Ch 3 My Master

Chapter 3 Mariy is Yeshua SECTION 1 MARIY is the Aramaic word for "my Lord” and is from the root word 'Mara". This term is used mostly in the Aramaic Peshitta in reference to Yeshua. However, in some verses, MARIY is used to represent the Deity of "YAH". This can be ascertained in two ways: 1.MARIY is used in an Old Testament quotation, which uses the full form of the Divine name "YAHWEH" yet context demands, it is a reference to the incarnation, that is the bodily APPEARANCE of Yahweh. 2. MARIY is used in a context which required a distinction between the omnipresent Yahweh [usually represented by the phrase "MAR-YAH") and the bodily confined Yah [Which in these instances use "MARIY' to represent YAH.]. In other words if these passages use "MAR-YAH to represent "Yahweh", then the passage will use "MARIY" to represent "MY YAH". An in depth reading of Matthew 22:43-45, of the Aramaic Peshitta, reveals that MARIY, is used to represent the Divinity associated with "YAH". The Hebrew key found in Chapter one, reveals how to understand the Divinity in the context. "He said to them, 'How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, That MAR-YAH SAID TO MARIY (my Master), 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls him MAR-YAH how is he his son?" Matthew 22:43-45 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth [NOTE #1] It is clear that David called his son MAR-YAH, for Yeshua confirms this in both verses 43 and 45, but in verse 44 Yeshua quotes: "Yahweh said to Adonay (my Lord) 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies Your footstool. Psalms 110:1 [Author's translation. ] Therefore, Yeshua appears to quote this Psalm verbatim. But, Psalms 110:5 of the ancient Hebrew text, sheds light on how one must understand "Adonay" in this context. [NOTE: This verse, is one of 136 places in the Old Testament Hebrew that the Massoretics, replaced the Divine name "YAHWEH", with the title "Adonay/my Lord", [see NOTE #2] "Yahweh at thy right hand shall strike through Kings in the day of his wrath." Psalms 110:5 with Adonay restored to ORIGINAL YAHWEH! KJV In verse one, Adonay is at the right hand of Yahweh, but then in verse five, Yahweh is at the right hand of Yahweh. The Aramaic Peshitta makes it clear how this is possible, by revealing in verses 43 and 45 that David called his Son MAR-YAH. However, the Aramaic Peshitta displays a contrast between "MAR-YAH", which is a definite reference to the omnipresent Yahweh, and "MARIY", which is used to represent Yahweh in the incarnational sense, in verse 44. MAR-YAH is normally used to refer to the Divinity of the Son, that is the incarnation of Yahweh. However in the quotation of verse 44, MAR-YAH is used to represent the Divinity of "YAHWEH". therefore another term had to be found that would represent the Divinity of the incarnation, and here, the word "MARIY" is used to represent Divinity. However, not the fullness of theDivinity of Yahweh, rather, the Divinity of the incarnation. Subsequently, in this context MARIY represents the Divinity of "My YAH" just like in Psalms 118:14 "YAH is my strength and my song, and is also become MY Salvation." So YAH IS MY SALVATION (YESHUA), therefore YAH IS MINE, and is "My YAH". For these reasons, Matthew 22:44, must be understood like this: "That YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, 'sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool." With Hebrew/Aramaic comparison MARIY is again used to show the distinction between the fullness of Yahweh and the incarnation of YAH. In this context, it is used in reference to a quote which uses the full form of the Divine name. However the Aramaic Peshitta directs the believer to see Yahweh in the sense of incarnation, thus "MARIY", thus "my Lord YAH". "For David spoke concerning him, I FORESAW MARIY, for at all times he (is) at my right hand so that I will not be moved." Acts 2:25 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth [NOTE #3] The apostle Peter is quoting King David, from the Psalms: "I have SET (Hebrew=Shavah=equalize/level/likeness) YAHWEH always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalms 16:8 In this context, in some mysterious way the omnipresent Yahweh is somehow also MARIY. It is this mystery that the Apostle Peter makes clear. The English word above, "SET", is derived from the Hebrew word "SHAVAH". This Hebrew word "SHAVAH" means to "MAKE LEVEL BY EQUALIZING". To make even or level is