Existence to life!

A simple comparison of 2 Hebrew words, reveals a distinction worth noting.

The term I AM that I AM, comes from the Hebrew word "hayah" or "havah".
And the "h" is written in Hebrew, as an open letter, which is not entirely closed in.
This reveals a deep truth about "hayah/havah", in that it refers to any existence which is not enclosed or well defined.  And this is the root word for the Divine name: Yah YHWH.

The word for "life" however, is "chay", and the "ch" is entirely closed in, which refers to life which is fully enclosed. As the spirit of man is enclosed within his mortal body.  
Thus "chay", is much more defined then hayah.

We see then that "hayah",  refers to all forms of being, existing.  Which is why this root word is so revealing about the nature of the GREAT I AM, Yah and YHWH. For the existence of the Son and the Father defies any easy  explanation, of place, and of time.  Neither Yah or YHWH can ever be limited to any specific location or time frame.

Yah YHWH was, is, and is to come!

Yeshua the man, had chay within Him, life within. For Yah the word of YHWH dwelled within, as the word flowed out from Him, cleansing the minds of those who believed that word.  And the seed of that word, as sown in their hearts could only grow, as the believer continued in that belief to receive the gift of the Set Apart Spirit, the SPIRIT OF YHWH, which also flows forth from the same man, even Yeshua.  

Therefore, the man Yeshua the Messiah, provides a time and place to come into right standing, before  Yah YHWH, the Son, then the Father.  Yeshua is the source of life, of chay, by which we can come to understand and know hayah and havah, the self existant  one, even Yah YHWH.  

May Yah the word grow in your heart, and become watered by YHWH the Set Apart Spirit, as your faith grows in Yeshua our Messiah!

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 I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...