The veil of His body

 Chapter 4

The Veil of His body


When any container holds some fluid, which is very precious and costly, this container is kept sealed tightly, lest what is inside should spill out and become lost. The container is also kept in a safe and set-apart place, lest it should become confused with any common or ordinary container and become used at the wrong place or time, rather than the choice time it was preserved for. Such as an ancient bottle of wine which the owner saves for a special occasion.

     On the other hand, people are sometimes satisfied with ordinary water when they could have sought after LIVING WATERS. This is the situation we find when the children of Israel came to a place in the desert where there was no water. The people murmured and complained against Moses because of their lack of water, which was carnal, while YAHWEH had already planned to give them LIVING WATERS. Thus YAHWEH told Moses to "SMITE THE ROCK, and there shall come water out of it that the people may drink, ..." [Exodus 17:6]. This Rock was no ordinary rock, as Paul explained: 

"For all the people drank from that Spiritual ROCK that followed them, and that ROCK was the MESSIAH" 

 1 Cor 10:4.

     For these LIVING WATERS to flow forth, the Rock had to be struck. Just like an old container, which has a stuck seal, might have to be struck in order to break loose the seal and open the container. In this same manner YESHUA, the body of YAH, was struck so that His people could partake of His LIVING WATERS. As it is written:

"But HE was pierced for our transgressions, wounded (crushed) for our iniquities; the chastisement of our penalty was upon HIM, and with HIS stripes we are healed."

Isaiah 53:5 Author's translation

“Peace/Penalty is from the Hebrew Shalam=paid our penalty to make peace between us and YAHWEH.” [NOTE 1].

Yeshua was pierced, wounded, and his flesh was crushed, yet not a bone of His body was broken (John 19:36-Ps 34:20). He paid the PENALTY we owed for our sins, and by doing so, allowed us to make PEACE (Shalom/Shalam) with YAHWEH [NOTE #1]. All the stripe-wounds all over His body were for our healing. As the grain of seed lies in the ground and dies, it bursts open, letting the life within it, come out. Just as Yeshua said:

"Amen, Amen I say to you that a grain of wheat, except it should fall and die on the ground, remains by itself. But if it dies, it produces much fruit."

John 12:24 Roth.

For this reason YAHWEH was pleased to wound HIM and afflict Him, so that YESHUA would become a guilt offering for sin, and He would see His SEED, as He prolonged His days. (Compare Isaiah 53:10).

     Once a soul realizes that YESHUA, their Lord and God, was crucified and that this Temple of God was broken, bruised and wounded for their transgressions, they MUST SPEAK TO THE ROCK OF MESSIAH, to receive of the LIVING WATERS WITHIN:

"Take the Rod, and gather thou the Assembly together, thou and Aaron thy brother and speak ye unto the Rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth HIS water, ..."

Numbers 20:8 KJV

     Can we cry over each wound, can we weep over every stripe? Or is this just a fairy tale to us, coming from a passage which has been well over-used. Ask YAHWEH, our heavenly Father, to make this a living historical reality to you. We should weep and cry, not just because a man was tortured and crucified almost 2000 years ago; nor just because this man was dying for our sins and transgressions. We should weep, because this man is the Temple of the Divine presence of God, and because HE was being broken, so that we could partake of that Divine presence within HIM.

     Yeshua was broken and bruised, so that we also may be broken and bruised and tremble before YAH our creator. Yet, the body of YAH was broken, so that our human spirit could be broken. He was broken so that the Divine presence could flow out from HIM. We are broken so that the Divine presence can flow into us. As it is written:

"And whosoever falls on this STONE will be shattered (broken / tremble). And whosoever IT will fall upon, will be scattered like dust."

Matthew 21:44 Author's Translation

[NOTE #17]  [Compare Luke 20:18]

     Surely it is imperative to see by faith, YESHUA CRUCIFIED. However it is also necessary that we don't leave Him on the tree, for that would be like crucifying HIM over and over again. Like when Moses STRUCK THE ROCK, after being told to SPEAK TO THE ROCK [Numbers 20:11].  Both Moses and Aaron were scolded for their lack of faith, and for not sanctifying YAHWEH before the eyes of the children of Israel. Because of this one time lapse in faith, Moses and Aaron were not allowed to enter the promised land [Numbers 20:12].

     By speaking to YESHUA our Rock, we are sanctifying the name of YAHWEH, as we are receiving the LIVING WATERS from Yeshua the man. YESHUA is our only source of LIVING WATERS, SALVATION, LIFE, and HEALING, flow forth from HIM. The words of YESHUA are just as true today as they were almost 2000 years ago:

"Yeshua answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water."

John 4:10 (KJV)

"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

John 4:14 (KJV)

These things are given by type, in the story of the woman who brought a box of ointment, to anoint Yeshua before His burial. This story is made clearer, as we compare the ORIGINAL ARAMAIC to the Greek translation of the same verse. In the Aramaic Peshitta the story reads like this:

"And while he was reclining in Beth-Anya in the house of Simon the Potter [NOTE #2], a woman came who had with her an alabaster vase of perfume of nard, the very best and expensive. And she OPENED it and poured it upon the head of Yeshua "

Mark 14:3 (Roth).


The Greek translator, translated these words like this:

"And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she BRAKE the box, and poured it on his head."

Mark 14:3 

The Aramaic word for "TO OPEN" is (Patach) [NOTE #3] and means to open in every way possible. The Greek translator wanted to be more specific and used the word "Sun- tribo" [NOTE #3], which means to scrub so hard that a trail is made in the material or object rubbed, and that which is being rubbed, becomes bruised, broken or shattered. This meaning is very similar to the Hebrew / Aramaic word (Shachaq) [NOTE #3].

"And HE will rule than with a rod of iron; and like vessels of pottery, they will be BROKEN: as I also have received of my Father."

Revelation 2:27  (Roth).

(Compare Romans 16:20.)

     This box of ointment was either so old, that the seal, when forced open actually caused the breaking of the box; or the box when made, was made in such a way that the box had to be broken in order to be opened. Some very expensive perfumes are still made this way today. The meaning of this Greek word "Suntribo" does not seem to give any hint, of the idea, that the seal was simply being broke open.

Just as the idea of the breaking of the box, presents the picture, that the box once broken cannot be resealed, and thus all of its contents must be used; likewise Yeshua, when He was broken, emptied himself out of all Divinity, when He died upon the tree. For it is certain that YAH YAHWEH could never die!

"Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because HE HATH POURED OUT HIS SOUL UNTO DEATH: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."

Isaiah 53:12 (KJV).

This Hebrew word for "POURED OUT” is (Arah) [NOTE #4], and the root means to uncover, that is to remove the covering. This applies to a vessel of liquid, in the sense of emptying out all its contents. so as to leave the bottom uncovered, therefore the phrase "HE POURED OUT HIS SOUL UNTO DEATH" could also be rendered, "HE EMPTIED OUT HIS SOUL UNTO DEATH." The soul (nephesh) in this instance is referring to His body, as in Numbers 6:6, as in the body being emptied out of Spirit. However, the soul (nephesh) could also refer to the spirit, as it is pouring out or departing from the body, as in Genesis 35:18. Either way, the picture remains the same. While on the tree the SPIRIT of YAHWEH poured out of Yeshua the man like water from a vessel, causing the SPIRIT OF YAH within Yeshua the man to cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Because, YAH as the right hand and word of YAHWEH had never before been separated from YAHWEH. Again, this picture reveals that Yeshua was broken so that the Divine presence could flow out of HIM, and those who believe in and confess HIM, are broken so that the Divine presence can flow into them (Matthew 21:44).


Section 2

     There was at one time, a place on the earth, where the Divine presence dwelled, and this place had the Sacred name "YAHWEH" called over it. This place is known as the Ark of the covenant, and the Divine presence dwelled over the mercy seat and between the two cherubim This was the place called by the name, as it is written:

"And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him from Baale-of Judah, to bring up from thence the ARK of God, WHOSE NAME IS CALLED BY THE NAME OF YAHWEH OF HOSTS that dwelleth between the cherubims."

 2 Samuel 6:2  (Compare 1 chronicles 13:6.)

In another context, YAHWEH explains to Moses how to build the Ark, which was just a box covered with gold, telling him to place the two cherubs facing one another, from above the mercy seat (the place of atonement), and that from between these two cherubs and from above the mercy seat the presence of YAHWEH would appear to Moses and speak to Moses. [Exodus 25:20-22].

     Some ancient Jewish Rabbis wrote about this Place. They revealed that the place which contained the NAME was also worthy of praise. Thus we render praise unto the name, as we also render praise unto the place which contains the Divine presence without measure. Here is a word for word translation of this ancient text, (by the Author). If it seems obscure, it is because this is the way in which it was originally written in Aramaic.


Come, See, "HALLELU-YAH" . There is (found) here 'Praise of ascension (MOST HIGH), unto the Master of all'. The PLACE itself is without any power in IT. IT has no eyes to know or understand. He who is hidden is entirely hidden! And "WHO" 'IS HE', YAH the name high above all.


And therefore "HALLELU-YAH": is a praise and a name as one, perfecting us as one; and here the word is hidden that said "Hallelu-YAH". And it did not say to whom (is addressed the phrase) Hallelu-YAH, or who they are who say Hallelu (Praise). but exactly what is the secret of YAH? Thus those who praise, praise in secret, for it is not known whom they are who praise. Therefore it has been set aside to exist altogether in hiding, in the secret of the MOST HIGH (it is the secret of ascension). And in that hidden place the secret of the MOST HIGH will be revealed. And will say, 'Give praise, ye servants of YAHWEH, render praise to the name of Yahweh.' This is the place where HE IS, which is not hidden. This is it, the PLACE that is called NAME, like unto the Ark of the Covenant which is called NAME, the name of YAHWEH.


The first secret that is not revealed in YAH, the second secret which will be revealed is YAH. And that which can be established in based upon the Revelation of YAH. The scripture says 'the praisers of the PLACE'. who are they? And the scripture says that they are 'the servants of Yahweh', (and) they have been shown the praises of that PLACE. [NOTE #5]

     It is admitted, at least in the original Aramaic, that the PLACE itself is without any power in it, it has no eyes to know or understand. The Ark of the Covenant is just a box, with angels called cherubims at both ends of it, with their wings touching in the middle, and over the mercy seat. Once the Divine presence departed, the Ark of the Covenant had no power remaining in it, just as it had no eyes to see or to understand, because it was just a man made box, yet these ancient Rabbis insist that the servants of Yahweh are actually praising that PLACE that is the Ark of the Covenant, because this is the place where the Divine presence dwelled. [NOTE: They did not say that the servants of Yahweh "worshipped that place", because Yahweh is a jealous God and will not share His glory or the worship belonging to Him with anyone or anything.]

