Ch 5 sec 1 our Master Yah Yeshua

CHAPTER 5 Marana-Yah Yeshua Mashiycha Section 1 Our Master Yah Yeshua the Messiah Concerning the revelation of the Divinity within the Messiah, the Hebrew Scriptures works from the inside outward; While the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament begins on the outside and then works toward revealing what is on the inside, this is why the Hebrew Scriptures reveal "YAH", first ; and only then shows that YAH is our praise and song and is become our YESHUA (SALVATION). On the other hand, the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament reveals "YESHUA", and then slowly and gradually reveals how YESHUA is the temple of YAH. The picture presented by the two letters which spell "Yah", is more in depth then simply revealing how YAH IS THE GREAT I am (The Self Existant ONE), but the (YOD) and the (HEH) also convey the idea of:[NOTE #1] 1. YOD= "HAND" as in waving the hand and trying to get your attention 2. HEH= 'WINDOW Or (invisible SPIRIT/WIND) behind which YAH remains hidden. while waving the hand and trying to get your attention, as if saying: "behold me". The picture presented by the four Hebrew letters which spell the name of YESHUA, works as a contrast to the picture shown above Because, while the invisible YAH is trying to get you to see HIM, YESHUA is plainly seen by all around: [NOTE #1] 1. YOD = "HAND" Which is still waving striving to get your attention. 2. SHIYN= "TWO TEETH' as "SHINING BRIGHTLY" i.e. "TO SHINE FORTH ; TO SHEEN". 3. VAV = "TO TURN". thus something turning, rolling, flowing, moving. 4. AYIN = "EYE OF THE LANDSCAPE", that is the place from Which waters spring up from the ground. This picture can relate the LIVING WATERS as they flow forth from YESHUA THE MAN, but can also relate the rays of light Which radiate from YESHUA THE MAN, as HE appears in all His glory. Therefore "YAH" is invisible and unseen and unseeable; While "YESHUA" is extremely visible and apparent to everyone. And "YAH YESHUA" seeks to get our attention; to warn and to instruct ; to cleanse and to forgive: However, When mankind looks upon "YESHUA" they see only a man, they can't see "YAH" within HIM. But believers can feel YAH within YESHUA, as they experience the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH flowing out from HIM, like Rivers of LIVING WATERS. Then ; one day, all will behold YESHUA shining forth as the Sun in his strength (Rev 1:16). And at this time all will confess "YAH" within "YESHUA". YESHUA also relates the idea of "WIDE OPEN SPACES", and this relates to the root because when "YESHUA" appears, His people will BEHOLD HIM from miles around in every direction. Thus His people will view YESHUA in WIDE OPEN SPACES, thus in complete freedom and liberty and Salvation. And by this time all will see "YAH" within "YESHUA". For these reasons and more, the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, reveals the name of "YESHUA" throughout, and only uses the name of "MAR-YAH' in conjunction with "YESHUA" in a select few verses. And it is these select verses which reveal to believers how to understand the Divinity in other passages. It is also important to note, that ancient rabbis came to the conclusion that YAH is the SON OF YAHWEH. They understood that this concept was founded upon the Hebrew Scriptures. This does not indicate that "YAH had a beginning; this only shows that "YAH" went forth from "YAHWEH" out of heaven. It is written: "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: YAHWEH hath said unto me, THOU ART MY SON; THIS DAY HAVE I BEGOTTEN THEE." Psalms 2:6-7 "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON'S NAME IF THOU CANST TELL/SURELY YOU KNOW?" Proverbs 30:4- [NOTE #2] See Deuteronomy 30:11-14 and Romans 10:6-7 Yah ascended to heaven and descended! Yahweh has gathered the wind into His fists! YAH is the fist of YAHWEH into which the heavenly winds were gathered. This is Why the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH is given to HIM without measure (JN 3:34). YAHWEH also bound the LIVING WATERS OF "YAH' into a garment, that is a body. This is Why the Aramaic Peshitta reveals that "YAH" was clothed with a body (Hebrews 5:7; 10:50). Only YAH YAHWEH, the Father and Son, can cause souls all over the globe to rise in the resurrection. Therefore the writer of this proverb (30:4) believes that everyone ought to be able to discern the name of the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH) from the plain text of the HEBREW SCRIPTURES. He could not have possibly meant the name "YESEUA", because this name had not been clearly revealed as a name, yet! In the original Hebrew Scriptures, the writer of proverbs (30:4) was reading, is found the revelation that YAHWEH was riding upon the heaven of heavens which were of old (Ps 68:32-33) [i.e. heaven = shamayim]. And that YAH was sent forth from YAHWEH in heaven, as the voice or word of YAHWEH, to ride upon the desert places [desert= arabot] of the earth (Ps 68:4,6,18). Then it was revealed