In ancient times, the Son was called by a name of which is known by only a select few today. Learn what this name is and why it was important to the apostles and first century Assembly.
C5-3 Baptism
Section 3
Most believers are already convinced of the absolute necessity of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, that is being born again or born from above (JN 3:5). However, the role of water baptism in Biblical (apostolic) Salvation, has been under attach for a very long time. Therefore this Section has been written to address the importance the Apostles placed on water baptism.
The Apostle Paul placed great importance on grace, but not as a license to sin! This is why he wrote:
"..? Will we continue in sin that grace may abound? Far be it: for if we are persons that have died to sin, how can we again live in it."
Rom 6:2 Roth
Then, Paul makes a direct connection to our water baptism, to demonstrate why we should have already died to the desire and control of sin over our lives.
"For we are buried with him in immersion (baptism) to death; that as Yeshua the Messiah arose from the dead into the glory of his father, so also we, to walk in a new life."
Rom 6:4 A.P. by Roth
Paul is speaking of the power in the name and the blood to free the sinner who confesses HIM and is baptized, from the control of the sinful desire over the heart and soul. The old sinful nature is buried in baptism, so that the new believer is able to come up out of the water a new creature. For he that is dead to the desire of the flesh is freed from sin (Rom 6:7).
But what had foundational importance to the Apostle Paul, was for each believer to come to know the resurrecting power of Yeshua in their lives, and for them to maintain that power as a result of their faith and knowledge of HIM. This is why Paul wrote:
"Strengthening your roots and building up yourselves in him and establishing yourselves in the faith which you have learned in which may you abound in thanksgiving."
Colosians 2:7 Roth
For there are those who will continually attack our faith from its very root, Which is why Paul continues:
"Beware, or else any man make you naked (spoil you/strip, you) by philosophy and by vain deception, according to the doctrine of men according to the rudiments of the world, and not according to the Messiah."
Col 2:8 Roth
There are those who want to spoil you, and to literally strip you naked of your covering in MAR-YAH YESHUA. One way in which they do this is by belittling the importance the Apostles placed on water baptism, as Paul said
"For those who have been immersed (baptized) in Messiah have been CLOTHED WITH MESSIAH." Galations 3:27 A.P. by Roth
Therefore, there are those who desire to strip the believer from their clothing/ covering they recieve by being baptized into the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA]. For if and when believers become convinced, that water baptism had no direct relationship, to the washing away of their sins and the covering of the blood and the name over their souls; then their faith in such a covering, is no longer based upon the solid Rock of scripture, but rather on the shaky foundation of philosophy and vain deception, as put forth by the commandment of mere men. Which is exactly what Paul is warning the believer against. Then Paul goes on to explain about the nature of the MESSIAH, and why all should trust in HIM. But this message is better understood by contrast. For this reason, we turn to the Apostle John:
"Yeshua answered and said to them, 'Tear down this temple and after three days I will raise IT!"
John 2:19 by Roth
"But HE was speaking concerning the Temple of his BODY" John 2:21 By Roth
The Aramaic word used in this context for body is (pagar) [NOTE # 7 ]. Which means to be exhausted and void of strength, from the idea of coldness, that is to lack the vitality of warmth, as of a cold body, of which the vitality of life has departed. Which is Why this word is used many times of a dead body, that is a carcass. thus, for this word to be used for "body" in this context, reveals that without the Divine presence within the body (Temple), the body would be nothing but a dead corpse. However, Paul reveals another aspect of the body of the MESSIAH.
"In whom dwells all the fullness of God (i.e. the Godhead) bodily."
Colosians 2:9 Roth
The Aramaic word used in this context for (bodily) is (gasham) [NOTE # 8]. Which comes from the Hebrew root of a violent and heavy rain. For, from this body, the word of YAH pours forth to all those Who hear or read of the word, planting YAH the word as a seed in the heart of the new believer. And from this same body, also proceeds the LIVING WATERS, which fall down upon believers as if rain. The Apostles recieved the former rain upon the earth, and we end time believers will experience the latter rain of the Spirit upon the earth (Hosea 6:3). But always keep in mind that this latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is being poured forth from the body of the Messiah. And we may drink of the LIVING WATERS Which come forth from the body of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, just as Israel drank a Spiritual drink from the anointed Rock which followed them, which was the MESSIAH.
"And they all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the Spiritual Rock that attended (followed) them, and that Rock was the Messiah."
1 Corinthians 10:4 A.P. by Roth
Therefore, two important lessons are being taught here about the body of Messiah. The body of Messiah is just the Temple of YAH YAHWEH, and when YAH YAHWEH departed from the body, then the body became a dead corpse. However, when YAH recieved back and revived His dead body, HIS body became the place from which the fullness of God flows out unto HIS people. As YAH the Son is planted as a seed within the heart; and as Yahweh the Father waters that seed with the LIVING WATERS. Therefore the Father and Son both pour forth from the body of Messiah unto all who exercise their faith completely in HIS NAME. This is Why Paul continues with these words.
"And in HIM you are also complete because HE IS the head of all principalities and authorities."
Coloaians 2:10 A.P. by Roth
Once the seed of the word, even YAH the Son, becomes watered with the LIVING WATERS, even YAHWEH THE FATHER, and the Father and Son become united in the soul of the believer; then at that point, the believer is complete in HIM, and can be confident and live without fear, knowing that MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH is the head of all principalities and authorities, both spiritual and Physical. Even if earthly rulers do not yet acknowledge His authority, MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH still uses them to accomplish His goals.
Paul has now laid out the foundation of all Christian faith, and begins to build upon that foundation by contrasting the sign of the covenant in the flesh, which is circumcision, with the sign of the covenant in the Spirit, Which is water baptism.
"And in HIM you have been circumcised with a circumcision without hands,.."
Colosians 2:11A
A.P. by Roth
Just as the flesh of the foreskin is cut off and cast away, likewise the sinful nature must be cut out and cast away
" casting off the flesh of sins by a circumcision of the Messiah."
Colosians 2:11 B
A.P. by Roth
This spiritual circumcision is the true circumcision of the heart of flesh (Deut 10: 16; 30:6; Jere 4:4; Eze 11:19). But What is this circumcision of the Messiah under the New Covenant?
"And you have been BURIED with HIM by IMMERSION (baptism); and by it you have risen with HIM While you believed in the power of God who raised HIM from the dead."
Colosians 2:12 A.P.
by Roth (emphasis mine)
In order to experience the power of God during baptism, the new believer must have faith that the baptismal waters are working in conjunction with the blood and the Spirit to wash away their sins; and that the NAME is being placed upon them as a covering and protection from future sins Not as a license to continue in sins, but rather, to protect the new believer from the power that sins once held over their lives. While the minister places the name of the Son upon the believer during baptism, the believer calls upon the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA both before and after their baptism. Even Paul was admonished as a new believer, to wash away his sins in baptism, as he called upon the name.
"And now, why do you delay? Arize, be immersed (baptized), and be cleansed from your sins, while you invoke [i.e. CALL UPON] HIS NAME."
Acts 22:16 A.P. by Roth
This power of God which is experienced by the believer, to wash away their sins, is totally denied and rejected by many denominations today; just as it was during Paul's day, which is why he wrote, that in the latter days, men would deny the grace of God...:
"Having a form of respect (i.e. fear) for God but wide (i.e. far) from the POWER OF GOD, them Who are such, repel from you."
2 tim 3:5 A.P. by Roth
Today, people still deny the Power of God, Which works through the water and the blood, through the name and the Spirit, to wash away sins. Claiming to have obtained this same power, short of obedience to the command to be baptized and wash away their sins.
Paul finishes up his thoughts concerning baptism, with these words:
"And you who were dead in your sins and by the uncircumcision of your flesh He has resurrected with HIM, and HE HAS FORGIVEN US ALL OUR SINS."
Col 2:13
The final outcome of casting off our sins in repentance, confession and baptism, is to take on the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA]; and those Who have been clothed in this name [by faith and action], by being baptized in this name, have been forgiven of their sins.
If a believer will exercise their faith, as they call on the name of MAR-YAH, and believe that as the minister dunks them under the water While calling over them the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA]; believing that the blood of Yeshua is washing away every sin, they will be washed, cleansed, and forgiven of all sins. It is faith in the instructions, faith in the Biblical command, by which a believer exercises their faith in the blood of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH. It is this type of Biblical faith, Which causes the power of God to be experienced during baptism.
The baptismal experience was so powerful in the first century, that the enemy began at once to attack this doctrine. Which is [probably] why all ancient Greek manuscripts of Hebrews became altered and thus distorted, very early on. Paul is again speaking of foundational doctrines in Hebrews 6:1-2. One of these doctrines is the doctrine of baptisms, that is the baptism of the water and the baptism of the Spirit (JN 3:5). The two aspects of baptism, actually become one complete baptismal experience (Eph 4:5). Then instead of relating the foundational experience, concerning the power of God one should experience during baptism, the Greek texts, waters down the message and actually brings in another doctrine altogether, Which is the doctrine of "enlightenment". Therefore, let us compare the Greek "Enlightenment", to the Aramaic Peshitta "Power of God experienced during immersion (baptism)".
"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,.."
Hebrews 6:4 KJV from Greek text
"But they Who have once descended to immersion (baptism) and have tasted the gift from heaven and have recieved the Holy Spirit. And have tasted the good word of God and the power of the world to come,"
Hebrews 6:4-5 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth
The Gnostics believed that the enlightenment of knowledge was the path to God. While the Apostles preached the foolishness of baptism, through which a believer would experience the power of God. For once they obeyed this command by faith, they soon found, that 'baptism' was not foolish after all, but rather, the chosen path of God, to demonstrate His power in the lives of HIS people. For those Who have experienced the power of God during baptism, have obtained an intimate knowledge and experience of the power of God. Therefore knowledge is essential, but a worldly knowledge, which excludes the experience of the power of God during baptism, is a doctrine of men, which denies the power of God which works in the souls of men. The reason that the true believer can look back and remember their baptism, is because of the supernatural power of God they experienced while being baptized. But even here, the Greek text only wants you to remember your 'enlightenment':
"But call to rememberance the former days, in which ye were ILLUMINATED,.."
Hebrews 10:32 KJV from Greek text
"Therefore, recall the former days, those in which you recieved immersion (baptism)..."
Hebrews 10:32 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth
Every Aramaic Peshitta text reads "baptism' in both these verses. Most all Greek texts read 'enlightenment'. Early on in history the Gnostics must have distorted the Greek texts then in existence, to diminish the importance of baptism. The Gnostics believed that knowledge (gnosis) was essential to salvation, rather then one experiencing the power of God in baptism. [NOTE # 9 ].
Paul goes on in this same verse to explain that a struggle of faith has been waging, which may cause the believer to falter, if they allow their faith in the power of God they experienced during baptism to waver.
"Therefore, recall the former days, those in Which you recieved immersion and endured a great conflict [cabar-examination of faith] of sufferings with reproach and affliction;"
Hebrews 10:32
Aramaic Peshitta by Roth
The word which is translated here as 'conflict' is from the root of (cabar/sabar #5452 and #7663 Gesenius) which means to look at expectantly and to dig into with hope and expectation of recieving the reward. Thus to explore and search out. In this light, it is used often to refer to the good news of the gospel message. But in this context, it is the believer Who is being examined, that is dug into, in the sense of leaving wounds, the believer is being examined to test their faith and faithfulness, which is Why Paul admonishes the believer to remember the power of God they experienced while being baptized, so that their faith will not fail, but rather, will keep them unto the coming of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH.