     While it is certain that the servants of Yahweh praised toward the Ark of the covenant, just as Solomon commanded that all Israel would pray towards the Temple [1 Kings 8:38, 42, 44, 48]. Yet no one was permitted access in the room in which the Ark of the covenant dwelled, except for the High Priest, who was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, going behind the veil ; just once a year. Thus the location of the Ark of the covenant was known, even though it was hidden from view!

"And Yahweh said unto Moses, Speak unto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark: that he die not; for I will APPEAR in the cloud upon the mercy seat."

Lev 16:2 (KJV)

The high priest could enter behind the veil and before the Ark of the covenant, only once a year. All others were forbidden access behind the veil, on pain of death [Lev 10: 1 - 3].

     The body of YAH was broken, So that His people would have access unto the presence of YAH YAHWEH. This is why the veil of the Temple was torn in two:

"And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom;..."

Matthew 27:51 KJV

But there is another veil, which is still fully intact, before the eyes of many believers. This veil, is none other than the BODY of YESHUA:

"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Yeshua, by a new and living way, which he bath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh."

Hebrews 10:19-20 (KJV).

"We have therefore, my brothers, assurance in entering into the Sanctuary by the blood of Yeshua and by a path of life." "which, He has now consecrated for us through the veil, that is His flesh."

Hebrew 10:19-20 (Roth).

To see more fully, the Hebrewism of thought, in this passage, this word-for-word translation of the Aramaic is given:

"There is therefore, my brothers, a unveiling of face (i.e. assurance-confidence) for us in entering into the Holy Place by the blood of Yeshua. And a path of life which is now renewed (consecrated) for us, before the veil, that is HIS FLESH."

Hebrews 10:19-20 [NOTE #6]

The unveiling of face, is what gives us confidence and assurance, that we can enter in, due to the blood of Yeshua. Because of the blood of Yeshua, a path of life has been renewed and consecrated for us. It is this path of life, which the believer walks in by faith, that brings the believer beyond the veil of HIS FLESH. Giving the believer daily access unto His Divine presence.


YAH YAHWEH is beyond the veil of His flesh, that is Yah the Son and Yahweh the Father. However, it was revealed to the apostles that, while they were looking upon the body of the Son, they should have been able to see the Father (John 14:9-10).

     It is true that the measure of the presence of the Father can be felt, as a soul calls upon the name of YESHUA. It is also true that the NAME OF THE DIVINE PRESENCE is revealed only through the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures and the Aramaic New Testament Scriptures. But the measure of the presence of Yahweh, that believers receive when they call upon Yeshua, is called the Holy Spirit. And there is something about the Holy Spirit that believers need to know.

"My children, these things I write to you that you do not sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an advocate (comforter) with the Father, Yeshua the Messiah, the righteous."

1 John 2:1 Roth [NOTE #7]

Yeshua is our advocate and comforter before the presence of our heavenly Father, but while HE abides in the presence of the heavenly Father, HE has sent another comforter for His people, that is HIS HOLY SPIRIT.

     The Greek word for "Comforter / Advocate" is “Parakletos” [NOTE #8]. The Strong's Concordance, in its Greek Dictionary, does not even offer a possible Greek root, for this obvious compound word. The reason none is offered, is because it has no Greek root, but rather, is a loan word from Aramaic. In Aramaic, this word is a compound word:

Paraq= "to end" "to finish" or "to save" "to break off " "to deliver" "to redeem" Strong's #6561 and #6562.

Lata = "THE CURSE" in Aramaic and "THE VEIL" in Hebrew. [A compendious Syriac Dictionary, page 236, and Oraham's Dictionary page 250 , and Strong's #3875 and Gesenius unused root between #3910 and #3911.]

In the Aramaic this is understood as "THE REDEEMER OF THE CURSE". But the idea presented from the Hebrew should not be dismissed, that is "THE REMOVER OF THE VEIL". [NOTE #9]. Therefore "Paraq-Lata" literally means to break us free from.the curse of sin and to remove the veil from our eyes, which causes the believer to not be able to understand the word. The context in which this word is used will prove that we should understand this word in this much broader sense.

"If you love me keep my commandments. And I will ask of my Father and HE will give you another Redeemer of the curse [Remover of the veil] who will be with you forever."

John 14:15-16 Roth [NOTE #10]

"But the Redeemer of the curse [Remover of the veil], the Holy Spirit, the ONE whom my Father will send in my name will teach you everything . And HE will remind you of everything that I have said to you."

John 14:26 Roth [NOTE #10]

The Holy Spirit will teach a believer everything! So does this mean, that one automatically knows everything once they have been filled with the Holy Spirit? the context itself proves that this is not so, because it says ; "... HE will remind you of everything.." That Yeshua has said. But what is everything Yeshua said? He says that HE IS the Alpha and the Omega (i.e. the aleph and the Tav), which means HE IS every letter of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures and every letter of the Aramaic New Testament. therefore the Holy Spirit will remind us of those things we have read and studied. [Revelation 1:8, 11; 21:6, 22:13].  The implication is, for the Holy Spirit to teach believers all things we need to know, we can have the Holy Spirit, and still need to know more in-depth truths. One can also grieve the Holy Spirit by not seeking these truths with all their hearts.

[We can also be led by men in the wrong direction, such as the false teaching of a Greek ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT, when the ARAMAIC PESHITTA IS THE ORIGINAL.]

The curse that has been placed upon the land, is the blindness caused by the veil, over the people’s eyes and ears, lest they should see the truth of the word and obey it, and turn away from their sins [Isaiah 6:10]

"The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

Therefore hath the CURSE devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left."

Isaiah 24:5-6 KJV

"Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when Yahweh of hosts shall reign in Zion. and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously."

Isaiah 24:23 KJV

"And HE will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the vail that is spread over all nations."

Isaiah 25:7 KJV

[Compare: Deut 28:28-29; 29:4,12; 2 Peter 2:14-15]

The root word for "the covering that covers" is (luwt) [NOTE #11], which is a veil that covers. This word is related to the unused root in Gesenius, that is (late) [NOTE #11], which means "to cleave to the ground, to hide, i.e. stay covered".

One day YAHWEH will remove this veil, which still exists over the eyes of so many. As it is written above, the veil is placed over the people of the land, due to their sin and rebellion from YAHWEH. Therefore the curse of their sins, is the veil, which is placed over their eyes and ears, as it is written:

"And HE said, Go, tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.

Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."

Isaiah 6:9-10 KJV

[Mark 4:12; Matthew 13:9-15; Romans 11:8; Acts 28:27]

Isaiah 6:9-10 above, is quoted in Mark 4:12, which reveals that the healing referred to in the Hebrew text, is brought about by forgiveness in the Aramaic Peshitta text.

     If any person has a veil over their eyes, in any area of their lives, whether large or small, they are not able to hear the voice of God, in that specific area. Therefore they feel no conviction of His Spirit, so that they could feel a compunction or desire to repent, or even feel a need for repentance. This is the reason why believers must forget everything they think they know from the Scriptures, and renew a deeper study of the word, from the original languages. Then, if the believer is able to see places in the scripture that they could keep, but still feels no conviction or desire to FULFIL THE WORD, then, at this time, one should seek for more of the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit will always lead believers to obey and fulfill the word.

Now, remember, the veil is the flesh and bone body of Yeshua as revealed in Hebrews 10:19-20.


Section 3

     Everywhere and at all times, someone is crying "CONSPIRACY". Everything that is going wrong in the world is a conspiracy. Radio talk show hosts, make their living, spinning a new conspiracy theory everyday. Some of these can be bizarre, as if some man or group of men, had the forethought to plan the overthrow of governments and institutions hundreds of years in advance. But what does the word say:

"Sanctify YAHWEH of hosts Himself, and let him be your fear; and let him be your dread.

And HE shall be for a sanctuary; [and] for a stone of stumbling and for a Rock of offense to both the houses of Israel,.." 

Isaiah 8:13-14 KJV 

[NOTE #12] 

See Isaiah 8:12

what will happen when YAHWEH makes a SANCTUARY for Himself, where HE can dwell in the midst of His people, that will cause this SANCTUARY to be a stone of smiting, to cause Ephraim and Judah to stumble, and a rock of offense which will cause both Houses of Israel to fall? Can it be proven from this context, that this SANCTUARY IS YESHUA? Yes it can, for it is written:

“Behold, I and the children whom Yahweh hath given me are for signs and wonders in Yisrael from Yahweh of hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Tzyon.”

Isaiah 8:18 KJV


The "I", is the SANCTUARY of YAHWEH in verse 14. YESHUA IS THE SANCTUARY OF YAHWEH, and the children of verse 18 are the same as the disciples of verse 16, who followed YESHUA and preached of YESHUA to all the world. Notice what is written about these disciples:

"Bind up the testimony (New Covenant), seal the law (Old Covenant) among my disciples."

Isaiah 8:16 KJV

Why was the message of the Old Covenant SEALED and the message of the New Covenant bound up? Because the body of YESHUA is a veil to both houses of Israel. Not only to the Jews, but also unto Ephraim. Ephraim is the younger son of Joseph, and the head tribe of the northern ten tribes who became lost to history. Yet the verses referred to Ephraim, in every other place, are used to refer to the church. Many believe that Ephraim, even all of northern Israel, became predominantly christian. [NOTE #12].

     Every christian can tell you how the Jewish people stumbled at YESHUA their Rock, by refusing to believe HE IS their Messiah, and by refusing to believe that YAH could tabernacle among them in a flesh and bone body. They could not accept that the body of YAH, even YESHUA, is now the Ark of the Covenant, the dwelling place of the presence of YAH YAHWEH.

     But what is it about YESHUA THE ROCK, that the christian church for the most part has rejected? We can say the LAW, that is the Hebrew Torah (Instructions), and this is clearly the context of verse 16; However behind the veil in the MOST HOLY PLACE, was the Ark of the Covenant, IT did contain the ten commandments. However, more importantly, IT was also the place where the DIVINE PRESENCE OF YAH YAHWEH dwelled. To come into the presence of YAH YAHWEH, one must go beyond the veil, one must get beyond the flesh and bone body of YESHUA. How can we say we know intimately, the DIVINITY within YESHUA, when we refuse to call God by name? And how can we continue to make our excuses for continuing to substitute the name with titles, when we know that YAH YAHWEH has commanded His children to CALL HIM BY NAME? [Joel 2:32 3:5 Tanakh' and Acts 2:21]. Yeshua said, "No man is able to come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him..." (JN 6:44-Roth). Yet on the other hand. Yeshua declares at another time, "I AM the way and the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by me." (John 14:6 Roth).

