In ancient times, the Son was called by a name of which is known by only a select few today. Learn what this name is and why it was important to the apostles and first century Assembly.
Chapter 5 Notes - Marana-Yah Yeshua Mashiycha
1. For more information on the picture presented by the ancient Hebrew letters, see: "Jeff A. Benner, published by Publishing Inc; P.O. Box 9949, College Station, TX 77845, US. He has three books
(1)Ancient Hebrew Dictionary
(2)The Ancient Hebrew language and Alphabet
(3)Learn to read Biblical Hebrew
Here are a few examples and listings of the root meanings of these Hebrew letters and how other meanings are derived from it.
A. Aleph=two oxen yoked together, or simply the yoke which binds them together. From the idea of binding is derived the idea of "strength", and thus "oak tree" as in strong wood. From the idea of the master yoking the oxen together comes the idea of "leader". And then "family" and "associates/Friends" are those Who are yoked together in some way. Perhaps, due to the fact that this is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the idea of "infiniti" and "one thousand" and "first" are also associated with it. To "learn" is to be instructed by the leader, and the leader does the "teaching".
B. Beyth= tent floor plan that is a house, a dwelling place. "Family" is those who dwell in house. "The womb" is a temporary house for the unborn child. And a empty house is "hollow", and a "body" is the house of the spirit. This can refer to things that "swell", as a hill or mountain which has swelled up from the earth. "IN" refers to that Which is inside the house. "with" refers to those gathered together in the house. "BY" refers to those standing by those in the house. "ON" refers to sitting upon something and resting within the house.
C. Gimil=CAMEL- As the Camel walks along carrying its load [merchandise], the trader would walk along side with it. Thus gamal" equals "foot/feet". The camel carries the load, Which is heaped up on top of it [however the idea of "heap" is probably derived from "the humps" on the camel's back. The "benefit" and the "reward" is the merchandise being carried by the camel. This also means "back" due to the camel's humped back This means "pride", due to the provision of the camel, that is its load and merchandise it carries.
D. Deleth=(dal=door) (dag=fish)- tent door, pathway; threshold, access as gained through the door or opening. Anything "hanging" or "swinging" that is anything "pendolous", examples 'curtains", "legs", 'feet", "valves". Also, things which "expand" and thus 'cover" as a "canopy", "fog". "TO HANG HEAD DOWN" that is "be weak", "be poor"!
E. Heh- "MAN WITH ARMS RAISED", as if holloring: "behold me"! That is "Hey", look over here. Thus to "look", "to reveal". "Window", perhaps behind which is hiding THE MAN WITH RAISED ARMS. Air comes in through the window. Thus, refers to things "NOT BOUND IN BY A FRAME" that is NOT CLOSED IN". Thus a breath is the air, which cannot ever be entirely enclosed. This is also used of a "FLEETING BREATH, quick in passing". Breath, Oxygen, Spirit. "SEND FORTH" "DEPART", and "RELEASE" are things sent out through the window.
F. Vav= tent peg; hook, nail, something to connect with, that is a bridge or to secure. Used of a poker used to "TURN" the logs in the fire, and is thus used extensively for "to turn" something. Male member!
G. Zayin= "Mattock", hatchet, plow, weapon, that is any tool or instrument to work with. A Mattock is used to "CUTOFF", "HARVEST" with a sickle. Thus to feed. Also to scatter, probably derived from the opposite idea of planting. Scepter is a instrment of rule and authority. This letter can apply
the ideas of "FORCE", "POWER" or "DIRECITON" to the letters it is used with. A good instrument must be "BALANCED" and the "Body" must be "STRONG", to perform work. This refers to "elect" as something cut off from the rest, and this refers to "time", as a period segmented from the rest. In other words a "PERIOD OF TIME" Which is made distinct from any other period of time.
H. Chet= "TENT WALL" Thus anything segmented or cut off from another, as in outside verses inside. To "divide", to half. Also to "fence off", to separate. A "message", as that which is separated from other messages, and a "bird' with "wings as the one who brings the message. From the idea of separating, comes the idea of "blades/cutting edge". With two walls, one can make a roof for "COVERING" and "SHELTERING". To 'enclose', 'fence', "life", as that which is enclosed within the body. To "GATHER" is to separate things and bring the good things together, that is to separate the good from the bad, the useful from the unuseful. From idea of 'enclosing" is to "gird", "sorround". 'Strings' separated for a specific purpose as on a bow.
I. Tet= "BASKET" as something sorrounding and enclosing, also something to store in, a container. Also a "SNAKE" and other things "TWISTED" and "ROLLED TOGETHER". 'Clay', 'mud', that is material to make a jar out of or a pitcher, which is also used of containing things. To "COLLECT" and "GATHER" things for storage.
