In ancient times, the Son was called by a name of which is known by only a select few today. Learn what this name is and why it was important to the apostles and first century Assembly.
Establish faith through Confession and Baptism
But to properly understand what Yeshua is saying, for the depth of His message
to adhere to our hearts, we must compare the New Testament teaching on belief
and faith to the Old Testament Hebrew root word for belief and faith. The root
word for believe is 'aman- 539 St's'. This word 'aman' has three letters in
Hebrew which draw a ancient picture of the 'belief' which becomes 'faith'. These
three letters and the picture they draw are as follows: 1. Aleph- This
represents two oxen yoked together, and for this reason, it draws a picture of
things which are caused to be yoked together. One thing which is often joined or
gathered together is 'WATER', But only context can confirm in what way! 2. Mem -
This represents "WATER" Both "Aleph and Mem" (im) spell "mother" in Hebrew [#517
St's]. And it is the "mother" Who has the waters gathered together in her
"womb". What happens When these gathered waters in the mother's womb come forth?
This means that her water breaks, and the baby is about to be born! 3. Nun- This
letter represents "seed" When the seed which is planted in the mother's womb,
comes forth, a baby boy or girl is born. Now, if this picture seems too far
fetched to you, then consider the definition of this word "Aman" from the
Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #539: 1. TO BUILD UP OR SUPPORT: The baby must be
supported by the mother, and caused to be built up thereby. So that baby can
grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for life. 2. TO FOSTER AS A PARENT
OR A NURSE: Sometimes someone other than the mother must step myin and care for
the newly-born baby. 3. TO RENDER (OR BE) FIRM OR FAITHFUL: To render a young
child to be firm and faithful, one must instill righteous principles into the
child's heart and mind, all along the way as they grow up. To be firm or
faithful (from the Hebrew understanding), means that the one has already had
these solid Biblical principles implanted in them. 4. TO BRING UP: To bring up a
Child and train the child in the way the child should go is to instill in the
heart of the Child, the heart of faithfulness. 5. TO ESTABLISH: A Child must be
established in their belief, so that their belief can mature into faith. 6. LONG
CONTINUANCE: From the time a baby is born unto the time the Child moves out of
the house is from about eighteen to twenty years. Therefore these principles
must be consistently applied, by teaching orally and by doing them before the
child, so that the child's belief can mature into faith. By consistently, over a
long period of time, applying Biblical Principles into the child's mind and
heart, the child's belief (Amen #539 St's) matures into full fledged faith
(emuwn #529-530 St's). Therefore from the perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures,
belief is something that must be established; and faith is something which has
already been established. Belief is the seed, and faith is the full grown tree.
There is a picture formed by two different Aramaic words, which shed light on
our understanding of belief and faith. These words are: 1. Tupsa- like
figure/pattern (note #15) 2. pys/phys- Belief/Obey (note #15) NOTE: A similarity
of letters occurs as phys/pys is placed in the future tense, eT't'phys. Causing
the word for believe to look very similar to the word for 'likeness, example,
manner. Now it is certain that the primary meaning of (tuwps) as found in 1
Peter 3:21, is (like figure/simili/pattern), however it's similarity to the
future tense of belief, is worth our time investigating. "And also you who
BELIEVE in HIM, are made alive by baptism, not When you wash the bodies from
filth, but when you make a confession unto God with a pure conscience, and by
the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah." 1 Peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta Second
layer of meaning [NOTE # 15 ] Only believers are made alive through baptism, as
it is written: "Whoever believes and is immersed (baptized) will live, and
whoever does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 A.P. by Roth This
relationship between "belief" and "baptism", is just one reason to understand
that (tuwpsa-pattern/simili), could also be understood to convey the idea of
(belief). The following is an example of a confession of faith, which follows
the Biblical pattern. I confess that Yahweh my creator cannot be contained in
the heaven of heavens, and is omnipresent. I confess that Yahweh sent forth His
word to the earth, which is called "YAH" the Son of Yahweh; and that YAH was
clothed with a mortal body, and appeared unto mankind as "YESHUA" (MY
SALVATION). Yahweh offerd up His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA to be crucified on a tree
for my sins and the sins of all who call upon HIM in faith. And the body of
MAR-YAH, even "YESHUA" was in the tomb for three days and three nights, while
MAR-YAH was in Sheol (hell), preaching to the spirits confined there. Then after
three days and three nights YAH YESHUA ascended up from Sheol and from the tomb
with the keys of death and sheol (hell). Afterwards, MAR-YAH YESHUA ascended up
into the heavens and is seated upon the throne of God, shining forth as the Sun
in all its power and radiance. Revealing that all the power. of Yahweh is given
unto and working through MAR-YAH YESHUA, to judge mankind and to forgive those
who repent and call upon His name. I confess that the waters of baptism, which
ritually cleanse the body of filth, are a type of the inward washing of the
blood and covering of the name of the Son, as of a garment of Salvation, as my
wedding garment, from which the sinner is purified from all sins through faith.