     The SPIRIT OF YAHWEH must draw each soul unto Yeshua, and enlighten them to the knowledge of the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua, pricking their heart as they come to realize that this is no ordinary man, but rather ; God robed in the flesh. As they confess His Lordship and Divinity, this leads to confessing their sins, and if they are sincere seekers, they will offer Yeshua thanksgiving and praise.

     Due to a dependance on translations of the Scriptures, which remove the name of "YAH", the Rock and cornerstone of our Salvation, these believers come to Yeshua, are tugged by the Holy Spirit to dig deeper, yet still never come to an understanding to call upon YAH YAHWEH within Yeshua. They come to the veil of His flesh, but never go beyond the veil with their understanding. In this way, modern believers totally bypass Yeshua's whole reason for coming to the earth, which was to lead them to a full understanding of YAH YAHWEH within HIM.

     This is the quandary of the learned and the unlearned. Like the words of a SEALED book, which is given to one knowing books, saying, Please read this. Then he says, I am not able, for it is SEALED. And the book is given to one who does not know books, saying, Please read this. Then he says, I do not know books (can't read) [Isaiah 29:9-12]. The learned understand that the meaning of the book has been SEALED UP, and for this reason, do not dig in, seek and pray unto YAH for the answer. The unlearned use their ignorance as an excuse not to dig in. Look at what YAHWEH says about these people who refuse to dig in and seek him with all their heart:

"Wherefore Yahweh said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men."

Isaiah 29:13 KJV

It is because these men, the learned and the unlearned, refused to seek YAH YAINEH for the answer to break loose the seal from the book, the book remained sealed unto them, and their hearts remained hard.

     It is obvious from reading the translations of these very learned men, that the name of YAH YAHWEH, is the most important thing that has been SEALED from their eyes. They come to the veil of the body of Yeshua, and are unable to go any further. Their Fear of God is taught by the commandment of mere men. It is these very same learned men who teach that His Sacred name YAH YAHWEH is not important, and they claim was never pronounced anyway. It is my prayer that every believer who reads this book up to this point, will be able to discern, by now, that this teaching is a lie, a teaching of mere men, as they struggle to convince any who will hear them, of this and may other lies just like this one. A lie told with conviction, a lie believed by the speaker, is much more dangerous than any lie, of which the speaker is not fully convinced. For the unlearned will cleave to such doctrines, so that they themselves do not have to dig in, and seek it out of the word of YAH. For they reason: "I couldn't figure it out anyway", thereby refusing to allow the Holy Spirit to teach them all things.

Paul wrote the book of Hebrews to a group of believers, whose eyes have been opened, to whom the veil has been removed:

"There is therefore, my brothers, a unveiling of face (assurance-confidence) for us in entering into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Yeshua, and a path of life which is now renewed (consecrated) for us, before the veil, that is, His flesh."

Hebrews 10:19-20 Author's literal translation of the Aramaic

The idea of "confidence" and "assurance" in the Aramaic of this verse, comes from the Hebrew/Aramaic root word "galah” [NOTE #13], which shows that when used with the word "face" [NOTE #13], it means to "unveil" "to uncover", i.e. "TO UNVEIL THE FACE". How can christians claim, that this veil has been removed from their face, when they teach and believe that Jesus came to do away with and abolish the law, contradicting His very own words in Matthew 5:17-19. How can they continue to believe this veil has been removed, when they refuse to acknowledge YAH YAHWEH by name, within YESHUA. They also continue to endorse translations of the Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures that remove the name. A believer should not have confidence and assurance while continuing to wear their veil:

"Therefore, Let us approach with uncovered eyes (confidence) to the throne of His grace, that we may obtain mercy, and may find grace for assistance in the time of affliction."

Hebrews 4:16 Author's translation of Aramaic [NOTE #14]

The believer whose eyes have been uncovered, is able to approach the throne of grace with confidence, even with BOLDNESS. Because this believer can see clearly the manner and mode of approach. This believer knows the proper rules and procedures. He or she knows what is expected of him or her, and what they can expect and hope for. Once the eyes are open, the believer can see the pitfalls and other obstacles in the way. The Hebrew/Aramaic idioms used in both these verses above are:



They both reveal what each and every believer ought to pray and seek for, which is a removing of the veil from their eyes by the measure of the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, which flows to each believer as they call upon and confess MAR-YAH YESHUA.


Section 4

     One day long ago, the ancient of days, while sitting upon His throne, was speaking unto the angels, and HE said, "LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE" (Gen 1:26 - Dan 7:9-10). But what is the image or likeness unto the angels and the ancient of days? It is Written, "HE MAKETH HIS ANGELS SPIRIT" (Ps 104:4), but on the other hand it is also written, "THERE IS A HEAVENLY BODY AND THERE IS A EARTHLY BODY" (1 Cor 15:40). Therefore the angels have a heavenly body, but are also 'spirit' beings, so they are two-fold beings of heavenly body and God created spirit. The ancient of days is the image of the omnipresent YAHWEH among the angels, that is the Temple or Ark of YAHWEH among the angels. wherefore YAHWEH an omnipresent DIVINE SPIRIT, causes a portion of HIS SPIRIT to dwell in a heavenly body called the ancient of days. This is the way man was created from the beginning, in the image of the ancient of days and the angels, as a two-fold being of a earthly body and a created God breathed spirit. With this foundation in mind, it is much easier to understand the creation and formation of mankind:

"And Yahweh God formed man of the dust from the ground (a body), and blew into his nostrils the breath of life (a spirit); and man became a living soul (nephesh = person / being)."

Genesis 2:7 KJV [NOTE #15]

The dust from the ground was used to make a earthly. body. The breath of life, was not just like the physical earthly animal breath, but rather, God breathed into Adam's nostrils a created heavenly spirit. The word "nephesh" [NOTE #15] comes from the root word "naphash" [NOTE #15], which means "to breathe", "to be refreshed by air"; that is literally a body being refreshed by oxygen.

[A human being does not possess a soul, a human being is a soul-person-being! A human being is made up of two parts, their physical earthly body, and God breathed created spirit, when these two parts are put together, a person becomes a soul, a being, an individual - see NOTE#15].

Adam was not refreshed merely by earthly air, alone, like the animals, but he was also refreshed by heavenly DIVINE SPIRIT. For the created human spirit needs refreshing by the DIVINE HEAVENLY SPIRIT OF YAHWEH.

There are those who get confused, because the same word is used in Hebrew and Aramaic for "spirit", "wind", and "air". For this reason, many cannot discern the difference between the spirit in man and the air in the man's lungs. But the word of YAHWEH is very clear, which says, YAHWEH "FORMS THE SPIRIT OF MAN WITHIN HIM" (Zech 12:1). It is written, "WHO KNOWS THE SPIRIT OF MAN THAT ASCENDS UPWARD, AND THE SPIRIT OF THE BEAST WHICH DESCENDS DOWNWARD TO THE EARTH." (Ecc 3:21). The phrase "who knows" refers to the idea that no one has ascended to heaven and come back with scientific proof. However Solomon knew very well, that the created spirit in man ascended upward, returning to YAHWEH who created it- (Ecc 12:7)-- and that the spirit of the beast simply returned back to the dust of the earth, thus downward, as Solomon indicated.

The created spirit in man will retain the memory of every thought and action done in the body in a place the Hebrew Scriptures call "Sheol". SHEOL has two compartments, one for the unrighteous, otherwise known of as "hell"; and the other for the righteous, which is referred to in Scripture in many ways:

Abraham's bosom


the sea


{chapter 1, Section 5-B; Pg _____for more on Sheol}

Just as Paul is sure, that when he dies and his body is laid in the grave and returns to dust, that he will stand before YAH naked (without a body-in spirit only) {2 Cor 5:1-11, Pg ____}.  Likewise Job said, "Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews" {Job 10:11; Pg 25). If Job is not skin and flesh, and is not bones and sinews, but is rather, fenced in by it, then who or what is the real Job? The real Job is the God-created-spirit within the flesh and bone body. Job continued this thought in the next verse, adding clarity: "Thy visitation hath preserved my SPIRIT-(Job 10:12; Pg __}." The word used here for 'visitation' in Hebrew is 'paqad' [NOTE #16]. This word is used real often of God's commandments, because along with God's visitation, He brings man, HIS COMMANDMENTS - (Exodus ch. 19 and 20). It is the renewing of God's visitation which keeps those commandments written upon the heart of man, causing man to live by them, so that the spirit in man will not wander far away from his God who created him. while bars of flesh and bone hold our spirit, it is a renewing of our spirit by the SPIRIT of YAHWEH, which keeps and preserves our created spirit. This idea of the visitation of the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, writing the law upon the hearts of His people, with the contrast of the visitation of YAHWEH writing the law upon stone, is discussed in 1 Corinthians 3:1-18. It is certain that for the writing of the law upon the heart to take place, believers must realize that YAHWEH IS SPIRIT, and that those who worship YAHWEH must worship HIM with their created spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Human worshippers must worship YAH with their created spirit, and in the fullness of the truth, which has been revealed to them. There must be communion between the created spirit in man, and the Divine SPIRIT OF YAHWEH. This is the communion which YAH desires to have with His creation. This is also the communion the spirit of men ought to long for.

     Complete Biblical confession of the death, burial and resurrection of MAR-YAH YESHUA, will lead a believer unto a spiritual communion with YAHWEH {see Pg_____}. Howbeit, for every good thing YAH gives His people who seek Him, the enemy has a substitute. The sign of tongues among believers is no exception. For on one hand, those who receive the Holy Spirit by the evidence of speaking with the sign of tongues, are given a very teachable spirit, by which, if the teaching [preacher] is sound, and the doctrine true, should establish the new believer upon a solid Rock. Yet, there is a substitute tongue, which is not heavenly at all, and can be either fleshly (sensual), or even worse, downright demonic.