that Yahweh was dwelling with the angels in heaven (Ps 68:17); While YAH was destined to dwell with mankind upon the earth (Ps 68:17-18). In fact, this contrast was so clear that the scribes of later generations removed the name of YAHWEH from verses 68:17 and 68:32, and replaced it with the title Adonay (my Lord). Careful notes were preserved for us in the margin of the codex, so that the original could still be discerned. Maybe this is one reason why this contrast between the name of the Father YAHWEH and the Son YAH, was well known to this writer of the proverb, but is understood by so few today. [See "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", Chapter one, NOTE #8] Here is another context, which reveals the distinction between the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH). For a incomplete command is given in Psalms 118: 'Open to me the gates of righteousness I will enter into them; I will confess YAH." Psalms 118:19 [See THE HEBREW KEY, Pages {______}, Sec. 4, Chap.One] Confess what about YAH? To answer that question look to context: "YAH is my praise and my song and is become my salvation (Yeshua)." Psalms 118:14 [Stength=Praise- see "THE VEIL OF HIS Body' Sec. 5] All must confess that YAH is their salvation, that is YESHUA! This must be done because: "This is the gateway unto YAHWEH, the righteous will enter in through it." Psalms 118:20 [all quotes derived directly from Hebrew] The only path or gate leading to YAHWEH the FATHER, is through confessing that YAH the Son is YESHUA (SALVATION). Therefore Psalms 118:19 should be understood and obeyed like this: Open to me the gates of righteousness, I will enter into them I willCONFESS THAT YAH IS MY SALVATION (YESHUA)." Ps 118:19 fully understood "This is the gateway unto YAHWEH, the righteous will enter in through it." Psalms 118:20 These contrasts which were originally made known from the Hebrew Scriptures, were much harder to convey through the Aramaic Peshitta, once the decision was made to never write the full form of the Divine name (Yahweh) in the Peshitta. Because the compound phrase: "MAR-YAH" is a direct and clear way to bring forth the idea of Divinity of the name, it was used as a substitute for the name of YAHWEH. However "MAR-YAH" was also used in conjunction with "YESHUA", and in these cases was used at face value, to mean "Lord YAH". However another substitute for "YAHWEH" had to be found, When "MAR-YAH" meant "Lord YAH" the Son, in the passage. In these cases "God" (Alaha) was used as a substitute for "YAHWEH". One example is: "And that every tongue should confess that MAR-YAH (Lord YAH) is YESHUA the Messiah to the glory of God his Father." Phil 2:11 A.P. by Roth Obviously, "YAHWEH' in this context is the Father of "MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH". And the title "God" (Alaha) is being used as a substitute for "YAHWEH THE FATHER". On the other hand, a term had to be found which would convey the Divinity of the name of "YAH" the Son, in places Where a clear distinction between Yahweh the Father and YAH the Son, was necessary, to get the proper understanding. One example of this is: "I foresaw MARIY (my Master), for at all times he (is) at my right hand so that I will not be moved." Acts 2:25 A.P. The apostle Peter is quoting Psalms 16:8, where it says "I have set (foresaw) Yahweh always before me". It was because Peter understood that in this verse the Divinity of YAHWEH, was actually a reference to the Son of Yahweh, even 'YAH', that he used the substitute, "MARIY" (My Lord), to represent the Divinity of "YAH THE SON". [NOTE: If "MAR-YAH" was used in every case, the line of distinction would have been blurred between the Divinity of the Father (YAHWEH) and the Divinity of the Son (YAH)] Here is an example which uses "MAR-YAH" and "MARIY" (my Lord) to reveal the contrast between the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH): "And said, 'What do you say about the Messiah? Who is He the son of? They were saying to Him, 'The son of David'. He said to them, "How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, 'That MAR-YAH said to MARIY (my Master), You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls Him MAR-YAH, how is he his son." Matthew 22:42-45 Please notice that Yeshua says twice that David called Messiah "MAR-YAH". However, When quoting the verse Which demanded a distinction of Divinity between the real Father of the Messiah, even YAHWEH, and His Son YAH, a substitute had to be found to convey the Divinity of "MAR-YAH" (without using "MAR-YAH")! So "MARIY" (my Lord) was used to relate the Divinity of the Son. While "MAR- YAH" was used to convey the Divinity of the Father in the quotation, while "MAR-YAH" relates the Divinity of the Son, even YAH, in the instructions of verse 43 and 45. Thus proving that at least in this context "MARIY" must be understood as "my Lord YAH". Therefore this entire context must be understood like this: "..,'How then did David in the spirit call Him Lord YAH? For He said 'YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls Him Lord YAH, how is he his son." Matthew 22:43-45 fully understood Even though the Peshitta never uses the full form of the Divine name, it still clearly reveals the Distinction between Yahweh the Father and YAH His Son, by using the above, very clear contrast. A key is used to unlock a door. A door is used to keep those who are not invited in, out! But the key is given to those who are invited. There are those who want to have the key themselves, and want to keep it unto themselves, because they want only select people to have access. And men want to be in control. So this is Why it has been written: "Woe to you scribes because you have taken away the keys of knowledge..." Luke 11:52 By removing the Sacred name from the text, the scribes sought to hide away the keys of knowledge unto themselves. However because they did so, they will not enter into the kingdom, yet have still been very successful at keeping others from entering. The verses presented in this book are keys, which unlock the door to our understanding of the name of Yahweh the Father and His Son YAH. The story about David calling the Messiah "my Lord YAH" as found in Matthew 22:43-45, is a key which unlocks the door of our understanding of how to understand "MARIY" in many other contexts, when used of the Messiah. Just as the title "Kurios/Lord" as found in the Greek New Testament, represents a Sacred name possibility within the text, which offers absolutely no distinction between the Divinity of the Father and Son. Likewise "MARIY" also offers a Sacred name possibility within the text. However "MARIY" is set aside specificly in reference to the Divinity of "YAH" the Son. There is another key, Which will unlock the door of our understanding about the title "MARAN", which literally means "Our Lord" and how this title is also used extensively in the Aramaic Peshitta to relate the Divinity of the Son, even "Our Lord YAH". It has been demonstrated in Chapter four, "MARIY IS YESHUA", that the Apostle Peter went to great lengths to reveal the Divinity of the Son of Yahweh, even the Messiah in Acts Chapter two. For Peter reveals that MARIY the MESSIAH is MAR- YAH (Lord YAH). After revealing that MAR-YAH is the Son of Yahweh in Acts 2:36, Pages {_______}, Peter delivers unto the people a KEY OF KNOWLEDGE , Which is: "Simon said to them, 'Repent and be immersed each of you in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness of sins, that you may recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 A.P. by Roth Because of the foundation Peter just laid, revealing that MAR-YAH is the Son of Yahweh and the Messiah, one must understand Acts 2:38 like this: ".., 'Repent and be baptized each one of you in the name of the Lord YAH YESHUA..." Acts 2:38 properly understood Once the Apostle Peter, made it clear that "MARIY" is "My Lord YAH", sitting at the right hand of Yahweh {Pages _________}, the key of knowledge was presented to unlock the mystery of "MAR-YAH" in Acts 2:38. For if Peter had not laid this foundation, we would still be wondering if "MAR-YAH" in this context represents the Divinity of Yahweh the Father or the Divinity of YAH THE SON. However Peter went even further to show that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of Yahweh. As it is written: "Therefore, truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that God (i.e. Yahweh) has made this YESHUA whom you have crucified, MAR-YAH and MESSIAH." Acts 2:36 see {Pages _______} "MARIY IS YESHUA" : Chapter four. Another reading of this Aramaic passage. reads like this: " Therefore. truly , Let all the house of Israel know, that MAR-YAH (I.e. Lord YAH-THE APPEARANCE OF YAH) and MESSIAH (I.e. THE ANOINTED ONE), is the servant (abad) of God (I.e.YAHWEH THE FATHER), (that is) this YESHUA whom you have crucified." Acts 2:36 {Pages ________} Yahweh made MAR-YAH the Messiah the servant of Yahweh, by causing HIM to appear as YESHUA. Therefore, based upon this solid foundation, all men can know that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of YAHWEH in Acts 2:38. ".., 'Repent and be baptized each of you in the name of the Lord YAH YESHUA..." Acts 2:38 properly understood Just as Acts 2:36 was the key to help believers understand the Divinity of the Son in the phrase "MAR-YAH" in Acts 2:38. Likewise Acts 2:38 is the key to understanding the Divinity associated with the Aramaic title "our Lord" (MARAN) in all other verses on baptism. Which are: "But When they believed Phillip, who had preached the kingdom of God IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA, they were immersed, men and woman." Acts 8:12 [NOTE #3] "Then he commanded them to be immersed IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA." Acts 10:48 [NOTE #3] "And when they heard these things, they [were] immersed IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA:" Acts 19:5 [NOTE #3] MARAN YESHUA'MASHIYCHA, does literally mean "Our Lord YESHUA THE MESSIAH'. However, those that