Ch 4 Notes

Chapter 4 Notes 1. Isaiah 53:5 Author's translation. The KJV renders "the chastisement of our peace was upon him", which can be misunderstood, for those who don't understand the Hebrewism of thought, which is, "HE paid the penalty for our sins by receiving the chastisement we deserve, and thereby bringing us peace, making peace between us and Yahweh. For "Shalam” (#7999 Strong's) means to make amends, by paying back what is owed. And #7965 Strong's "Shalowm" is from the root of #7999. And it is this full range of meaning Which is intended in context. Therefore I translated myself to be able to bring this out clearly. 2. Mark 14:3 Aramaic Peshitta- "Simon the Potter"? This is the Aramaic Peshitta reading. Or at least the Aramaic can be translated this way. All western Bibles read "Simon the leper". The same spelling in Hebrew/Aramaic is used for both "leper" and "Potter", these letters: (gimel-resh-beyth-aleph) are pronounced as (garbah" for the word "leper", but when pronounced as (gar-Ah-bah) they mean "Potter". A first century translator, had only the consonants to go by, so he had to decide how to translate it. A leper could not live within city limits, much less own a house there. (Lev 13:45-50). See Roth's NOTE page XIV. 3. Mark 14:3-The Aramaic word for "open" is (Patach) #6605 Strong's, which means "To open wide, to loosen..." The Greek word used for "break" is (suntribo) #4937 Strong's. "To crush completely, to shatter,.. break (in pieces)". This comes from the root word (tribos) #5147 Strong s "a rut or worn track:-path". The re- lated Hebrew root is (shachaq) #7833 Strong's "To cumminate (by trituration or attrition):- beat, wear". Gesenius simplifies this definition with "to rub or beat in pieces... (2) to rub or wear away... The waters wear away (hollow out), the stones, Job 14:19. Therefore, the Greek strongly suggests the idea of "breaking the box" in order to get to the contents inside. 4. Isaiah 53:12- The Hebrew word for "to pour out" in context is (arah) #6168 Strong's. When used of a vessel, see Gesenius "(3) to empty a vessel, to pour it out (in doing in which its bottom is laid bare)". 5. The Ark of the Covenant was the place to direct one's praise according to these Ancient Rabbis. See 2 Sam 6:15,17; 1 Chronicles 15:1, 3,16,28; 16:27; Ps 135:1 VayeChi- Hallelu-YAH! Give Praise, 0 servants of Yahweh-- Zohar 6. Hebrews 10:19-20- The Greek word for (consecrate) is 1457 (egkainizo) to renew, that is to inaugurate:- consecrate, dedicate The Aramaic word (chadeth) is translated in every other place as "new" or "renew" Therefore the blood of Yeshua made a new path for us, which is of course a renewed path of life. 7. 1 John 2:1- I put (comforter) in parentheses, to show this is the same word used for (comforter) in John 14:15-16; 14:26.. Yeshua is the Redeemer of the curse and the Remover of the veil. Yet, due to his bodily absence from the earth. He has sent another Redeemer of the curse and Remover of the veil. Of course the Holy Spirit or (paraq-lata) proceeds from the body of Yeshua, unto all Who call on His name in faith. Parakletos (comforter/Advocate) is #3875 strong's. And this does sound a lot like the Aramaic Paraq-lata, as used in same context in Peshitta. However, this is not to say that Parakletos had not made its way into the everyday Greek vocabulary. Only that the Greeks borrowed this word from the Aramenians. 9. The Hebrew root for (lata) out of (paraq-lata) is an unused root between #3910 and #3911 in Gesenius. Lata an unused root (that is not used in the Hebrew Scriptures).., to cleave to the ground, and the Chaldea L'ta=luwt to hide". (Chaldean is Aramaic). Gesenius. Luwt is #3875 Gesenius "(1) a covering, a veil Isaiah 25:7 "The covering which is spread over all nations, "That which covers their faces and makes them sad. rather, the veil which keeps their hearts from God.] (2) Lot, the son of Abraham's brother..." The name “Lot" means "veil"! Does this help us to understand: "And also delivered righteous Lot Who was tormented with the filthy conduct of the Torah-less (lawless); For that upright man dwelling among them,-in seeing and hearing from day to day, was distressed in his righteous soul by their Torah-less (i.e. lawless) deeds;" 2 Peter 2:7-8. Lot's soul was vexed or distressed, but due to the veil over his eyes and heart, he refused to move out and away from there. He refused to separate himself. 