     First and foremost it is necessary to have repented of every known sin, and to pray for an awareness of any unknown sins, then, even after this is done, one must seek for a cleansing from any known or unknown uncleanness of the heart. Even the thought of uncleanness must be repented of before one attempts to approach the veil of YAH'S body. then, even after all of this, when one approaches the veil and even goes beyond the veil, one's faults, failures and shortcomings will become magnified. The person who can pray in tongues while still caught up in the spirit of the lust of the flesh, or the lust of the eyes or the pride of life, is not praying in the Holy Spirit at all. These people are either making inaudible sounds with their mouth, or, they are praying through the medium of a demonic spirit.

     Because there is a genuine experience of tongues which remains for the people of YAH, IT IS NECESSARY TO STUDY THE ORIGINAL IN DETAIL. It is written concerning the average believer:

"These SIGNS will follow those who believe in MY NAME: They will cast out demons and THEY WILL SPEAK IN NEW TONGUES."

Mark 16:17 Roth



There is a distinction being presented between the "SIGN OF TONGUES" (MK 16:17) and the "GIFT OF TONGUES" (1 Cor 12:4,10). This is like the difference between the "MEASURE OF FAITH" (Rom 12:3) and the "GIFT OF FAITH" (1 Cor 12:4,9). For every believer is given the measure of faith. But the gift of faith is selectively given to certain individuals, causing them to be different and distinct one from another.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul is contrasting the sign of tongues with the gift of tongues. Usually this contrast is lost on all, except those who have had adequate experience in both the sign and gift of tongues.

"For he that speaks in a tongue, speaks not to men, but to God; for no one understands what is said: yet in the spirit, he speaks a mystery."

1 Cor 14:2 Roth

This statement is absolutely true of the one who speaks in the sign of tongues. This verse remains true unto the one who speaks in the gift of tongues, until someone is supernaturally given the interpretation of the tongues. what is the sign of tongues for? Paul makes this clear:

"He that speaks in a tongue edifies himself,.." 1 Cor 14:4 by Roth.  

It is good and proper for ALL MATURE BELIEVERS to first edify themselves, before they try to edify others, which is why Paul states: "I thank God that I speak with tongues more than all of you.” (1 Cor 14:18 by Roth). Paul's only point is that a mature believer should edify himself by praying in the Spirit (tongues), before they stand in front of the assembly (1 Cor 14:19).

What does the Bible mean by: 

'Praying in the Spirit'

According to Paul, this is "PRAYING IN TONGUES":

"For if I should pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is without fruits. what then will I do? I will pray with my spirit, and will pray with my understanding; and I will sing with my spirit, and will sing with my understanding."

1 Cor 14:14-15 Roth

To whom does Paul speak? Isn't Paul speaking to the church? Therefore this exhortation is for each and every believer. wherefore praying in the spirit is praying in tongues. The first century believer who translated Jude into Greek understood this concept, as he wrote:

"But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."

Jude 20 KJV

YAH is no respecter of persons! He would not give one believer the ability to lift up or build up their faith, by praying in the spirit (tongues), then refuse to give another believer the ability to lift up their faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, that is praying in tongues as the Holy Spirit enables them.

     There does not have to be a fluent new tongue spoken, for one to know that they are beginning to pray in the realm of the Holy Spirit. For it is also written:

"For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest (place or state of rest) wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing (repose or calm as brought about by the awesomeness of God's presence), yet they would not hear."

Isaiah 28:11-12 KJV

"So also the SPIRIT aids our weakness(s). for we are not cognizant of what to pray for in a proper manner; but the spirit prays for us with groans beyond description."

Romans 8:26 Roth

Many believers will get into a realm of the Spirit, which will cause their lips to begin to stammer, way before they ever speak in a fluent tongue. Also, Paul is speaking of a realm of the Spirit, in which the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH communes with the believer's created spirit, causing the believer to speak indistinguishable sounds, even groans, which have no meaning at all to the natural, carnal mind. Notice also, that neither the stammering lips or the groaning in the Spirit, requires an interpretation. For the thoughts expressed by the Spirit are beyond the natural realm. And for those who still insist that all tongues must be followed up with an interpretation of tongues. I ask this question: In what human language can the tongues of angels be interpreted? (1 Cor 13:1). There is no human language equivalent to an angelic tongue!

      The key point is not how clearly or fluent one sounds as they speak in another tongue, but rather, that one ought to get in the realm of the Spirit, allowing the spirit to do the praying for us, that is our human created spirit with Yahweh's Divine SPIRIT, saying things, or simply making sounds off our lips, that the speaker does not understand. Just as Paul said, "I WILL PRAY WITH MY UNDERSTANDING, AND I WILL PRAY IN THE SPIRIT (tongues)".

      YAHWEH is omnipresent SPIRIT, and created the spirit in mankind, so that the created spirit in mankind could commune with His omnipresent Divine SPIRIT. Due to the blood of YESHUA, believers are able to go beyond the veil, without their understanding, as the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, speaks through the human created spirit with groans, and with stammering lips and with another tongue. The reason that most would not hear or obey this command, is because their carnal minds cannot understand it. They refuse to go  to a place which is beyond their carnal reasoning. They refuse to go beyond the veil in this manner (Isaiah 28:11-12).

      In 1 Corinthians chapter 14, Paul repeatedly urges mature believers to not blurt out loud in tongues and disturb the unlearned who don't understand; that is the unbelievers in the midst

14:6 - There is no profit if I come to you speaking in tongues.

14:7 - If there is no distinction of sounds, how can people recognize the sound.

14:8 - Only a certain understandable sound, will cause one to understand to prepare to battle.

14:9 - If I speak in the gift of tongues, and there is no interpretation, the church is not edified.

14:10 - All sounds in the world have some significance.

14:11 - But if I don't understand the sound, the speaker will be like a barbarian to me. If I speak sounds not understandable, I will be like a barbarian to others who don't understand.

14:16 - Otherwise, if you bless in the spirit, how will he that fills the place of one unlearned, say "Amen" on your giving of thanks; for he does not know what you say?

14:23 - If therefore the whole assembly gathers, and they all speak with tongues, and there come in unlearned persons, or those who disbelieve, will they not say: 'These people are crazy'. (Roth)

Right in the midst of all this, Paul dropped a bomb, showing the distinction between the sign of tongues and the gift of tongues.

"In Torah it is written: 'with a foreign speech, and in another tongue. will I speak with this people; and even so also they will not hear and obey me, says MAR-YAH."

1 Cor 14:21 Roth [NOTE #21]

"Wherefore, tongues are established for a sign, not for believers, but to them that do not believe. But prophecies are not for those who disbelieve, but for them that believe."

1 Cor 14:22 Roth

Did you get that? After spending all this time and effort informing us not to speak in tongues in front of the unlearned or the unbelievers, then Paul says tongues is there sign! For tongues are a sign for them who believe not. How then can tongues be the sign of the unbeliever, if the believers are not supposed to speak  in tongues in front of them. The answer is simple! Paul knows that when faith fills the heart of a unbeliever, and they speak out that faith, confessing MAR-YAH YESHUA, as they confess their sins unto HIM, that they will begin to speak in new tongues, as they give MAR-YAH YESHUA thanksgiving and praise Hallelu-YAH! Thus tongues spoken off their own lips becomes their initial sign that they have received the Holy Spirit.

A church filled with babies and young children, is a church which is alive and growing. A church without the same, is dead or dying! Babies do not understand the words, "be quiet", "don't disturb", etc. when they are in need or want; they will cry out no matter what. In the church, there are plenty of babies spiritually, who don't understand , that there speaking in tongues may be disturbing others. All they know is that they need the EDIFICATION IN THE SPIRIT. Yet they are being told to be quiet, hush up. Even young children have a hard time feeding themselves sometimes. But the young one's in the church are told to sink or swim, no tongue talking allowed in the congregation. Yet that young one, that new convert, may be weak spiritually, and need the edification of the HOLY SPIRIT, that only tongues can afford. However, instead of being prayed with unto a tongue talking experience, they are simply told, not in the church. This is why Paul wrote:

"... do not forbid speaking with tongues."

1 Cor 14:39 Roth

The church that is not occasionally interrupted by a baby believers outburst in tongues or of the young christian’s renewal of edification at the altar, is a church that is either completely dead, or is on its way to getting there. In which case the whole congregation needs a renewal of the Holy Spirit and a commitment to bear fruit. If the church refuses to repent, then the individual seeker of truth should look elsewhere for a congregation. For if we hold to that which is dying, we will die with it. Separate yourselves from that which is dead!

     In the book of Acts we find the history of the first century church. This is where the record is Made of individuals being born into the congregation. Let us compare these examples of receiving the Holy Spirit and what accompanied it.

     In Acts chapter two, one hundred and twenty souls were gathered together in a upper room, while they were praying together and waiting for the Holy Spirit to fall upon them. Then, "ALL OF A SUDDEN THERE WAS A SOUND FROM HEAVEN LIKE A ROARING (powerful) WIND AND ALL THAT HOUSE IN WHICH THEY WERE SITTING WAS FILLED AND (IT) APPEARED TO THEM LIKE TONGUES DIVIDED, AND FIRE SAT UPON EVERY ONE OF THEM, AND ALL OF THEM WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND THEY WERE COMPELLED TO SPEAK IN DIFFERENT TONGUES, JUST AS THE SPIRIT HAD GIVEN THEM TO SPEAK- (Acts 2:2-4)". How many were filled with the Holy Spirit? How many of them spoke with tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them to speak? If your answer for both questions is "ALL OF THEM", then you are right. In this context, many unbelieving Jews heard the sign of tongues and were amazed by it. So in this context the tongues was a sign  to the apostles and all those gathered with them in the upper room, that they had received the Holy Spirit; and this also became a initial sign to the unbelieving Jews, that something was happening that was supernatural, before their eyes. In this instance, only Jews were filled with the Holy Spirit, but later on, the Holy Spirit was also poured out on the gentiles.

     It is not known for sure what understanding Cornelius and his household may have already had of the Jewish Hebrew Scriptures, prior to their meeting with the apostle Peter. It does appear like Cornelius was a God fearer (that is a gentile seeker of the Biblical truths found in first century Judaism)  because he gave many alms and prayed to God at all times (Acts 10:2). But we do know that, as Peter was speaking to the gentiles the words of life, "THE HOLY SPIRIT RESTED ON ALL OF THEM WHO WERE HEARING THE WORD", (Acts 10:44). We also don't know who the Jewish believers were that came along with Peter, (Acts 10:45). But we do know that the Jewish believers "WERE AMAZED AND ASTONISHED THAT THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT WAS EVEN POURED OUT UPON GENTILES" (Acts 10:45). These Jewish believers knew that these gentiles just received the gift of the Holy Spirit because "THEY WERE HEARING THEM SPEAKING IN DIFFERENT TONGUES..." (Acts 10:46). [Quotations from Roth]. Again I ask the question: How many of them were filled with the Holy Spirit? How many of them who were filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke with other tongues? Again, the answer has to be, "ALL OF THEM."