J. YOD="HAND” as closed into a fist, thus power, and many other related meanings.
K. Kaph= "OPEN PALM OF HAND"; that is "bend", "CURVE: from the curveture of the hand. This idea of "bend" is used of "TO ALLOW", "TAME", "SUBDUE", which all relate to bending a person, animal or situation to their own will. From the "HOLLOW OF THE HAND", comes the idea of "DISH", "BOWL". Palm branch= "submission". As a attached preposition it means "TO BE LIKE" or "AS" another, which means to be "bent' and conformed to their image. L. Lamed= "SHEPHERD'S STAFF", as used for "teaching, instructing" "YOKING/BINDING". To "LEAD", "CONTROL" , "PROTECT" to exercise authority over. (YOKE as a lamb pulled in by staff). From the same idea of pulling in, comes the idea of LAPPING UP WATER, thus to "CONSUME" as a fire. This letter is formed from above the line, coming down as a lightning bolt. Thus the picture is of YAHWEH reaching down to mankind, and of mankind looking back up at HIM, and submitting to His will. Also a cattle goad, used for prodding in the right direction.
M. Mem- "WATER", fluid, waves, Chaos, liquid, blood, sea, mighty. MAH/MEH= what, who, which is questioning the unknown, in respect to what is unknown is dangerous (i.e. Chaos), that is: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW.
N. Nun= "SEED WITH ROOT COMING OUT OF IT", some have mistaken this picture for "A SNAKE". Offspring, heir, a kingdom, as made up of the same seed, the same race. Mankind individually and collectively are "CONTINUED" on in the world by their seed Thus the seed is "Perpetual". The seed is a "EXTENTION" of self, thus "TO EXTEND". The seed "FLOWS" both literally and figuratively, like unto "oil". Some have mistaken this letter to mean "FISH", however, it is applied to fish, due to the nature to produce much offspring. Thus just as fish are constantly moving, the letter denotes "Movement". From idea of flowing oil, it means 'light" as from a oil lamp. And from the idea of flowing, it can mean "riverbed".
O. Samech- "SIN=THORN BUSH" compare "SINAH =craig/tooth"- Thorn, pierce, sharp. Thus sharp things such as swords", which someone would "HOLD" and use as a offensive "SHIELD". A sharp sword can be used as a staff to "LEAN ON" for "SUPPORT". From idea of 'lean on for support" comes idea to "LEAN TO EMBRACE", and to embrace is to "SORROUND", as to "gather around" "GROUP UP". Because a thorn bush sorrounds a item by wrapping itself around, it also "covers" "hides", "secrets". And because thorn bush "encloses" what it is wrapped around, it "protects" it (that is a vine). [Flock as protected by a wall of thorns] [Warrior as a wall of sharp weapons] [Boot as protection
from thorns] [Hate as piercing the heart]
O. Ayin- "Eye", to see, experience, watch, heed, know. To"cover" as When eyelids cover the eyes. "Color" as seen by the eye. Keep eye close on something= pay attention/heed. Cover= as shading eye. "Furrow" as formed between eyes When squinting- thus "to worry" "be poor", "humble". "OCCUPATION" to pay attention to a task. "ABODE" as carefully watched. "SPRING" as flowing out from the source, as in "THE EYE OF THE LANDSCAPE". As the eye Which recieves gamma rays of light, and from this idea of recieving, stems the opposite idea of "flowing out from" "emiting". "OSTRICH" and "owl" birds that watch. To flow as "puss".
Q. Peh- "MOUTH", word, speak; from idea of 'edge of mouth" comes "edge of sword". From idea of 'blowing' comes idea of 'scattering' and also idea of 'life giving breeze, that is a warm breeze' and also idea of 'cold breeze Which brings in the fading of the leaves and death to crops. Things with boundaries, as a region as the lips are the boundaries of the mouth. And a "beard" as trimmed with something with a sharp edge. From the mouth comes idea of "grinding", and to close mouth is to 'COVER IT". And of course for various reasons someone may cover the mouth with the hand!
R. Tzadah (Tzadiy)= "TO LIE IN WAIT", thus to "snare", to "hunt", thus to "chase". From the idea of 'hunting' comes the ideas of "need", "desire", "search for", "seek after"; 'searching movement'. Thus 'Provision for a journey', 'food', etc. To gather, to catch. And the opposite meaning is also used, that is 'TO BE DESOLATE", that is without provision.
S. Qoph- "SUN ON HORIZON" (REVELUTION OF THE SUN) that is from sunrise until sunset. Thus to "go around" as in a 'circle'. From the half circle shape of the sun's circuit, comes the idea of "THE BOW", and thus the "EXTREME PRESSUE" of the bow, When completely pulled back. Also, the "condensing" of the light as the sun sets. From the idea of the rising sun as it mixes with and then puts away the darkness, unto the sun as it sets, and again mixes with and is finally overcome by the darkness, comes the idea of 'divide" as a division between light and dark. And because the sun's path also marks time, is is thus used of 'time", i.e. any span of time.
