5B7 The name of the Holy Spirit

 5.b.7 - In the Name of the Holy Spirit: Matthew 28:19

It is agreeable to most people that the name of the Father is יהוה and the name of the Son is Yeshua, or as an examination of the Hebrew and Aramaic text reveals YAH YESHUA, however, what did Yah Yeshua mean by "THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT"? The key verse for this concept is found in the Hebrew Scriptures of Isaiah 12:2-3.

...For Yah יהוה is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation [YESHUA]. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation [Yeshua].

Isaiah 12:2-3 [See note #58]

What does Yah יהוה have to do with our salvation [Yeshua]?

It is revealed in Psalms, chapter 68, that while יהוה was riding the heaven of heavens [Shamayim], He gave forth His voice, which was a mighty voice [Psalm 68:32-33]. This idea of יהוה riding upon the heavens [Shamayim] is contrasted with Yah riding upon the desert [arabot] places of the earth, seeking for the rebellious souls dwelling there [Psalm 68:4, 6, 18]. Therefore, Yah is the voice or word of יהוה that was sent forth unto the earth.

The word is also the seed of יהוה, which is placed in the heart of the believer, as the believer hears the word. As it is written:

But he that receiveth seed into the good ground is he that heareth the Word and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

Matthew 13:23

Yah is this seed of the word which is sown into the hearts of believers as they hear the word. The believer's heart is made clean by the word which he hears, which is why it is written:

Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth.

John 17:17

Yet for Yah, the word, to grow as a seed within our hearts, we must empty ourselves of all the things which are choking the word, giving the word no room to grow, which is why it is written:

I know that you are the seed of Abraham, but you seek to kill me, because you would not empty yourselves for my word.

John 8:37 (Aramaic verse 26)

The Pharisees would not empty themselves to make room for the word of Messiah. The Aramaic word used here for "empty" is capag [#5606], which means "to vomit forth". [See note #59]. Thus there were many things being kept in the hearts of these Jewish leaders, which prevented the word from growing within them.

However, if Yah, the seed, is to grow within, the seed must be watered by יהוה the Living Waters, which is why it is written:

That he might sanctify it [the assembly] and cleanse it [the assembly] with the washing of water and with the word.

Ephesians 5:26 Aramaic

The Greek texts reads: "...with the washing of water by the word". But, the waters being spoken of here, refer to the Living Waters of יהוה. Thus the assembly is cleansed by the word and the Living Waters of יהוה. Therefore, in this context, the washing of water refers to the spiritual baptism, that is, the receiving of the Living Waters. There is one other reason that I don't believe this refers to water baptism: because Yah, the seed, alone, is not enough for the believer to be made complete and whole, which is why it is written:

That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, THAT THEY ALSO MAY BE ONE IN US:

John 17:21 (emphasis mine)

We can be ONE in the Father and Son, by allowing Yah the seed to call out to יהוה the Living Waters, so that the Living Waters, will also come and dwell in us, so that Yah, the seed, can be united with יהוה, the Living Waters within us.

Once a believer realizes that Yeshua is the Temple of Yah, our Elohym, Yah, the seed, becomes planted within their hearts. This should lead the believer to call out to Yah Yeshua as his Elohym and Master, so that He will send him the Living Waters, which is יהוה, the Father, so that Yah and יהוה will unite in the believer's heart and soul as the Holy Spirit, abiding within him. Subsequently, to be made completely clean, we all must be washed by יהוה the Living Waters and Yah, the word, united within us.

However, the "us" does not describe separate and distinct persons, as with a separate will, desire, etc. Yet it does describe separate functions within יהוה, functions of which יהוה wants His people to understand:

יהוה, the Father, Creator, the omnipresent invisible Living Waters of life

Yah Yeshua, the Son. The one through whom the worlds were created. The source of the Living Waters, the Life Giver, The word of יהוה, the seed of יהוה, the right hand of יהוה and the extension of יהוה unto the earth. Yah Yeshua, the Son, reveals the omnipresent, invisible יהוה to the world.

Yah יהוה, the Holy Spirit. When Yah, the seed of יהוה within the believer, is united with יהוה, the Living Waters, this unification of the Father and Son causes the Holy Spirit to abide in the believer.

For far too long, Matthew 28:19 has been used in reference to water baptism, only, as if it were a formula to recite. Yet in the book of Acts, from the Greek text, it is the name of the Son being used in baptism. When Acts 2:38 is examined in the Aramaic Peshitta, one realizes that the apostles baptized in the name of the Master Yah Yeshua, which is simply the full name of the Son. The reason why, is because water baptism is a type of death and burial, and יהוה never died and was never buried.

[Water baptism in the name of the Son is spoken of in detail in chapters 3, 4, & 6, while the historical biblical relationship to the name of יהוה, the Father, in our spiritual baptism is discussed in chapter 7.]

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