10. John 14:15-16, 26- is by Roth, except Roth simply uses "Redeemer" placing "The Redeemer of the curse" in the note. I have also added the expanded meaning of "THE REMOVER OF THE VEIL" 11. See NOTE for "luwt" in NOTE #9. 12. Isaiah 8:12 For more information on the two house teaching found in scripture See NOTE #16 in "THE HEBREW KEY", Chapter one. Also see NOTE #6 of "THE HEBREW KEY" for explanation of "[and] for a stone of stumbling,.." 13. Gelah is #1540 Strong's of which Gesenius explains "especially used of the ear by taking away the hair, of the face by taking away a veil..." 14. The Aramaic phrase (galyuth aphe) [the uncovering of the face) is equivalent to the Hebrew (galah-#1540) and (paneh-#6437). Hebrews 4:16- Here is used the phrase in Aramaic (ba-gle iyn) (with the uncovering of the eyes). The (be) is a attached preposition meaning (with) and the (-gle) is from the same root of (galah-#1540 Strong's) as is used above. (iyn) is the same as the Hebrew (ayin-#5869 Strong's) (eyes). Another way of saying this is "APPROACH WITH EYES WIDE OPEN"! Boldly and with confidence. On another point, the Greek use.:of (eukairos-2121 Strong's) means (well timed, i.e. opportune time, convenient time, also an occasion i.e. a set and proper time The King James version, tried to fix this with rendering "TIME OF NEED" Which makes it sound a lot closer to "A TIME OF AFFLICTION" as in Aramaic. We must pray for His mercy and grace for a future time of affliction, not for an opportune or convenient time. 15. Genesis 2:7- Nephesh is #5315 Strong's and NaPhash is #5314 Strong's Nephesh (soul) equals= a body, a spirit, a mind, and a heart; that is a complete person. We do not have a soul, we are a soul. A more detailed treatment of this subject is found in "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES #37, Page {___} Chapter one. 16. Job 10:12- Pagad= (VISITATION/COMMANDMENTS). #6485 Strong's- and #6490 Strong's When Yahweh visits His people, He brings them instructions for life, that is HIS COMMANDMENTS. Matthew 21:44 Author's translation- see NOTE #13 in "MAR-YAH IS YESHUA", Chapter 3, page {____}. 18. Isaiah 28:11-12-- (Mar’gaah) is #4774 Strong's and is from (raga) #7280 Strong's. This is a fear imposed rest, while (nuwach) #5117 Strong's, is to rest in the sense of dwelling in peace. There is no true peace, until one encounters the awe of an awesome God! 19. Acts 8:10- The Aramaic word used here is (tzele) #6739 Strong's. The Greek text renders: "To whom they all gave heed". Therefore, the Peshitta explains better how Simon the Sorcerer, sought to be looked upon as a god. With all men holding him in awe. 20. Numbers 31:23- Paul also uses this illustration, for he boldly proclaims: "The work of each will be exposed to view for the day ( of judgment) will expose it because it is to be tested by FIRE; and the FIRE will disclose the work of each, of what sort it is. And that builder whose work will endure the fire], receive his reward. And he, Whose work will BURN UP, will suffer loss, yet himself will escape; but it will be as from the fire. (1 Cor 3:13-15) This is the fires of judgment, however it is not hell fire. As one enters into His presence through the tongues of fire, the sins are burned away, as the vessel is purged. So that one will not suffer loss at the judgment. Not of sin, leading to hell, nor of works, leading to loss. 21. Isaiah 28:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:21- The Aramaic/Hebrew word for (hear) is [Shama] #8085 Strong's, this means “TO HEAR WITH UNDERSTANDING, THEREFORE TO OBEY". Those who refuse to hear, also refuse to obey. Some deceive themselves by claiming to hear God, but refusing to obey God. 22. Because Hebrews 9:4 mentions having a "golden censer" in the Holy of Holies, some have said, that this meant "THE ALTAR OF INCENSE". However, a golden censer is not the same as the altar of incense. Yet incense was obviously burned upon this golden censer. When reading Exodus 30:1-8, in the Hebrew, it may seem unclear on what side of the curtain to place the