they now did the apostles. Simon wanted to be called 'great', he wanted people to pray towardsaim. But What happened that was so awesome? We know that in every other instance of new believers recieving the Holy Spirit, that they would begin to speak in unknown, that is unlearned tongues. LActs 2:3-4; 10:44-46;19:6-7]. This in an of itself would have given the occasion a supernatural atmosePhere. Yet for this to be seen as deriving from Peter and John, it/had to be seen as coming forth from their hand along with whatever they were saying, as they layed hands on these believers. But What were they saying? All we have to do is find out What the priest was saying in the Old Testament as he... 1. LIFTED UP HIS HAND toward the people

2. and blessed them, by pronouncing the priestly blessing upon them. Lev 9:22 (Compare Pages 276 ancL286)

iIhis phrase "LIFTING UP OF THE RAND" is historically proven to refer to the Aarononic Benediction/priestly blessing]

Therefore the apostles spoke these words as they prayed over the people to recieve the Holy Spirit:

"EE-AH-UW-EY bless you, and keep you

EE-AH-UW-EY make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, EE-AH-UW-EY lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace Numbers 6:27

It is the recitation of the priestly blessing over these new believers, as the apostles layed a hand upon them, after their baptism, which was accompanied by such an awesome outpouring of the Holy Spirit with fear and awe, that caused Simon the sorcerer to want to buy this power and authority of which he saw rested solely in Simon Peter and John. This also shows Why the apostles did not write the full form of the Divine name in the Aramaic Peshitta. Because if someone just reads the name off the page, without understanding its power and awesomeness, they might be more likely to blaspheme the name. But those Who experienced the awesomeness of EE-AHUW-EY, as they heard the name spoken, would remain in awe and fear of the name and

Pg 298he awesome God associated with the name, the ONE to whom the name belongs Therefore to be made complete, to be SEALED with the Holy Spirit of promise, is to be made complete in the truth and revelation and application of the SPIRIT and the NAME. For it is the NAME upon this SEAL, Which belongs to our God and King, Which SEALS the HOLY SPIRIT of truth inside the believer. And this name is to be placed upon the forehead by the laying on of hands by the ordained minister, as the believer recieves the gift of the Holy Spirit, the earnest of our inheritance. 12 Cor 1:2122; E0h 1:13- Pg 296J

Historically, the Jewish people had got'en to Where the only time they would pronounce the Sacred name "EE-AH-UW-EY", was upon the day of atonement. This is the same day that lots were cast for the two goats. One lot for EE-AH-UW-EY and the other Lot for the scapegoat Lgoat of removal]. As already discussed, this first goat was to be sacrificed and its blood was for the cleansing of the temple, While the second goat was to carry the sins of all Israel into a land which is not inhabited. Therefore, it was believed, that the only time the Sacred name could be placed upon the people, was after their temple was made clean by the blood of the sacrificial goat, and their sins were carried off into the wilderness by the goat of


This same principle is also adhered to by the apostles. For baptism always preceded the laying on of hands o recieve the SEAL of the name and SPIRIT Because baptism is a type of the outw rd cleansing of the temple or vessel, so that the

Holy Spirit can enter in and ell. In Acts Chapter ten, Cornelius and his household did recieve the Holy Spi it before being baptized [Acts 10144-48j. But after they were baptized, Peter wou d have placed a hand upon their heads, placing the name upon them. That is righ after they came up out of the water, and after being buried in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH; Peter would have layed his hand upon heads, and pronounced the priestly blessing upon them. And as we already si3111 should know, that because this context does not specificly mention the laying on Of a hand, this does not mean, we should not accept this as a fact. Because the fact is based upon all the evidence as building blocks, making a sure foundation upon Which our faith can rest. Facts are never derived from one verse or one context

alone. Pg 299Therefore the term for the placing of the full form of the name upon the forehead of each Israelite, in the Old Testament, was: 1 THE LIFTING UP OF THE HAND,

Because this was done corporately by the priest unto all Israel at one time. While the term for the plauing of the name of EE-AH-UW-EY upon New Testament believers is: 2. THE LAYING ON OF HANDS TO RECIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT,

Not just any laying on of hands, but rather, that laying on of hands which is to anoint the new believer with the Holy Spirit. This also may help one to understand this passage:

..; and do nothing with respect of persons. Lay not the hand hastily on any man; and participate not in the sins of others; keep yourself pure." 1 Timothy 5:21-22 A.P. by Roth

I could lay hands upon another, for any type of healing or miracle, without participating in any unconfessed sins, or any unwashed sins, they may still retain. Yet if I were to lay a hand upon a unrepentant and unbaptized sinner, for the purpose of helping them to recive the Holy Spirit, and actually pronounced or recited the Aarononic Benediction over them, this would be like filling a dirty vessel with clean water. Both would be unclean afterwardi! And this sin, would be upon the ordained minister, because he did not discern the spirit of the man beforehand. the minister must be able to discern the clean (repented and baptized vessel) from the unclean (unrepentant vessel). And they MUST be able to do so, without having respect to one's person. Whether of their wealth, or their position of authority of this world, or maybe of their position and authority within the Church.

With all this foundation being layed, we have discovered two New Testament terms which refer directly to New Testament believers being called by the name of the Father, EE-AH-UW-EY. They are:


This is the solid apostolic foundation. Let no man lay another foundation. Yet so many, reject this apostolic foundation altogether.

The essential foundation 'eyed out in this book, reveals the importance of the name in each aspect of our redemption. For as the believer hears the word of YAH,

Pg 300and YAM the seed is planted in their heart, they call upon the Lord YAM YESHUA and confess His Divinity and His lordship, allowing this revelation to open their eyes to their sinful state, in light of YAM YESHUA's siniessness. Thus opening the door of repentance and confession of all of one's sins, faults, failures and shortcomings upon the altar of the name of YESHUA. Once this complete confession is accomplished one is ready to be baptized, that is buried, under the water in the name of our Lord YAM YESHUA THE MESSIAH for the release from their sins. And the Minister should understand, that water baptism is to be done in the name of the Son (only). Because it is a type of death and burial, and EE-AH-UW-EY our heavenly Father is life, HE never died and never will. Then as the new convert comes up out of the water and as the ordained minister sees is appropriate, he may lay hands upon the forehead, uttering the priestly blessing as they are powerfully filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That is, the life which comes forth from EE-AH-UW-EY the LIVING WATERS. As the new convert calls upon MAR-YAH, and gives praises, Shouting "HALLELU-YAH YESHUA". Thus YAM the seed of the word, is united with EE-AM-UW-EY the LIVING WATERS, so that the Son and the Father become ONE within the believer. So that YAM EE-AH-UW-EY may become ONE within each believer that calls upon HIM in faith.

With this Solid Biblical foundation layed, believers can now understand What was meant by:

". .lirmerse (baptize) them in the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19 A.P. by Roth

Baptism in the name of the Father, speaks of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as the Divine name "EE-AH-UW-EY" is placed upon the forehead by laying on of hands. Baptism in the name of the Son, speaks of water baptism, Which is done in the name of the Lord YAM YESHUA THE MESSIAH for the release from sins.

Baptism in the name of the Holy Spirit, reveals that the name of "VAIR" the Son, and of "EE-AM-UW-EY" His Father, must be placed upon a soul, in such a Biblical fashion, in which the blood washed the body, preparing the vessel, for the recieving of the Holy Spirit, so that the blood can cleanse the heart and spirit. Because only by the blood becoming active by faith, will YAH EE-AH-UW-EY, be united together as ONE within the soul of the believer.

Pg 301and YAM the seed is planted in their heart, they call upon the Lord YAM YESHUA and confess His Divinity and His lordship, allowing this revelation to open their eyes to their sinful state, in light of YAM YESHUA's siniessness. Thus opening the door of repentance and confession of all of one's sins, faults, failures and shortcomings upon the altar of the name of YESHUA. Once this complete confession is accomplished one is ready to be baptized, that is buried, under the water in the name of our Lord YAM YESHUA THE MESSIAH for the release from their sins. And the Minister should understand, that water baptism is to be done in the name of the Son (only). Because it is a type of death and burial, and EE-AH-UW-EY our heavenly Father is life, HE never died and never will. Then as the new convert comes up out of the water and as the ordained minister sees is appropriate, he may lay hands upon the forehead, uttering the priestly blessing as they are powerfully filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That is, the life which comes forth from EE-AH-UW-EY the LIVING WATERS. As the new convert calls upon MAR-YAH, and gives praises, Shouting "HALLELU-YAH YESHUA". Thus YAM the seed of the word, is united with EE-AM-UW-EY the LIVING WATERS, so that the Son and the Father become ONE within the believer. So that YAM EE-AH-UW-EY may become ONE within each believer that calls upon HIM in faith.