Today the battle over the importance of water baptism is still being waged. The attacks against the faith of the believer in the power of the operation of Cod are relentless. the day is coming, When this truth will cause division and separate the sincere believer, placing them in a position to recieve great persecution, maybe even death, because they continue to believe in the power of the name and the blood to wash away their sins in baptism, and because they keep this in memory, lest they forget and turn back to their sins
It is impossible to base proper doctrinal understanding upon one's own personal experience. What is important was the experiences of the Apostles and those who heard them. In other words, just because you have not experienced the power of God during your baptism, does not mean the believers of the first century Church did not have a mighty move of the HOLY SPIRIT when they were baptized. Neither does a person's lack of experience of the power of God during baptism, negate the power experienced by many of this generation. All the verses about having one's sins washed away, and casting off the sins of the flesh and then putting on our Lord YAH YESHUA in baptism, indicate strongly, that first century believers experienced the power of God While being baptized, because they strongly believed in the power of the resurrection, which power they experienced While coming forth from the waters of baptism.
Why does Paul incourage believers to recall their baptismal experience? Because if believers do not keep the time when they were first washed in the blood in their current spiritual memory, they may actually forget the power of the blood to wash away sins and the power of the Spirit to raise them to new life. We are all to observe Passover, as we remember the body of MAR-YAH and the blood of MAR-YAH, through the physical emblems of the bread and the wine (1 Cor 11:24-29). We do this to keep His body and blood in our spiritual memories. Yet Paul is teaching that it is imperative to also keep the power of our baptismal experience in our spiritual memories, so that we will not return back to our former sins, so that faith will stay alive in our souls (Heb 10:37-39). Believe it or not, the scripture even gives the believer certain songs, to help us to keep the body and blood of MAR-YAH in our spiritual memories.
"YAH is my praise and my song, and is also become my salvation (YESHUA)."
Psalms 118;14
[NOTE # 10]
"YAH is my strength and my song, and is also become my Salvation (Yeshua)."
Psalms 118:14
[NOTE #10 ]
Thus dual meaning of "strength/praise" [0z-#5796 Gesenius], causes the learned believer to understand:
"YAH is my praise and song, which gives me strength, and is also become my] Salvation (YESHUA)."
Ps 118:14
When fully understood
When the believer sings praise to YAH who has become YESHUA, their spiritual memory is stirred, and their faith is strengthened. And because we have learned that this context is speaking specificly about YAH clothing Himself in a mortal body to become YESHUA, then we should also see that His body was broken to make the blood and the Spirit available unto us. Because just as the bread was broken, likewise the body of YAH was broken so that we may be washed in the blood and the SPIRIT which flows forth from His body. (MT 26:26-27;MK 14:22-24; LK 22:19-20). In contrast to this the believer is broken, so that the Blood and the SPIRIT can wash over them and through them, making them completely clean and whole. Therefore the key verse and foundational thought of this entire book is :'"YAH is my praise and song, which strengthens me, and is become my YESHUA". This verse serves not only to point out that YAH IS BECOME YESHUA, and that our confession must be of Him and unto HIM; but it also serves as a continual witness and reminder of what YAH has done for us, as we experience His resurrecting power during our baptism. Paul wants the believer to use every tool available in their arsenal, to keep their faith in the resurrecting power of MAR-YAH YESHUA alive in their spiritual memories. This is why he concludes Hebrews Chapter ten, like this:
"Because, yet a little, and it is a very little time when he that comes, will come, and will not delay. Now the just by MY faith will live: but if he draw back, MY soul will not have pleasure in him. But we are not of that drawing back, which leads to perdition, but of that faith which makes us possess our soul."
Hebrews 10:37-39
Aramaic Peshitta by Roth [NOTE #11]
Paul is actually quoting from Habakkuk 2:3-4. However the modern translator of the Hebrew text, does not see it, as Paul is quoting it. For in this context one finds an interesting blend of Hebrew, with some words translated according to their Aramaic meanings, rather then the Hebrew. The key missunderstanding, is with the word aphal" which in the Hebrew normally means (lifted up, swell up, usually as in pride or arrogance). However the Aramaic reveals that the idea of swelling, was similar to the idea of fatness, which would cause one to be fat and lazy, thus idle, and thus to cause one to cease doing righteousness. To neglect the right way, to be remiss on one's duties and to turn back from the path of life. For if one were to forget the power of God they experienced during their baptism, they may also grow remiss in doing the works of life, Which would lead them into perdition. Now the "MY' in this context refers to MAR-YAH YESHUA who is to soon come back. Therefore the just shall live by the faith of MAR-YAH YESHUA. However if the just shall turn away from doing righteousness, MAR-YAH YESHUA will find no pleasure in them. But those who preserve their spiritual memory of the power of God they experienced in baptism, retain their faith and preserve their souls.
[See NOTE # 12 - works of righteousness]
Now lets return back to the discussion Paul was having in Colosians Chapter two. Where Paul laid down the foundation of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH and the fullness of the power of God which comes forth from HIS body. Then showed how we are to build upon this foundation by casting away our sins in baptism, just like a man would cast off his foreskin under the Old Covenant. For the man who casts off his sins in baptism is assured of forgiveness of those sins. Paul then continues to lay out four foundational doctrines, which should be understood and confessed by each believer before their baptism. However, the Greek obscures the issue so badly, that I just want to give the proper understanding of this context here, as from the:: ORIGINAL ARAMAIC.
"And by HIS COMANDMENT$, He blotted out the judicial writing of our debts that were existing secretly against us (as if a secret indictment). And HE lifted it up from the midst and affixed it to HIS CROSS (stake)." "And by YIELDING UP HIS BODY, He broke Principalities and Authorities, and put them to shame, openly, WITH HIS DIVINE NATURE."
Colosians 2:14-15
Aramaic Peshitta [NOTE # 13 ]
The four things Paul is teaching that are foundational for the believer to understand are:
Every believer should understand that because of the COMMANDMENTS OF MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, which HE recieved from YAHWEH HIS FATHER, that the accusations of the enemy against them have been blotted out. For the enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and is always accusing the believer before our heavenly Father (1 Peter 5:7; Rev 12:10). These accusations of the enemy have been blotted out by the good and righteous commandments of our heavenly Father.
Every believer should understand that the cross represents death. The place where YAH offered up His own body to die for our sins.
Every believer should know that YAH yielded up His own body willingly, and that no one took it from HIM, or forced HIM to offer IT up.
Every believer should understand, that When YAH offered up His body to the cross, that HE was also displaying HIS DIVINE NATURE to all. (MT 27:54). And it is because that His people now have access unto the DIVINE NATURE within HIM, due to His broken body, that MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH broke the power of all principalities and authorities. Mar-Yah Yeshua broke the power of evil forces, by revealing and uncovering their true nature, for all, who's eyes have been opened to see.
Most believers are aware of the last three of these foundational principles, in spite of the obscure way this is translated into the Greek manuscripts. However, they may have a hard time believing that it was actually the righteous and good commandments of YAHWEH, which blotted out the accusations of the enemy, Which have been brought before YAHWEH day and night. Therefore this error in the Church is a foundational error. [See more on this under NOTE #13 ]
Paul made it clear in Colosians 2:8, that there were men Who desire through deception to strip the believer naked of a very precious covering from their MESSIAH. Then Paul informs the believer, in Colosians 2:11-13, that this covering is given unto the believer in baptism {compare pages _______}. And if this was not put plain enough, Paul informs the believer that "...those who have been baptized in MESSIAH have been CLOTHED WITH MESSIAH (Gal 3:27)." For the believer takes on the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], as this name is called over them by the Minister in baptism. For when the believer experienced the power of God, as they were baptized into this HOLY NAME, they would thereafter, wear this name as a garment of Salvation (YESHUA). Isaiah the Prophet wrote about this garment of Salvation (YESHUA) that the wedding party would wear, including the bride and the groom.
"I will greatly rejoice in YAHWEH, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath CLOTHED ME WITH THE GARMENTS OF SALVATION, he hath COVERED me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a a bride adorneth herself with her jewels."
Isaiah 61:10 KJV
The full name as revealed in the Aramaic Peshitta of the MESSIAH; is the wedding garment of the believer. It is a sad indictment, that some souls will be invited and even drawn by the Holy Spirit within them, unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Rev 19:7-9], but will enter in without a wedding garment, they will not be wearing the GARMENT OF SALVATION, Which is the full name of "YESHUA", that is OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA]. And because they adamantly refused to take on His name in baptism, they will be cast into outer darkness. The wedding of the King's Son, is about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, a wedding one does not want to attend without a garment of Salvation, that is without a wedding garment.
"And When the King came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a WEDDING GARMENT. And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the King to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are Chosen."
Matthew 22:11-14
The wedding garment cannot be the Holy Spirit, because only those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, will have their dead bodies revived, so that they can ascend unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. As it is written:
"And if the SPIRIT of HIM who raised our Master Yeshua the Messiah from the dead dwells in you he who raised our Master Yeshua the Messiah from the dead will also REVIVE YOUR DEAD BODIES because of HIS SPIRIT that dwells in you."
Romans 8:11 A.P. by Roth
Too many people believe that recieving the Holy Spirit is an end all, when it is actually just the beginning. And the Holy Spirit will lead and guide the believer into all truth [Jn 14:26; 16:13]. However, the Holy Spirit will not force the believer into all truth, the believer must be willing to be led. Each believer must seek after all truth with all their soul.
There are many babies in Messiah, who seem to have no desire for the learning and growing which leads to life. They say, let someone else dig in, we will eat of the leftovers and droppings from the table. They answer all Biblical discussions with "my Pastor says, so and so..." or "my church teaches thus..."; instead of, "THE WORD OF YAH SAYS...." They are all seeking out some man or organization to lead them into all truth; instead of letting the Holy Spirit lead them into all truth, as they search out the scriptures for themselves. Paul incourages the latter:
"But strong food belongs to the mature who, BEING INVESTIGATORS, have trained their faculties to discriminate good and evil."
Hebrews 5:14 A.P. by Roth
The Aramaic picture presented of "BEING INVESTIGATORS", is of those who go forth searching and seeking out every truth. These are not persons who are willing to just sit and be taught. These are souls who must prove everything and hold to that which is good. [1 Thes 5:21; Rom 12:2].
When the scripture says, " Baptize them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.", yet believers fail to investigate into the Hebrew Old Testament and Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Scriptures, to find out exactly what "NAME" Yeshua is speaking of; then they are failing to be investigators at all. Therefore, they will believe every lie and half truth, their preacher or denomination tells them. But those Who do investigate, will search the scriptures and Pray to YAH to give the understanding, so that When they hear the truth, they will know it and believe it. Then they will also be CLOTHED WITH THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], in water baptism.
The Apostle Peter reveals that the flood was a type of baptism. For Noah and his family were saved alive, by riding above the waters in the Ark. This is another instance when the Aramaic Peshitta clarifies the obscure Greek reading.
"The like figure Whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 3:21 KJV
"And you also, by a like figure, are made alive by baptism, not when you wash your bodies from filth, but when you CONFESS God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah."
1 Peter 3:21 A.P.
by Roth [NOTE # 14 1
The word "answer" (eperotema 1906 St's), comes from two words (epi-1909 St's- towards) and (erotao-2065 St's- to interrogate, to request:- ask, beseech, desire, intreat, pray). So my question is how does one add the word "towards" to the word "ask" and get the word "answer"? Therefore, the Greek ought to be rendered:
"... but to PRAY UNTO God, for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 3:21
Thus, the original idea presented in the Greek of "PRAYING UNTO GOD", "TO MAKE A REQUEST UNTO GOD", does make more sense. However the Aramaic Peshitta clarifies this action of "pray" and "request" by placing this request in its original Hebrew/ Aramaic Eastern mindset, that is the mindset in which the scriptures were originally written.
