In ancient times, the Son was called by a name of which is known by only a select few today. Learn what this name is and why it was important to the apostles and first century Assembly.
C52: released from sins
Power in the Blood, Power in the Name
Section 2
Why does the Apostle Simon Peter, say that baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA is for the Remission/Forgiveness of sins? What exactly does this word REMISSION/ FORGIVENESS MEAN?
The Aramaic word used for "Remission/Forgiveness" is "SHOVQANA", and includes: "Remission, Forgiveness, dismissal" as part of its defintion. This word stems from the Aramaic word "Shevaq", Which includes: "leave, forsake, forgive, rescue, dismiss" as a part of its defintion.
The extreme importance placed upon "REMISSION OF SINS" in each individual life is illustrated for us in the scripture:
"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
Hebrews 9:22 KJV
"For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement (kaphar 'to cover') for your souls: For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."
Lev 17:11 KJV
Before YAH shed His own blood to remit for sins; the blood of bulls and goats acted as a temporary covering for sin.
NOTE: YAH clothed Himself with a mortal body, tabernacling among mankind. So, therefore YAH had blood in His body, SO YAH HAD BLOOD!
Because of the death, burial and resurrection of MAR YAH YESHUA, HIS blood breaks the bondage and yoke of sin, causing the sinful nature to forsake the repentant. And enpowering the believer overcome the sinful habits that had them bound. At it is written:
"For this is my blood of the New Testament, Which is shed for many for the REMISSION [RELEASE] of sins."
Matthew 26:28
Surely the power is in the blood, but how is this blood activated in the life of the individual believer? The power of the blood is activated by the power in the name, and by the believer acting upon their faith in the name. The individual formula for activating this power in the individual's life is found in Acts:
".. 'Repent ; and be immersed each one of you, in the name of our Lord YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness [RELEASE] of sins, so that you will recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 of the
Aramaic Peshitta expounded
The scripture declares that there are three things upon the earth, which remain as a witness of the resurrecting power of MAR-YAH YESHUA, in the lives Of individual believers. These things are:
1 John 5:8
[This can be understood by comparing 1 John 5:8 unto John 3:5:]
1. EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF THE WATER: The blood is applied to release the individual from sin in water baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH.
2. AND OF THE SPIRIT: The blood is again applied to the individual When they recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit.
So baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA is part of the born again experience, in Which the blood is applied to the heart. This releases those bound, from the bondage and slavery to sin, preparing the body/vessel to recieve the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
To get the full depth and revelation associated with "REMISSION/FORGIVENESS" of sins, one needs to examine the quotation of MAR YAH YESHUA, in Which He used this word twice, Which reveals His mission to the earth. Yeshua quotes Isaiah 61:1 and part of verse two. In the Aramaic and Greek New Testament texts ; it seems as if a whole other phrase is added, Which appears at first glance to be missing from the ORIGINAL HEBREW text: Here is a phrase by phrase comparison of the modern day English translation of Isaiah 61:1 and the quotation of this verse found tin Luke 4:18:
1. The Spirit of Yahweh is upon me
2. because He hath anointed me to preach the
good news to the poor
3. He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted
4. to preach Deliverance to the captives
5.(a) and recovering of sight to the blind
5.(b) to set at liberty them that are bruised
Luke 4:18 KJV [with the Lord corrected to Yahweh]
1. The Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is upon me
2. because Yahweh hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek
3. He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted
4. to proclaim liberty to the captives
5.(a) [Not in English translation of Hebrew]
5.(b) and the opening of the prison to them that are bound
Isaiah 61:1 KJV
As can be seen in 5(a), the phrase "AND RECOVERING OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND" is entirely missing from the English translation of Isaiah 61:1. It will be demonstrated how this phrase has a dual meaning in Hebrew concerning "A COMPLETE OPENING TO THOSE WHO ARE BOUND" in any way, Whether it be of the eyes (blind), or, bound in prison ; or, bound in sin, the rendering of Luke 4:18 in the Aramaic Peshitta is worth our time examining:
1. The Spirit of Master Yahweh is upon me
2. and because of this, He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor,
3. and He has sent me to heal the broken of heart,
4. and to preach release to the captives,
5 (a) and to the blind sight
5(b) and to strengthen (send out/free) those who are broken (depressed) with Forgiveness (Release)
Luke 4:18 Aramaic Peshitta Author's translation [NOTE #4]
see note on page {#_____} for (make firm v. send out)
Here is a word-for-word breakdown of Isaiah 61:1, in the Hebrew word order. However the 5th phrase (v'laacuriym P'qach qowach), is repeated twice. Yeshua is showing that its dual meaning MUST be understood fully in order to recieve the depth of this verse.