With this Solid Biblical foundation layed, believers can now understand What was meant by:

". .lirmerse (baptize) them in the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19 A.P. by Roth

Baptism in the name of the Father, speaks of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as the Divine name "EE-AH-UW-EY" is placed upon the forehead by laying on of hands. Baptism in the name of the Son, speaks of water baptism, Which is done in the name of the Lord YAM YESHUA THE MESSIAH for the release from sins.

Baptism in the name of the Holy Spirit, reveals that the name of "VAIR" the Son, and of "EE-AM-UW-EY" His Father, must be placed upon a soul, in such a Biblical fashion, in which the blood washed the body, preparing the vessel, for the recieving of the Holy Spirit, so that the blood can cleanse the heart and spirit. Because only by the blood becoming active by faith, will YAH EE-AH-UW-EY, be united together as ONE within the soul of the believer.

Pg 301Therefore there is no distinct or separate name for the Holy Spirit, the terminology is used to make it clear, that the name of the Father and Son are not good luck Charms, to be recanted and controlled by the believer. Rather, one need to draw near with a contrite heart, with a willingness to learn how to draw, near unto EE-AH-UW-EY, through the blood of His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH. Then to follow through with those instructions with fear and trembling.ED BY THE NAME NOTES

1. Song of Solomon 8:6- Flame of YAH- The root for this word is "l ghab" #3851 St's, which mean to gleam shine, as a flame or glittering blade. Then a sibilant is added, i.e. "SHIYN" , (SH), for (Shalhebeth) #7957 Strong's, which means a flame of fire. Then added to (shaihebeth) is a attached (Yod/Heh) for the Divine name YAH (Shalhebeth-YAH) a flame of YAH. Gesenius explains this as lightning. However the attached (SHIYN) "SF!", looks to me as if it comes from (ashar) #834 Strong's which would mean either "wile or "which", rendering: (a) WHO IS THE FLAME OF YAH (b) WHICH IS THE FLAME OF YAH.

Solomon uses the (SHIYN) 1. 51-1], affixed to the beginning of a word to represent asher, in several places. This is a later Hebrew usage!

One example is: "Tell me WhonAshiyn) Myisoul loves; that is (SHeahavah) Song of Solomon71:7. (She-) comes from (asher #834 St's) and (ahavah) comes from (ahav#157-158 Strong's). That is "Tell me WHO LOVES my soul", literal Hebrew word


2. Revelation 13:16-17; 14:9-11- in both places Roth renders "Beast" as "Beast of prey", Which I rendered as simply "beast". As, there is no separate word in Aramaic for "prey", but is rather an automatic conclusion from "beast". I did not want to distract from the fact, that we are speaking of the governments which rule over mankind. Some of these governments as mentioned in Daniel Chapter two and Chapter seven, have ruled in the past for hundreds of years, and lay a foundation upon WhiCh to better understand this coming world government.

LNOTE: In Section three, the full form of the Divine name, of Which most are used to pronouncing "Yahweh", is pronounced as all "vowels", even in the quotations. So that this historical pronunciation, can become familiar to the

Establishing faith

 Establish Faith through Confession and Baptism

To understand the relationship between Belief, Faith, Confession and Baptism,one must look further into the root words for belief and faith in the original Hebrew and Aramaic.

The root word for believe is Aman- 539 St’s 

This word “aman”, has three letters in Hebrew which draw a picture of the “belief”, which becomes faith, which are as follows:

Aleph: This represents 2 oxen, yoked together, and for this reason, it draws a picture of things which are caused to be yoked together. The idea of yoking, carries over to the ideas of joining and gathering. One thing we often find gathering together, is water, which of course gathers in a bunch of ways.