T. Resh- "Head" THAT is a person, a man, also alludes to 'beginning', 'rule', 'Chief'. (Inheritance/Possessions- as decided by Chief). Things which 'form' a head, such as a 'heap'. Things as done by the head, such as to 'ruminate', to 'grind'. Things Which come forth from the head, that is to flow' as vomit flows forth.
V. Shiyn- "two front teeth", to eat, consume, bite, from the whiteness of the teeth, to 'shine', 'sheen', 'gloss' as 'ivory'. from the grinding, chewing, and breaking up of the meat with the teeth, comes the idea of 'press', 'devide'. From the idea of the 'TWO FRONT TEETH" comes the idea of 'two" thus to 'divide' thus to 'change'. Again from the grinding of the teeth comes idea of 'sharp', 'cut'. From idea of 'consuming', comes idea of 'fire". [sinah=craig/tooth]compare to samech [sin =thorn bush]. Two teeth, also convey's idea of 'duplicate, repeat, double second, again. A cliff as sometingi hanging over, as the two top front teeth.
V. Tav- "TWO CROSSED STICKS', 'to mark a place', mark, sign, signature, identification. As a marker to identify people, places or things. Places marked or set aside for a specific purpose: "Room", "dwelling", "desert". A 'Covenant' as specificly marked out, planned out, and agreed upon. A path which is marked, follows a specific "form", "line", "path", "outline" as a well marked path. A scar, as a bodily mark. To 'distinguish' the right path from the wrong path. It also refers to finality, due to its being the last letter of the alphabet. Thus when Yeshua said "IT IS FINISHED", the "Tav" is indicated, which did form the picture of a cross. And of 'course the cross represents death, that is finality, thus 'the end' of a thing. And also, to follow the well marked path of another is to imitate. And this is how we are to bear our cross. For these reasons and more, I cannot agree with the brethren who claim the cross is a pagan symbol. I am not saying it was never used as a pagan symbol, but this pagan use, was stolen from this very Hebrew, Jewish source and history.
[This information about the Hebrew pictures formed by the letters, is just a introduction into the subject. However, it is enough to show you the many Ways in which a individual letter may be used with one or NO other root letters. It is possible, for a trained eye, to read a unknown word in a context, simply by seeing what the letters mean in relation to the entire context. Therefore the pictures are solid, even though always changing and adapting.]
2. Proverbs 30:4 See NOTE # 21 "MAR-YAH IS YESHUA NOTES"
3. Acts 8:12, 10:48, 19:5--- I am quoting from Roth, however I have rendered "Our Master Y'shua haMashiyach", as it reads in the literal Aramaic, "MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA, Which means "Our Lord Yeshua the Messiah".
4. Luke 4:18 Author's translation- I rendered "MAR-YAH' as "Master Yahweh", as it is in Hebrew Old Testament, Which reads "Adonay Yahweh", I did not use Roth, because he rendered "And to free those who are oppressed (by the power of) forgiveness". And this word "free" looks a lot like "send away" as it reads in Greek text. The Aramaic has "strengthen", "make firm". However, as already noted on {PG___}, the Aramaic word for 'make firm', 'strengthen', (that is to fortify with truth), is [sharar]. And the Aramaic word for 'send away', is [shadar]. In the 1st century the (r) [resh] and the (d) [deleth] where written identically. So the translator had to determine which was meant in context. Now many Aramaic translators are putting "set free" here, regardless of the pointing which distinguishes the two letters.
5. Isaiah 61:1- The Hebrew word "acar/bind" is #631 Strong's. The Hebrew word "paqach" is #6491 Strong's. The Gesinius lexicon shows: "To open", especially with eynayn I.e. the eyes...." And the compound phrase (paqach qowach) is #6495 Strong's. Strong's shows: "#6495 p'qach qowach from #6491 (I.e. paqach) redoubled;.." In some texts this was written as one word, which would explain why the initial "peh" (pa) of (paqach) is dropped to simply "qowach". I have recently found two Hebrew translations of the Greek New Testament: Luke 4:18, which both use the phrase "paqch qowach" in the phrase about the eyes: "... and to those who are blind, paqach qowach (I.e. complete opening); to set those who are broken free. But the phrase (paqach qowach) was used of both translators only in relation to the eyes.
One of these translations can be viewed on my sword, the Hebrew Tanach and the Brit Chadasha. The other one is:
Dr. Daniel Fried, Editor, Copy right @ 2009 Hope of Israel publications. HTTP://
6. The LXX is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. It is claimed that this translation was translated around 250 A.D. Some teachers will claim that it is actually more accurate then the Hebrew Scriptures. Yet Yeshua says not one Yod or title will pass from the law until all is fulfilled, (MT 5:18). So I believe Yeshua, hope you do to. The Jewish scribes kept notes of every letter of the Hebrew scriptures, just as was done with the Aramaic Peshitta. No Greek translation can even compare to its accuracy! No matter What Scholars say.