"... But when you CONFESS God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah."
1 Peter 3:21 A.P.
First and foremost, every believer MUST CONFESS that MAR-YAH IS YESHUA. This confession opens one's eyes to the fact that Yeshua is their Lord and the Temple of Yah their God, which is an acknowledgment that MAR-YAH YESHUA is their judge. For once this is understood, the new believer can confess all their known sins unto MAR-YAH YESHUA. While praying for an opening of the eyes, concerning any unknown sins, or anything which may offend their new King. One must then believe in the power of the water and the blood to wash away their sins in baptism, and should understand that they are taking upon themselves the name of the Son, "MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH", in baptism, which will become their garment of salvation, their wedding garment. Then because of their faith in the resurrecting power of YAHWEH, Who raised up MARYAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH from the dead, the new believer is able to come up out of the baptismal waters, in newness of life. That is they come up out of the waters while being filled with the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in unknown tongues, as the Holy Spirit enables them to speak. So you can see, that this Hebrew/Aramaic word "confess", is actually painting a picture of drawing near unto YAHWEH, through His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH. Therefore, this word "confess" must be understood in the full light and use of this word throughout the scriptures. [For a full discussion of confession, see- THE HEBREW KEY, Sec 4, and MAR-YAH IS YESHUA Sec. 6]
Confessing YAH before baptism, is a key aspect of Biblical Salvation. That all must make this confession towards YAH, is obvious from scripture (Rom 10:9,12-13; Phil 2:10-11; Rom 14:9-12; Ps 118:14,19-20). [These verses are fully explained in the sections as listed above.] The reason mankind can now make this confession with a pure conscience is because of the resurrection of the MESSIAH. The key aspects of this confession are:
1. Confess that MAR-YAH (the Lord YAH) is become YESHUA
(a)ThatYAH was robed in flesh, clothed in a mortal body.
(b)That MAR-YAH is the Son of YAHWEH, the word of YAHWEH, the right hand of YAHWEH, thus the extension of the power of YAHWEH unto the earth.
2. Confess that YAH the Son of YAHWEH, willingly offered up His body in sacrifice, and had the power and authority to take His body back.
3. Confess that the body of YAH was laid in a tomb for three days and three nights, while YAH preached to the spirits in Sheol (hell). And that YAH came forth from Sheol, and took back His body, glorifying IT in the process,with the keys of death and sheol (hell) in his hands (power). Then YAH YESHUA ascended up onto heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the power of Yahweh in heaven. [Which means, that the Holy Spirit, the Holy presence of Yahweh, flows forth from the body of YAH YESHUA, without measure, performing signs, wonders and demonstrations of power in the midst of His people.]
4. Confess that all these things happened as a result of the command of Yahweh. Thus it is by the commandment of Yahweh that the accusations of the enemy (devil) against the believer, are put to silence. Thus we all must confess and place ourselves under the authority of Yahweh's righteous law. Understanding that this act of submission to Yahweh's government, will loose us from the unrighteous laws of men, and all of their accusations.
5. Confess the Lordship (MAR-) and the Divinity (-YAH) of YESHUA. Thus acknowledging the right of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH to be the judge Then confessing all of one's sins faults, failures and shortcomings unto MAR-YAH YESHUA, While falling upon the name of Yeshua, as upon an altar of mercy and grace.
This confession before baptism is accompanied with calling on the name of MARYAH YESHUA, before and after baptism, as it is written:
"And now, why do you delay? rise up and be baptized, and be cleansed from your sins, while you CALL ON HIS NAME." Acts 22:16 A.P.
[Author's trans.]
There is a distinction between "BEING CALLED BY THE NAME" and "CALLING ON THE NAME". The new convert will call upon the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA while making their profession of faith unto HIM [1 Tim 3:12; Heb 10:23]. Then the Minister should call the name of OUR-LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA] as they dunk the convert under the water, so that the believer can become clothed with the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH. Then once the convert comes up out of the water, they will praise YAH YESHUA, by shouting "HALLELU-YAH YESHUA". For the new convert is born again in the midst of praise! If the Minister understands the significance, he should then lay a hand upon the head of the convert and call the name of YAHWEH over them, as the believer recieves new life, that is the life of Yahweh Which proceeds from the body of MAR-YAH. So that the Son (YAH) and the Father (YAHWEH) will become ONE within the soul of the believer, as they recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in other tongues.
[NOTE: YAH the Son, is the LIVING WORD, which is planted into the heart of the New believer. Yet the word alone, cannot grow, without being waterd by the LIVING WATERS, Which are YAHWEH THE FATHER. It is true that faith alone saves, but faith which does not follow the Biblical pattern is not faith at all, but rather, unbelief.]
There are those who argue against their own souls. They are their own worse enemy!
"Behold, therefore how much he suffered from sinners, for THEY WERE ADVERSARIES OF THEIR OWN SOUL,..."
Hebrews 12:3 A.P. by Roth
Far too many still oppose themselves by arguing against the tenets of their faith. There is a reason why these things are written. The enemy wants to strip; the believer of their garment of salvation, of their wedding garment, which is the name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA] in baptism. The enemy is striving to talk new believers out of the power of the blood to work through the water, to wash away their sins. And even after water baptism in the name, the enemy still opposes the belief, that one's sins were washed away, in water baptism, as the believer confesses that MAR-YAH IS YESHUA, and confesses all their sins unto HIM.
There is a picture formed by two different Aramaic words, which shed light on our understanding of belief and faith. These words are:
1. Tupsa- like figure/pattern (note #15)
2. pys/phys- Belief/Obey (note #15)
NOTE: A similarity of letters occurs as phys/pys is placed
in the future tense, eT't'phys. Causing the word for believe
to look very similar to the word for 'likeness, example,
Now it is certain that the primary meaning of (tuwps) as found in 1 Peter 3:21, is (like figure/simili/pattern), however it's similarity to the future tense of belief, is worth our time investigating.
"And also you who BELIEVE in HIM, are made alive by baptism, not When you wash the bodies from filth, but when you make a confession unto God with a pure conscience, and by the resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah."
1 Peter 3:21
Aramaic Peshitta Second layer of meaning
[NOTE # 15 ]
Only believers are made alive through baptism, as it is written:
"Whoever believes and is immersed (baptized) will live, and whoever does not believe will be condemned."
Mark 16:16 A.P. by Roth
This relationship between "belief" and "baptism", is just one reason to understand that (tuwpsa-pattern/simili), could also be understood to convey the idea of (belief). The following is an example of a confession of faith, which follows the Biblical pattern.
I confess that Yahweh my creator cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, and is omnipresent. I confess that Yahweh sent forth His word to the earth, which is called "YAH" the Son of Yahweh; and that YAH was clothed with a mortal body, and appeared unto mankind as "YESHUA" (MY SALVATION). Yahweh offerd up His Son MAR-YAH YESHUA to be crucified on a tree for my sins and the sins of all who call upon HIM in faith. And the body of MAR-YAH, even "YESHUA" was in the tomb for three days and three nights, while MAR-YAH was in Sheol (hell), preaching to the spirits confined there. Then after three days and three nights YAH YESHUA ascended up from Sheol and from the tomb with the keys of death and sheol (hell). Afterwards, MAR-YAH YESHUA ascended up into the heavens and is seated upon the throne of God, shining forth as the Sun in all its power and radiance. Revealing that all the power. of Yahweh is given unto and working through MAR-YAH YESHUA, to judge mankind and to forgive those who repent and call upon His name. I confess that the waters of baptism, which ritually cleanse the body of filth, are a type of the inward washing of the blood and covering of the name of the Son, as of a garment of Salvation, as my wedding garment, from which the sinner is purified from all sins through faith.
Once a sinner comes to understand and believe these foundational truths with all their heart, they can then make this confession with a pure conscience.
The play on words between tuphas (simili, pattern) and the
future tense of belief eT't'phys, makes a further inquiry into these words, worth considering. Because there is a Hebrew word which has these same root letters, which is 'taphas'. 'Taphas' means to be "fat, lazy, sluggish"; thus to be inactive, inert, stupid, unconvinced (to take action). However, on the other hand, this can also have a good connotation, which is:
To be "plump with a healthy dose of fat"; thus to be actively seeking, following after that which is good and healthy. Thus to follow the pattern (tups) of Yeshua and the apostles, and to
perform their words, would be 'belief' (tips). In the following
example (tips) is used in the negative sense, and is contrasted
with the Hebrew root word for believe, which is 'amen'.
[note #15]
"He Who believes 'aman' in the Son has life that is eternal, and he Who does not OBEY (meth-T'pis) the Son will not see life, rather the wrath of God will rise up against him."
John 3:36 A.P. by Roth
To actively follow after, to follow the pattern, is to obey. While inaction, is to be unmoved by the example, which is disobedience and unbelief. To see the pattern in the scriptures, but to remain unconvined to move in faith.
Even the Greek word for "belief" (Pistis and Peitho) also has the dual meaning of "belief/obey". For this reason, every educated reader of the scriptures ought to be able to look beyond their English translation, to see that "believe not" in this context, has to be understood as "obey not". The Greek also uses a (alpha) at the beginning of (peitheo/belief) to indicate the negative, that is "believe not/obey not" (apeitheo). With these things in mind, one can understand that the King James Version obscures this issue, with "believe not"! [note #15]
"He that believeth.on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of god abideth on him."
John 3:36 KJV
The J.P. Green Interlinear of the Greek New Testament also reveals that in this context, this ought to be understood as "obey not".
Those who argue against "obeying" the gospel in "baptism" are showing by their own arguments, that they are really unbelievers. Those Who argue against the power of the blood of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA], which becomes active and powerful in the life of the believer during baptism, are also denying the power of God which works in the lives of those Who show their belief and faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by following the pattern in His word. In effect, those who argue against the necessity of baptism are working with the enemy of our souls to strip each and every one of us of our wedding garment, which is given to us, as we exercise our faith in MAR-YAH YESHUA, by being baptized into His name. For these false believers desire for us to appear like them, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, without a wedding garment.
Belief which lacks action, is not Biblical belief at all, but rather demonstrates a pattern of unbelief. The Apostle Peter illustrates this idea very well:
"On you therefore Who believe (aman) is this honor conferred: but to them Who do not OBEY (T'piysa-believe not), 'He is a stone of stunbling and a rock of offense.' And they stumble at it because they OBEY(T'piys) NOT the word appointed for them."
1 Peter 2:7-8 of the
Aramaic Peshitta
Then the Apostle Peter shows the believer how to take the letters of (T'piys-Obey/ believe) and how to understand them in a good sense, through the word (tuwps-simili/ pattern). For the active belief of (tiyps) will cause one to follow after, and seek after that which leads to life.
"For to this were you called; because the Messiah also died for us and left us THIS PATTERN (tuwpsa) that you should walk in his steps."
1 Peter 2:21
A.P. by Roth
Therefore, the example and pattern (tuwpsa) of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, becomes belief in the believer as they begin to follow HIS footsteps. As they begin to act out the pattern left us in the Gospel.
Yeshua was baptized to fulfill all righteousness (MT 3:15), so that His people would follow HIS example and the pattern in scriptures and also become baptized. However, Yeshua was without sin (2 Cor 5:21), and this is Why HE was baptized to fulfill all righteousness. But all of HIS people have some amount of sin in their lives, which is Why they are baptized for the remission/forgiveness/release of sins, (Acts 2:38), and to wash away their sins (Acts 22:16). Therefore, the preacher or teacher who says a believer ought to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness, is improperly applying the words of life, and has no discernment between the sinlessness of MAR-YAH YESHUA, and the sinfulness of His people.