     Much later on, the apostle Paul found some believers who had only been baptized unto repentance, under the ministry of John the baptist (Acts 19:1-3). Paul taught them about baptizing in the name of our Lord YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, and they were immediately baptized (Acts 19:5). when Paul asked these believers about whether they had received the Holy Spirit, they answered that they had never heard of it, (Acts 19:2). Then after they were baptized, "PAUL LAID (HIS) HAND ON THEM: AND THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME UPON THEM, AND THEY SPOKE IN VARIOUS TONGUES, AND PROPHESIED (Acts 19:6). "AND ALL THE PERSONS WERE TWELVE" (Acts 19:7). [Quotations from Roth]. By comparing verse six and seven, we can see that "ALL TWELVE MEN received the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues."

In each of these examples ALL the new believers knew they had received the Holy Spirit because they also received the sign of tongues as their evidence.

There is one more example in the book of Acts of new believers receiving the Holy Spirit, but this example does not specifically mention the sign of tongues: "BUT"! We see Philip had gained many converts, as he preached to the people of Samaria. And Philip also got the attention of a sorcerer by the name of Simon. And when Philip began to baptize these new converts into the name of our Master YAH YESHUA the Messiah. Simon was also baptized (Acts 812-13). when Simon the sorcerer saw the signs and miracles done through Philip, he was amazed and marveled (Acts 8:13). Yet, even as amazed as Simon was, concerning the great miracles done by Phillip, Simon never offered Phillip money to buy these great gifts of healing and miracles. However, when the apostles Peter and John came down to lay hands on these new believers something even more miraculous occurred, causing Simon to offer them Money, saying.


Acts 8:19 Roth

     Peter and John did not come down from Jerusalem, so that they might pray the sinner's prayer with these new believers, nor did they come in order to get these new believers to confess Yeshua as their Lord and Saviour, for they had already done both of these with Phillip. Peter and John came down so that these men and woman of Samaria would receive a supernatural experience with the Almighty God. A supernatural experience with the fear, awe and the power of God, that would stay embedded upon the hearts and minds of these believers forever. All of our other examples have shown, that in each case where new believers traveled into the realm of the unknown and unknowable power of God, a place beyond the veil, that ALL the believers would begin to speak with unknown tongues. Therefore to have to repeat this in every instance would be pointless Because if a believer does not get it by now, only YAH can open their eyes unto it.


      Why does Simon the Sorcerer offer Phillip money, for the power to heal people and to perform miracles?

     Why does Simon the Sorcerer offer money to Peter and John, for the power and authority to lay hands upon men and women, so that they may receive the Holy Spirit? 

     why would the latter with Peter, be considered greater than the former with Phillip?

     What is the benefit for a believer to receive the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues? To start to enquire about this subject, let's return to the main verse from the Hebrew Scriptures which lays the foundation for this doctrine:

"For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear."

Isaiah 28:11-12 KJV

The Hebrew word, translated here as "refreshing" is (Mar'gadh) [NOTE #18], which is a rest, a tranquil habitation, others translate this in context as "repose". To truly understand this word in the context, one must look at the Hebrew root word from which it is derived, which is (raga) [NOTE #18]. This root means "to terrify- to restrain by threatening". From this idea, the word is expanded to "Shrink together for fear, to be still". Then from the idea of the "tremulous motion of the eye-while trembling in fear", comes the idea of "to wink the eye", which is "done in a moment" that is the shortest span of time possible. Then from the idea of being stilled by fear, comes the idea of "to rest, to dwell quietly". All of these various meanings can be supported by looking up this word in the Gesenius Hebrew- chaldee (i.e. Aramaic) Lexicon to the Old Testament.

     Remember how we had just read about Simon the Sorcerer? Simon was a man who desired to cause others to be in fear or awe. But, he wanted them to look on him in awe. For Simon would magnify himself, saying "I am great" (Acts 8:9). This is much worse, than the Greek text will admit, because in the Aramaic of the next verse it reads:

"And they were praying towards him, all of them great and small. And they said, 'This is the great power of God."

Acts 8:10 Roth [NOTE #19]

The signs and miracles done by Phillip, really got Simon's attention, however the awesomeness of the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit , caused Simon to want to cause others to feel this awesomeness, as coming from him. Simon wanted others to hold him in awe, in fear. This is why Isaiah 28:11-12 uses two words for "rest / refreshing", so that one would inquire as to the distinction of these words, and thus be able to see the contrast offered through these two different words.

1. Nuwach- 5117 Strong's- To rest, to sit down, to sit oneself down anywhere to rest. [NOTE #18]

2. Raga-7280 Strong's- To terrify, to restrain by threatening, to shrink together in fear, to be stilled by fear, and caused to rest, to dwell quietly. [NOTE 18].

The idea of the restfulness of fear, is lost on the western mindset. It was because people feared Rome, that caused many nations to rest in peace, and never try to challenge Rome's Authority. However, to be in fear of what powerful men might do, if we resist their oppression, is not the same as being in fear and awe towards One's Creator, who has laid out specific rules to follow and live by.

     when a soul enters into the realm of the unknown Creator, going beyond the veil, they begin to speak in unknown tongues. as they begin to experience the awe and awesomeness of their Creator. They feel the love and power of His presence, which causes them to be at peace, and they never want to do anything that would cause them to be cast away from His presence. In fact they are afraid of doing anything to be cast away from His presence. For they have found something precious, something that they fear losing. They have no fear, concerning His faithfulness, yet they do fear, that they may prove unfaithful and unworthy. This is the place of refreshing, in which MAR-YAH our God wants us to dwell in, this is the security of the believer, yet most don't want to hear or obey. As it is further demonstrated for us later on in Isaiah:

"And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the:stumbling block out of the way of my people.

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabitest eternity, whose name is holy, I dwell in the high and lofty place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."

Isaiah 57:14-15 KJV

The security of the believer, when the storms of life come flooding in, is this special dwelling place in the presence of YAHWEH, as shown above. The unknown tongues, is just what takes a believer to this place or realm.

     Here are a few of the other benefits of receiving the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in other tongues.

     John the baptist confirmed that the baptism of the Messiah, would not be with mere water, but rather, "WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND WITH FIRE" (Matthew 3:11-12). It is easy to assume, that this fire only refers to the hellfire, by which the chaff is to be burned up in verse 12. However, if we find another reference in scripture which speaks of the Holy Spirit and fire, in the same context, then we ought to reconsider this doctrine. For in another place it is written: "AND TONGUES THAT WERE DIVIDED APPEARED TO THEM AS FIRE AND SAT ON EACH ONE OF THEM. AND ALL OF THEM WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THEY BEGAN TO SPEAK IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM TO SPEAK." (Acts 2:3 .4). This fire of the Holy Spirit works inside the heart of the believer to cleanse the believer, just as John the Baptist had said, "HE WHOSE WINNOWING FAN (IS) IN HIS HAND AND HE WILL CLEANSE HIS THRESHING FLOORS..." (Matthew 3:12-Roth). On this subject, as on so many others, it is necessary to have an understanding of our God, as it is written: "For YAHWEH thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God." (Deut 4:24) (Comp. Hebrews 12:28-29). This Holy, set apart fire, is able to cleanse those who turn to Him, and burn up those who don't. This idea is demonstrated for us in type in the following passage:

"Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of regeneration (i.e. impurity): and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through water."

Numbers 31:23 KJV [NOTE #20]

Although the context refers strictly to objects which can and can't endure the fire for purification. This is also a type of New Testament Salvation. Because the body is like articles of clothing which must be washed with waters of purification (John 3:23-26), because it cannot abide the fire.  Which is why Paul is commanded to "... Arise, and be immersed (in water), and be cleansed from your sins, while you invoke HIS NAME. (Acts 22:16). However, the created spirit in man can abide the fire, which is why Yeshua cleanses it "WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND WITH FIRE" (Mathew 3:11).

This cleansing process is explained in another place like this: "ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN ME AS THE SCRIPTURES-'HAVE SAID, RIVERS OF LIVING WATER WILL FLOW FROM HIS BELLY." (John 7:38). Often times a believer will have a genuine move of the Spirit in their life, but will lack this flowing of the Spirit, which begins as a believer starts speaking in tongues as the SPIRIT of YAH gives them the ability to speak. This Holy Spirit which is evidenced by speaking in other tongues, empowers the believer to be a witness of MAR-YAH YESHUA. (Acts 1-8) Finally, it is the power of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by unknown tongues, which becomes the comforter and Redeemer unto God's people, that is the Redeemer of the curse, and the Remover of the veil. {John 14:16,27; 15:26; 16:7 Pg _______}.

     The body, is like unto a vessel, as one used as a wind instrument. when air is forced through this instrument, a sound will come out, making music. Likewise when YAHWEH blows His SPIRIT through the believer, they also emit a certain sound, as it is written:

"The wind will blow where it desires, and you hear its voice (sound). But you do not know from where it comes or to where it goes. Likewise is everyone who is born from the spirit."

John 3:8 Roth

Everyone who is born of the Spirit hears the sound of the Spirit! what is the one sound that we can confirm from every context, in which they were receiving the Holy Spirit, that they definitely heard? "FOR THEY WERE HEARING THEM SPEAKING IN DIFFERENT TONGUES..." (Acts 10:46). However, people want to hear the sound or voice of the SPIRIT, from out of a cloud somewhere. They refuse to hear the sound of the SPIRIT from their own voice. They refuse to yield their voice to the HOLY SPIRIT, just as it is written in Isaiah:

"Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest (to be still & at peace) wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing (to be stilled by fear and awe): yet they would not hear (or 'obey')."

Isaiah 28:9-12 KJV [NOTE #21]

This shows YAHWEH's intention of removing the Veil from the eyes of His people, one truth and one doctrine at a time, and this veil would only just begin to be removed one false doctrine at a time, as the believer hears YAHWEH speaking through their own lips and tongues. Therefore, the receiving of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is just the beginning of a brand new walk in the SPIRIT, whereby the HOLY SPIRIT will bring back to the memory, everything that the believer has read, studied or heard from the word. However, most translators are not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, and for this very reason, may reject the cornerstone of scripture "MAR-YAH YESHUA". This is why those filled with the Holy SPIRIT, must not limit themselves to any English translation, but fulfill their calling, and dig the truth of HIS NAME, from the original Hebrew Old Testament and Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Scriptures. The HOLY SPIRIT is unlimited, except by the shackles believers place on HIM.