7. John 2:21 by Roth (Aramaic Peshitta). The word for body is (peger) #6297 Gesenius. Which means "A CARCASS" (A DEAD BODY". This comes from (pagar) #6296 Gesenius, Whidh means "to be exhausted. void of strength". Gesenius says this idea comes from the word (puwg) #6313 Gesenius, Which means "to be cold, to be void of vital warmth..."
8. Colosians 2:9 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. The Aramaic word for "bodily" is (gasham) which is related to the Hebrew root (geshem) #1653 Gesenius, which means "RAIN, A VIOLENT RAIN„HEAVEY SHOWER".
I suppose that this relates to "body" in the sense of the similitude between the rain which revives the earth, and the water Whidh revives the body. Therefore the relationship between (pagar) [#7] "dead body, lacking of vital life giving warmth", and (gasham), a body being revived by the life giving waters Which flow like rain; is in the fact that without YAHWEH to give the warmth of life and the Living Waters., Which revives and restores life; the body of YAH, would be nothing but a dead corpse. Likewise, mankind, is also dead, until they allow themselves to he revived by the LIFE GIVING WATERS OF YAHWEH which flow and fall like rain from the body of MAR-YAH YESHUA.
9. Hebrews 6:4-5 and 10:32- Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. When it comes to determining the precise reason for major doctrinal differences between early Greek and Original Aramaic Peshitta New Testament texts, one is left to early Church history, and with What is believed, that these groups held to as doctrine. In relation to the book of Hebrews the Aramean Church of the East, has always believed that Paul was its author. Which is Why, they preserved their text letter per letter through the centuries. However, on the Western side, the Church has always debated the authorship of the book of Hebrews. Therefore, this fact MUST be taken into account, when comparing glaring differences in this book, between the Greek translations and the Aramaic original. Think in your mind, as if you are a western scholar, Who comes upon a book, he has been taught, has no verifiable apostolic. author. Yet this same book, has some writings in it, Which in your opinion are false doctrine. Therefore because I doubt its apostolic origin, I do not feel. the need to handle this book with the devotion and care and word for word accuracy, I would if I had believed in its apostolic origins. And because its Divine inspiration is in question, this person, feels no need to safe guard the words of verses, Which are in this person's opinion, false doctrine. Therefore this person feels obligated by conscience to copy book with select revisions. Therefore, this person will remove, change or alter this book, so that the false doctrine he believes is contained therein, will bring no harm to the Church. For this reason, this self righteous soul will altar the readings of any and all questionable doctrines and then insist his copy is the original, so that the doctrine of the Church will not be harmed. Therefore, by his lie, the Church is preserved!
Yes I do believe, the type of self righteousness, as presented above, is the reason, for many different readings found in the Aramaic Peshitta book of Hebrews. which have been altered in the Greek translations of the Aramaic. And that due to the devotion of the Aramenian scribes, and their belief in the Divine (apostolic) inspiration of the book of Hebrews, it has beer preserved letter per letter in the Eastern Aramaic Peshitta.
For these reasons, it is my prayer. that these readings will be taken by all who read this book, as Divinely inspired and authoritive. The pattern upon which every believer can follow in faith. The foundation, upon which the Church as a Whole, MUST RETURN!
See "Epistle to the Hebrews, Page 814 i in the Aramaic New Testament by Roth
10.Psalms 118:14, see ; "THE VEIL OF HIS Body", Section 8 to see why "STRENGTH" must also be understood in context as "Praise". For the greatest scholar and Jewish Rabbi ever, even MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, says this Hebrew word "Oz" must also in some contexts, mean "Praise".
11.Hebrews 10:37-39 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. Paul is targuming the idea of this text from Habakkuk.2:3-4. Here is a word for word rendition, Which takes into account the later Aramaic or lost Hebrew usage, of some of these words:
"For the vision is still for a set time. But it is hurried on, unto the end, and does not lie. If [he] delays, wait for HIM, for surely HE will come, and not delay "
"But if [he] (i.e. the waiter) will be remiss, HIS SOUL (YAH YESHUA) will not be satisfied with him (i.e. with the one neglecting to wait), but the just by HIS [i.e. YAH YESHUA'S] faith will live." Habakkuk 2:3-4
The term "HIS FAITH" refers to the faith of the one who will come back that is of YESHUA. This is why Paul clarifies this in the first person with "Now the just by MY faith will live". In the context, the believers are supposed to "WAIT FOR THE COMING ONE", and to "NOT GROW REMISS OR NEGLIGENT IN WAITING". For if they grow weary in well doing. "HIS (i.e. YESHUA'S) SOUL will not be satisfied with the one who became stagnant in their faith allowing their works of righteousness to cease, that is those things they were supposed to be actively pursuing While waiting . To show how (apbal) [#6075 Gesenius] went from 'proud', or 'arrogant', the normal sense, to the later sense of "remiss/negligent ; to draw back from good works" we must show how the idea of (TO SWELL UP), must have also been applied to the (SWELLING of fat) as in the word (t'piys/tuwps) [note #15] The Hebrew root is found at #2954 Gesenius, Where (tapash) means (to be fat; metaph. to be inert, stupid).