[NOTE: It is important to pay close attention to what the minister says as you are being baptized. Does he preach the importance of the NAME in baptism? Does he teach that baptism is for the washing away and forgiveness of sins? If he does not do these things, then its best to wait and find a minister who believes the word.]
The name of OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH [MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA] is our wedding garment, that we must wear at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are some who will attempt to enter into the MARRIAGE SUPPER without PUTTING ON THIS NAME in baptism, therefore their sins will not be covered by the blood of the Lamb, and they will be cast into outer darkness were there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (MT 22:13). However, the calling of the Holy Spirit is definitely on any individual who ascends to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, but they were not chosen to wear the garment of salvation (MT 22:14). The Holy Spirit is calling many today,
and even filling them with the gift of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongus, but only a select few of these Who are called, will actually be chosen to wear and become clothed with the NAME IN BAPTISM.
"...'bind his hands and his feet and cast him into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!' For many are those that are called, and few are Chosen."
Matthew 22:13-14
A.P. by Roth
Right now the choice is up to you. What group do you aspire to be a part of? Those who are merely called? Or rather, those WHO ARE CHOSEN?
C52: released from sins
Power in the Blood, Power in the Name
Section 2
Why does the Apostle Simon Peter, say that baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA is for the Remission/Forgiveness of sins? What exactly does this word REMISSION/ FORGIVENESS MEAN?
The Aramaic word used for "Remission/Forgiveness" is "SHOVQANA", and includes: "Remission, Forgiveness, dismissal" as part of its defintion. This word stems from the Aramaic word "Shevaq", Which includes: "leave, forsake, forgive, rescue, dismiss" as a part of its defintion.
The extreme importance placed upon "REMISSION OF SINS" in each individual life is illustrated for us in the scripture:
"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
Hebrews 9:22 KJV
"For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement (kaphar 'to cover') for your souls: For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."
Lev 17:11 KJV
Before YAH shed His own blood to remit for sins; the blood of bulls and goats acted as a temporary covering for sin.
NOTE: YAH clothed Himself with a mortal body, tabernacling among mankind. So, therefore YAH had blood in His body, SO YAH HAD BLOOD!
Because of the death, burial and resurrection of MAR YAH YESHUA, HIS blood breaks the bondage and yoke of sin, causing the sinful nature to forsake the repentant. And enpowering the believer overcome the sinful habits that had them bound. At it is written:
"For this is my blood of the New Testament, Which is shed for many for the REMISSION [RELEASE] of sins."
Matthew 26:28
Surely the power is in the blood, but how is this blood activated in the life of the individual believer? The power of the blood is activated by the power in the name, and by the believer acting upon their faith in the name. The individual formula for activating this power in the individual's life is found in Acts:
".. 'Repent ; and be immersed each one of you, in the name of our Lord YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness [RELEASE] of sins, so that you will recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 of the
Aramaic Peshitta expounded
The scripture declares that there are three things upon the earth, which remain as a witness of the resurrecting power of MAR-YAH YESHUA, in the lives Of individual believers. These things are:
1 John 5:8
[This can be understood by comparing 1 John 5:8 unto John 3:5:]
1. EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF THE WATER: The blood is applied to release the individual from sin in water baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH.
2. AND OF THE SPIRIT: The blood is again applied to the individual When they recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit.
So baptism in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA is part of the born again experience, in Which the blood is applied to the heart. This releases those bound, from the bondage and slavery to sin, preparing the body/vessel to recieve the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
To get the full depth and revelation associated with "REMISSION/FORGIVENESS" of sins, one needs to examine the quotation of MAR YAH YESHUA, in Which He used this word twice, Which reveals His mission to the earth. Yeshua quotes Isaiah 61:1 and part of verse two. In the Aramaic and Greek New Testament texts ; it seems as if a whole other phrase is added, Which appears at first glance to be missing from the ORIGINAL HEBREW text: Here is a phrase by phrase comparison of the modern day English translation of Isaiah 61:1 and the quotation of this verse found tin Luke 4:18:
1. The Spirit of Yahweh is upon me
2. because He hath anointed me to preach the
good news to the poor
3. He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted
4. to preach Deliverance to the captives
5.(a) and recovering of sight to the blind
5.(b) to set at liberty them that are bruised
Luke 4:18 KJV [with the Lord corrected to Yahweh]
1. The Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is upon me
2. because Yahweh hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek
3. He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted
4. to proclaim liberty to the captives
5.(a) [Not in English translation of Hebrew]
5.(b) and the opening of the prison to them that are bound
Isaiah 61:1 KJV
As can be seen in 5(a), the phrase "AND RECOVERING OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND" is entirely missing from the English translation of Isaiah 61:1. It will be demonstrated how this phrase has a dual meaning in Hebrew concerning "A COMPLETE OPENING TO THOSE WHO ARE BOUND" in any way, Whether it be of the eyes (blind), or, bound in prison ; or, bound in sin, the rendering of Luke 4:18 in the Aramaic Peshitta is worth our time examining:
1. The Spirit of Master Yahweh is upon me
2. and because of this, He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor,
3. and He has sent me to heal the broken of heart,
4. and to preach release to the captives,
5 (a) and to the blind sight
5(b) and to strengthen (send out/free) those who are broken (depressed) with Forgiveness (Release)
Luke 4:18 Aramaic Peshitta Author's translation [NOTE #4]
see note on page {#_____} for (make firm v. send out)
Here is a word-for-word breakdown of Isaiah 61:1, in the Hebrew word order. However the 5th phrase (v'laacuriym P'qach qowach), is repeated twice. Yeshua is showing that its dual meaning MUST be understood fully in order to recieve the depth of this verse.
1 The Spirit of My Lord Yahweh is upon me
2. because has anointed Yahweh me to bring good news to the humble (poor)
3. He has sent me to bind up the broken of heart
4. to proclaim to the captives LIBERTY/RELEASE
5.(a)AND TO THOSE WITH BOUND EYES ,Complete Opening
Isaiah 61:1 (see J.P. Green for "COMPLETE OPENING") NOTE #5
Please notice that there is one phrase for both 5.(a) and 5.(b). Which in the English must be doubled, that is turned into two phrases. However the modern translator of the ORIGINAL HEBREW, does not understand this, and for this reason only renders one shade of meaning. I am personally unaware of any modern translator, who will render "and to those with bound eyes complete opening" from the Hebrew phrase (v'laacuriym p'qach qowach) [NOTE #5]. However almost all of them render this phrase with the singular meaning of "and to those bound (in prison) complete opening/release".
[NOTE: Modern teachers will use discrepancies like this one, to try and convince the unleanred, that the Hebrew is lacking, and the LXX is more accurate. These false teachers are attempting to move believers away from the solid Hebrew Old Testament foundation of the faith. trying to replace the aleph and the Tav. Disregarding the Yod's and the tittle's Yeshua refered to in Matthew 5:18.] [NOTE #6]
The Hebrew word (paqach) [NOTE #5] means 'to open'. But here this word is doubled, (p'qach qowach) [NOTE #2]. Usually the doubling of a Hebrew word is to demonstrate a intensification of the verb. Example: "Holy of Holies" means "MOST HOLY". This idea is applied to this context by: "COMPLETE OPENING". Which is how it is translated by J.P. Green in his Hebrew/English Interlinear. This idea of "COMPLETE OPENING" in regards to being bound in any way, is better understood as: "COMPLETE RELEASE" from the chains that bind.
This word "Paqach/Open" is used often of "T0 OPEN THE EYES" [NOTE #5]; and this explains why Yeshua translated this as: "TO OPEN THE BLINDED EYES"; that is the eyes which have been bound shut.
To better understand why this phrase "COMPLETE OPENING", can also refer to the opening of the prison to those who are bound, one must examine the phrase from the
root (acar/bind) [NOTE #5], from Which the phrase (laacuriym) is derived.
This Hebrew word 'acar', is used often of: "TO BE BOUND IN PRISON", and it is this connotation which translators see more clearly, and for this reason, they translate along this line of reasoning.
[NOTE: Also notice, that Yeshua never once mentions prison in his quotation, but is focused on releasing those bound to sin!]
Therefore this phrase has a two-fold meaning; and even though the Hebrew word for "eyes" (ayin) is not found in this phrase, and neither is the Hebrew word for "prison house" to be found in this phrase. Yet both ideas are presented, and no word-for-word English translation could possibly capture both meanings, without leaving conventional wisdom and revealing more than the surface meaning of the text.
The phrase "TO THE BOUND ONES' (laacuriym), is rendered as "broken" in both the Greek and the Aramaic. This idea is also used of "being bruised" or "crushed", as if "shattered". One who is broken, is also in a depressed or oppressed state. Being bruised hints of being bound with physical impairment or sickness. While being depressed seems to refer to the mental state of those being bound. And being broken is very broad and speaks of being bound physically, either by others are due to physical handicap, or being bound in mind or spirit, by the continual and relentless attacks of the enemy. Both the Greek and the Aramaic split up the phrase (P'qach qowach), placing the "bruised ones/crushed ones" or "broken/depressed" in the middle. Here is a Greek and Aramaic breakdown of this phrase:
1. Apogteilai
649 Apostello
To set apart
TO send away
2352 thrauo
the bruised ones
the crushed ones
in ,
859 Aphesis
From Luke 4:18Greek
Aramaic Peshitta
2. walashararuw
and to strengthen
and to make firm
and to restore
and to free
the broken
the depressed
with forgiveness
with remission
with release
Luke 4-18 Aramaic Peshitta
The idea of "COMPLETE OPENING" (P'qach qoach) is well rendered by "TO STRENGTHEN WITH FORGIVENESS". Because if we are forgiven, yet left in a weakened state, we would return right back to those things Which had bound us in the beginning. However When we are strengthen by forgiveness, we have a complete release from those things which had us bound, with the strength to stay free. With this in mind, even the Greak idea of "TO SET APART IN DELIVERANCE/FORGIVENESS", or 'TO SEND AWAY IN LIBERTY/REMISSION", is also right on target, because those who have been strengthened, are empowered to go forth in deliverance and complete victory, so as not to get entangled in the web of sin again.
NOTE: The Aramaic word for "strengthen/make firm" is (sharer). and the Aramaic word for "send away" is (shadar). In first century Aramaic the (d) [deleth] and the (r) [resh] were both written identically. Therefore, only by context could (sharar) be distinguished from (shadar). By the 4th century a dot was added above the (r) [resh] and in the bosom of
the (d) [deleth], to distinguish these two letters.
Remember the word "COMPLETE" in the phrase "COMPLETE OPENING/RELEASE", was a intensificatIon of the verb (P'qach-to open). This word can also be intensified by the word "STRENGTHEN/MAKE FIRM" with "FORGIVENESS/DELIVERANCE". However for the one who is broken or crushed, a intensification of the thought "TO OPEN/RELEASE" could also be "TO SEND AWAY" or "TO SET APART" in total deliverance. For this idea of "setting apart" ; means to set apart from the chains that once had the sinner bound. This speaks of the POWER to set one apart from the broken or crushed condition, through deliverance and forgiveness. This is the power to call those Who are sick "healed" and to call those who are bound in sin "delivered" and to send them away in the delivered or healed state, being bound no more. Therefore the Aramaic is a play on words, that is (sharer) "strengthen" and (shadar) "send away/set apart", Which both fit the context and are a intensification of the Hebrew word (paqach) "OPEN/RELEASE".
The bound ones get their strength restored, and their freedom restored, by having their sins forgiven completely. This restoration is a complete release from the chains that bind. Thus the habitual sin cannot cleave to the one Who has experienced this complete release. Generational curses must release those bound therein , through the power of the name of MAR YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH.