altar of incense. However the priests were to offer incense upon it every morning and every evening. Yet the High Priest could only go beyond the veil once a year. [Lev 16:2]. Exodus 40:3- 5- says the altar of incense is to be placed right before the Ark of the Covenant. However the Ark of the covenant is placed and veiled off, verse 3, before the other Holy items are brought in. There is other historical testimony proving that there was at least a golden censer in the Holy of Holies. Josephus Antiquities 3:198 Some object to this and Roth has more to say in "EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS" Page 814, under "THE GOLDEN CENSER". 23. Leviticus 16:22- A desert as separated is ( g’ zerah) #1509 Strong's, and this word comes from One root word (gazer) #1504 Strong's "to cut down or off, to divide, seclude,..." It is not just a coincidence that the Messiah would be CUT OFF (gazer) from the Living, Isaiah 53:8. Which reveals that not only is the Messiah the scapegoat (goat of removal), but also revealing exactly what was meant by being led off unto the wilderness to a land cut off. Because SHEOL is a land which is cut off unto all living beings. It is the land of the departed spirits! 24. Goat is (Ez) #5795 Strong's, and strength/Praise is (Oz) #5797 Strong's. Yet look this up in Gesenius (4) glory, majesty Ps 8:2; 29:1; 68:35; 99:4; EX 15:2 2 Chronicles 30:21 (k' ley-Oz) "instruments of Praise", employed in praising God. (Arab., power, victory, glory.) Gesenius. Notice Gesenius includes our Key passage of Exodus 15:2, which should read as "Praise" instead of "strength according to him. "YAH is my PRAISE and my song, and is also become my salvation..." Thus, Gesenius reveals how this verse is being mistranslated in modern Bibles. But our praise of YAH, gives us strength! 25. Psalms 8:2 "ordained" is 4245 in Strong's (Yacad) "to found, lay a foundation, establish". Matthew 21:16 "fashioner in Aramaic is (tagan) which can be "established" but could also mean "set in order". 26. 2 Chronicles 30:21 Author's translation - The KJV was obscure at best, blending together the praise of the Levites with the praise of the priests with instruments of praise. For this reason I translated myself, to show the distinction as found in the ORIGINAL HEBREW. 27. Matthew 21:16 - the KJV renders "Perfected Praise", Whereas the Aramaic renders "THE FOUNDATION OF PRAISE", or "ESTABLISHED PRAISE', or, that is Praise deriving from the proper foundation of faith, praise built upon and set in order upon this proper foundation. See page {________}. 28. See NOTE #25 29. Matthew 18:2-3 (change/turn/convert) is (hapak) #2015 Strong's 30. Psalms 68:32-33- for further information concerning the 134 places the ancient Scribes replaced the name of Yahweh with the title Adonay - see "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES, Chapter 1, NOTE #8. Due to their alteration of the ORIGINAL HEBREW, most all Hebrew manuscripts read "Adonay", which is here corrected to "YAHWEH”. 31. Psalms 68:4- The KJV renders this "Jah , which is corrected to "YAH’ and the KJV renders (arabot) as "heavens", which is corrected to "deserts". So that the reader can discern the contrast, so that the believer won't miss the point! (Arabot) is #6160 Strong's; and (heaven) is (Shamayim) #8064 Strong's. 32. Philippians 3:20- Palach is #6399 "to labour; hence to serve..., specially, to worship God... Gesenius. This verse reveals the idea that our works are our worship, at least a type of our worship. (Matthew 5:16). To labour for our heavenly hope and reward is also presented in Matthew 6:20-21. But you place treasure in heaven Where neither the moth or the Rust corrupt and where the thieves do not break in and they do not steal For Where your treasure is, that there is where your heart is." Another context in the Aramaic which shows the relevance of heavenly works is: “Therefore, my beloved, as you have obeyed / listened at all times not only when I was near you, but even now when I am distant from you, More abundantly with fear and trembling, perform the works of your life." Phil 2:12 Author's translation

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 I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...