to also make like unto, or in the image of. This image may be an image as formed in one's own mind, like a vision or a dream. The latter concept is exactly What Peter understood as he quoted David above: "I FORESAW MARIY at all times, for HE is at my right hand, so that I will not be moved." When David foresaw Yahweh at his right hand, he formed a vision or dream in his mind of YAHWEH in some mysterious way standing at his right hand. The Apostle Peter revealed how this is possible. He refused the use of MAR-YAH, which would normally be used in an Old Testament quotation which has the NAME OF YAHWEH; and instead used MARIY, to represent specificly the incarnation of YAHWEH. Therefore, the Aramaic Peshitta in these contexts, is using MARIY, to represent my Lord YAH, and MAR-YAH, to represent the omnipresent YAHWEH. David clearly reveals that YAHWEH in some mysterious way is made like unto him, or equal (SHAVAH) unto him, a mortal man. Peter explained the Divinity in this context by revealing that this is "MARIY, that is "my Lord YAH", that David saw in a vision. This personal use of "my Lord YAH', is confirmed in the Hebrew Key, Chapter one, Section 2 &:4; which proclaims that "YAH IS MY STRENGTH AND SONG, AND IS BECOME MY SALVATION (YESHUA)." [EX 15:2, Ps 118:14]. Which means, I can claim "YAH" as my very own Salvation, my very own Yeshua. Therefore, MARIY represents "my Lord YAH" in the context, which is distinct from Yahweh. YAH is both, the right hand, and word of Yahweh, and is thus, the portion of Yahweh which was clothed in a mortal body. The Apostle believed it was important to show this distinction, which is Why he used the distinction of "MARIY and "MAR-YAH" and illustrated the distinction of "YAH" and "YAHWEH ". Because someone may not grasp the connection of Peter's use of "FORESAW' for the Hebrew "SHAVAH" and the fact that most translators are misunderstanding this and translating as "SET", it is necessary to go into more detail about this word "SHAVAH". The following will show how "SHAVAH", cannot be understood as simply "Set" in the ordinary sense, and also how this context demands it to be understood as an image or likeness; the likeness of David, pictured in his own mind, as in a vision. "I have SET (SHAVAH-equalize) YAHWEH always before me,.." Ps 16:8 ".., I FORESAW MARIY (my Lord YAH), for at all times he is at my right hand.." Acts 2:25 The root of "SHAVAH" first, must be broken down into its final two letters, Which are (Vav) and (Heh), that is (Vah). In the tree illustration on page { }, "Vav" and "Heh" are shown to be the root letters of "Shavah", that is the parent root (i.e. two letters). [NOTE: vowels in this instance are not part of the original Hebrew]. The picture drawn by these two individual Hebrew letters is given below: 2.Vav=(as 2nd letter) "TO TURN" as to "TURN ASIDE" 3. Heh=(as 3rd letter) "BREATH", and at times for "TO CATCH A BREATH" These two letters combined means: TO TURN ASIDE AND CATCH A BREATH, that is to cause to "REST"; by "SETTING IN PLACE". If these two letters were the only ones in the root of "SHAVAH", then to translate as "SET", would make perfect sense. But there is another letter Which must be taken into account in order to understand the ancient understanding and use of this word. In the tree illustration on page { }, Vav and Heh form the root, While the Shiyn (SH) forms the trunk. The meaning of the Hebrew letter "SHIYN" (SH) is given below: 1. SHIYN= (as 1st letter) "TOOTH/TEETH" as they are "PRESSING DOWN AND GRINDING". By adding the idea of "PRESSING DOWN HARD"; to that of "SETTING IN PLACE", one can form the complete picture of (SHAVAH) in their mind. That is "TO PRESS DOWN HARD, AND THUS CAUSE TO SET EVEN OR LEVEL: SO AS NOT TO 'TUMBLE OVER". Thus to press out the ground, that it will be smooth and level, that the object set in place will stand upright and not fall down or over. This complete understanding of (SHAVAH), causes the relationship between all these different uses to be seen. The following is a list of examples of the differing ways "SHAVAH' is used in the scriptures: ".., I have LAID (SHAVAH) help upon one that is mighty;.." Ps 89:19 To lay help upon a mighty one, is for the almighty to lift up and anoint a mere mortal, as if bringing that individual up to level ground symbolicly with God Almighty. "I have SET (SHAVAH) YAHWEH always before me;.." Ps 16:8 To place YAHWEH before me, I must bring HIM down to my human level, that is man to man! Yet YAHWEH is a omnipresent Being. Which is Why this verse is worth pondering! "I have not SAT (SHAVAH) with vain persons,.." Ps 26:4 I "To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal (SHAVAH)? Saith the Holy ONE." Isaiah 40:25 SHAVAH also means to be equal unto, or like unto; that is to resemble. And in this context, none is equal unto the OMNIPRESENT YAHWEH. "Surely I have behaved:.