Once a sinner comes to understand and believe these foundational truths with all
their heart, they can then make this confession with a pure conscience. The play
on words between tuphas (simili, pattern) and the future tense of belief
eT't'phys, makes a further inquiry into these words, worth considering. Because
there is a Hebrew word which has these same root letters, which is 'taphas'.
'Taphas' means to be "fat, lazy, sluggish"; thus to be inactive, inert, stupid,
unconvinced (to take action). However, on the other hand, this can also have a
good connotation, which is: To be "plump with a healthy dose of fat"; thus to be
actively seeking, following after that which is good and healthy. Thus to follow
the pattern (tups) of Yeshua and the apostles, and to perform their words, would
be 'belief' (tips). In the following example (tips) is used in the negative
sense, and is contrasted with the Hebrew root word for believe, which is 'amen'.
[note #15] "He Who believes 'aman' in the Son has life that is eternal, and he
Who does not OBEY (meth-T'pis) the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of
God will rise up against him." John 3:36 A.P. by Roth To actively follow after,
to follow the pattern, is to obey. While inaction, is to be unmoved by the
example, which is disobedience and unbelief. To see the pattern in the
scriptures, but to remain unconvined to move in faith. Even the Greek word for
"belief" (Pistis and Peitho) also has the dual meaning of "belief/obey". For
this reason, every educated reader of the scriptures ought to be able to look
beyond their English translation, to see that "believe not" in this context, has
to be understood as "obey not". The Greek also uses a (alpha) at the beginning
of (peitheo/belief) to indicate the negative, that is "believe not/obey not"
(apeitheo). With these things in mind, one can understand that the King James
Version obscures this issue, with "believe not"! [note #15] "He that
believeth.on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son
shall not see life; but the wrath of god abideth on him." John 3:36 KJV The J.P.
Green Interlinear of the Greek New Testament MMIalso reveals that in this
context, this ought to be understood as "obey not". Those who argue against
"obeying" the gospel in "baptism" are showing by their own arguments, that they
are really unbelievers. Those Who argue against the power of the blood of OUR
and powerful in the life of the believer during baptism, are also denying the
power of God which works in the lives of those Who show their belief and faith
in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by following the pattern in His word. In effect, those who
argue against the necessity of baptism are working with the enemy of our souls
to strip each and every one of us of our wedding garment, which is given to us,
as we exercise our faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by being baptized into His name. For
these false believers desire for us to appear like them, at the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb, without a wedding garment. Belief which lacks action, is not
Biblical belief at all, but rather demonstrates a pattern of unbelief. The
Apostle Peter illustrates this idea very well: "On you therefore Who believe
(aman) is this honor conferred: but to them Who do not OBEY (T'piysa-believe
not), 'He is a stone of stunbling and a rock of offense.' And they stumble at it
because they OBEY(T'piys) NOT the word appointed for them." 1 Peter 2:7-8 of the
Then the Apostle Peter shows the believer how to take the letters of
(T'piys-Obey/ believe) and how to understand them in a good sense, through the
word (tuwps-simili/ pattern). For the active belief of (tiyps) will cause one to
follow after, and seek after that which leads to life. "For to this were you
called; because the Messiah also died for us and left us THIS PATTERN (tuwpsa)
that you should walk in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21 A.P. by Roth Therefore, the
example and pattern (tuwpsa) of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, becomes belief in
the believer as they begin to follow HIS footsteps. As they begin to act out the
pattern left us in the Gospel. Yeshua was baptized to fulfill all righteousness