understand that "MARIY" when used concerning the Messiah, convey's the meaning of "my Lord YAH", and that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of Yahweh as used in Acts 2:38 about baptism, should be able to see that "MARAN" (OUR LORD) is being used in these contexts about baptism, to relate the Divinity of the Son, that is, "OUR LORD YAH", which is said in Aramaic "MARANA-YAH" (our Lord YAH). If we will utilize the key we found in Acts 2:38, which demands that the Divinity of the Son, even "YAH", must be represented in water baptism, as related in this verse with "MAR-YAH" (Lord YAH), then our eyes will be opened to the understanding of the term "MARAN" as used in reference to baptism in every other verse. That is, once we begin to understand that "MARAN' is also a Sacred name possibility within the text, just as "MARIY" is, and that "MARAN" and "MARIY" can only represent the Divinity of "YAH" the Son, then our eyes become opened to the proper understanding of these verses on baptism, which reveals that "MARAN" must be understood as "OUR LORD YAH" that is "MARANA-YAH"! "But when they believed Phillip, who had preached the kingdom of God IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, they were baptized, men and woman." Acts 8:12 properly understood "Then he commanded them to be baptized IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH." Acts 10:48 properly understood "And when they heard these things, they were baptized IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH:" Acts 19:5 For this key of knowledge to enter the heart, one must understand that "MARIY", When used of the Messiah is a Sacred name possibility within the text. However this is limited unto the Divinity of the Son. Then one must understand that "MARAN" When used of the MESSIAH, is also a Sacred name possibility within the text, because it likewise relates the Divinity of the Son within the text. Some may wonder, 'But why not use "MAR-YAH" to convey the Divinity of the Son, especially as it really does mean "Lord YAH"? Yes "MAR-YAH" does mean "Lord YAH", but because of this, it was also set aside to represent the Divinity of Yahweh the Father, in Old testament quotations. Thus "MAR-YAH" is "THE LORD YAH" the Son of Yahweh. however, "MAR-YAH" is used as a substitute in place of Yahweh in Old Testament quotations. Therefore "MAR-YAH" can mean either the Father or the Son, within the text. So "MARIY" and "MARAN", When used of the Messiah, are used as a substitute for: 1. MARIY-YAH- My Lord YAH 2. MARANA-YAH- Our Lord YAH (as found in Revelation 1:10 A.P.) And as such substitutes, represent the Divinity of the Son, only! The sacred name of "YAH", was and is important, yet was still protected within the text, lest unbelievers blaspheme the name. Thus the Name of YAH was not used in conjunction with "MARAN" until around the 3rd century, when Revelation was added. Here "MARAN" has the 'yod' and 'aleph' attached, yielding "MARANA-YAH". "I was in the spirit on the day of MARANA-YAH (OUR LORD YAH),.." Revelation 1:10 Aramaic Peshitta This is proof ; that at least by the 3rd century the Divinity of "YAH" was plainly written in conjunction with "MARAN", that is "MARANA-YAH" (OUR LORD YAH). This key of knowledge can be determined from the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament; only as one discovers the lost key of knowledge in the ORIGINAL HEBREW SCRIPTURES of the Old Testament. But remember what Yeshua said about the Scribes who were responsible for passing on this key of knowledge unto future generations. For Yeshua's statement is disturbing: "Woe to you scribes because you taken away the keys of knowledge. You have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering." Luke 11:52 What is the key of knowledge, of which Yeshua speaks? And who were the scribes? The scribes are the one's Who collected all the Old Testament books and put them in order. They worked under the leadership of Ezra the scribe originally, after the return of the Jewish people back to Jerusalem, from their captivity in Babylon. It took these original scribes 110 years to complete their work. The work of these scribes was preserved in future generations (now past), by a group of men called the MASSORITES. The MASSORITES preserved every letter of the Hebrew Scriptures, along with a multitude of NOTES, Which explained things like the number of letters in a text, the middle letter, the middle verse, etc. However, these notes also preserved all information concerning any alterations to the Hebrew text, which was made by the scribes. The most important thing these ancient scribes altered, was in the fact that they replaced the name of "YAHWEH", with the title "Adonay" (my Lord). The scribes HAVE TAKEN AWAY THIS KEY OF KNOWLEDGE one hundred and thirty six times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Whatever their reasons may have originally been, it

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 I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...