[NOTE: The Hebrew "Shiyn" is often replaced by the "Semek" in Aramaic, just as it is here.]
Thus, to swell up in fat, would be, to be fat and lazy, thus inactive and remiss in one's duties.
Many times an ancient Hebrew word as used in the scriptures, might have had an ancient street, i.e. everyday, usage, Which is uncommon or unknown to scholars. However, because ancient Israel was scattered out among the nations, these ancient usages can often be found in similar sounding words in other languages. The father of modern Hebrew, Benjamin Yehudah dedicated his life, to searching out many languages, in his quest to rediscover the Hebrew language, and to bring Hebrew into the modern era. In the present case, Gesenius reveals the Aramaic meaning of (aphal), and in so doing, reveals What Habakkuk originally meant, When he penned the word.
[NOTE: Gesenius says that this was the way the word was used in Arabic. However Arabic descended directly from Aramaic. Therefore Arabic is an excellent source, for rediscovering lost Aramaic or Hebrew words.]
Another ancient Hebrew word, which is understood in this context according to its Aramaic meaning is "hinneh" (#2009 Gesenius) In this context, instead of being understood as "behold", its normal Hebrew usage ; it is understood as "IF" which is the Aramaic understanding, as in (hen) (#2007 Gesenius). Another ancient Hebrew word' being miss-understood is (yashar) [#3474 Gesenius], which means "to be straight/ level/esteem as right/to approve". It is this final, and least used meaning, Which applies in this context, that is "to approve" that is to be satisfies with. This applies to a straight path ; and those who swerve from the straight path, find themselves disapproved. But the righteous works of the just, are a walk of the commandments, performing the righteousness of the law, by the faith of Yeshua. Which of course is walking according to HIS example through the faith within YESHUA. "But the JUST by YESHUA'S faith will live"
The root word for 'just" or "righteous" in Hebrew is "Tzedeq" [#6664 compare #6663]. A "Tzadiyq" is a just or righteous man. #6664 begins to define this as "IN A PHYSICAL SENSE, STRAIGHTNESS, RIGHTNESS ; compare (yashar),(above). Psalms 23:3 "Magley tzedeq" STRAIGHT PATHS,"..." Gesenius further defines, under " "tzadiyq" [6662]
"The Hebrews ascribe to a just man, benignity and liberality..."
Therefore, this is not just an individual who observes the laws of Yahweh, but one Who is constantly involved in performing by good works the righteousness of the law. Now the scriptures teach by contrast, however if the translator of your English Bible did not see the contrast then neither can you, until you start studying the Hebrew and Aramaic. So if "aphal" is understood as "arrogant", "puffed up", then the contrast between doing the works of righteousness of the just man by faith is lost. However, if we are to accept that Paul is a scholar, well Ahead of modern day scholars, then we can understand that "aphal" means to be remiss or negligent in doing the works of righteous, and then we can see the contrast of this with the just who performs the works of righteousness by the faith in Yeshua. And then we can see how both these words compare with (yashar) "TO BE SATISFIED WITH" "TO APPROVE", for those Who do not spend their time, While waiting, walking the straight path of works of righteousness, will also find their disapproval from Yeshua their King when HE returns.
This subject of the works of righteousness will be continued in NOTE #12 below. This comparison between Habakkuk 2:3-4 and Hebrews 10:38-39, is a difficult one. However, it is worth the effort. Because, by comparing, this much fuller light comes into view.
12. The works of righteousness Which accompnay Salvation, have often been made obscure by the Greek translations. Here is a short study from Phillipians Chapter two:
"Make my joy perfected by having one agreement and one love and one soul and one mind. And do nothing in strife or in vain glory; but, with humbleness of mind, let each regard his neighbor as better than himself. And let not each be anxious (only) for himself, but everyone for his neighbor."
Phillipians 2:2-4 by Roth
In order to put the needs of others, before their own, the believer must take upon themselves the attitude of a servant.
Which is why Paul continues:
"And think you so in yourselves, as Yeshua the Messiah thought. Who, as he was in the likeness of God, did not regard it sinful to be the coequal of God; yet disinherited himself and assumed the likeness of a servant, and was in the likeness of men and was found in fashion as a man; and he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the stake."
Phillipians 2:5-8
THE ONE who was the equal of God, actually disinherited himself from that lofty position, so that HE could come in the likeness of men, in the form of a servant. So that His people would follow His example. For Yeshua wants His people to do works of service for one another. Because of what Yeshua did, HE was lifted up above all:
"Wherefore, also, God has highly exalted him and given him a name Which is more excellent than all names; that at [upon] the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of (beings) in heaven and on earth and under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that MAR-YAH IS YESHUA THE MESSIAH to the glory of God [i.e. YAHWEH] His Father."
