YaH Yahweh is Salvation Section 5a

5.a - Yah יהוה is Salvation When a similar phrase is used in Scripture twice, it is worth notice. However, when a phrase is written identically twice, and is altered only slightly the third time, these identical passages ought to be contrasted with the slightly altered passage. The following is a word-for-word translation of the similar parts of all three verses in the original word order: My strength and song is Yah, and He will become my Salvation [Y'shuah, Yeshua]… 

 Exodus 15:2 My strength and song is Yah, and He will become my Salvation. Psalm 118:14

 … For my strength and song is Yah יהוה, and He will become my Salvation. Isaiah 12:2 

 The first two contexts reveal how Yah will become salvation by dwelling in a human body, called Yeshuah. But, the third context is exploring the gift of Yah that was promised in Psalm 68:18: 

 You ascended on high; You led captivity captive; You gave gifts unto men, also to the rebellious, so that Yah Elohym will dwell (among them).
 Psalm 68:18 [19] [Compare to Ephesians 4:8.] 

 This gift is expounded on in the next verse: 

 With rejoicing you will draw water from the waters of the salvation [Y'shuah, Yeshua]. Isaiah 12:3 

 It has been demonstrated in the former context that the Hebrew word for salvation is a direct reference for Yeshua, the Messiah. However, in the original Hebrew of Isaiah 12:3, the verb 'salvation' has the definite article, "the", attached to it [HaYeshuah], that is "The Salvation". 

This refers to a very specific place to come and draw forth water. Therefore, Yah יהוה is the Living Waters, and Yeshua is the place where all must come to draw out these waters.

 There is another context which draws a clear picture between Yeshua, the Fountain, and יהוה, the Living Waters, which is as follows: 

 יהוה is the Hope of Israel. All who forsake You will be ashamed, and they who turn away from Me will be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the Fountain of Living Waters, even יהוה.

 Jeremiah 17:13 [See note #22. Compare to John 8:6, and see note #21.]

 יהוה is the "You" in the passage above, and Yeshua is the "Me", so by turning away from Yeshua, a soul is really forsaking יהוה, the Living Waters. In the final line of the verse above, I translated the literal word order as much as possible to point out the phrase, "even יהוה", which is et יהוה. In Hebrew, the eth is the direct object marker, which is pointing out יהוה as the direct object of the verse. The eth is made up of the Aleph and the Tav [את], which is the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This is better known to most Christians as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the Living Word. Therefore, Yah is the Aleph and the Tav, who is pointing everyone to יהוה, the Living Waters. Yeshua, the Man, is the Fountain from which these Living Waters flow. Yah, the Living Word of יהוה, points all souls unto יהוה. The apostle John expounded on this relationship of the Father and Son in these verses below: 

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohym, and the Word was Elohym.
 John 1:1 

 And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only One [the choice or chosen one], who is from the Father, who is full of grace and truth.
 John 1:14 [See notes #24 and #23] 

 No man has ever seen Elohym, the only One [the chosen one] of Elohym, he who exists in the bosom of His Father, He has declared him. 
 John 1:18 [See notes #24 and #43]

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