Mem: This represents water! Combining the Aleph and the Mem together, gives us the word “im”, which means “mother”, in Hebrew. Now, this may sound strange art 1st, but mother is the place where the Embryonic waters gather within the womb. To bring this point home, consider what happens when these waters break? And this leads us to our next letter:

Nun: This letter represents “seed”: When the seed within the womb is ready to come forth, the waters break, and the baby is born.  

Now if this picture seems too far fetched or crazy to you, then consider the definition of this word in the Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary #539:

TO BUILD OR SUPPORT: The baby must be supported by the mother, and built up thereby. So that the baby can grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for life.

TO FOSTER AS A PARENT OR NURSE: Sometimes someone other then the mother must step in and provide and train the baby, so that the baby may grow up strong.

TO RENDER (OR BE) FIRM OR FAITHFUL: To render a young child to be firm and faithful, one must instll righteous principles into the child’s heart and mind, all along the way as they grow up. To be firm or faithful (from the Hebrew understanding) means that one has already had these solid Biblical principles implanted in them.

TO BRING UP: To bring up a child and train the child in the way the child should go is to instill faithfulness in the heart of the child.

ESTABLISH: A child must be established in their belief, so that their belief can mature into faith.

LONG CONTINUANCE: From the time the baby is born unto the time the baby moves out of the house is about 18 to 21 years. Therefore these principles must be consistently applied; through verbal instruction and by demonstration, so that the child's belief can mature into faith. This continuance is to be consistent over a long period of time; to continue teaching, instructing, demonstrating these principles, so that this child’s belief can mature into full grown healthy faith. Growing from ‘aman’ (belief) 539 St’s unto ‘Emuwn’ (Faith) 529-530 St’s.

Therefore, from the perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures, belief is something that must be established; and faith is something that is already established:

Belief is the Seed

Faith is the full grown tree

When these foundational principles are embraced, one can appreciate a deeper understanding of many New Testament passages.