Phil 2:9-11
The reward for those of high position, who will lower themselves to that of men of law stature, and become a servant unto men of lower stature; is very great. For this is the example, left us by MAR-YAH YESHUA HIMSELF. For this reason we must perform the works of a servant, as it is written:
"Therefore, my beloved, as you have at all times obeyed, not only When I was near to you but now when I am far from you, perform the works of life more abundantly with fear and trembling."
Phil 2:12 Aramaic Peshitta
The Greek translator has "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". But here, in the context of doing the works of a servant, the Aramaic rings true. While the Greek text is lacking (standing alone) [that is, until compared to the ORIGINAL ARAMAIC PESHITTA]. Please notice how the rest of the context also supports the Aramaic and puts the Greek text in its place, as a mere translation (shadow) of the original.
"For God is operating in you [performing works of life through you], both to purpose and also to perform that which you desire."
Phil 2:13 Roth
The Greek has "to work for the sake of his good pleasure". But when the believer allows God to perform his works of righteousness through them, then God grants the desire of their heart, which is HIS GOOD PLEASURE. This text is a smoking gun. revealing the accuracy of the Aramaic in verse 12. For the subject is still "THE WORKS OF A SERVANT"!
"Do all things without arguing and without conflict; that you may be perfect: and without blemiss, as the sincere Children of God who are resident in a perverse and crooked generation; and that you may appear among them as SHINING
LIGHTS in the world."
Phil 2:14-15 Roth
"Let your light shine like this in front of the sons of man that they should see your good works and they glorify your Father who is in heaven."
MT 5:16
Yeshua strictly forbids believers from doing their alms to be SEEN OF MEN, nor should we pray to be seen of men, however the good works of righteousness as contained in the law and the prophets, [which is the subject of Matthew 5:16-19], should be performed by His children, so that their lights should shine before mankind. The reason for this is:
"So that you may be to them IN PLACE OF LIFE. For my glory in the day of the MESSIAH that I may not have run in vain or worked for nothing."
Phil 2:16 A.P. by Roth
The Greek text reads: "HOLDING UP A WORD OF LIFE,.." For the believer Who humbles himself to be a servant among the unbelievers, is performing the works of righteousness, the works of LIFE. That is, the believer is holding out to the unbelievers "a word of life" as a testimony against them. And here we are able to see why these are works of life! For the believer who becomes a servant, is actually standing in the room of life, that is. they are standing in the place of Yeshua (the source of life), before the unbelievers. For now the unbeliever is able to reach out to the believer, to partake of that life of Yeshua, which abides in the believer.
No amount of works can get a believer saved. However, a lack of works, is proof, that the faith of Yeshua is not dwelling in the believer at all. And maybe this is why the Greek translator targumed: "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". For as the body ; without the spirit is dead, likewise faith without works is dead (James 2:26) Compare also Hebrews 6:9-10.
13. Colosians 2:14-15 Aramaic Peshitta, Author's literal translation
All Greek texts (of which I am aware). leave out the fact as presented in the Aramaic Peshitta, that "THE COMMANDMENTS" being spoke of are the commandments of MARYAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH. who recieved them from YAHWEH HIS FATHER. That is literally 'HIS COMMANDMENTSI!
From the perspective of the Aramaic, I see the idea of secrecy being presented by the Hebrew/Aramaic letter (semek) which is attached to the word (qabal-#6903 Gesenius) which means "contrary to us/against us". Likewise the Greek word used here is (hupenantios) #5227 Strong's. Yet (enantios #1727 Strong's) means (against) all by itself, without attaching - (hupo-#5259 Strong's), which definition includes: ..covertly.." as if (hidden beneath, hidden below), put out of sight, kept in secret. It is because that both the attached (semek) and the attached (hupo) both relate in reference to (covering/hiding/secrets), that I have translated: "HE blotted out the judicial writing of our debts that were existing secretly against us (as if a secret indictment)."
[NOTE: "Qabal" is used several times with a attached ' semek' thus 'sagabal' . Therefore I am not saying this is the only meaning of the attached 'semek'. Only that the Greek translator seemed to want to showcase this (hidden) meaning! The 'semek' is a Hebrew picture of a thorn bush, [see NOTE #1], however. just as a vine of thorns will wrap around something and cover it; likewise the idea of 'covering' lends itself to the idea of hiding of secrets.]
The Aramaic term (by yielding up HIS BODY) that is (TO SEND FORTH HIS BODY) as to the cross, seems to have been taken by the Greek translator as (stripped), as if in sending forth the clothes from HIS BODY. However the Greek says it is the rulers and authorities that were stripped, While the Aramaic is clear, that it is the body of YAH that was stripped and sent forth to the tree for execution.