The carnal mind is not able to go beyond the veil of Yeshua's flesh (Rom 6:6-7; Heb 10:19-20). However the created spirit in man can penetrate that veil! For the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, will take hold of the tongue of the believer yielded to HIM, and speak things through their tongue, even words the speaker does not understand. For even the carnal mind of the believer may have doctrinal misunderstandings, that would hinder them from entering into the Holy of Holies, beyond the veil of Yeshua's body. Therefore the spirit in man, at times, is able through the blood of YESHUA to pass the veil of His flesh, and to enter into the presence of YAH YAHWEH. However, the complete soul, that is the carnal understanding must stay outside, because it is still reading the scriptures with a veil blocking his view. MAR-YAH YESHUA desires for believers to pray to him in tongues, but HE also desires for than to pray and sing unto HIM with their understanding (1 Cor 14;14-15; Ps 47:2,7). To worship YAHWEH in spirit and in truth, the truth, signifies an understanding of truth. (JN 4:24). THE REVELATION OF HIS NAME IS BEING REVEALED RIGHT NOW, if we miss out on this  truth, it is because we are still wearing the veil!



Section 5

Aaron's two oldest sons were slain, due to a transgression, in the way they drew near to Yahweh (Lev 10:1-3). Apparently they offered incense upon the altar of incense, [which was either before or behind the veil], [NOTE 22], of which Yahweh had not commanded them to offer. It is written, that Yahweh will be glorified among the people, through those who draw the closest to HIM (Lev 10:3). [See Lev 16:12-13- Hebrews 9:4, EX 40:5; 30:6-9]. Based upon this law, Yahweh will judge more harsher and quicker or more publicly or supernaturally, those who sin, who are nearest unto HIM. In the case of Aaron's two sons, they burned to death, from the fire that Yahweh sent after them, Thus Yahweh was glorified through them, due to the supernatural circumstances of their deaths. As a result of these things, Yahweh commanded Moses to inform Aaron.

“... that he [Aaron] come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat, which is upon the ark; that he die not: for I will appear in the cloud upon the mercy seat."

Lev 16:2 KJV

Aaron was commanded to take two goats, and cause them both to stand before Yahweh. Aaron was to then draw lots, one lot would be for Yahweh, and the other lot would be for a scapegoat (goat of removal). The goat chosen for Yahweh, was to be slain, and its blood would be for the atonement of the Sanctuary. This goat was for the cleansing of the altar and the Sanctuary from its defilement, concerning its contact with sinful Israel. The goat chosen to be the scapegoat (goat of removal), was supposed to bear the transgressions of the children of Israel unto a land cut off from mere mortal men. This goat was to remove the sins of Israel unto a land where mankind does not dwell, so that the land would not become cursed due to the sins of Israel.

By the suffering and death of the goat for Yahweh, the Holy place and the Most Holy place became purged, from the transgressions, of the people (Lev 16:16). For it was through its contact with the people, that it became contaminated Likewise the Temple of YAH (even YESHUA) became contaminated, through His contact with His own sinful people, and for this reason was made perfect and complete by His suffering and death:

"For it became Him by whom are all things and on account of whom are all things, and (who) brings many sons to His glory, to perfect the prince of their life by SUFFERING." 

Hebrews 2:10 A.P. by Roth

However, the Goat of removal, which is known to most people as the scapegoat, must remove the sins of all Israel unto a land uninhabitable. This term comes from the Hebrew compound Phrase (AzAzal) [#5799 Strong' s]. This compound phrase comes from two Hebrew root words:

1. Ez - #5795, Strong’s = SHE GOAT

Ez is derived from (Az) and (Oz) [#5794 and #5797 Strong's], which means: 

strength, firmness, splendour, majesty, glory, and praise (see Gesenius #5797).

2. Azal - #235-#236 Strong's, which means :

"to go away, to depart, as if on a journey, hence to disappear.

Both of these goats were supposed to be brought to stand before Yahweh on the 10th day of the seventh month, which is called the 'day of atonement' (Yom Kippur). This day, is the only commanded fast in scripture, a day to afflict the soul. (Lev 23:27-32) The instructions concerning the two goats are found in Leviticus, as follows:

"And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for Yahweh, and the other lot for the scapegoat (goat of removal)."

Leviticus 16:8

"And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which Yahweh's lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering."

Lev 16:9 KJV

"But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before Yahweh, to make an atonement with him and to let him go for a scapegoat (goat of removal) into the wilderness."

Lev 16:10 KJV

"And when he [the priest] hath made an end of reconciling the holy place and the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar [with the blood of the goat for Yahweh], he [the priest] shall bring the live goat:"

Lev 16:20

"And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness.”

Lev 16:21 KJV

"And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness."

Lev 16:22 KJV [NOTE #23]

This goat was led into the wilderness, unto a place / land not inhabited. This phrase, "not inhabited", is from the Hebrew word ug'zerah" (a Separated desert). This is from the root word "gazer" (to cut down or off, to destroy, divide or exclude or decide). which is why the J.P. Green Interlinear translates this as "A LAND CUT OFF".

That is a place cut off from the rest of humanity. Just like when YAH within YESHUA, came forth from His own body and was sent to a place called SHEOL (hell), and preached unto the spirits there (Eph 4:8-10; 1 Peter 3:19). Then afterwards YAH came forth from SHEOL, taking with Him the keys of death and hell (SHEOL) (Rev 1:17-18). YAH went down to SHEOL (HELL), where mortals could not follow. Only YAH, who is SPIRIT, could bear the sins of mankind and carry them unto SHEOL. Regardless of the Orthodox Jewish misunderstanding of (Azazel-the goat of removal), Satan did not, nor ever could bear the sins of Israel, to a land cut off, unto the wilderness. Consider these truths:


     Because mankind had gone astray; and had turned to their own ways, Yahweh caused to fall upon MAR-YAH YESHUA the iniquity of us all (Isa 53:6). For YAH was CUT OFF [gazar] OUT OF THE LAND OF THE LIVING; because of the transgression of Yahweh's people, the stroke was upon Yeshua (Isa 53:8). Yahweh was pleased to crush MAR-YAH YESHUA and to make Him sick unto death, so that even though YAH  would offer up His soul (body) as a guilt offering for sin, that YAH would still see His seed and prolong His days (Isa 53:10). Only YAH could justify many souls, by bearing their iniquities into a place called SHEOL (Hell) (Isa 53:11). Truly Yah poured out his soul: (i.e. SPIRIT) to death; and HE was counted with transgressors; and He bore the sin of many, while He made intercession for the transgressors (Isa 53:12). 

Through all of these verses the prophet Isaiah revealed that only YAH YESHUA could possibly be the goat of removal, Who's job it was to carry the sins of all Israel into the wilderness of SHEOL, that is a land CUT OFF (gazar #1504 - #1506 Strong' s).

[NOTE: #2: NePhesh = body = spirit / in this context soul is used of body and spirit].

     The Hebrew word for goat (Ez), is the same exact Hebrew letters for "Strength -  Praise" (Az-Oz). Also, a comparison between the ancient Hebrew Old Testament Psalm, and Yeshua's quotation of this Psalm, will prove that (strength-Oz) must sometimes be understood as (Praise-Oz). [NOTE #24].

"Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength..."

Psalms 8:2 KJV [NOTE #25]

"...From the mouth of Children and infants you have fashioned praise?"

Matthew 21:16 Roth [NOTE #25]

[Fashioned can also be: 'composed / established']

A look at these two Hebrew letters, which  make up the word "strength / praise", and the picture they present, will shed much light on this scripture.

Ayin means "EYE", and here means "To focus the eyes" i.e. "To place all of one's attention on objective".

Zayin- means "INSTRUMENT" that is any utensil or instrument, or tool of weapon, by which the job may be accomplished.

Thereby, the Hebrew letters draw the picture of a man using some instrument or  tool, with all his undivided attention, in order to get the job done. This man working with all his focus with this tool, is the ancient picture of strength.

     One verse which brings out the meaning of "strength" (Az-Oz) and "Praise" is:

And the children of Israel kept the days of unleavened bread in Jerusalem they kept the feast of unleavened bread for seven days with great joy. The Levites praised Yahweh every day, and the priests with (their) instruments of praise unto Yahweh.

 2 Chronicles 30:21 Author's translation

    [Others have, 'loud instruments' or 'instruments of strength'] [NOTE 25]

The word (Oz) is translated in various ways in this context. It is easy to want to simplify with "AND THE PRIESTS WITH LOUD INSTRUMENTS". And this is certainly better then "AND THE PRIESTS WITH INSTRUMENTS OF STRENGTH", as some have it. But in this context, 'The Levites praised Yahweh every day", therefore to make the latter part of this thought complete, one must understand "AND THE PRIESTS WITH INSTRUMENTS OF PRAISE". The root meaning of (Ez-Az-Oz) also adds much insight into this. for it means to use an instrument with all of one's attention focused on the objective. And in this case, this point is brought out forcibly, because the "Priests were given instruments- so that they could focus all their energy and all their souls into "PRAISING YAHWEH". And by doing so were able to strengthen their faith, and that of the people.

     Modern day translators have misunderstood these things, which is why they continue to mistranslate: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength...". For some strange reason, the modern translator has a hard time accepting the fact, that a first century Jew, understood these Hebrew words better than they do. But, what is it that comes out of the mouths of Babes and sucklings that causes the tormentors to cease, along with the enemy and the avenger? (Ps 8:2). Of course, we know that Yeshua said it was "PERFECT PRAISE'', or the "FOUNDATION OF PRAISE". [NOTE 27]. Yet what is the foundation of this type of praise? It is the unwavering faith of children. A child is able to pray a prayer and have no doubt, that not only does YAH hear their prayer, but that HE has already dispatched the answer to their prayer. Likewise the praise of children is also founded upon the foundation of this type of faith.One modern day hymn tells it like this:

"The beauty of a child is a precious thing, so trusting and loving they for years remain. Depending on someone in all they do. Depending on someone to carry them through".