(SET:SHAVAH),:and quieted myself,.." Ps 131:2 SHAVAH can also mean to make the stormy sea of one's mind, (that is one's inner turmoil) calm and peaceful (As if the waves of the sea were brought to level and caused to be calm). In context, the Psalmist is bringing himself down to level, by not being proud and lofty, nor by walking in great things, that is things too wonderful for him. Compare Psalms 131:1 "I have Chosen the way of truth: Thy judgments have I laid (SHAVAH) before me." Psalms 119:30 KJV "The way of faithfulness I have Chosen, Your judgments I have leveled." Psalms 119:30 Author's translation I have included my translation above, to begin to show how one would level God's judgments. One can place or set the Torah/Law/Instruction/Judgments in one's mind, in such a stable fashion, that they will not stumble. But rather, one will be guided by the light of the Torah/Instructions, of YAHWEH, which is FIRMLY PLACED in one's mind and heart through study and prayer and meditation on those instructions. All of this being established, that is pressed down hard, so we won't stumble, by faith. The obvious point in all this, is to understand that (SHAVAH) is never used for 'TO SET' in the ordinary sense. But rather "TO SET LEVEL OR EVEN", Which is used quite often, abstractly, as "TO BE MADE LIKE UNTO, TO RESEMBLE, TO BE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF". IN THE IMAGE OF DAVID IN IHE IMAGE OF THE FATHER Just like a tree, this tree illustration must be understood from the root, that is from the bottom, and then upwards from there. So start by reading about the Vav and Heh at the bottom of the page, and work your way up to Shiyn. Then read the central column and then the outer branches to the left and the right. 7737 STRONG'S SHAVAH To set in one's mind of the incarnation: Ps 16:8 To set firmly in one's mind and heart: Ps 119:30 To cause the waves of turm- oil in one's mind to be calmed/leveled: Ps 132:2 To be level/even: i.e. to resemble: Pro 26:4 To be level/even i.e. like unto: PS 18:33 To make level/even Isa 28:25 Back to the main point: How does one SET YAHWEH LEVEL OR EVEN (Who is omnipresent) so as to place YAHWEH before them? The fact that YAHWEH can never be made to SET LEVEL OR EVEN in the human sense; coupled with the Apostle Peter's explanation for this word as "FORESAW", causes us to understand that somehow David SET YAHWEH LEVEL OR EVEN, IN HIS MIND, BY SEEING something far off, in the future, as a vision in his mind. Now the words and the vision concerning the seed of David and his son, far off into the future, who would SIT upon the Thone of David, and establish his throne forever, was spoken by Nathan the prophet like this: "And it shall come to pass, When thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up THY SEED after thee: which shall be of thy sons, and I will establish His kingdom. He shall build me an house, and I will establish HIS throne for ever. I will be HIS Father, and HE shall be MY SON. and I will not take my mercy away from him, as I took it from him that was before thee: but I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom for ever: and his throne shall be established for evermore." 1 Chronicles 17:11-12 KJV Notice the distinction made between "THY SEED" (singular) and "WHICH SHALL BE OF THY SONS" (Plural). For this singular seed Who builds the house of YAHWEH; will have the throne of his kingdom established for evermore. Again Peter makes reference to the vision of David in Acts: "Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, he would raise up MESSIAH to sit on his throne;" Acts 2:30 KJV Now David, being a prophet, saw in a vision how his seed, the Messiah would come. That in the flesh, the MESSIAH would be his son, thus the Son of David, and that this Son, would be in the LIKENESS of David; but would also, in some mysterious way, be YAHWEH come in the flesh. Thus David, by prophetic vision, saw that YAHWEH would come in the LIKENESS (SHAVAH) of David, in the likeness of mere men. (Thus the term "Son of Man"). Therefore David