Yeshua is taking the idea of "COMPLETENESS" in relation to "FULL RESTORATION"; that is to restore one to the pre-sin state. Which means to be born again or to be born from above. A return to our childlike faith, and a reconnection of the faith awareness we had as children. To "STRENGTHEN" is to take that which is dying and to give it new life, to revive it, to empower one to set themselves apart from their bound state, and to place themselves among those who have been set completely free.
For this study, the last three Phrases of Luke 4:18, shed light on the word "REMISSION/FORGIVENESS/RELEASE".
MAR-YAH YESHUA came to declare to those in captivity to sin, that they can recieve their liberty and deliverance from HIM. The word used here for "RELEASE/LIBERTY/DELIVERANCE/FORGIVENESS" is (Shovqana) in Aramaic. This word (Shovqana) is also used in the final phrase "TO STRENGTHEN WITH FORGIVENESS those who are broken". The idea presented by its root word (Shevaq), applies here, this is: "TO FORSAKE, TO LEAVE ALONE, TO DISMISS". For the sin is forsaken through repentance, but the power to cause the sinful desire to leave the sinner alone can only come through the blood of MAR-YAH YESHUA, as it is applied during water baptism in the name of "OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH", and is again applied in spiritual baptism, as one is filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
For this full restoration to take place, a person's eyes must become open to the Gospel message, so that they can see the error of their ways. They must be able to see their sinful state in relation to Yeshua's sinless state, in relation to the scriptures. "Then HE OPENED their mind to understand the scriptures." Luke 24:45
MAR-YAH YESHUA IS THE only ONE who can give this complete release from the chains of sin that have His people bound. those Who are broken with past sins and depressed under the weight of their current bondage to sin, can find complete release from their bondage to sin, in the complete name, as revealed through the Hebrew and the Aramaic Peshitta Scriptures: "OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH' that is "MARANA-YAH YESHUA MASHIYCHA". Yeshua makes it clear that this release from sin, only becomes available through the power of HIS NAME:
"And that will be preached in HIS NAME, Repentance for the forgiveness (remission/release) of sins in all nations, and it will begin from Jerusalem."
Luke 24:47 Aramaic Peshitta
Author's translation
The Apostle Peter reveals how the name is applied to the individual to begin the work of the full REMISSION and RELEASE from sins, as promised:
".., Repent and be baptized, each of you, IN THE NAME OF THE LORD YAH YESHUA For the FORGIVENESS/REMISSION/RELEASE of sins [water baptism], that you may recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit [SPIRITUAL BAPTISM]."
Acts 2:38 Aramaic Peshitta
Author's translation
The promise is a complete opening of the eyes and a complete release from the sin that had us bound. The first step in applying this promise to our lives, is through faith in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA. Having faith, that as this name is called over us in water baptism, that the water and the blood are cleansing us from all sins. Then exercising that faith as we come up out of the water, calling on the name of "MAR-YAH", to draw out the Living Waters within YESHUA THE MAN.
I WILL not leave you comfortless
YAH YAHWEH is beyond the veil of His flesh, that is Yah the Son and Yahweh the Father. However, it was revealed to the apostles that, while they were looking upon the body of the Son, they should have been able to see the Father (John 14:9-10).
It is true that the measure of the presence of the Father can be felt, as a soul calls upon the name of YESHUA. It is also true that the NAME OF THE DIVINE PRESENCE is revealed only through the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures and the Aramaic New Testament Scriptures. But the measure of the presence of Yahweh, that believers receive when they call upon Yeshua, is called the Holy Spirit. And there is something about the Holy Spirit that believers need to know.
"My children, these things I write to you that you do not sin. But if anyone should sin, we have an advocate (comforter) with the Father, Yeshua the Messiah, the righteous."
1 John 2:1 Roth [NOTE #7]
Yeshua is our advocate and comforter before the presence of our heavenly Father, but while HE abides in the presence of the heavenly Father, HE has sent another comforter for His people, that is HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
The Greek word for "Comforter / Advocate" is “Parakletos” [NOTE #8]. The Strong's Concordance, in its Greek Dictionary, does not even offer a possible Greek root, for this obvious compound word. The reason none is offered, is because it has no Greek root, but rather, is a loan word from Aramaic. In Aramaic, this word is a compound word:
Paraq= "to end" "to finish" or "to save" "to break off " "to deliver" "to redeem" Strong's #6561 and #6562.
Lata = "THE CURSE" in Aramaic and "THE VEIL" in Hebrew. [A compendious Syriac Dictionary, page 236, and Oraham's Dictionary page 250 , and Strong's #3875 and Gesenius unused root between #3910 and #3911.]
In the Aramaic this is understood as "THE REDEEMER OF THE CURSE". But the idea presented from the Hebrew should not be dismissed, that is "THE REMOVER OF THE VEIL". [NOTE #9]. Therefore "Paraq-Lata" literally means to break us free from.the curse of sin and to remove the veil from our eyes, which causes the believer to not be able to understand the word. The context in which this word is used will prove that we should understand this word in this much broader sense.
"If you love me keep my commandments. And I will ask of my Father and HE will give you another Redeemer of the curse [Remover of the veil] who will be with you forever."
John 14:15-16 Roth [NOTE #10]
"But the Redeemer of the curse [Remover of the veil], the Holy Spirit, the ONE whom my Father will send in my name will teach you everything . And HE will remind you of everything that I have said to you."
John 14:26 Roth [NOTE #10]
The Holy Spirit will teach a believer everything! So does this mean, that one automatically knows everything once they have been filled with the Holy Spirit? the context itself proves that this is not so, because it says ; "... HE will remind you of everything.." That Yeshua has said. But what is everything Yeshua said? He says that HE IS the Alpha and the Omega (i.e. the aleph and the Tav), which means HE IS every letter of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures and every letter of the Aramaic New Testament. therefore the Holy Spirit will remind us of those things we have read and studied. [Revelation 1:8, 11; 21:6, 22:13]. The implication is, for the Holy Spirit to teach believers all things we need to know, we can have the Holy Spirit, and still need to know more in-depth truths. One can also grieve the Holy Spirit by not seeking these truths with all their hearts.
[We can also be led by men in the wrong direction, such as the false teaching of a Greek ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT, when the ARAMAIC PESHITTA IS THE ORIGINAL.]
The curse that has been placed upon the land, is the blindness caused by the veil, over the people’s eyes and ears, lest they should see the truth of the word and obey it, and turn away from their sins [Isaiah 6:10]
"The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore hath the CURSE devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left."
Isaiah 24:5-6 KJV
"Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when Yahweh of hosts shall reign in Zion. and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously."
Isaiah 24:23 KJV
"And HE will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the vail that is spread over all nations."
Isaiah 25:7 KJV
[Compare: Deut 28:28-29; 29:4,12; 2 Peter 2:14-15]
The root word for "the covering that covers" is (luwt) [NOTE #11], which is a veil that covers. This word is related to the unused root in Gesenius, that is (late) [NOTE #11], which means "to cleave to the ground, to hide, i.e. stay covered".
One day YAHWEH will remove this veil, which still exists over the eyes of so many. As it is written above, the veil is placed over the people of the land, due to their sin and rebellion from YAHWEH. Therefore the curse of their sins, is the veil, which is placed over their eyes and ears, as it is written:
"And HE said, Go, tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."
Isaiah 6:9-10 KJV
[Mark 4:12; Matthew 13:9-15; Romans 11:8; Acts 28:27]
Isaiah 6:9-10 above, is quoted in Mark 4:12, which reveals that the healing referred to in the Hebrew text, is brought about by forgiveness in the Aramaic Peshitta text.
If any person has a veil over their eyes, in any area of their lives, whether large or small, they are not able to hear the voice of God, in that specific area. Therefore they feel no conviction of His Spirit, so that they could feel a compunction or desire to repent, or even feel a need for repentance. This is the reason why believers must forget everything they think they know from the Scriptures, and renew a deeper study of the word, from the original languages. Then, if the believer is able to see places in the scripture that they could keep, but still feels no conviction or desire to FULFIL THE WORD, then, at this time, one should seek for more of the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit will always lead believers to obey and fulfill the word.
Now, remember, the veil is the flesh and bone body of Yeshua as revealed in Hebrews 10:19-20
Ch 5 sec 1 our Master Yah Yeshua
Marana-Yah Yeshua Mashiycha
Section 1
Our Master Yah Yeshua the Messiah
Concerning the revelation of the Divinity within the Messiah, the Hebrew Scriptures works from the inside outward; While the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament begins on the outside and then works toward revealing what is on the inside, this is why the Hebrew Scriptures reveal "YAH", first ; and only then shows that YAH is our praise and song and is become our YESHUA (SALVATION). On the other hand, the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament reveals "YESHUA", and then slowly and gradually reveals how YESHUA is the temple of YAH.
The picture presented by the two letters which spell "Yah", is more in depth then simply revealing how YAH IS THE GREAT I am (The Self Existant ONE), but the (YOD) and the (HEH) also convey the idea of:[NOTE #1]
1. YOD= "HAND" as in waving the hand and trying to get your attention
2. HEH= 'WINDOW Or (invisible SPIRIT/WIND) behind which YAH remains hidden. while waving the hand and trying to get your attention, as if saying: "behold me".
The picture presented by the four Hebrew letters which spell the name of YESHUA, works as a contrast to the picture shown above Because, while the invisible YAH is trying to get you to see HIM, YESHUA is plainly seen by all around: [NOTE #1]
1. YOD = "HAND" Which is still waving striving to get your attention.
3. VAV = "TO TURN". thus something turning, rolling, flowing, moving.
4. AYIN = "EYE OF THE LANDSCAPE", that is the place from Which waters spring up from the ground. This picture can relate the LIVING WATERS as they flow forth from YESHUA THE MAN, but can also relate the rays of light Which radiate from YESHUA THE MAN, as HE appears in all His glory.
Therefore "YAH" is invisible and unseen and unseeable; While "YESHUA" is extremely visible and apparent to everyone. And "YAH YESHUA" seeks to get our attention; to warn and to instruct ; to cleanse and to forgive: However, When mankind looks upon "YESHUA" they see only a man, they can't see "YAH" within HIM. But believers can feel YAH within YESHUA, as they experience the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH flowing out from HIM, like Rivers of LIVING WATERS. Then ; one day, all will behold YESHUA shining forth as the Sun in his strength (Rev 1:16). And at this time all will confess "YAH" within "YESHUA". YESHUA also relates the idea of "WIDE OPEN SPACES", and this relates to the root because when "YESHUA" appears, His people will BEHOLD HIM from miles around in every direction. Thus His people will view YESHUA in WIDE OPEN SPACES, thus in complete freedom and liberty and Salvation. And by this time all will see "YAH" within "YESHUA".
For these reasons and more, the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament, reveals the name of "YESHUA" throughout, and only uses the name of "MAR-YAH' in conjunction with "YESHUA" in a select few verses. And it is these select verses which reveal to believers how to understand the Divinity in other passages.
It is also important to note, that ancient rabbis came to the conclusion that YAH is the SON OF YAHWEH. They understood that this concept was founded upon the Hebrew Scriptures. This does not indicate that "YAH had a beginning; this only shows that "YAH" went forth from "YAHWEH" out of heaven. It is written:
"Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: YAHWEH hath said unto me, THOU ART MY SON; THIS DAY HAVE I BEGOTTEN THEE."
Psalms 2:6-7
"Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON'S NAME IF THOU CANST TELL/SURELY YOU KNOW?"
