5.b.5 - The Spirit of Yah Dwells within Yeshua, the Man
The apostle, John, makes an impossible, even shocking, statement when he says, "And the word was made flesh ...", because it is impossible for Divinity to ever become humanity! However, John expounds on this statement with the phrase, "... and tabernacled among us …" [John 1:14], so that the believer can understand in what way the Word became flesh, that is, HE was clothed in flesh, housed in an earthly tabernacle. The Greek text makes this clear with the word skenoo [See note #34.], which means "a tent", as if to occupy a house. A comparison of the Aramaic word used in this verse for "dwell" / "tabernacle", with an equivalent Hebrew word, will bring out this picture even more forcefully. This Aramaic word is ganan [See note #35.], which means "To fence in, to enclose, to cover over". This is almost identical to the meaning of the Hebrew word sakak [See note #6], which is used in the following context:
Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced [sakak] me with bones and sinews.
Job 10:11
The real essence of Job is clothed with skin and flesh and is enclosed with bones and sinews! But WHO is the real Job? The real Job is the created spirit of יהוה breathed into him. For it is written:
... יהוה … formeth the spirit of man within him.
Zechariah 12:1 [See note #37.]
The real Job is not skin and flesh, nor bones and sinews but is, rather, a created spirit. This created spirit is housed in a mortal body to become a complete person, as it is written:
And יהוה Elohym formed of the dust of the ground [a body], and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [a created spirit]; and man became a living soul [a complete being / person].
Genesis 2:7 [See note #37.]
Man is a two-fold being of a mortal body and a created spirit, the combination of which makes up a living soul, a complete person. Man does not possess a soul, man IS a soul! Job also confirms which aspect of the soul is the real essence of Job, which is enclosed with a mortal body, as he continues:
Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my Spirit.
Job 10:12
In this context, the SPIRIT OF יהוה visits Job, which causes Job's created spirit to be refreshed and preserved. This communion has given vitality to the created spirit of Job, which is still housed in a body which is severely afflicted.
Once a believer realizes that he is a two-fold being of "body" and "spirit" and that his soul is merely the combination of these two aspects, then it is much easier to see how the divine essence of Yah also dwells in a mortal body. And this is the same way ganan is being used in the Aramaic of John 1:14, revealing that the Word, even Yah, is enclosed with a mortal body, as it is written:
And the Word became flesh and was housed in a mortal body among us...
John 1:14 correctly understood [See note #38.]
Subsequently, Yah never became flesh, rather HE was enclosed by flesh, Yah put on flesh, as a garment or as a covering. In the original Aramaic of the book of Hebrews, this idea is also put forward, with great clarity:
Likewise, when he [Yah] was CLOTHED IN FLESH, he offered fervent prayers and pleadings with intense anxious tears, to him who was able to revive him from death; and he was heard.
Hebrews 5:7 Roth [brackets and emphasis mine]
Because of this, when entering the world HE [Yah] said, you have found no pleasure in sacrifices and offerings, so with a body you have clothed me.
Hebrews 10:5, my translation
Because of this, when entering the world HE [Yah] said, you have found no pleasure in sacrifices and offerings, so with a body you have clothed me.
Hebrews 10:5, my translation
Yah, the Word of יהוה, was clothed with a body, Yah was clothed in flesh. Yah never became humanity, rather HE was enclosed by it. Therefore, Yah is the right hand of יהוה, who was clothed by a mortal body, confined within skin and flesh, bones and sinews