[NOTE: 'Shalach' #7971 Gesenius, means 'to send forth', and 'Shalak' #7993 Gesenius, means 'to cast. to throw'. And neither word is ever specificly used for the casting off of the clothes in the Hebrew scriptures: so what I have suggested is just a guess, as to what the Greek translator might have been thinking.]
The term: "WITH HIS DIVINE NATURE", is entirely missing from the Greek, which renders: "..triumphing over them IN IT. The Aramaic word used here is (gnoma) Which refers to the inner or spiritual self, that is the transient self. And the inner nature or being within Yeshua is Divine. Think and pray about this, its not just because Yeshua the man, yielded up HIS BODY to the cross, that broke principalities and powers, but the fact of the DIVINITY WITHIN THE BODY, Which was broken so that His people could partake of the DIVINITY WITHIN. And it is the access His people now have unto the DIVINITY WITHIN, that has broke the evil powers of this world, The evil forces trying to destroy God's people. However the Aramean Church of the East has always taught, that within MESSIAH there exist two (qnoma's), one human and ONE DIVINE. For Yeshua has a human nature and a Divine nature. But this context speaks of HIS DIVINE NATURE!
Where I have "HE BROKE" (peres-#6536 Gesenius/Hebrew) principalities and authoritiea;.." Roth has 'contempt' instead of "broke". (peresh/Hebrew) was also understood as (dung), which would be 'contemptible'. However I strongly believe that Paul is relating how Yeshua broke the power of the evil forces in this world by offering up His own body on the tree, so that His people could have access to the DIVINE NATURE WITHIN HIM. However, the normal use of (Peres) in Aramaic is to spread a covering over [Payne Smith PG 462], and the reverse of this is to uncover, as in [Payne Smith PG 436- pursia]. Which seems to be the root idea in [Jennigs PG 179], where he yields "made a display of" Col 2:15; and (expose her, uncover her shame/guilt) MT 1:19. Peres can also be to overrun for plunder [Payne Smith PG 462].
Yeshua did break the power of evil forces in this world, but he also revealed the very source and nature of evil. And I believe Paul would have had both the Hebrew and Aramaic meaning in mind.
Paul is not talking about the evil forces being displayed openly, but rather of how YESHUA'S DIVINE NATURE was openly displayed, by putting His own body on the tree,: for all the world to see. (This refers to gala/openly--not Peres).
The following is a very similar context, Which was also left obscure by the Greek text, for way too long. I give my translation of it here, so that you can compare it to the text of Colosians 2:14-15, above. Here is a word for word translation of Ephesians 2:14-15, without clarifying statements in brackets or Parenthesis. This is given for your prayerful consideration!
For HE is himself our peace Who made the two of them one, and DESTROYED the wall (fence) that was standing in the midst." "And the Lord of slander--- WITH HIS FLESH And the law of commands--- WITH HIS COMMANDMENTS
because from both, HE will create one renewed man, WITH HIS DIVINE NATURE, and make peace."
Eph ' 2:14-15
word for word from Aramaic Peshitta
In Hebrew and Aramaic, there are times, When a sentence is written incomplete which is dependant upon the entire context to complete. These contexts are therefore often hard to understand, from the western mindset. [See "MAR-YAH IS YESHUA NOTES" NOTE #20, for a example of a incomplete thought in a verse]. The word used in verse 14 for (wall/fence) is (syaga) in Aramaic. This word is used in the Jewish writings thus: "Pirkei Avot (sayings of the Fathers) 1:1", "MAKE A FENCE AROUND THE TORAH (LAW)." This 'fence', consisted of many man made rules and regulations, all of Which were DESTROYED by the COMMANDMENT OF YAHWEH through Yeshua. The Greek translation, refers rather to the wall in the ancient Jewish temple, through which no Gentile could pass on pain of death The truth of the matter can be seen by history and common sense. Because very few Gentile believers, ever felt a need to go to earthly Jerusalem , in order to worship in the Jewish temple. However, there were Jewish believers in the assemblies in all cities, who still held to the teachings of the ancient Jewish fathers. And it was these man made rules and regulations, which were DESTROYED by the COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH through YESHUA. However the word "DESTROYED/ABOLISHED is not to be found at all in Ephesians 2:15. The Greek text adds the word "DESTROYED/ABOLISHED" to verse 15. My translation by Roth adds the word "DESTROYED" to verse 15. However, sense it is obvious to all translators that the idea of "DESTROYED" must be brought down from verse 14 unto verse 15, the question is. how and where? And how many times? The indicator for this in the Aramaic is the (beyth/with) Which is attached to two phrases:
1. "WITH His flesh"
2. "WITH His commandments"
For His flesh destroys the enemy (lord of slander/accuser), and HIS COMMANDMFNTS destroy the man made rules and regulations of the scribes and Pharizees. And the "two being made one" is shown by overall context to be the Jews and Gentiles. Here is Ephesians 2:14-15 again, with clarifying statements in parenthesis and brackets, so that the brethren can fully understand what Paul is saying.