Establish faith through Confession and Baptism

But to properly understand what Yeshua is saying, for the depth of His message to adhere to our hearts, we must compare the New Testament teaching on belief and faith to the Old Testament Hebrew root word for belief and faith. The root word for believe is 'aman- 539 St's'. This word 'aman' has three letters in Hebrew which draw a ancient picture of the 'belief' which becomes 'faith'. These three letters and the picture they draw are as follows: 1. Aleph- This represents two oxen yoked together, and for this reason, it draws a picture of things which are caused to be yoked together. One thing which is often joined or gathered together is 'WATER', But only context can confirm in what way! 2. Mem - This represents "WATER" Both "Aleph and Mem" (im) spell "mother" in Hebrew [#517 St's]. And it is the "mother" Who has the waters gathered together in her "womb". What happens When these gathered waters in the mother's womb come forth? This means that her water breaks, and the baby is about to be born! 3. Nun- This letter represents "seed" When the seed which is planted in the mother's womb, comes forth, a baby boy or girl is born. Now, if this picture seems too far fetched to you, then consider the definition of this word "Aman" from the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #539: 1. TO BUILD UP OR SUPPORT: The baby must be supported by the mother, and caused to be built up thereby. So that baby can grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for life. 2. TO FOSTER AS A PARENT OR A NURSE: Sometimes someone other than the mother must step myin and care for the newly-born baby. 3. TO RENDER (OR BE) FIRM OR FAITHFUL: To render a young child to be firm and faithful, one must instill righteous principles into the child's heart and mind, all along the way as they grow up. To be firm or faithful (from the Hebrew understanding), means that the one has already had these solid Biblical principles implanted in them. 4. TO BRING UP: To bring up a Child and train the child in the way the child should go is to instill in the heart of the Child, the heart of faithfulness. 5. TO ESTABLISH: A Child must be established in their belief, so that their belief can mature into faith. 6. LONG CONTINUANCE: From the time a baby is born unto the time the Child moves out of the house is from about eighteen to twenty years. Therefore these principles must be consistently applied, by teaching orally and by doing them before the child, so that the child's belief can mature into faith. By consistently, over a long period of time, applying Biblical Principles into the child's mind and heart, the child's belief (Amen #539 St's) matures into full fledged faith (emuwn #529-530 St's). Therefore from the perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures, belief is something that must be established; and faith is something which has already been established. Belief is the seed, and faith is the full grown tree. There is a picture formed by two different Aramaic words, which shed light on our understanding of belief and faith. These words are: 1. Tupsa- like figure/pattern (note #15) 2. pys/phys- Belief/Obey (note #15) NOTE: A similarity of letters occurs as phys/pys is placed in the future tense, eT't'phys. Causing the word for believe to look very similar to the word for 'likeness, example, manner. Now it is certain that the primary meaning of (tuwps) as found in 1 Peter 3:21, is (like figure/simili/pattern), however it's similarity to the future tense of belief, is worth our time investigating. "And also you who BELIEVE in HIM, are made alive by baptism, not When you wash the bodies from filth, but when you make a confession unto God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah." 1 Peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta Second layer of meaning [NOTE # 15 ] Only believers are made alive through baptism, as it is written: "Whoever believes and is immersed (baptized) will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 A.P. by Roth This relationship between "belief" and "baptism", is just one reason to understand that (tuwpsa-pattern/simili), could also be understood to convey the idea of (belief). The following is an example of a confession of faith, which follows the Biblical pattern. I confess that Yahweh my creator cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, and is omnipresent. I confess that Yahweh sent forth His word to the earth, which is called "YAH" the Son of Yahweh; and that YAH was clothed with a mortal body, and appeared unto mankind as "YESHUA" (MY SALVATION). Yahweh offerd up His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA to be crucified on a tree for my sins and the sins of all who call upon HIM in faith. And the body of MAR-YAH, even "YESHUA" was in the tomb for three days and three nights, while MAR-YAH was in Sheol (hell), preaching to the spirits confined there. Then after three days and three nights YAH YESHUA ascended up from Sheol and from the tomb with the keys of death and sheol (hell). Afterwards, MAR-YAH YESHUA ascended up into the heavens and is seated upon the throne of God, shining forth as the Sun in all its power and radiance. Revealing that all the power. of Yahweh is given unto and working through MAR-YAH YESHUA, to judge mankind and to forgive those who repent and call upon His name. I confess that the waters of baptism, which ritually cleanse the body of filth, are a type of the inward washing of the blood and covering of the name of the Son, as of a garment of Salvation, as my wedding garment, from which the sinner is purified from all sins through faith. Once a sinner comes to understand and believe these foundational truths with all their heart, they can then make this confession with a pure conscience. The play on words between tuphas (simili, pattern) and the future tense of belief eT't'phys, makes a further inquiry into these words, worth considering. Because there is a Hebrew word which has these same root letters, which is 'taphas'. 