1 The Spirit of My Lord Yahweh is upon me
2. because has anointed Yahweh me to bring good news to the humble (poor)
3. He has sent me to bind up the broken of heart
4. to proclaim to the captives LIBERTY/RELEASE
5.(a)AND TO THOSE WITH BOUND EYES ,Complete Opening
Isaiah 61:1 (see J.P. Green for "COMPLETE OPENING") NOTE #5
Please notice that there is one phrase for both 5.(a) and 5.(b). Which in the English must be doubled, that is turned into two phrases. However the modern translator of the ORIGINAL HEBREW, does not understand this, and for this reason only renders one shade of meaning. I am personally unaware of any modern translator, who will render "and to those with bound eyes complete opening" from the Hebrew phrase (v'laacuriym p'qach qowach) [NOTE #5]. However almost all of them render this phrase with the singular meaning of "and to those bound (in prison) complete opening/release".
[NOTE: Modern teachers will use discrepancies like this one, to try and convince the unleanred, that the Hebrew is lacking, and the LXX is more accurate. These false teachers are attempting to move believers away from the solid Hebrew Old Testament foundation of the faith. trying to replace the aleph and the Tav. Disregarding the Yod's and the tittle's Yeshua refered to in Matthew 5:18.] [NOTE #6]
The Hebrew word (paqach) [NOTE #5] means 'to open'. But here this word is doubled, (p'qach qowach) [NOTE #2]. Usually the doubling of a Hebrew word is to demonstrate a intensification of the verb. Example: "Holy of Holies" means "MOST HOLY". This idea is applied to this context by: "COMPLETE OPENING". Which is how it is translated by J.P. Green in his Hebrew/English Interlinear. This idea of "COMPLETE OPENING" in regards to being bound in any way, is better understood as: "COMPLETE RELEASE" from the chains that bind.
This word "Paqach/Open" is used often of "T0 OPEN THE EYES" [NOTE #5]; and this explains why Yeshua translated this as: "TO OPEN THE BLINDED EYES"; that is the eyes which have been bound shut.
To better understand why this phrase "COMPLETE OPENING", can also refer to the opening of the prison to those who are bound, one must examine the phrase from the
root (acar/bind) [NOTE #5], from Which the phrase (laacuriym) is derived.
This Hebrew word 'acar', is used often of: "TO BE BOUND IN PRISON", and it is this connotation which translators see more clearly, and for this reason, they translate along this line of reasoning.
[NOTE: Also notice, that Yeshua never once mentions prison in his quotation, but is focused on releasing those bound to sin!]
Therefore this phrase has a two-fold meaning; and even though the Hebrew word for "eyes" (ayin) is not found in this phrase, and neither is the Hebrew word for "prison house" to be found in this phrase. Yet both ideas are presented, and no word-for-word English translation could possibly capture both meanings, without leaving conventional wisdom and revealing more than the surface meaning of the text.
The phrase "TO THE BOUND ONES' (laacuriym), is rendered as "broken" in both the Greek and the Aramaic. This idea is also used of "being bruised" or "crushed", as if "shattered". One who is broken, is also in a depressed or oppressed state. Being bruised hints of being bound with physical impairment or sickness. While being depressed seems to refer to the mental state of those being bound. And being broken is very broad and speaks of being bound physically, either by others are due to physical handicap, or being bound in mind or spirit, by the continual and relentless attacks of the enemy. Both the Greek and the Aramaic split up the phrase (P'qach qowach), placing the "bruised ones/crushed ones" or "broken/depressed" in the middle. Here is a Greek and Aramaic breakdown of this phrase:
1. Apogteilai
649 Apostello
To set apart
TO send away
2352 thrauo
the bruised ones
the crushed ones
in ,
859 Aphesis
From Luke 4:18Greek
Aramaic Peshitta
2. walashararuw
and to strengthen
and to make firm
and to restore
and to free
the broken
the depressed
with forgiveness
with remission
with release
Luke 4-18 Aramaic Peshitta
The idea of "COMPLETE OPENING" (P'qach qoach) is well rendered by "TO STRENGTHEN WITH FORGIVENESS". Because if we are forgiven, yet left in a weakened state, we would return right back to those things Which had bound us in the beginning. However When we are strengthen by forgiveness, we have a complete release from those things which had us bound, with the strength to stay free. With this in mind, even the Greak idea of "TO SET APART IN DELIVERANCE/FORGIVENESS", or 'TO SEND AWAY IN LIBERTY/REMISSION", is also right on target, because those who have been strengthened, are empowered to go forth in deliverance and complete victory, so as not to get entangled in the web of sin again.