Saw far off, in the future, how YAHWEH would make Himself like unto mere mortal man, by clothing Himself in a body of flesh and blood. The Apostle Peter clarified these truths, with the exact language, as preserved for us in the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament. For Where David utilized the omnipresent aspect of HIS NAME, that is "YAHWEH", Peter explained that this means the aspect of HIS NAME which is CONFINED TO A MORTAL BODY, that is "YAH'. (The Aramaic Peshitta uses 'Mariy' / ‘my Lord’ as a device to illustrate the Divinity of the Son ‘my YAH’.) For these reasons we should understand Acts 2:25 in this way: " ..,I foresaw Mariy (my Master), for at all times he (is) at my right hand…” Acts 2:25 "..,I foresaw my YAH, for at all times he (is) at my right hand..." Acts 2:25 fully understood The main point is to illustrate how the Aramaic Peshitta singles out and pinpoints the Divinity of the Son, then contrasts this with the Divinity of the Father. The point here is to reveal how David uses the word “SHAVAH” to draw a picture of the Divinity of the Son in relation to the Divinity of the Father and in relation to Himself, a mere mortal man. Yeshua also quotes Psalms 110:1, to reveal the Divinity of the Son in relation to the Divinity of Yahweh, His Father, and in relation to King David: "... 'What do you say about the Messiah? Who is He the Son of?' They (the Pharisees) were saying to him, 'the Son of David.' He said to them, 'How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, "That MAR-YAH said to MARIY (my Lord), 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.'" Therefore, if David calls him MAR-YAH, how is he his Son?’” Matthew 22:42-45 Aramaic Peshitta Notice, please, how in verses 43 and 45, the Messiah is clearly called “MAR-YAH”, yet in verse 44, where a distinction between the Father (Yahweh) and the Son (YAH) is required; the Aramaic Peshitta uses the device of “MARIY” to reveal the Divinity of “MY YAH” the Son; and uses “MAR-YAH” to reveal the Divinity of Yahweh the Father. For these reasons, this context must be understood like this: "He said to them 'how then did David in the spirit call him Lord YAH? For he said, "That Yahweh said to my YAH, 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.'" Therefore, if David calls him Lord YAH, how is he his Son?'" Matthew 22:43-45 Author's translation In Psalm 16:8, David is using the Hebrew word “SHAVAH” for the similar purpose of contrasting the Abiding Divinity of the Son (YAH), in relation to the omnipresent and flowing Divinity of the Father, in relation to Himself, a mortal man. So, the word “SHAVAH” should be understood in context in the three ways: 1. SHAVAH refers to the image or vision David formef in his mind of the Messiah, whom he called Yahweh. 2. SHAVAH refers to the fact that the Messiah was in the image of David. 3. SHAVAH refers to the fact that the Messiah is in the image of Yahweh. Here is three ways SHAVAH can be translated in Psalms 16:8 "I foresaw Yahweh standing before me forever, for He is at my right hand, I will not be moved." "I equalized YAHWEH (i.e. I brought YAHWEH down to my level) so that HE would stand before me forever, for he is at my right hand, I will not be moved." "I saw YAHWEH in my likeness (as a man), so that He may stand before me forever, for He is at my right hand, I will not be moved." For YAHWEH to come in the likeness of David, means that YAHWEH had to come in the form of a man. For this is the only way for YAHWEH to be able to literally stand before David forever. THE HEBREW KEY in Chapter one, informs the believer, that When YAHWEH took on the form of a man, HE was called "YAH". There are five reasons Why believers should understand that MARIY found in Acts 2:25, should be understood as "MY LORD YAH": 1. MARIY is first person, and therefore well represents the: "Yah has become my salvation (Yeshua)" as found in Exodus 15:2 and Psalms 118:14 2. MARIY represents the Divinity of "Yah", just as "Mar-Yah" represents the Divinity of "Yahweh", in Old Testament quotations. 3. Context demands that somehow the omnipresent Yahweh, came in the likeness of David. So only "Yah", as the right hand and holy arm of Yahweh, could be confined to a human body, and thus come in the likeness of David; and also due to His Self Existence and Divinity, come in the likeness of Yahweh. Thus, only Yah Yeshua could be both the Son of man/Son of David; and the Son of God/Son of Yahweh. 