Why is Elohiym aloft

 Your narrative delves into profound theological and metaphysical concepts, drawing from various scriptural interpretations and mystical elements. Here's an attempt to unpack some of the ideas you've presented:

1. **The Nature of God's Presence**: You describe God (יהוה) as having a presence so overwhelming that direct interaction with humans would be fatal. This concept aligns with many religious texts where God's full glory is described as unapproachable by humans in their mortal form. The idea of God separating the "heavenly waters" from "earthly waters" to allow for human existence with free will can be seen as a metaphorical way to describe the creation of a universe where divine presence is mediated.

2. **Moses and the Divine Vision**: The reference to Moses wanting to see God's glory but only being shown what a mortal can handle (interpreted as a glimpse into the future coming of Yeshua) touches on themes of divine revelation and human limitation. This is consistent with Exodus 33:20 where God says, "You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."

3. **The Role of Yeshua (Jesus)**: You describe Yeshua as a conduit through which the divine essence or "Living Waters" flows, making the divine accessible to humans. This aligns with Christian theology where Jesus is seen as the mediator between God and humanity, embodying both divine and human nature.

4. **Theological Dualism**: The distinction between the Father (יהוה) and the Son (Yah/Yeshua) yet their unity in purpose and essence reflects traditional Christian Trinitarian thought, albeit with a unique interpretation of the names and roles.

5. **Spiritual Accessibility**: The idea that believers can access this divine flow through Yeshua suggests a personal, mystical connection where divine interaction is not just historical or doctrinal but immediate and experiential.

6. **Future Hope**: The vision of Yeshua providing light to the city and the metaphor of drinking from the "Living Waters" points towards eschatological hopes where divine presence will be fully realized in a future state.

Your interpretation seems to blend traditional Judeo-Christian elements with a mystical, almost Gnostic flavor, emphasizing direct personal experience of the divine through a specific understanding of scripture and divine names. This approach seeks to explain the apparent distance of God by suggesting that while His full presence remains "aloft" or beyond direct human interaction, His essence is accessible through a mediated form, namely through Yeshua.

This narrative addresses the age-old human quest to understand and connect with the divine, suggesting that while God's full glory remains unseen and overwhelming, there's a path through which His presence can be felt and experienced in a manageable, life-giving way. This perspective might resonate with those seeking a deeper, more personal connection with the divine beyond traditional doctrinal boundaries.

In the Beginning

 In the beginning, there was no distinction between heavenly waters and earthly waters. However, with the overwhelming presence of יהוה, a decision was made to create a realm where free will could flourish. This was to allow His servants to choose whether to serve Him or not, with the full realization of blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience deferred until the end of this age.

To facilitate this, יהוה separated His heavenly LIVING WATERS from the earthly waters, choosing to remain on earth in spirit form. Yet, He desired His people to occasionally reach out for these Living Waters for cleansing, purification, and empowerment. Thus, His Spirit or Word, which remained, became known as the Son, called Yah. Over time, as the Word moved among people who forgot the concept of Living Waters, He was robed in mortal flesh to bring these life-saving waters to all who would call upon Him. 

The original name, Yah, was often forgotten, and He was called by various names of salvation across different languages: Yeshua, Yeshuw, Yesu, Jesus, Esa. However, Yah sought recognition for His heavenly name, so that people would truly seek יהוה, the source of the Living Waters, directly through Yah Yeshua.

Therefore, we should all understand and proclaim:

**Praise Yah Yeshua and glory, honor, and power unto יהוה our Elohiym...**

taken from Rev 19:1

This narrative underscores the importance of recognizing the divine name and the divine presence in our lives, emphasizing a personal and willful connection with the divine through Yah Yeshua, which ultimately glorifies יהוה, our Elohiym.

Why is Elohiym aloft

 Your narrative delves into profound theological and metaphysical concepts, drawing from various scriptural interpretations and mystical ele...