(MT 3:15), so that His people would follow HIS example and the pattern in
scriptures and also become baptized. However, Yeshua was without sin (2 Cor
5:21), and this is Why HE was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. But all of
HIS people have some amount of sin in their lives, which is Why they are
baptized for the remission/forgiveness/release of sins, (Acts 2:38), and to wash
away their sins (Acts 22:16). Therefore, the preacher or teacher who says a
believer ought to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness, is improperly
applying the words of life, and has no discernment between the sinlessness of
MAR-YAH YESHUA, and the sinfulness of His people. [NOTE: It is important to pay
close attention to what the minister says as you are being baptized. Does he
preach the importance of the NAME in baptism? Does he teach that baptism is for
the washing away and forgiveness of sins? If he does not do these things, then
its best to wait and find a minister who believes the word.] The name of OUR
garment, that we must wear at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are some
who will attempt to enter into the MARRIAGE SUPPER without PUTTING ON tTHIS NAME
in baptism, therefore their sins will not be covered by the blood of the Lamb,
and they will be cast into outer darkness were there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth (MT 22:13). However, the calling of the Holy Spirit is
definitely on any individual who ascends to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but
they were not chosen to wear the garment of salvation (MT 22:14). The Holy
Spirit is calling many today, and even filling them with the gift of the Holy
Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongus, but only a select few of these
Who are called, will actually be chosen to wear and become clothed with the NAME
IN BAPTISM. "...'bind his hands and his feet and cast him into outer darkness.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!' For many are those that are
called, and few are Chosen." Matthew 22:13-14 A.P. by Roth Right now the choice
is up to you. What group do you aspire to be a part of? Those who are merely
called? Or rather, those WHO ARE CHOSEN? But to properly understand what Yeshua
is saying, for the depth of His message to adhere to our hearts, we must compare
the New Testament teaching on belief and faith to the Old Testament Hebrew root
word for belief and faith. The root word for believe is 'aman- 539 St's'. This
word 'aman' has three letters in Hebrew which draw a ancient picture of the
'belief' which becomes 'faith'. These three letters and the picture they draw
are as follows: 1. Aleph- This represents two oxen yoked together, and for this
reason, it draws a picture of things which are caused to be yoked together. One
thing which is often joined or gathered together is 'WATER', But only context
can confirm in what way! 2. Mem - This represents "WATER" Both "Aleph and Mem"
(im) spell "mother" in Hebrew [#517 St's]. And it is the "mother" Who has the
waters gathered together in her "womb". What happens When these gathered waters
in the mother's womb come forth? This means that her water breaks, and the baby
is about to be born! 3. Nun- This letter represents "seed" When the seed which
is planted in the mother's womb, comes forth, a baby boy or girl is born. Now,
if this picture seems too far fetched to you, then consider the definition of
this word "Aman" from the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #539: 1. TO BUILD UP OR
SUPPORT: The baby must be supported by the mother, and caused to be built up
thereby. So that baby can grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for
life. 2. TO FOSTER AS A PARENT OR A NURSE: Sometimes someone other than the
mother must step myin and care for the newly-born baby. 3. TO RENDER (OR BE)
FIRM OR FAITHFUL: To render a young child to be firm and faithful, one must
instill righteous principles into the child's heart and mind, all along the way
as they grow up. To be firm or faithful (from the Hebrew understanding), means
that the one has already had these solid Biblical principles implanted in them.
4. TO BRING UP: To bring up a Child and train the child in the way the child
should go is to instill in the heart of the Child, the heart of faithfulness. 5.