4. The Aramaic Peshitta uses "MARIY", in the quotation found in Matthew 22:44, and then calls "MARIY", "MAR-YAH" as our instruction in Matthew 22:43 and 45. Yet Mar-Yah is speaking to Mariy in the quotation of Matthew 22:44, which reveals that Mar-Yah and Mariy are being used to show the contrast between Yahweh and Yah, that is the Father and the Son, in this verse. [Remember: The reason this substitute contrast was necessary, is because the full form of the Divine name "Yahweh" is never used in the Aramaic Peshitta.] 5. Matthew 22:44 and Acts 2:34 both quote Psalms110:1, "Yahweh said to Adonay (my Lord) 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enememies your footstool." However there is a contrast found in the ORIGINAL ANCIENT HEBREW TEXT, between 'Adonay' being at the right hand of Yahweh' in Psalms 110:1 and 'Yahweh being at the right hand of Yahweh' in Psalms 110:5. {see pages _________, NOTE #2}. This contrast proves the Divinity of Adonay (my Lord) in the Hebrew text, and the Divinity of Mariy (my Lord) in the Aramaic text. The Aramaic Peshitta is revealing how it is possible for Yahweh to sit at the right hand of Yahweh. But the context of Psalms 110:1 reveals that Yahweh is used in the omnipresent sense, and Adonay (my Lord) who is called "YAHWEH", is being used in the incarnational sense, that is Yah the right hand of Yahweh/Yah the word of Yahweh. After using the Device of MARIY to illustrate the Deity of "YAH the Son", the Aramaic Peshitta again used the Device of MARIY, in the same Chapter to highlight this point. "For it was not (that) David did ascend into heaven, because he said, 'Mar-Yah said to Mariy, sit (yourself) at my right hand. Until I place your enemies (as) a footstool for your feet." Acts 2:34-35 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth We now know that MAR-YAH stands in relation to MARIY in Old Testament quotations, Just as YAHWEH stands in relation to YAH in the ORIGINAL HEBREW SCRIPTURES, as the comparison between the Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament texts reveal. This is Why we must understand this verse, in this way: "For it was not (that) David did ascend into heaven, because he said, YAHWEH said to MY Lord YAH, sit (yourself) at my right hand, Until I place your enemies (as) a footstool for your feet." Acts 2:34-35 A.P. properly understood In Peter's first message to his Jewish audience, he is quoting the scriptures in such a way, to reveal the Divinity of the Son, even YAH, in relation to the Father, even YAHWEH. And he does so, cleverly, without ever vocalizing the full form of the Divine name "YAHWEH". Because his Jewish audience was well aquanited with the Hebrew Scriptures, they would have understood the Divinity of the Father and Son as implied by Peter's selective use of terms: "I foresaw YAHWEH standing before me forever,.." Ps 16:8 "I equalized YAHWEH so that HE could stand before me forever,.." Ps 16:8 "I saw YAHWEH in my likeness (as man to man) so that HE may stand before me forever,.."Ps 16:8 "I foresaw MY Lord YAH (man to man) so that HE may stand before me forever,.." PS 16:8 as understood by 1st century Jews who heard Peter Then Peter tops this off by explaining: ".., YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, sit at my right hand, until I place your enemies as a footstool for your feet." Acts 2:34-35 The Apostle Peter, in his first message, a message to a audience Who understood about the Hebrew scriptures, not only revealed that the MESSIAH is the Son of David, and has come in the likeness of David, in the likeness of mere mortal flesh, but, that the MESSIAH had come in the likeness of YAHWEH. Then he contrasted the name of YAHWEH with the name of YAH, which revealed, that YAH IS THE SON OF YAHWEH, and the MESSIAH. This means YAH the Son, is always anointed by YAHWEH His Father. It was not enough to reveal that the MESSIAH has come, Peter sought to also explain who the MESSIAH IS. He wanted his audience to understand the Divinity of THE MESSIAH. He also wanted His audience to understand the contrast between YAHWEH THE FATHER, and YAH THE SON. Section 2 Yeshua is Mar-Yah and Messiah With this back-drop of understanding and teaching about the nature of the MESSIAH, Peter, dropped the bomb, and identified the name in Which YAH APPEARED unto His people. However, because most translators do not realize the distinction between the Father and Son, in the following verse, they have left verse obscure. For