Proverbs 30:4- [NOTE #2]
See Deuteronomy 30:11-14
and Romans 10:6-7
Yah ascended to heaven and descended! Yahweh has gathered the wind into His fists! YAH is the fist of YAHWEH into which the heavenly winds were gathered. This is Why the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH is given to HIM without measure (JN 3:34). YAHWEH also bound the LIVING WATERS OF "YAH' into a garment, that is a body. This is Why the Aramaic Peshitta reveals that "YAH" was clothed with a body (Hebrews 5:7; 10:50). Only YAH YAHWEH, the Father and Son, can cause souls all over the globe to rise in the resurrection. Therefore the writer of this proverb (30:4) believes that everyone ought to be able to discern the name of the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH) from the plain text of the HEBREW SCRIPTURES. He could not have possibly meant the name "YESEUA", because this name had not been clearly revealed as a name, yet!
In the original Hebrew Scriptures, the writer of proverbs (30:4) was reading, is found the revelation that YAHWEH was riding upon the heaven of heavens which were of old (Ps 68:32-33) [i.e. heaven = shamayim]. And that YAH was sent forth from YAHWEH in heaven, as the voice or word of YAHWEH, to ride upon the desert places [desert= arabot] of the earth (Ps 68:4,6,18). Then it was revealed that Yahweh was dwelling with the angels in heaven (Ps 68:17); While YAH was destined to dwell with mankind upon the earth (Ps 68:17-18). In fact, this contrast was so clear that the scribes of later generations removed the name of YAHWEH from verses 68:17 and 68:32, and replaced it with the title Adonay (my Lord). Careful notes were preserved for us in the margin of the codex, so that the original could still be discerned. Maybe this is one reason why this contrast between the name of the Father YAHWEH and the Son YAH, was well known to this writer of the proverb, but is understood by so few today.
[See "THE HEBREW KEY NOTES", Chapter one, NOTE #8]
Here is another context, which reveals the distinction between the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH). For a incomplete command is given in Psalms 118:
'Open to me the gates of righteousness I will enter into them; I will confess YAH."
Psalms 118:19
[See THE HEBREW KEY, Pages {______}, Sec. 4, Chap.One]
Confess what about YAH? To answer that question look to context:
"YAH is my praise and my song and is become my salvation (Yeshua)."
Psalms 118:14
[Stength=Praise- see "THE VEIL OF HIS Body' Sec. 5]
All must confess that YAH is their salvation, that is YESHUA! This must be done because:
"This is the gateway unto YAHWEH, the righteous will enter in through it."
Psalms 118:20
[all quotes derived directly from Hebrew]
The only path or gate leading to YAHWEH the FATHER, is through confessing that YAH the Son is YESHUA (SALVATION). Therefore Psalms 118:19 should be understood and obeyed like this:
Open to me the gates of righteousness, I will enter into them I willCONFESS THAT YAH IS MY SALVATION (YESHUA)."
Ps 118:19 fully understood
"This is the gateway unto YAHWEH, the righteous will enter in through it."
Psalms 118:20
These contrasts which were originally made known from the Hebrew Scriptures, were much harder to convey through the Aramaic Peshitta, once the decision was made to never write the full form of the Divine name (Yahweh) in the Peshitta. Because the compound phrase: "MAR-YAH" is a direct and clear way to bring forth the idea of Divinity of the name, it was used as a substitute for the name of YAHWEH. However "MAR-YAH" was also used in conjunction with "YESHUA", and in these cases was used at face value, to mean "Lord YAH".
However another substitute for "YAHWEH" had to be found, When "MAR-YAH" meant "Lord YAH" the Son, in the passage. In these cases "God" (Alaha) was used as a substitute for "YAHWEH". One example is:
"And that every tongue should confess that MAR-YAH (Lord YAH) is YESHUA the Messiah to the glory of God his Father."
Phil 2:11 A.P. by Roth
Obviously, "YAHWEH' in this context is the Father of "MAR-YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH". And the title "God" (Alaha) is being used as a substitute for "YAHWEH THE FATHER". On the other hand, a term had to be found which would convey the Divinity of the name of "YAH" the Son, in places Where a clear distinction between Yahweh the Father and YAH the Son, was necessary, to get the proper understanding. One example of this is:
"I foresaw MARIY (my Master), for at all times he (is) at my right hand so that I will not be moved."
Acts 2:25 A.P.
The apostle Peter is quoting Psalms 16:8, where it says "I have set (foresaw) Yahweh always before me". It was because Peter understood that in this verse the Divinity of YAHWEH, was actually a reference to the Son of Yahweh, even 'YAH', that he used the substitute, "MARIY" (My Lord), to represent the Divinity of "YAH THE SON".
[NOTE: If "MAR-YAH" was used in every case, the line of distinction would have been blurred between the Divinity of the Father (YAHWEH) and the Divinity of the Son (YAH)]
Here is an example which uses "MAR-YAH" and "MARIY" (my Lord) to reveal the contrast between the Father (YAHWEH) and the Son (YAH):
"And said, 'What do you say about the Messiah? Who is He the son of? They were saying to Him, 'The son of David'. He said to them, "How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, 'That MAR-YAH said to MARIY (my Master), You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls Him MAR-YAH, how is he his son."
Matthew 22:42-45
Please notice that Yeshua says twice that David called Messiah "MAR-YAH". However, When quoting the verse Which demanded a distinction of Divinity between the real Father of the Messiah, even YAHWEH, and His Son YAH, a substitute had to be found to convey the Divinity of "MAR-YAH" (without using "MAR-YAH")! So "MARIY" (my Lord) was used to relate the Divinity of the Son. While "MAR- YAH" was used to convey the Divinity of the Father in the quotation, while "MAR-YAH" relates the Divinity of the Son, even YAH, in the instructions of verse 43 and 45. Thus proving that at least in this context "MARIY" must be understood as "my Lord YAH". Therefore this entire context must be understood like this:
"..,'How then did David in the spirit call Him Lord YAH? For He said 'YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls Him Lord YAH, how is he his son."
Matthew 22:43-45 fully understood
Even though the Peshitta never uses the full form of the Divine name, it still clearly reveals the Distinction between Yahweh the Father and YAH His Son, by using the above, very clear contrast.
A key is used to unlock a door. A door is used to keep those who are not invited in, out! But the key is given to those who are invited. There are those who want to have the key themselves, and want to keep it unto themselves, because they want only select people to have access. And men want to be in control. So this is Why it has been written:
"Woe to you scribes because you have taken away the keys of knowledge..."
Luke 11:52
By removing the Sacred name from the text, the scribes sought to hide away the keys of knowledge unto themselves. However because they did so, they will not enter into the kingdom, yet have still been very successful at keeping others from entering.
The verses presented in this book are keys, which unlock the door to our understanding of the name of Yahweh the Father and His Son YAH. The story about David calling the Messiah "my Lord YAH" as found in Matthew 22:43-45, is a key which unlocks the door of our understanding of how to understand "MARIY" in many other contexts, when used of the Messiah. Just as the title "Kurios/Lord" as found in the Greek New Testament, represents a Sacred name possibility within the text, which offers absolutely no distinction between the Divinity of the Father and Son. Likewise "MARIY" also offers a Sacred name possibility within the text. However "MARIY" is set aside specificly in reference to the Divinity of "YAH" the Son. There is another key, Which will unlock the door of our understanding about the title "MARAN", which literally means "Our Lord" and how this title is also used extensively in the Aramaic Peshitta to relate the Divinity of the Son, even "Our Lord YAH".
It has been demonstrated in Chapter four, "MARIY IS YESHUA", that the Apostle Peter went to great lengths to reveal the Divinity of the Son of Yahweh, even the Messiah in Acts Chapter two. For Peter reveals that MARIY the MESSIAH is MAR- YAH (Lord YAH). After revealing that MAR-YAH is the Son of Yahweh in Acts 2:36, Pages {_______}, Peter delivers unto the people a KEY OF KNOWLEDGE , Which is:
"Simon said to them, 'Repent and be immersed each of you in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness of sins, that you may recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 A.P. by Roth
Because of the foundation Peter just laid, revealing that MAR-YAH is the Son of Yahweh and the Messiah, one must understand Acts 2:38 like this:
".., 'Repent and be baptized each one of you in the name of the Lord YAH YESHUA..."
Acts 2:38 properly understood
Once the Apostle Peter, made it clear that "MARIY" is "My Lord YAH", sitting at the right hand of Yahweh {Pages _________}, the key of knowledge was presented to unlock the mystery of "MAR-YAH" in Acts 2:38. For if Peter had not laid this foundation, we would still be wondering if "MAR-YAH" in this context represents the Divinity of Yahweh the Father or the Divinity of YAH THE SON. However Peter went even further to show that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of Yahweh. As it is written:
"Therefore, truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that God (i.e. Yahweh) has made this YESHUA whom you have crucified, MAR-YAH and MESSIAH."
Acts 2:36
see {Pages _______} "MARIY IS YESHUA" : Chapter four.
Another reading of this Aramaic passage. reads like this: "
Therefore. truly , Let all the house of Israel know, that MAR-YAH (I.e. Lord YAH-THE APPEARANCE OF YAH) and MESSIAH (I.e. THE ANOINTED ONE), is the servant (abad) of God (I.e.YAHWEH THE FATHER), (that is) this YESHUA whom you have crucified."
Acts 2:36 {Pages ________}
Yahweh made MAR-YAH the Messiah the servant of Yahweh, by causing HIM to appear as YESHUA. Therefore, based upon this solid foundation, all men can know that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of YAHWEH in Acts 2:38.
".., 'Repent and be baptized each of you in the name of the Lord YAH YESHUA..."
Acts 2:38 properly understood
Just as Acts 2:36 was the key to help believers understand the Divinity of the Son in the phrase "MAR-YAH" in Acts 2:38. Likewise Acts 2:38 is the key to understanding the Divinity associated with the Aramaic title "our Lord" (MARAN) in all other verses on baptism. Which are:
"But When they believed Phillip, who had preached the kingdom of God IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA, they were immersed, men and woman."
Acts 8:12 [NOTE #3]
"Then he commanded them to be immersed IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA."
Acts 10:48 [NOTE #3]
"And when they heard these things, they [were] immersed IN THE NAME OF MARAN YESHUA MASHIYCHA:"
Acts 19:5 [NOTE #3]
MARAN YESHUA'MASHIYCHA, does literally mean "Our Lord YESHUA THE MESSIAH'. However, those that understand that "MARIY" when used concerning the Messiah, convey's the meaning of "my Lord YAH", and that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of Yahweh as used in Acts 2:38 about baptism, should be able to see that "MARAN" (OUR LORD) is being used in these contexts about baptism, to relate the Divinity of the Son, that is, "OUR LORD YAH", which is said in Aramaic "MARANA-YAH" (our Lord YAH). If we will utilize the key we found in Acts 2:38, which demands that the Divinity of the Son, even "YAH", must be represented in water baptism, as related in this verse with "MAR-YAH" (Lord YAH), then our eyes will be opened to the understanding of the term "MARAN" as used in reference to baptism in every other verse. That is, once we begin to understand that "MARAN' is also a Sacred name possibility within the text, just as "MARIY" is, and that "MARAN" and "MARIY" can only represent the Divinity of "YAH" the Son, then our eyes become opened to the proper understanding of these verses on baptism, which reveals that "MARAN" must be understood as "OUR LORD YAH" that is "MARANA-YAH"!
"But when they believed Phillip, who had preached the kingdom of God IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH, they were baptized, men and woman."
Acts 8:12 properly understood
"Then he commanded them to be baptized IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH."