'Taphas' means to be "fat, lazy, sluggish"; thus to be inactive, inert, stupid, unconvinced (to take action). However, on the other hand, this can also have a good connotation, which is: To be "plump with a healthy dose of fat"; thus to be actively seeking, following after that which is good and healthy. Thus to follow the pattern (tups) of Yeshua and the apostles, and to perform their words, would be 'belief' (tips). In the following example (tips) is used in the negative sense, and is contrasted with the Hebrew root word for believe, which is 'amen'. [note #15] "He Who believes 'aman' in the Son has life that is eternal, and he Who does not OBEY (meth-T'pis) the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of God will rise up against him." John 3:36 A.P. by Roth To actively follow after, to follow the pattern, is to obey. While inaction, is to be unmoved by the example, which is disobedience and unbelief. To see the pattern in the scriptures, but to remain unconvined to move in faith. Even the Greek word for "belief" (Pistis and Peitho) also has the dual meaning of "belief/obey". For this reason, every educated reader of the scriptures ought to be able to look beyond their English translation, to see that "believe not" in this context, has to be understood as "obey not". The Greek also uses a (alpha) at the beginning of (peitheo/belief) to indicate the negative, that is "believe not/obey not" (apeitheo). With these things in mind, one can understand that the King James Version obscures this issue, with "believe not"! [note #15] "He that believeth.on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of god abideth on him." John 3:36 KJV The J.P. Green Interlinear of the Greek New Testament MMIalso reveals that in this context, this ought to be understood as "obey not". Those who argue against "obeying" the gospel in "baptism" are showing by their own arguments, that they are really unbelievers. Those Who argue against the power of the blood of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], which becomes active and powerful in the life of the believer during baptism, are also denying the power of God which works in the lives of those Who show their belief and faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by following the pattern in His word. In effect, those who argue against the necessity of baptism are working with the enemy of our souls to strip each and every one of us of our wedding garment, which is given to us, as we exercise our faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by being baptized into His name. For these false believers desire for us to appear like them, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, without a wedding garment. Belief which lacks action, is not Biblical belief at all, but rather demonstrates a pattern of unbelief. The Apostle Peter illustrates this idea very well: "On you therefore Who believe (aman) is this honor conferred: but to them Who do not OBEY (T'piysa-believe not), 'He is a stone of stunbling and a rock of offense.' And they stumble at it because they OBEY(T'piys) NOT the word appointed for them." 1 Peter 2:7-8 of the Then the Apostle Peter shows the believer how to take the letters of (T'piys-Obey/ believe) and how to understand them in a good sense, through the word (tuwps-simili/ pattern). For the active belief of (tiyps) will cause one to follow after, and seek after that which leads to life. "For to this were you called; because the Messiah also died for us and left us THIS PATTERN (tuwpsa) that you should walk in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21 A.P. by Roth Therefore, the example and pattern (tuwpsa) of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, becomes belief in the believer as they begin to follow HIS footsteps. As they begin to act out the pattern left us in the Gospel. Yeshua was baptized to fulfill all righteousness (MT 3:15), so that His people would follow HIS example and the pattern in scriptures and also become baptized. However, Yeshua was without sin (2 Cor 5:21), and this is Why HE was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. But all of HIS people have some amount of sin in their lives, which is Why they are baptized for the remission/forgiveness/release of sins, (Acts 2:38), and to wash away their sins (Acts 22:16). Therefore, the preacher or teacher who says a believer ought to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness, is improperly applying the words of life, and has no discernment between the sinlessness of MAR-YAH YESHUA, and the sinfulness of His people. [NOTE: It is important to pay close attention to what the minister says as you are being baptized. Does he preach the importance of the NAME in baptism? Does he teach that baptism is for the washing away and forgiveness of sins? If he does not do these things, then its best to wait and find a minister who believes the word.] The name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA] is our wedding garment, that we must wear at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are some who will attempt to enter into the MARRIAGE SUPPER without PUTTING ON tTHIS NAME in baptism, therefore their sins will not be covered by the blood of the Lamb, and they will be cast into outer darkness were there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (MT 22:13). However, the calling of the Holy Spirit is definitely on any individual who ascends to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but they were not chosen to wear the garment of salvation (MT 22:14). The Holy Spirit is calling many today, and even filling them with the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongus, but only a select few of these Who are called, will actually be chosen to wear and become clothed with the NAME IN BAPTISM. "...'bind his hands and his feet and cast him into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!' For many are those that are called, and few are Chosen." Matthew 22:13-14 A.P. by Roth Right now the choice is up to you. What group do you aspire to be a part of? Those who are merely called? Or rather, those WHO ARE CHOSEN? But to properly understand what Yeshua is saying, for the