this reason I want to render two different translations of this verse, first in its ORIGINAL ARAMAIC word order, and then in proper English. "Truly, therefore, should know all the house Israel, that MAR-YAH and MESSIAH ([i.e. the anointed), has made (abad) God [I.e. Yahweh] this YESHUA whom you crucified." Acts 2 .36 original Aramaic word order Therefore, truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that God [i.e. YAHWEH] has made this YESHUA, whom you have crucified, MAR-YAH and MESSIAH." Acts 2:36 Aramaic Peshitta Author's translation The title "God" [i.e. Alaha] in this context, is being used as a substitute for "YAHWEH THE FATHER" [ as in other verses demonstrated on Page {_____}; "MAR-YAH IS YESIRUA" Section 8 Chapter 3]. This means that 'MAR-YAH' in this context has to represent the Divinity of the Son. However, the fact that "MAR-YAH" is "MESSIAH", also demands that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of YAHWEH. Because "MAR-YAH" the Son is always anointed by YAHWEH HIS FATHER. When Yeshua was raised from the dead, and the Spirit of MAR-YAH again filled that resurrected body, Yeshua was being revealed to be the manifest image of "MAR-YAH", and so in this sense, Yeshua was made "MAR-YAH". And because "MAR-YAH" the Son, does not operate independently from Yahweh His Father, Yeshua was at the same time anointed with the ever flowing Divine LIVING WATERS of YAHWEH. And in this way Yeshua was made MESSIAH (anointed). While all the above is absolutely true, there is another way of understanding this verse (i.e. Acts 2:36). That is, if the Hebrew understanding of the word "abad" [NOTE #4] is taken into account. Please understand, these Aramaic Jewish speakers, were still thinking out of a Hebrew religious Old Testament mind. And for this reason, many times, the Hebrew understanding of an Aramaic word must be taken into account. Also, as demonstrated in the note, the Aramaic word "abad" has the same dual meaning, allowing for the word (made) to be understood as (servant). "Truly, therefore, Let know all the house of Israel, that MAR-YAH and MESSIAH (is) the servant of God [i.e. YAHWEH], that is this YESHUA whom you have crucified." Acts 2:36 alternate reading of the Aramaic Peshitta "Therefore, truly, let all the house of Israel know, that Yeshua (is) the servant of God [I.e. YAHWEH], (even) MAR-YAH and MESSIAH, whom you have crucified." Acts 2:36 alternate reading from Aramaic Peshitta In this translation, it becomes clear, that Peter is letting his audience know that Yeshua Whom they crucified is not only the servant of YAHWEH, but Yeshua is MAR-YAH and MESSIAH. Either way one understands this verse, what is abundantly clear, is that Yeshua is MAR-YAH and the Messiah! And "MAR-YAH' the Son is contrasted with "YAHWEH" the Father. Because God [Alaha] in this context must represent YAHWEH. Here is one more way of seeing the depth of this verse: "Therefore truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that YAHWEH has made (known) YESHUA, who you crucified, as MAR-YAH (THE APPEARANCE OF YAH) and MESSIAH (I.e. THE ANOINTED OF YAHWEH)." Acts 2:36 Aramaic Peshitta amplified! Truly YAHWEH has made YAH SEEN through YESHUA, unto all the house of Israel. YAH does not stand alone either, but rather, is continually anointed by the LIVING WATERS OF THE OMNIPRESENT YAHWEH. When Peter dropped this last bomb, it pricked the men to their hearts, causing many of them to ask, "What should we do, our brothers?" Acts 2:37. In Peter's answer, he pulls together all we have been discussing into one verse: "Simon said to them, 'Repent and be immersed each of you in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness (Remission/Release) of sins, that you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 A.P. by Roth In Acts 2:38, the Aramaic Peihitta clearly shows the ONENESS OF MAR-YAH and YESHUA, through simply saying "MAR-YAH YESHUA". The overall context of Acts Chapter two, reveals that YAH APPEARED TO ALL ISRAEL. Therefore baptism in the name of MAR:YAH YESHUA, is also, partly a public confession, that the one being baptized believes that YAH APPEARED AS YESHUA, and HE IS THE MASTER YAH YESHUA. It is a confession that THE LORD GOD is YESHUA, confessing that YESHUA is the MESSIAH and acknowledging His Lordship and His Divinity. MAR-YAH YESHUA is the Son of YAHWEH, therefore, one must at least begin to understand the distinction of MAR-YAH the Son and YAHWEH His Father, so that