"For HE is Himself our peace Who made the two of them one [i.e. Jews and Gentiles] and DESTROYED the FENCE [Pharizees fence of rules and regulations around Torah- So Torah itself would never be broken-is idea behind it] that was standing in the midst."
"And the lord of slander (i.e. the accuser-Rev 12:10) [HE DESTROYED] WITH HIS FLESH.
And the law of commands [Pharizees rules and regulations] [HE DESTROYED] WITH HIS COMMANDMENTS [i.e. the law of Yahweh as made clear by YESHUA]
because from both [the Jew and Gentile] HE will create one renewed man, WITH HIS DIVINE NATURE, and make peace (between them)."
Ephesians 2:14-15 made clear
The enemy would use these man made rules and regulations in order to bring a constant barrage of accusations against the Gentile believers. However with these obstacles destroyed and moved out of the way, the DIVINE NATURE Which comes forth from the body of YAH. is able to bring these two peoples together and make of them one body, one renewed man, and make peace exist between Jew and Gentile within the assemblies. The clarity of these truths are so much better then the obscurity offered by the Greek translations.
Therefore, the Greek translations seem to have a conspiracy against the COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH. For in both contexts, the Greek refuses to show the "his" which
is clearly attached to "COMMANDMENTS".
"And by HIS COMMANDMENTS, He blooted out the Judicial writing of our debt that was existing secretly against us [i.e. the accusations of the enemy- Rev 12: 10],..."
Colosians 2:14 in part
"...And the law of commands (fence around Torah) [HE DESTROYED] WITH HIS COMMANDMENTS..."
Ephesians 2:15
The COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH have not been:AboliShed! This understanding would totally disregard Yeshua's own teaching in Matthew 5:16-19. So the Greek text is in blatant error. Sadly it is these same Greek manuscripts, that almost all New Testaments. in the west, are translated from.
14. I peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. I am so thankful to have found this Aramaic verse. For it shows the relationship between Biblical CONFESSION and Biblical BAPTISM. Therefore as we add this verse to What we have already learned about confession, we can make sure we stand on a solid foundation. A foundation which is lacking in the mainstream Churches of today. Please note that Roth, in every place uses 'immersion', instead of 'baptism'. But I have used 'baptism' here. But of course the mode of baptism is full immersion!
15. 1 Peter 3:21 Aramaic Peshitta second layer of meaning, "Author's Translation". The Aramaic is redundant, here as in many other places, literally reading. "For also you in it, in that like figure are made alive by baptism...." The word are term "in it" is (beh) [beyth/heh], and can also mean "IN HIM". And this gives us:
"For also you [who] believe in HIM, are made alive by baptism,..." Perhaps we should understand:
"For also you [who] imitate HIM, are made alive by baptism,..."
Concerning the contrast between tuphas and eT't'phas, both Payne Smith lexicon and the Jennings lexicon are coming from (The Greek New Testament is the original) perspective.
And at first glance they seem to have a point, because (piys)
is used often for "believe". And this looks similar to the Greek (peisa) "believe". And from (peisa) is derived (pistis-
4100-4102-4103- Strong's), and also (peitho-3982- Strong's).
However, this gets more complicated as this is placed in other
Aramaic tenses. Such as (eT't'piys) and (meT't'piys). Payne Smith tries to give a logical reason for the additional (t) or
(tet). He says it is a doubling of the (T) or (Tav). That is:
(eTT'piys), etc. And 1st century Aramaic did have a lot of
doubled letters. However, this explanation ignores the possibility of finding a Hebrew root, and learning thereby.
The root can be found in the Hebrew, regardless of those who
want to ignore this fact. Taphas or (tapas) #2954 Strong's and
Gesenius, not only has these three root letters [tet-peh-semek], but its meaning of: "fat, inert, stupid", reveals a foundation for a lack of faith and action, which actively seeks to follow in the footsteps of the Messiah. And the dual or negative and positive meaning as found in so many Hebrew and Aramaic words, makes this the perfect word to describe the
believer who is actively seeking to perform the works of their
Messiah, by following in His footsteps.
Compare" Payne Smith PG 170,180; with pg 444and Jennings PG 86 and 89, with PG 173. Then consider how these relate to tapas #2964 Strong's.
P.S.- The Aramaic often exchanges the Hebrew 'shiyn' with
an 'semek'.
Taphash [טפש]: fat/believe?
ט: container of Life.
פ: life which buds forth as breeze/breath enlivens it
ש: to press that life into container.
Budding vibrant life will produce a healthy amount of fat, which is compressed into the body. However, too much fat indicates a fading of that vitality of life, leading to inactivity and inaction.
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I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...
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