TO ESTABLISH: A Child must be established in their belief, so that their belief
can mature into faith. 6. LONG CONTINUANCE: From the time a baby is born unto
the time the Child moves out of the house is from about eighteen to twenty
years. Therefore these principles must be consistently applied, by teaching
orally and by doing them before the child, so that the child's belief can mature
into faith. By consistently, over a long period of time, applying Biblical
Principles into the child's mind and heart, the child's belief (Amen #539 St's)
matures into full fledged faith (emuwn #529-530 St's). Therefore from the
perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures, belief is something that must be
established; and faith is something which has already been established. Belief
is the seed, and faith is the full grown tree. There is a picture formed by two
different Aramaic words, which shed light on our understanding of belief and
faith. These words are: 1. Tupsa- like figure/pattern (note #15) 2. pys/phys-
Belief/Obey (note #15) NOTE: A similarity of letters occurs as phys/pys is
placed in the future tense, eT't'phys. Causing the word for believe to look very
similar to the word for 'likeness, example, manner. Now it is certain that the
primary meaning of (tuwps) as found in 1 Peter 3:21, is (like
figure/simili/pattern), however it's similarity to the future tense of belief,
is worth our time investigating. "And also you who BELIEVE in HIM, are made
alive by baptism, not When you wash the bodies from filth, but when you make a
confession unto God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua
the Messiah." 1 Peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta Second layer of meaning [NOTE # 15 ]
Only believers are made alive through baptism, as it is written: "Whoever
believes and is immersed (baptized) will live, and whoever does not believe will
be condemned." Mark 16:16 A.P. by Roth This relationship between "belief" and
"baptism", is just one reason to understand that (tuwpsa-pattern/simili), could
also be understood to convey the idea of (belief). The following is an example
of a confession of faith, which follows the Biblical pattern. I confess that
Yahweh my creator cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, and is
omnipresent. I confess that Yahweh sent forth His word to the earth, which is
called "YAH" the Son of Yahweh; and that YAH was clothed with a mortal body, and
appeared unto mankind as "YESHUA" (MY SALVATION). Yahweh offerd up His Son
MAR-YAH YESHUA to be crucified on a tree for my sins and the sins of all who
call upon HIM in faith. And the body of MAR-YAH, even "YESHUA" was in the tomb
for three days and three nights, while MAR-YAH was in Sheol (hell), preaching to
the spirits confined there. Then after three days and three nights YAH YESHUA
ascended up from Sheol and from the tomb with the keys of death and sheol
(hell). Afterwards, MAR-YAH YESHUA ascended up into the heavens and is seated
upon the throne of God, shining forth as the Sun in all its power and radiance.
Revealing that all the power. of Yahweh is given unto and working through
MAR-YAH YESHUA, to judge mankind and to forgive those who repent and call upon
His name. I confess that the waters of baptism, which ritually cleanse the body
of filth, are a type of the inward washing of the blood and covering of the name
of the Son, as of a garment of Salvation, as my wedding garment, from which the
sinner is purified from all sins through faith. Once a sinner comes to
understand and believe these foundational truths with all their heart, they can
then make this confession with a pure conscience. The play on words between
tuphas (simili, pattern) and the future tense of belief eT't'phys, makes a
further inquiry into these words, worth considering. Because there is a Hebrew
word which has these same root letters, which is 'taphas'. 'Taphas' means to be
"fat, lazy, sluggish"; thus to be inactive, inert, stupid, unconvinced (to take
action). However, on the other hand, this can also have a good connotation,
which is: To be "plump with a healthy dose of fat"; thus to be actively seeking,
following after that which is good and healthy. Thus to follow the pattern
(tups) of Yeshua and the apostles, and to perform their words, would be 'belief'
(tips). In the following example (tips) is used in the negative sense, and is
contrasted with the Hebrew root word for believe, which is 'amen'. [note #15]
"He Who believes 'aman' in the Son has life that is eternal, and he Who does not
OBEY (meth-T'pis) the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of God will rise
up against him." John 3:36 A.P. by Roth To actively follow after, to follow the
pattern, is to obey. While inaction, is to be unmoved by the example, which is
disobedience and unbelief. To see the pattern in the scriptures, but to remain
unconvined to move in faith. Even the Greek word for "belief" (Pistis and
Peitho) also has the dual meaning of "belief/obey". For this reason, every
educated reader of the scriptures ought to be able to look beyond their English
translation, to see that "believe not" in this context, has to be understood as
"obey not". The Greek also uses a (alpha) at the beginning of (peitheo/belief)
to indicate the negative, that is "believe not/obey not" (apeitheo). With these
things in mind, one can understand that the King James Version obscures this
issue, with "believe not"! [note #15] "He that believeth.on the Son hath
everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the
wrath of god abideth on him." John 3:36 KJV The J.P. Green Interlinear of the
Greek New Testament MMIalso reveals that in this context, this ought to be
understood as "obey not". Those who argue against "obeying" the gospel in
"baptism" are showing by their own arguments, that they are really unbelievers.