they can understand the ONENESS In the Greek New Testament text, the idea of the Divinity is lost altogether. The Greek reads. "Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2:38 KJV Whether this should read "Jesus Christ" or "YESHUA MESSIAH", is a mute point The important point is that the Greek text removes the reference to the Divinity of YESHUA THE MESSIAH, that is "MARYAH". The Greek text does not even include a Sacred name possibilit such as "Kurios/lord". All the Kings and priests of ancient Israel were anointed with oil, and were thus "Mashiyach/Messieh/Christ". Therefore this term is not for the Deity, but rather, shows the anointing comes from YAHWEH the Father. Peter already made it plain that MAR-YAH is the MESSIAH in verse 36, and has appeared as YESHUA. Therefore in Acts 2:38, Peter made absolutely sure believers understood tlat MAR-YAH IS YESHUA the anointed of YAHWEH. He did not feel it necessary to keep repeating over and over again that HE IS THE MESSIAH, surely his audience understood that by now. However, they may have missed the fact that MAR-YAH IS YESHUA. Looking at this phrase "MAR-YAH YESHUA", in its full scope of meaning, one must conclude: 1. THE MASTER YAH IS YESHUA 2.YAH HAS APPEARED AS YESHUA, YAH YESHUA HAS APPEARED 3. THE LORD GOD IS YESHUA! None of these things is made clear through the Greek translation; only the ORIGINAL ARAMAIC makes all this clear. This is Why, if the Church really wants to get back to the original Gospel message as preached by the Apostles, they must return to THE ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT, THE ARAMAIC PESHITTA, in light of the HEBREW Old Testament Scriptures. The Apostle Peter had gone to Great lengths to expound the Divinity of "YAH" within the Messiah. Therefore, he not only wanted his audience to know that Yeshua is the Messiah, but also that Yeshua is the manifest image of YAH, and that YAH is the Son of YAHWEH. Then when he puts forth the name of YESHUA in baptism, he does not set the name of YESHUA, out on a limb, standing alone, but rather, he lifts up this common name above every other common name, by saying it in conjunction with "MAR-YAH". The name of YESHUA was the 17th most popular name in Israel, in the first century. However the name of "YAH" is the name that descended down from heaven. For YAH went forth from YAHWEH out of heaven, to come appear upon the earth before His creation. As for as the Aramaic phrase "MARIY is concerned, it does simply mean "my Lord" or "my Master". It is used in the Aramaic Peshitta mostly to refer to "YESHUA". But, in New Testament quotations of the Old Testament Hebrew, the term "MARIY" is at times used as a Sacred name substitute, in order to show the incarnation of YAHWEH, that is when YAHWEH APPEARED IN FLESH. In these instances "MARIY" reveals the Divinity of the Son, even "YAH", the Son of YAHWEH, that is "my Lord YAH". Mariy is Yeshua notes 1. Matthew 22:43-45 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. However Where Roth uses "Master YHWH" I have placed "MAR-YAH" as in the Aramaic. Where Roth uses "my Master" I have placed "MARIY" in order to acquainted brethren with this term as found in original Aramaic. The name "David" is spelled by Roth as "Dawid", which I put in normal English. So that the focus can remain. the Sacred name. 2. Psalms 110:5-- for more information on the 136 places the ancient scribes removed the name of "Yahweh" and replaced it with "Adonay" [my Lord], see, "THE HEBREW KEY", NOTE #8. 3. Acts 2:25 Aramaic Peshitta. by Roth- Roth uses "my Lord", whereas I have restored original "MARIY". 4. Acts 2:36- (Abad) is #5647 Strong's- to work, serve, enslave, keep in bondage, bond service, compel, bring to pass, cause to, make to; servant, worshipper. Chaldean/Aramaic- #5648 Strong's- to do, make. prepare, keep, cut, do, execute, go on, make, move, work. Aramaic Peshitta lexicon by Jennings page 157: (abad)- did, acted, make, urge sin, prepared, wrought, performed, executed, bore, yield [fruit]. Celebrated or kept [feast]. Subjected, tyranning over you. (Abad)- [treated as if another word]- s servant (generally a bond servant): MT 10:24; 1 Cor 7:21. Royal officer John 4:46 Therefore the same word for to do or make, can also mean servant, as the one who is forced to do or make. And this usage is found in the Hebrew and Aramaic, alike.

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 I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...