Acts 10:48 properly understood
"And when they heard these things, they were baptized IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD YAH YESHUA THE MESSIAH:"
Acts 19:5
For this key of knowledge to enter the heart, one must understand that "MARIY", When used of the Messiah is a Sacred name possibility within the text. However this is limited unto the Divinity of the Son. Then one must understand that "MARAN" When used of the MESSIAH, is also a Sacred name possibility within the text, because it likewise relates the Divinity of the Son within the text.
Some may wonder, 'But why not use "MAR-YAH" to convey the Divinity of the Son, especially as it really does mean "Lord YAH"?
Yes "MAR-YAH" does mean "Lord YAH", but because of this, it was also set aside to represent the Divinity of Yahweh the Father, in Old testament quotations. Thus "MAR-YAH" is "THE LORD YAH" the Son of Yahweh. however, "MAR-YAH" is used as a substitute in place of Yahweh in Old Testament quotations. Therefore "MAR-YAH" can mean either the Father or the Son, within the text. So "MARIY" and "MARAN", When used of the Messiah, are used as a substitute for:
2. MARANA-YAH- Our Lord YAH (as found in Revelation 1:10 A.P.)
And as such substitutes, represent the Divinity of the Son, only!
The sacred name of "YAH", was and is important, yet was still protected within the text, lest unbelievers blaspheme the name. Thus the Name of YAH was not used in conjunction with "MARAN" until around the 3rd century, when Revelation was added. Here "MARAN" has the 'yod' and 'aleph' attached, yielding "MARANA-YAH".
"I was in the spirit on the day of MARANA-YAH (OUR LORD YAH),.."
Revelation 1:10 Aramaic Peshitta
This is proof ; that at least by the 3rd century the Divinity of "YAH" was plainly written in conjunction with "MARAN", that is "MARANA-YAH" (OUR LORD YAH).
This key of knowledge can be determined from the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament; only as one discovers the lost key of knowledge in the ORIGINAL HEBREW SCRIPTURES of the Old Testament. But remember what Yeshua said about the Scribes who were responsible for passing on this key of knowledge unto future generations. For Yeshua's statement is disturbing:
"Woe to you scribes because you taken away the keys of knowledge. You have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."
Luke 11:52
What is the key of knowledge, of which Yeshua speaks? And who were the scribes? The scribes are the one's Who collected all the Old Testament books and put them in order. They worked under the leadership of Ezra the scribe originally, after the return of the Jewish people back to Jerusalem, from their captivity in Babylon. It took these original scribes 110 years to complete their work. The work of these scribes was preserved in future generations (now past), by a group of men called the MASSORITES. The MASSORITES preserved every letter of the Hebrew Scriptures, along with a multitude of NOTES, Which explained things like the number of letters in a text, the middle letter, the middle verse, etc. However, these notes also preserved all information concerning any alterations to the Hebrew text, which was made by the scribes. The most important thing these ancient scribes altered, was in the fact that they replaced the name of "YAHWEH", with the title "Adonay" (my Lord). The scribes HAVE TAKEN AWAY THIS KEY OF KNOWLEDGE one hundred and thirty six times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Whatever their reasons may have originally been, it
Ch 3 My Master
Chapter 3
Mariy is Yeshua
MARIY is the Aramaic word for "my Lord” and is from the root word 'Mara". This term is used mostly in the Aramaic Peshitta in reference to Yeshua. However, in some verses, MARIY is used to represent the Deity of "YAH". This can be ascertained in two ways:
1.MARIY is used in an Old Testament quotation, which uses the full form of the Divine name "YAHWEH" yet context demands, it is a reference to the incarnation, that is the bodily APPEARANCE of Yahweh.
2. MARIY is used in a context which required a distinction between the omnipresent Yahweh [usually represented by the phrase "MAR-YAH") and the bodily confined Yah [Which in these instances use "MARIY' to represent YAH.]. In other words if these passages use "MAR-YAH to represent "Yahweh", then the passage will use "MARIY" to represent "MY YAH".
An in depth reading of Matthew 22:43-45, of the Aramaic Peshitta, reveals that MARIY, is used to represent the Divinity associated with "YAH". The Hebrew key found in Chapter one, reveals how to understand the Divinity in the context.
"He said to them, 'How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, That MAR-YAH SAID TO MARIY (my Master), 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.' Therefore, if David calls him MAR-YAH how is he his son?"
Matthew 22:43-45 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth [NOTE #1]
It is clear that David called his son MAR-YAH, for Yeshua confirms this in both verses 43 and 45, but in verse 44 Yeshua quotes:
"Yahweh said to Adonay (my Lord) 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies Your footstool. Psalms 110:1 [Author's translation. ]
Therefore, Yeshua appears to quote this Psalm verbatim. But, Psalms 110:5 of the ancient Hebrew text, sheds light on how one must understand "Adonay" in this context. [NOTE: This verse, is one of 136 places in the Old Testament Hebrew that the Massoretics, replaced the Divine name "YAHWEH", with the title "Adonay/my Lord", [see NOTE #2]
"Yahweh at thy right hand shall strike through Kings in the day of his wrath."
Psalms 110:5 with Adonay restored to ORIGINAL YAHWEH! KJV
In verse one, Adonay is at the right hand of Yahweh, but then in verse five, Yahweh is at the right hand of Yahweh. The Aramaic Peshitta makes it clear how this is possible, by revealing in verses 43 and 45 that David called his Son MAR-YAH. However, the Aramaic Peshitta displays a contrast between "MAR-YAH", which is a definite reference to the omnipresent Yahweh, and "MARIY", which is used to represent Yahweh in the incarnational sense, in verse 44. MAR-YAH is normally used to refer to the Divinity of the Son, that is the incarnation of Yahweh. However in the quotation of verse 44, MAR-YAH is used to represent the Divinity of "YAHWEH". therefore another term had to be found that would represent the Divinity of the incarnation, and here, the word "MARIY" is used to represent Divinity. However, not the fullness of theDivinity of Yahweh, rather, the Divinity of the incarnation. Subsequently, in this context MARIY represents the Divinity of "My YAH" just like in Psalms 118:14
"YAH is my strength and my song, and is also become MY Salvation."
So YAH IS MY SALVATION (YESHUA), therefore YAH IS MINE, and is "My YAH". For these reasons, Matthew 22:44, must be understood like this:
"That YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, 'sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool."
With Hebrew/Aramaic comparison
MARIY is again used to show the distinction between the fullness of Yahweh and the incarnation of YAH. In this context, it is used in reference to a quote which uses the full form of the Divine name. However the Aramaic Peshitta directs the believer to see Yahweh in the sense of incarnation, thus "MARIY", thus "my Lord YAH".
"For David spoke concerning him, I FORESAW MARIY, for at all times he (is) at my right hand so that I will not be moved."
Acts 2:25 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth [NOTE #3]
The apostle Peter is quoting King David, from the Psalms:
"I have SET (Hebrew=Shavah=equalize/level/likeness) YAHWEH always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Psalms 16:8
In this context, in some mysterious way the omnipresent Yahweh is somehow also MARIY. It is this mystery that the Apostle Peter makes clear.
The English word above, "SET", is derived from the Hebrew word "SHAVAH". This Hebrew word "SHAVAH" means to "MAKE LEVEL BY EQUALIZING". To make even or level is to also make like unto, or in the image of. This image may be an image as formed in one's own mind, like a vision or a dream. The latter concept is exactly What Peter understood as he quoted David above: "I FORESAW MARIY at all times, for HE is at my right hand, so that I will not be moved."
When David foresaw Yahweh at his right hand, he formed a vision or dream in his mind of YAHWEH in some mysterious way standing at his right hand. The Apostle Peter revealed how this is possible. He refused the use of MAR-YAH, which would normally be used in an Old Testament quotation which has the NAME OF YAHWEH; and instead used MARIY, to represent specificly the incarnation of YAHWEH. Therefore, the Aramaic Peshitta in these contexts, is using MARIY, to represent my Lord YAH, and MAR-YAH, to represent the omnipresent YAHWEH.
David clearly reveals that YAHWEH in some mysterious way is made like unto him, or equal (SHAVAH) unto him, a mortal man. Peter explained the Divinity in this context by revealing that this is "MARIY, that is "my Lord YAH", that David saw in a vision. This personal use of "my Lord YAH', is confirmed in the Hebrew Key, Chapter one, Section 2 &:4; which proclaims that "YAH IS MY STRENGTH AND SONG, AND IS BECOME MY SALVATION (YESHUA)." [EX 15:2, Ps 118:14]. Which means, I can claim "YAH" as my very own Salvation, my very own Yeshua. Therefore, MARIY represents "my Lord YAH" in the context, which is distinct from Yahweh.
YAH is both, the right hand, and word of Yahweh, and is thus, the portion of Yahweh which was clothed in a mortal body. The Apostle believed it was important to show this distinction, which is Why he used the distinction of "MARIY and "MAR-YAH" and illustrated the distinction of "YAH" and "YAHWEH ".
Because someone may not grasp the connection of Peter's use of "FORESAW' for the Hebrew "SHAVAH" and the fact that most translators are misunderstanding this and translating as "SET", it is necessary to go into more detail about this word "SHAVAH". The following will show how "SHAVAH", cannot be understood as simply "Set" in the ordinary sense, and also how this context demands it to be understood as an image or likeness; the likeness of David, pictured in his own mind, as in a vision.
"I have SET (SHAVAH-equalize) YAHWEH always before me,.."
Ps 16:8
".., I FORESAW MARIY (my Lord YAH), for at all times he is at my right hand.."
Acts 2:25
The root of "SHAVAH" first, must be broken down into its final two letters, Which are (Vav) and (Heh), that is (Vah). In the tree illustration on page { }, "Vav" and "Heh" are shown to be the root letters of "Shavah", that is the parent root (i.e. two letters). [NOTE: vowels in this instance are not part of the original Hebrew].
The picture drawn by these two individual Hebrew letters is given below:
2.Vav=(as 2nd letter) "TO TURN" as to "TURN ASIDE"
3. Heh=(as 3rd letter) "BREATH", and at times for "TO CATCH A BREATH"
These two letters combined means: TO TURN ASIDE AND CATCH A BREATH, that is to cause to "REST"; by "SETTING IN PLACE".
If these two letters were the only ones in the root of "SHAVAH", then to translate as "SET", would make perfect sense. But there is another letter Which must be taken into account in order to understand the ancient understanding and use of this word.
In the tree illustration on page { }, Vav and Heh form the root, While the Shiyn (SH) forms the trunk. The meaning of the Hebrew letter "SHIYN" (SH) is given below:
1. SHIYN= (as 1st letter) "TOOTH/TEETH" as they are "PRESSING DOWN AND GRINDING".
By adding the idea of "PRESSING DOWN HARD"; to that of "SETTING IN PLACE", one can form the complete picture of (SHAVAH) in their mind. That is "TO PRESS DOWN HARD, AND THUS CAUSE TO SET EVEN OR LEVEL: SO AS NOT TO 'TUMBLE OVER". Thus to press out the ground, that it will be smooth and level, that the object set in place will stand upright and not fall down or over. This complete understanding of (SHAVAH), causes the relationship between all these different uses to be seen.
The following is a list of examples of the differing ways "SHAVAH' is used in the scriptures:
".., I have LAID (SHAVAH) help upon one that is mighty;.."
Ps 89:19
To lay help upon a mighty one, is for the almighty to lift up and anoint a mere mortal, as if bringing that individual up to level ground symbolicly with God Almighty.
"I have SET (SHAVAH) YAHWEH always before me;.."
Ps 16:8
To place YAHWEH before me, I must bring HIM down to my human level, that is man to man! Yet YAHWEH is a omnipresent Being. Which is Why this verse is worth pondering!