Lord we depend on YOU, Lord we depend on YOU. Like a child reaching out to its mother and father, Lord we depend on YOU." Author unknown

The praise of children is just like this! For while praising their Creator, they reach out to HIM in total dependence and reliance, desiring and yearning for Yahweh their heavenly father to hold them and comfort them. They don't try to impress God with their goodness, or even their cuteness, nor with anything that they can bring Him, or with the greatness of their works, nor the longevity of their service. They simply and without pretensions, bring their Creator "themselves", while they immediately burst into tears as God reveals any faults or shortcomings they have. Likewise, whether a child sings a song or praise, claps their hands, raises their hands or waves their hands, or even if they dance around, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, all or any of this they do, is done in total dependence and faith in YAH their Creator. They do none of these things to impress others, but neither are they hindered by what others may think. It is the faith in small children that causes than to be single hearted in their worship and praise. That is, to put their trust in the One true God and none else.  I speak in respect to the purity of their worship and praise, once it is properly directed towards the One true God.

     My personal encounter with the Power of God, which happened when I was about seventeen years old, brought back memories of a much earlier period of time in my life. A time when I was still crawling around on the floor, on my hands and knees, and how I would look up at the adults, and how big they all seemed to me at the time. I remember noticing how, when my parents had company, they would always conversate with their company; they would never ignore them and act like they weren't even there. However, when it came to the presence of the Creator, which to me was as clear and readily apparent as any earthly visitor, my parents would ignore HIM, and act as if HE was not even there. I was not raised in a christian home, and did not even know what to call HIM. I had no theology, knew no doctrine, but what I had was a faith awareness of my Creator. Therefore, with any prompting at all, I would have given HIM all Praise and Worship. But my parents were the ones with the blinders over their eyes.

     Let us return to the phrase in Psalms 8:2. 'ordained strength'.  Looking now at the word 'ordained'.  The Hebrew word used in this context is 'Yacad'.  Then we can compare this to the New Testament Aramaic word used to translate it in Matthew 21:16, which is 'taqenth', from 'taqen'.  This word is variously translated as: 'Fashioned/Composed/Established'.

     Yacad and taqen both mean "to set, to place, thus, to set a foundation, to establish it".  Yet taqen also means "to set or place in the proper order, to set right, thus to correct, restore, perfect, prepare, to heal, regained use of.

[See Note #28 for a Fuller comparison of these words]

The King James version translates the Greek word 'katarizo', in this context, as 'Perfected'; which is derived from, to complete thoroughly I.e. to repair... to restore.

     However children don't seem to need restoring, nor are they repairing anything.  Yet no one would deny that their praise is 'Perfect'.  But what makes this praise so Perfect, is their natural faith awareness of their Creator.  This Faith of theirs is already placed in its proper place or order as the foundation upon which their praise is established.  And with faith established as their foundation for praise, the wall and roof can be built upon its solid foundation. 

     There is an aspect of faith, which is set in its proper place as a foundation, because small children still have their faith awareness intact.  Their spiritual umbilical cord is still attached to their Creator

     But to properly understand what Yeshua is saying, for the depth of His message to adhere to our hearts, we must compare the New Testament teaching on belief and faith to the Old Testament Hebrew root word for belief and faith.  The root word for believe is 'aman- 539 St's'.  This word 'aman' has three letters in Hebrew which draw a ancient picture of the 'belief' which becomes 'faith'.  These three letters and the picture they draw are as follows:

1. Aleph- This represents two oxen yoked together, and for this reason, it draws a picture of things which are caused to be yoked together.  One thing which is often joined or gathered together is 'WATER', But only context can confirm in what way!

2. Mem - This represents "WATER"

Both "Aleph and Mem" (im) spell "mother" in Hebrew [#517 St's]. And it is the "mother" Who has the waters gathered together in her "womb".  What happens When these gathered waters in the mother's womb come forth? This means that her water breaks, and the baby is about to be born!

3. Nun- This letter represents "seed"

When the seed  which is planted in the mother's womb,  comes forth, a baby boy or girl is born.

     Now, if this picture seems too far fetched to you, then consider the definition of this word "Aman" from the Strong's Hebrew Dictionary #539:


The baby must be supported by the mother, and caused to be built up thereby. So that baby can grow up to be healthy and strong and equipped for life.


Sometimes someone other than the mother must step in and care for the newly-born baby.


To render a young child to be firm and faithful, one must instill righteous principles into the child's heart and mind, all along the way as they grow up. To be firm or faithful (from the Hebrew understanding), means that the one has already had these solid Biblical principles implanted in them.


To bring up a Child and train the child in the way the child should go is to instill in the heart of the Child, the heart of faithfulness.


A Child must be established in their belief, so that their belief can mature into faith.


From the time a baby is born unto the time the Child moves out of the house is from about eighteen to twenty years. Therefore these principles must be consistently applied, by teaching orally and by doing them before the child, so that the child's belief can mature into faith.

By consistently, over a long period of time, applying Biblical Principles into the child's mind and heart, the child's belief (Amen #539 St's) matures into full fledged faith (emuwn #529-530 St's). Therefore from the perspective of the Hebrew Scriptures, belief is something that must be established; and faith is something which has already been established. Belief is the seed, and faith is the full grown tree.

     There is an aspect of faith, that proceeds from experience (Rom 5:4-5), yet there is also a even less tangible aspect of faith, that simply is; that is, that aspect of faith which is God instilled. It is placed there as a gift of God, unto little children. This is the faith awareness, which I believe all children possess. Just like the encounter I spoke of on pages {________}, which illustrates the awareness I had of my Creator, before I was even old enough to walk. I did not learn what to call HIM until I was about five years old, when my Mom said, "O God!" She was not having a religious experience either.

It is this latter aspect of faith, which Yeshua focuses on a lot in His teachings. However to get a full picture of what Yeshua is really saying, this MUST be contrasted with this Hebrew foundation of belief and faith. Think about it! Was it really Yeshua's main point to show that just a little faith will do the trick, or is Yeshua saying something much more profound:

"Yeshua said to them, 'Because of your unbelief. For truly I say to you that if you had faith in you like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, move from here, and it would move. And not a thing would be able to prevail over you."

 Matthew 17:20 Roth

What is mustard seed faith? It kinda sounds like the unborn baby who is still in the womb. One who is still attached by umbilical cord to its mother. Surely this is a picture of the faith awareness of the unborn child, who remains spiritually attached to its Creator. therefore this speaks of the supernatural awareness of the child or unborn child of the Presence of Yahweh; of which, if it ever gets a hold of a mature believer, will give the believer mountain building faith. This is not little faith, this is awesome faith. We must, as adult, mature believers, allow our childlike faith to grow and mature, so that others can take comfort in our full grown faith, as it is written:

"...The Kingdom of heaven is likened to a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. And it is smaller than all the small seeds, but when it grows, it is greater than all the herbs, and becomes a tree so that the birds of heaven come and nest in its branches."

 Matthew 13:31-32 Roth

A child learns how to play hide and seek, by simply shutting their eyes, thinking that if they can't see you then you can't see them. Then they become, in ways, just like us, because everything we tell them not to do, they want to do, as soon as the adult turns their head. So they learn to play hide and seek with God also, by closing God out of their minds, as they do the forbidden thing. For if they blot God out of their minds and take advantage of the absence of an adult, they can do the thing, they was told not to do. Yet because of their innocence, they can regain their God consciousness almost immediately. For this is their realm, as they are easily broken of heart and spirit before their Creator and before their parents. 

     For these reasons it is better to speak of the "BORN FROM ABOVE EXPERIENCE", rather than "THE BORN-AGAIN EXPERIENCE". For Yahweh desires to repair that which was severed. For the umbilical cord allowing His believers direct access into His presence has been severed, by unbelief, hard hearts and sin. However the idea of "BORN AGAIN", well  illustrates the need to return to our lost childlike faith.

     This is why the Greek rendering of "REPAIRED PRAISE" or "RESTORED PRAISE" for Matthew 21:16, does not quite fit. And the attempt of the KJV  translators to fix this with "PERFECTED PRAISE", is really a stretch, for a root for "REPAIRED", unless one understands already that "PERFECTED" in this sense must come from the idea of "REPAIRED", which still makes no sense, because children still have direct access unto God, and don't yet need this access to be repaired or restored. Yet this will all fit together as we delve into the full meaning, and compare that to all this context.

The Hebrew word "Yacad" gives us "TO SET UP, TO FOUND / ESTABLISH"; while the Aramaic word "Taqen" yields "TO SET UP OR ESTABLISH BY PUTTING IN ORDER". The proper order for any foundation, is of course to lay the foundation first, then to build the walls and then the roof. The praise of young children comes from this foundational faith. It is this faith from which their praise originates, which causes such praise to be so pleasing to Yahweh.


     The children are praising from a heart filled with faith. This faith is in its proper order as their foundation. And it is upon this foundation that all else can be properly built upon. Therefore, when faith is in its proper place as our foundation, then all else will fall into its appropriate place. Of course, with faith as their foundation of praise, any interruption with their direct access unto their Creator is restored/repaired and perfected, as they praise YAH. This is why Yeshua declared:

"And Yeshua called a child and made him stand in their midst. And said, truly I say to you, that unless you change (turn / convert) and become like children, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

 Matthew 18:2-3 Roth [NOTE #29]

     Now we know that Yeshua desires for believers to repent and to have their supernatural faith, they had as little children restored, while they retain their present proper and good understanding and as they seek to grow in that understanding. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians:

"My brothers, do not be infantile in your thoughts (minds); but to evil things be as newborns; and in your thoughts (minds) be complete (mature) (men)."

 1 Corinthians 14:20 Roth

A more complete understanding of our key verse, ought to be understood like this:

"Out of the mouths of Babes and sucklings, you have the foundation of praise [which originates from childlike faith - setting praise in such a proper order] that the vexers and the enemy cease, and there is no need of an avenger, because Yahweh Himself will avenge them."

 Psalms 8:2 Paraphrased

     Just as the Goat of Removal was a instrument in the hands of Yahweh to bring about the total removal of the sins of all Israel out of His sight; likewise the faith of young children is rejuvenated during praise, and works for them as an instrument by which they can focus all their souls unto Yahweh. These children may or may not know God's name, but they know the omnipresent Creator and have direct access to HIM by faith, which is ignited by their focused praise. This praise from the hearts of faith is what overcomes those who would vex them or cause them torment, and they need no earthly avenger, for Yahweh Himself will avenge them.

     Once the relationship between (Goat-Ez) and (Strength-Praise-Az-0z), is fully understood, and put into practice, the adult believer will place the focus of their praise towards Yeshua the man (our Goat of removal/scapegoat). They will direct all their repentance and confession towards HIM, so that they can be reconnected to  their childlike faith. YAH, the Divinity within Yeshua the man, is the instrument by which believers are to draw the Living Waters from Yeshua the man. [This is why “HALLELU-YAH" is the greatest word of praise. This is why it seems like the louder a pentecostal believer shouts "HALLELU-YAH", the more of the Holy Spirit they experience.]