Those Who argue against the power of the blood of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE
MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], which becomes active and powerful in the
life of the believer during baptism, are also denying the power of God which
works in the lives of those Who show their belief and faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA,
by following the pattern in His word. In effect, those who argue against the
necessity of baptism are working with the enemy of our souls to strip each and
every one of us of our wedding garment, which is given to us, as we exercise our
faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by being baptized into His name. For these false
believers desire for us to appear like them, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb,
without a wedding garment. Belief which lacks action, is not Biblical belief at
all, but rather demonstrates a pattern of unbelief. The Apostle Peter
illustrates this idea very well: "On you therefore Who believe (aman) is this
honor conferred: but to them Who do not OBEY (T'piysa-believe not), 'He is a
stone of stunbling and a rock of offense.' And they stumble at it because they
OBEY(T'piys) NOT the word appointed for them." 1 Peter 2:7-8 of the Then the
Apostle Peter shows the believer how to take the letters of (T'piys-Obey/
believe) and how to understand them in a good sense, through the word
(tuwps-simili/ pattern). For the active belief of (tiyps) will cause one to
follow after, and seek after that which leads to life. "For to this were you
called; because the Messiah also died for us and left us THIS PATTERN (tuwpsa)
that you should walk in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21 A.P. by Roth Therefore, the
example and pattern (tuwpsa) of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, becomes belief in
the believer as they begin to follow HIS footsteps. As they begin to act out the
pattern left us in the Gospel. Yeshua was baptized to fulfill all righteousness
(MT 3:15), so that His people would follow HIS example and the pattern in
scriptures and also become baptized. However, Yeshua was without sin (2 Cor
5:21), and this is Why HE was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. But all of
HIS people have some amount of sin in their lives, which is Why they are
baptized for the remission/forgiveness/release of sins, (Acts 2:38), and to wash
away their sins (Acts 22:16). Therefore, the preacher or teacher who says a
believer ought to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness, is improperly
applying the words of life, and has no discernment between the sinlessness of
MAR-YAH YESHUA, and the sinfulness of His people. [NOTE: It is important to pay
close attention to what the minister says as you are being baptized. Does he
preach the importance of the NAME in baptism? Does he teach that baptism is for
the washing away and forgiveness of sins? If he does not do these things, then
its best to wait and find a minister who believes the word.] The name of OUR
garment, that we must wear at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are some
who will attempt to enter into the MARRIAGE SUPPER without PUTTING ON tTHIS NAME
in baptism, therefore their sins will not be covered by the blood of the Lamb,
and they will be cast into outer darkness were there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth (MT 22:13). However, the calling of the Holy Spirit is
definitely on any individual who ascends to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but
they were not chosen to wear the garment of salvation (MT 22:14). The Holy
Spirit is calling many today, and even filling them with the gift of the Holy
Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongus, but only a select few of these
Who are called, will actually be chosen to wear and become clothed with the NAME
IN BAPTISM. "...'bind his hands and his feet and cast him into outer darkness.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!' For many are those that are
called, and few are Chosen." Matthew 22:13-14 A.P. by Roth Right now the choice
is up to you. What group do you aspire to be a part of? Those who are merely
called? Or rather, those WHO ARE CHOSEN?
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I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...
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