depth of His message to adhere to our hearts, we must compare the New Testament teaching on belief and faith to the Old Testament Hebrew root word for belief and faith. The root word for believe is 'aman- 539 St's'. This word 'aman' has three letters in Hebrew which draw a ancient picture of the 'belief' which becomes 'faith'. These three letters and the picture they draw are as follows: 1. Aleph- This represents two oxen yoked together, and for this reason, it draws a picture of things which are caused to be yoked together. One thing which is often joined or gathered together is 'WATER', But only context can confirm in what way! 2. Mem - This represents "WATER" Both "Aleph and Mem" (im) spell "mother" in Hebrew [#517 St's]. And it is the "mother" Who has the waters gathered together in her "womb". What happens When these gathered waters in the mother's womb come forth? This means that her water breaks, and the baby is about to be born! 3. Nun- This letter represents "seed" When the seed which is planted in the mother's womb, comes forth, a baby boy or girl is born. Now, if this picture seems too far fetched to you, then consider the definition of this word "Aman" from the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #539: 1. TO BUILD UP OR SUPPORT: The baby must be supported by the mother, and caused to be built up thereby. So that baby can grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for life. 2. TO FOSTER AS A PARENT OR A NURSE: Sometimes someone other than the mother must step myin and care for the newly-born baby. 3. TO RENDER (OR BE) FIRM OR FAITHFUL: To render a young child to be firm and faithful, one must instill righteous principles into the child's heart and mind, all along the way as they grow up. To be firm or faithful (from the Hebrew understanding), means that the one has already had these solid Biblical principles implanted in them. 4. TO BRING UP: To bring up a Child and train the child in the way the child should go is to instill in the heart of the Child, the heart of faithfulness. 5. TO ESTABLISH: A Child must be established in their belief, so that their belief can mature into faith. 6. LONG CONTINUANCE: From the time a baby is born unto the time the Child moves out of the house is from about eighteen to twenty years. Therefore these principles must be consistently applied, by teaching orally and by doing them before the child, so that the child's belief can mature into faith. By consistently, over a long period of time, applying Biblical Principles into the child's mind and heart, the child's belief (Amen #539 St's) matures into full fledged faith (emuwn #529-530 St's). Therefore from the perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures, belief is something that must be established; and faith is something which has already been established. Belief is the seed, and faith is the full grown tree. There is a picture formed by two different Aramaic words, which shed light on our understanding of belief and faith. These words are: 1. Tupsa- like figure/pattern (note #15) 2. pys/phys- Belief/Obey (note #15) NOTE: A similarity of letters occurs as phys/pys is placed in the future tense, eT't'phys. Causing the word for believe to look very similar to the word for 'likeness, example, manner. Now it is certain that the primary meaning of (tuwps) as found in 1 Peter 3:21, is (like figure/simili/pattern), however it's similarity to the future tense of belief, is worth our time investigating. "And also you who BELIEVE in HIM, are made alive by baptism, not When you wash the bodies from filth, but when you make a confession unto God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah." 1 Peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta Second layer of meaning [NOTE # 15 ] Only believers are made alive through baptism, as it is written: "Whoever believes and is immersed (baptized) will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 A.P. by Roth This relationship between "belief" and "baptism", is just one reason to understand that (tuwpsa-pattern/simili), could also be understood to convey the idea of (belief). The following is an example of a confession of faith, which follows the Biblical pattern. I confess that Yahweh my creator cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, and is omnipresent. I confess that Yahweh sent forth His word to the earth, which is called "YAH" the Son of Yahweh; and that YAH was clothed with a mortal body, and appeared unto mankind as "YESHUA" (MY SALVATION). Yahweh offerd up His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA to be crucified on a tree for my sins and the sins of all who call upon HIM in faith. And the body of MAR-YAH, even "YESHUA" was in the tomb for three days and three nights, while MAR-YAH was in Sheol (hell), preaching to the spirits confined there. Then after three days and three nights YAH YESHUA ascended up from Sheol and from the tomb with the keys of death and sheol (hell). Afterwards, MAR-YAH YESHUA ascended up into the heavens and is seated upon the throne of God, shining forth as the Sun in all its power and radiance. Revealing that all the power. of Yahweh is given unto and working through MAR-YAH YESHUA, to judge mankind and to forgive those who repent and call upon His name. I confess that the waters of baptism, which ritually cleanse the body of filth, are a type of the inward washing of the blood and covering of the name of the Son, as of a garment of Salvation, as my wedding garment, from which the sinner is purified from all sins through faith. Once a sinner comes to understand and believe these foundational truths with all their heart, they can then make this confession with a pure conscience. The play on words between tuphas (simili, pattern) and the future tense of belief eT't'phys, makes a further inquiry into these words, worth considering. Because there is a Hebrew word which has these same root letters, which is 'taphas'. 