     The man, and the name of the man, is revealed to be the LIFE GIVER in Acts 4:12:

1. And there is no salvation by any other man…

2...For there is not another name under heaven, given to mere men…

3...By which it is necessary to receive LIFE from the GIVER OF LIFE (Savour).

Acts 4:12 Paraphrase

{See "MAR-YAH IS YESHUA", Section 6, Pages________, NOTE #10}

The name of MAR-YAH (the Lord YAH) is revealed to be the instrument by which the LIVING WATERS are drawn forth from Yeshua the man.

"All Who call on the name of MAR-YAH (THE LORD YAH) will live."

 Acts 2:21 Roth

Peter is quoting from Joel 2:32 (3:5 Tanach) which uses the full form of the name Yahweh. However Peter is demanding that the believer obey this command by calling on the name of "MAR-YAH'. Why would Peter do this? The answer is found in Psalms 138:2.

"I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."

Psalms 138:2 KJV

What aspect of the word did Yahweh place above His very own name? What does this Psalm mean by "THE WORD"?

"Kingdoms of the earth sing to God, Chant hymns to Yahweh, selah. To HIM Who rides on the heaven of heavens of old; lo, He sends out his voice, a mighty voice."

Ps 68:32-33 [NOTE # 30] Author's translation

"Sing to God, sing praises to His name, lift Him up who rides upon the deserts, BY HIS NAME YAH, and exult before Him."

 Ps 68:4 [NOTE # 31 ] Author's translation

The original Hebrew reveals that Yahweh is riding upon the heaven of heavens from ancient times, and at some point in time, Yahweh sends out His voice or word. Then we see by contrast, How YAH is riding upon the desert places of the earth, seeking for the rebellious (Ps 68:6,18) souls Who are dwelling in a dry thirsty land. Wherefore this context proves that YAH is the WORD that went forth from Yahweh out of heaven.

     The word for “All” in Hebrew is "Kol-3605 Strong's", which can also mean totality, so let's reconsider Psalms 132:2 with all this in mind:

"I will worship toward your holy temple (Yeshua the man) and praise your name for your loving kindness and for your truth; for you have magnified (made great) your word (the name of YAH) above the TOTALITY of your name (Yahweh)."

Psalms 138:2 Paraphrased

When King David wrote this Psalm, the temple had not been built yet, therefore this Psalm must be prophetic of Yeshua the man, and YAH the Divine essence within the man. which became magnified and was made great, by APPEARING before mankind in flesh, and is now magnified by APPEARING in all His glory, as He did before the apostle John in Revelation 1:12-18.

     The name of Yahweh is the TOTALITY or FULLNESS of God's name, for this name represents every aspect of God, including His self existence and omnipresence. However the pronunciation of the name of Yahweh is hotly disputed. Some say "Jehovah", others claim 'Yehuah", and there are many other renderings, such as "Yahvah" or "Yahweh", the list goes on and on. There are some ancient and modern Rabbis who insist the name is all vowels, and thus should be rendered (if at all) as "EE-AH-UW-EY" or "EE-AH-UW-AH", or some very similar combination of vowel sounds.

     But the name of YAH is spoken universally and without controversy: "Hallelu-YAH”  means "PRAISE YAH'. This compound phrase is spoken all over the world. And of course if vowels only, must be used, even for the short form of the name, then this would also be rendered universally "Hallelu-IA", that is "PRAISE-EE-AH'.

     There was no temple standing when David wrote Psalm 138:2, therefore this Psalm must be prophetic of Yeshua the man "I WILL WORSHIP TOWARD YOUR HOLY TEMPLE i.e. YESHUA". For this directs our attention, even our focus towards the dwelling place of the Divine Presence of YAH. This is why Paul wrote about this in his Epistles:

"And let us LOOK on YESHUA Who has become the beginning and completion of our faith; who, on account of the joy there was for him, endured the stake and surrendered himself to shame; and is seated on the right hand of the throne of God."

 Hebrews 12:2 Roth

"But our (service-labour-worship) [NOTE #32] is in heaven, and from there we LOOK longingly for our LIFE-GIVER, (even for) our Lord Yeshua the Messiah."

 Phil 3:20

All of our labor of love, service and worship is directed toward our LIFE GIVER who dwells in heaven, even our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Once a believer receives life from Yeshua, they then begin to LOOK LONGINGLY to see Yeshua face to face. Believers do not continue to see Yeshua in the present tense, hanging upon a tree, even though they acknowledge His past death, burial and resurrection. Rather, all believers should see Yeshua by faith in heaven in His glorified state, crowned with glory and honor.

     Therefore the body of YAH, still serves as the focal point of our confession, thanksgiving and praise. It is the name of Yeshua which brings believers unto this veil of His body. So the name of Yeshua is the tool or instrument believers use by faith to approach unto the veil of His body. For it is as believers call upon the name of Yeshua, that they are given the image of Yeshua in His glorified State, in their minds and written upon their hearts.

     The name of YAH also remains in force, as a tool or instrument, by which believers call upon, shouting "HALLELU-YAH" as they go beyond the veil of His body to drink of His Living Waters through faith.

     As a believer pictures Yeshua in their mind in His glorified State, and they begin to call upon the name of "YAH" within Him, they can actually feel a connection to the light which goes forth from Yeshua with brilliance and the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH which proceeds from Yeshua to every believer who calls upon the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA with faith. Remember, the body of YAH was broken, so that the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH could flow from Yeshua the man without measure, and the believer is broken in spirit so that the SPIRIT of YAHWEH can flow from Yeshua the body of YAH, into them by measure.

     Now let's re-examine some verses which use the word [Az-Oz], in light of all we have learned about the use of this word, and that sometimes when this is translated as "strength" the believer should understand "THE FOCUS OF PRAISE". That is something to focus our praise with, or something to focus our praise on.

"YAH is the focus of my praise and my song, and is become my Salvation (YESHUA)."

 Psalms 118:14 Author's Translation

(compare Exodus 15:2)

It is when YAH APPEARED in a mortal body as Yeshua (salvation), that HE became the focus of the believer's confession and praise.

"Behold, God is my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, for the focus of my praise and song is YAH YAHWEH, He has become my salvation (YESHUA)."

 Isaiah 12:2 Author's translation

When YAH the seed of the word is planted into the heart. This causes the heart to focus on Yeshua the man concerning confession and praise. For the seed of the word is within the heart longing for the fullness of YAHWEH, found only in and through Yeshua the man (Col 2:9). Then as the believer seeks the LIVING WATERS, and receives the same from Yeshua the man, then YAH the word is united with YAHWEH the LIVING WATERS, and the Father and the Son become ONE WITHIN THE SOUL of the believer. which is why Isaiah continues this thought like this:

"Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation(YESHUA)."

 Isaiah 12:3 KJV

This reveals the proper approach to the throne of grace, that when believers are properly taught, they can approach with boldness because their eyes are opened and they can clearly see the path, and how to clear away all obstacles.

     Both aspects of MAR YAH YESHUA, both His humanity (YESHUA) and His Divinity (MAR- YAH), are to be used in the hands of the believer as instruments by which to draw near to Yahweh. MAR-YAH YESHUA fulfills: the types set by both the goats of Leviticus chapter 16, and both of these goats draw believers the beautiful picture of drawing near as presented here.

     But what if we deviate in some respect from this clear path? Remember that even Moses deviated from the instructions that he was given {EX 17:6 Pg ____}, yet the water still came forth as promised. Yet because of this error in judgment, both Moses and Aaron were not allowed to enter the promised land {Num 20:12-Pg ____}.  If we seek a genuine move of the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH in these last days, we must follow His pattern.

     Also remember Aaron's two sons, who offered strange fire unto Yahweh, a thing which was not commanded (Lev 10:1-3). This is like unto offering unto YAH an offering of praise and thanksgiving with the tongues of fire {Pg ________},  without laying a proper foundation of faith, along with one's confession and repentance with a contrite heart, and self examination. Because if a soul attempts to speak in tongues, while the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life,  still has its grip on the heart, then these tongues are a unwholesome offering unto Yahweh, and will cause this individual to be cut off from the presence of Yahweh. These type of false brethren, will be the most anti-Torah of all, and will argue against any type of sound Biblical Holiness. These false brethren, will have a strong religious spirit, but will lack the love of the Holy Spirit! As the scripture says, after the first and second admonition, turn away (Titus 3:10).

     It was shown on{ Page ________}, that the goat for Yahweh was sacrificed in order to purify and cleanse the temple itself, from its uncleanness through its contact with the sins of the people of Israel (Lev 16:16). Now that we know that this goat represents Yeshua the temple of YAH, we can see how the name of Yeshua works in our redemption to cleanse our earthly temples, that is our Physical bodies Therefore the name of Yeshua was given to mankind, so that believers can purify their bodily temples, prior to approaching the throne of grace. The name of Yeshua is the tool given to mankind to effect their outward purification. which is why the name of Yeshua is used in baptism.

     Again, it was shown on {pages ________},  that the goat of removal (scapegoat) is a type of YAH, the Divine presence within Yeshua the man, which carried the sins of mankind into a land which is cut off from human habitation, that is YAH carried the sins of Israel into SHEOL (Lev 16:22; Isa 53:8). Therefore the name of YAH is the instrument mankind was given, by which we are to purify our inward souls from all our sins. Because as we call upon MAR-YAH for the gift of life within Yeshua, HE will send us the Holy Spirit, thus we are cleansed by the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, as we call upon YAH. This is why so many will receive the Holy Spirit in a spirit of praise and worship, shouting "HALLELU-YAH". For YAH still wants to carry our sins off into a land cut off to human habitation.

"Repent, therefore, and be turned (converted) so that your sins be blotted out and times of rest come to you from before the presence of MAR-YAH." 

Acts 3:19 Roth

     You can be like Moses, and decide, "I’ve done this before, I know how to get water out of this ROCK", and continue doing it your way. Or, even, according to the past instructions you have received. Or you can allow your longing for a genuine move of THE SPIRIT OF YAH in your midst, to overcome what you have known in the past, in order to follow the more specific instructions, of which a deeper study of the word reveals. So that we as the people of YAH can experience the greatest revival this world has ever known.

It's your way or HIS WAY! You have to decide.

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 I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...