NOTE: The Aramaic word for "strengthen/make firm" is (sharer). and the Aramaic word for "send away" is (shadar). In first century Aramaic the (d) [deleth] and the (r) [resh] were both written identically. Therefore, only by context could (sharar) be distinguished from (shadar). By the 4th century a dot was added above the (r) [resh] and in the bosom of
the (d) [deleth], to distinguish these two letters.
Remember the word "COMPLETE" in the phrase "COMPLETE OPENING/RELEASE", was a intensificatIon of the verb (P'qach-to open). This word can also be intensified by the word "STRENGTHEN/MAKE FIRM" with "FORGIVENESS/DELIVERANCE". However for the one who is broken or crushed, a intensification of the thought "TO OPEN/RELEASE" could also be "TO SEND AWAY" or "TO SET APART" in total deliverance. For this idea of "setting apart" ; means to set apart from the chains that once had the sinner bound. This speaks of the POWER to set one apart from the broken or crushed condition, through deliverance and forgiveness. This is the power to call those Who are sick "healed" and to call those who are bound in sin "delivered" and to send them away in the delivered or healed state, being bound no more. Therefore the Aramaic is a play on words, that is (sharer) "strengthen" and (shadar) "send away/set apart", Which both fit the context and are a intensification of the Hebrew word (paqach) "OPEN/RELEASE".
The bound ones get their strength restored, and their freedom restored, by having their sins forgiven completely. This restoration is a complete release from the chains that bind. Thus the habitual sin cannot cleave to the one Who has experienced this complete release. Generational curses must release those bound therein , through the power of the name of MAR YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH.
Yeshua is taking the idea of "COMPLETENESS" in relation to "FULL RESTORATION"; that is to restore one to the pre-sin state. Which means to be born again or to be born from above. A return to our childlike faith, and a reconnection of the faith awareness we had as children. To "STRENGTHEN" is to take that which is dying and to give it new life, to revive it, to empower one to set themselves apart from their bound state, and to place themselves among those who have been set completely free.
For this study, the last three Phrases of Luke 4:18, shed light on the word "REMISSION/FORGIVENESS/RELEASE".
MAR-YAH YESHUA came to declare to those in captivity to sin, that they can recieve their liberty and deliverance from HIM. The word used here for "RELEASE/LIBERTY/DELIVERANCE/FORGIVENESS" is (Shovqana) in Aramaic. This word (Shovqana) is also used in the final phrase "TO STRENGTHEN WITH FORGIVENESS those who are broken". The idea presented by its root word (Shevaq), applies here, this is: "TO FORSAKE, TO LEAVE ALONE, TO DISMISS". For the sin is forsaken through repentance, but the power to cause the sinful desire to leave the sinner alone can only come through the blood of MAR-YAH YESHUA, as it is applied during water baptism in the name of "OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH", and is again applied in spiritual baptism, as one is filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
For this full restoration to take place, a person's eyes must become open to the Gospel message, so that they can see the error of their ways. They must be able to see their sinful state in relation to Yeshua's sinless state, in relation to the scriptures. "Then HE OPENED their mind to understand the scriptures." Luke 24:45
MAR-YAH YESHUA IS THE only ONE who can give this complete release from the chains of sin that have His people bound. those Who are broken with past sins and depressed under the weight of their current bondage to sin, can find complete release from their bondage to sin, in the complete name, as revealed through the Hebrew and the Aramaic Peshitta Scriptures: "OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH' that is "MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA". Yeshua makes it clear that this release from sin, only becomes available through the power of HIS NAME:
"And that will be preached in HIS NAME, Repentance for the forgiveness (remission/release) of sins in all nations, and it will begin from Jerusalem."
Luke 24:47 Aramaic Peshitta
Author's translation
The Apostle Peter reveals how the name is applied to the individual to begin the work of the full REMISSION and RELEASE from sins, as promised:
".., Repent and be baptized, each of you, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD YAH YESHUA For the FORGIVENESS/REMISSION/RELEASE of sins [water baptism], that you may recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit [SPIRITUAL BAPTISM]."
Acts 2:38 Aramaic Peshitta
Author's translation
The promise is a complete opening of the eyes and a complete release from the sin that had us bound. The first step in applying this promise to our lives, is through faith in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA. Having faith, that as this name is called over us in water baptism, that the water and the blood are cleansing us from all sins. Then exercising that faith as we come up out of the water, calling on the name of "MAR-YAH", to draw out the Living Waters within YESHUA THE MAN.
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I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...
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