In the Beginning

 In the beginning, there was no distinction between heavenly waters and earthly waters. However, with the overwhelming presence of יהוה, a decision was made to create a realm where free will could flourish. This was to allow His servants to choose whether to serve Him or not, with the full realization of blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience deferred until the end of this age.

To facilitate this, יהוה separated His heavenly LIVING WATERS from the earthly waters, choosing to remain on earth in spirit form. Yet, He desired His people to occasionally reach out for these Living Waters for cleansing, purification, and empowerment. Thus, His Spirit or Word, which remained, became known as the Son, called Yah. Over time, as the Word moved among people who forgot the concept of Living Waters, He was robed in mortal flesh to bring these life-saving waters to all who would call upon Him. 

The original name, Yah, was often forgotten, and He was called by various names of salvation across different languages: Yeshua, Yeshuw, Yesu, Jesus, Esa. However, Yah sought recognition for His heavenly name, so that people would truly seek יהוה, the source of the Living Waters, directly through Yah Yeshua.

Therefore, we should all understand and proclaim:

**Praise Yah Yeshua and glory, honor, and power unto יהוה our Elohiym...**

taken from Rev 19:1

This narrative underscores the importance of recognizing the divine name and the divine presence in our lives, emphasizing a personal and willful connection with the divine through Yah Yeshua, which ultimately glorifies יהוה, our Elohiym.

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