'Taphas' means to be "fat, lazy, sluggish"; thus to be inactive, inert, stupid, unconvinced (to take action). However, on the other hand, this can also have a good connotation, which is: To be "plump with a healthy dose of fat"; thus to be actively seeking, following after that which is good and healthy. Thus to follow the pattern (tups) of Yeshua and the apostles, and to perform their words, would be 'belief' (tips). In the following example (tips) is used in the negative sense, and is contrasted with the Hebrew root word for believe, which is 'amen'. [note #15] "He Who believes 'aman' in the Son has life that is eternal, and he Who does not OBEY (meth-T'pis) the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of God will rise up against him." John 3:36 A.P. by Roth To actively follow after, to follow the pattern, is to obey. While inaction, is to be unmoved by the example, which is disobedience and unbelief. To see the pattern in the scriptures, but to remain unconvined to move in faith. Even the Greek word for "belief" (Pistis and Peitho) also has the dual meaning of "belief/obey". For this reason, every educated reader of the scriptures ought to be able to look beyond their English translation, to see that "believe not" in this context, has to be understood as "obey not". The Greek also uses a (alpha) at the beginning of (peitheo/belief) to indicate the negative, that is "believe not/obey not" (apeitheo). With these things in mind, one can understand that the King James Version obscures this issue, with "believe not"! [note #15] "He that believeth.on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of god abideth on him." John 3:36 KJV The J.P. Green Interlinear of the Greek New Testament MMIalso reveals that in this context, this ought to be understood as "obey not". Those who argue against "obeying" the gospel in "baptism" are showing by their own arguments, that they are really unbelievers. Those Who argue against the power of the blood of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], which becomes active and powerful in the life of the believer during baptism, are also denying the power of God which works in the lives of those Who show their belief and faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by following the pattern in His word. In effect, those who argue against the necessity of baptism are working with the enemy of our souls to strip each and every one of us of our wedding garment, which is given to us, as we exercise our faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by being baptized into His name. For these false believers desire for us to appear like them, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, without a wedding garment. Belief which lacks action, is not Biblical belief at all, but rather demonstrates a pattern of unbelief. The Apostle Peter illustrates this idea very well: "On you therefore Who believe (aman) is this honor conferred: but to them Who do not OBEY (T'piysa-believe not), 'He is a stone of stunbling and a rock of offense.' And they stumble at it because they OBEY(T'piys) NOT the word appointed for them." 1 Peter 2:7-8 of the Then the Apostle Peter shows the believer how to take the letters of (T'piys-Obey/ believe) and how to understand them in a good sense, through the word (tuwps-simili/ pattern). For the active belief of (tiyps) will cause one to follow after, and seek after that which leads to life. "For to this were you called; because the Messiah also died for us and left us THIS PATTERN (tuwpsa) that you should walk in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21 A.P. by Roth Therefore, the example and pattern (tuwpsa) of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, becomes belief in the believer as they begin to follow HIS footsteps. As they begin to act out the pattern left us in the Gospel. Yeshua was baptized to fulfill all righteousness (MT 3:15), so that His people would follow HIS example and the pattern in scriptures and also become baptized. However, Yeshua was without sin (2 Cor 5:21), and this is Why HE was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. But all of HIS people have some amount of sin in their lives, which is Why they are baptized for the remission/forgiveness/release of sins, (Acts 2:38), and to wash away their sins (Acts 22:16). Therefore, the preacher or teacher who says a believer ought to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness, is improperly applying the words of life, and has no discernment between the sinlessness of MAR-YAH YESHUA, and the sinfulness of His people. [NOTE: It is important to pay close attention to what the minister says as you are being baptized. Does he preach the importance of the NAME in baptism? Does he teach that baptism is for the washing away and forgiveness of sins? If he does not do these things, then its best to wait and find a minister who believes the word.] The name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA] is our wedding garment, that we must wear at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are some who will attempt to enter into the MARRIAGE SUPPER without PUTTING ON tTHIS NAME in baptism, therefore their sins will not be covered by the blood of the Lamb, and they will be cast into outer darkness were there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (MT 22:13). However, the calling of the Holy Spirit is definitely on any individual who ascends to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but they were not chosen to wear the garment of salvation (MT 22:14). The Holy Spirit is calling many today, and even filling them with the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongus, but only a select few of these Who are called, will actually be chosen to wear and become clothed with the NAME IN BAPTISM. "...'bind his hands and his feet and cast him into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!' For many are those that are called, and few are Chosen." Matthew 22:13-14 A.P. by Roth Right now the choice is up to you. What group do you aspire to be a part of? Those who are merely called? Or rather, those WHO ARE CHOSEN?

Why is Elohiym aloft

 Your narrative delves into profound theological and metaphysical concepts, drawing from various scriptural interpretations and mystical ele...