"I have not SAT (SHAVAH) with vain persons,.."
Ps 26:4 I
"To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal (SHAVAH)? Saith the Holy ONE."
Isaiah 40:25
SHAVAH also means to be equal unto, or like unto; that is to resemble. And in this context, none is equal unto the OMNIPRESENT YAHWEH.
"Surely I have behaved:.(SET:SHAVAH),:and quieted myself,.."
Ps 131:2
SHAVAH can also mean to make the stormy sea of one's mind, (that is one's inner turmoil) calm and peaceful (As if the waves of the sea were brought to level and caused to be calm). In context, the Psalmist is bringing himself down to level, by not being proud and lofty, nor by walking in great things, that is things too wonderful for him. Compare Psalms 131:1
"I have Chosen the way of truth: Thy judgments have I laid (SHAVAH) before me."
Psalms 119:30 KJV
"The way of faithfulness I have Chosen, Your judgments I have leveled."
Psalms 119:30 Author's translation
I have included my translation above, to begin to show how one would level God's judgments. One can place or set the Torah/Law/Instruction/Judgments in one's mind, in such a stable fashion, that they will not stumble. But rather, one will be guided by the light of the Torah/Instructions, of YAHWEH, which is FIRMLY PLACED in one's mind and heart through study and prayer and meditation on those instructions. All of this being established, that is pressed down hard, so we won't stumble, by faith.
The obvious point in all this, is to understand that (SHAVAH) is never used for 'TO SET' in the ordinary sense. But rather "TO SET LEVEL OR EVEN", Which is used quite often, abstractly, as "TO BE MADE LIKE UNTO, TO RESEMBLE, TO BE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF".
Just like a tree, this tree illustration must be understood from the root, that is from the bottom, and then upwards from there. So start by reading about the Vav and Heh at the bottom of the page, and work your way up to Shiyn. Then read the central column and then the outer branches to the left and the right.
To set in one's mind of
the incarnation: Ps 16:8
To set firmly in one's
mind and heart: Ps 119:30
To cause the waves of turm-
oil in one's mind to be
calmed/leveled: Ps 132:2
To be level/even: i.e.
to resemble: Pro 26:4
To be level/even i.e. like
unto: PS 18:33
To make level/even Isa 28:25
Back to the main point: How does one SET YAHWEH LEVEL OR EVEN (Who is omnipresent) so as to place YAHWEH before them? The fact that YAHWEH can never be made to SET LEVEL OR EVEN in the human sense; coupled with the Apostle Peter's explanation for this word as "FORESAW", causes us to understand that somehow David SET YAHWEH LEVEL OR EVEN, IN HIS MIND, BY SEEING something far off, in the future, as a vision in his mind.
Now the words and the vision concerning the seed of David and his son, far off into the future, who would SIT upon the Thone of David, and establish his throne forever, was spoken by Nathan the prophet like this:
"And it shall come to pass, When thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up THY SEED after thee: which shall be of thy sons, and I will establish His kingdom. He shall build me an house, and I will establish HIS throne for ever. I will be HIS Father, and HE shall be MY SON. and I will not take my mercy away from him, as I took it from him that was before thee: but I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom for ever: and his throne shall be established for evermore."
1 Chronicles 17:11-12 KJV
Notice the distinction made between "THY SEED" (singular) and "WHICH SHALL BE OF THY SONS" (Plural). For this singular seed Who builds the house of YAHWEH; will have the throne of his kingdom established for evermore. Again Peter makes reference to the vision of David in Acts:
"Therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, he would raise up MESSIAH to sit on his throne;"
Acts 2:30 KJV
Now David, being a prophet, saw in a vision how his seed, the Messiah would come. That in the flesh, the MESSIAH would be his son, thus the Son of David, and that this Son, would be in the LIKENESS of David; but would also, in some mysterious way, be YAHWEH come in the flesh. Thus David, by prophetic vision, saw that YAHWEH would come in the LIKENESS (SHAVAH) of David, in the likeness of mere men. (Thus the term "Son of Man"). Therefore David Saw far off, in the future, how YAHWEH would make Himself like unto mere mortal man, by clothing Himself in a body of flesh and blood. The Apostle Peter clarified these truths, with the exact language, as preserved for us in the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament. For Where David utilized the omnipresent aspect of HIS NAME, that is "YAHWEH", Peter explained that this means the aspect of HIS NAME which is CONFINED TO A MORTAL BODY, that is "YAH'. (The Aramaic Peshitta uses 'Mariy' / ‘my Lord’ as a device to illustrate the Divinity of the Son ‘my YAH’.) For these reasons we should understand Acts 2:25 in this way:
" ..,I foresaw Mariy (my Master), for at all times he (is) at my right hand…”
Acts 2:25
"..,I foresaw my YAH, for at all times he (is) at my right hand..."
Acts 2:25 fully understood
The main point is to illustrate how the Aramaic Peshitta singles out and pinpoints the Divinity of the Son, then contrasts this with the Divinity of the Father.
The point here is to reveal how David uses the word “SHAVAH” to draw a picture of the Divinity of the Son in relation to the Divinity of the Father and in relation to Himself, a mere mortal man.
Yeshua also quotes Psalms 110:1, to reveal the Divinity of the Son in relation to the Divinity of Yahweh, His Father, and in relation to King David:
"... 'What do you say about the Messiah? Who is He the Son of?' They (the Pharisees) were saying to him, 'the Son of David.' He said to them, 'How then did David in the spirit call him MAR-YAH? For he said, "That MAR-YAH said to MARIY (my Lord), 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.'"
Therefore, if David calls him MAR-YAH, how is he his Son?’”
Matthew 22:42-45 Aramaic Peshitta
Notice, please, how in verses 43 and 45, the Messiah is clearly called “MAR-YAH”, yet in verse 44, where a distinction between the Father (Yahweh) and the Son (YAH) is required; the Aramaic Peshitta uses the device of “MARIY” to reveal the Divinity of “MY YAH” the Son; and uses “MAR-YAH” to reveal the Divinity of Yahweh the Father. For these reasons, this context must be understood like this:
"He said to them 'how then did David in the spirit call him Lord YAH? For he said, "That Yahweh said to my YAH, 'You sit at my right hand until I place your enemies under your feet.'"
Therefore, if David calls him Lord YAH, how is he his Son?'"
Matthew 22:43-45 Author's translation
In Psalm 16:8, David is using the Hebrew word “SHAVAH” for the similar purpose of contrasting the Abiding Divinity of the Son (YAH), in relation to the omnipresent and flowing Divinity of the Father, in relation to Himself, a mortal man. So, the word “SHAVAH” should be understood in context in the three ways:
1. SHAVAH refers to the image or vision David formef in his mind of the Messiah, whom he called Yahweh.
2. SHAVAH refers to the fact that the Messiah was in the image of David.
3. SHAVAH refers to the fact that the Messiah is in the image of Yahweh.
Here is three ways SHAVAH can be translated in Psalms 16:8
"I foresaw Yahweh standing before me forever, for He is at my right hand, I will not be moved."
"I equalized YAHWEH (i.e. I brought YAHWEH down to my level) so that HE would stand before me forever, for he is at my right hand, I will not be moved."
"I saw YAHWEH in my likeness (as a man), so that He may stand before me forever, for He is at my right hand, I will not be moved."
For YAHWEH to come in the likeness of David, means that YAHWEH had to come in the form of a man. For this is the only way for YAHWEH to be able to literally stand before David forever. THE HEBREW KEY in Chapter one, informs the believer, that When YAHWEH took on the form of a man, HE was called "YAH".
There are five reasons Why believers should understand that MARIY found in Acts 2:25, should be understood as "MY LORD YAH":
1. MARIY is first person, and therefore well represents the: "Yah has become my salvation (Yeshua)" as found in Exodus 15:2 and Psalms 118:14
2. MARIY represents the Divinity of "Yah", just as "Mar-Yah" represents the Divinity of "Yahweh", in Old Testament quotations.
3. Context demands that somehow the omnipresent Yahweh, came in the likeness of David. So only "Yah", as the right hand and holy arm of Yahweh, could be confined to a human body, and thus come in the likeness of David; and also due to His Self Existence and Divinity, come in the likeness of Yahweh. Thus, only Yah Yeshua could be both the Son of man/Son of David; and the Son of God/Son of Yahweh.
4. The Aramaic Peshitta uses "MARIY", in the quotation found in Matthew 22:44, and then calls "MARIY", "MAR-YAH" as our instruction in Matthew 22:43 and 45. Yet Mar-Yah is speaking to Mariy in the quotation of Matthew 22:44, which reveals that Mar-Yah and Mariy are being used to show the contrast between Yahweh and Yah, that is the Father and the Son, in this verse.
[Remember: The reason this substitute contrast was necessary, is because the full form of the Divine name "Yahweh" is never used in the Aramaic Peshitta.]
5. Matthew 22:44 and Acts 2:34 both quote Psalms110:1, "Yahweh said to Adonay (my Lord) 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enememies your footstool." However there is a contrast found in the ORIGINAL ANCIENT HEBREW TEXT, between 'Adonay' being at the right hand of Yahweh' in Psalms 110:1 and 'Yahweh being at the right hand of Yahweh' in Psalms 110:5. {see pages _________, NOTE #2}. This contrast proves the Divinity of Adonay (my Lord) in the Hebrew text, and the Divinity of Mariy (my Lord) in the Aramaic text. The Aramaic Peshitta is revealing how it is possible for Yahweh to sit at the right hand of Yahweh. But the context of Psalms 110:1 reveals that Yahweh is used in the omnipresent sense, and Adonay (my Lord) who is called "YAHWEH", is being used in the incarnational sense, that is Yah the right hand of Yahweh/Yah the word of Yahweh.
After using the Device of MARIY to illustrate the Deity of "YAH the Son", the Aramaic Peshitta again used the Device of MARIY, in the same Chapter to highlight this point.
"For it was not (that) David did ascend into heaven, because he said, 'Mar-Yah said to Mariy, sit (yourself) at my right hand. Until I place your enemies (as) a footstool for your feet."
Acts 2:34-35 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth
We now know that MAR-YAH stands in relation to MARIY in Old Testament quotations, Just as YAHWEH stands in relation to YAH in the ORIGINAL HEBREW SCRIPTURES, as the comparison between the Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament texts reveal. This is Why we must understand this verse, in this way:
"For it was not (that) David did ascend into heaven, because he said, YAHWEH said to MY Lord YAH, sit (yourself) at my right hand, Until I place your enemies (as) a footstool for your feet."
Acts 2:34-35 A.P. properly understood
In Peter's first message to his Jewish audience, he is quoting the scriptures in such a way, to reveal the Divinity of the Son, even YAH, in relation to the Father, even YAHWEH. And he does so, cleverly, without ever vocalizing the full form of the Divine name "YAHWEH". Because his Jewish audience was well aquanited with the Hebrew Scriptures, they would have understood the Divinity of the Father and Son as implied by Peter's selective use of terms:
"I foresaw YAHWEH standing before me forever,.." Ps 16:8
"I equalized YAHWEH so that HE could stand before me forever,.." Ps 16:8
"I saw YAHWEH in my likeness (as man to man) so that HE may stand before me forever,.."Ps 16:8
"I foresaw MY Lord YAH (man to man) so that HE may stand before me forever,.."
PS 16:8 as understood by 1st century Jews who heard Peter
Then Peter tops this off by explaining:
".., YAHWEH said to my Lord YAH, sit at my right hand, until I place your enemies as a footstool for your feet." Acts 2:34-35
The Apostle Peter, in his first message, a message to a audience Who understood about the Hebrew scriptures, not only revealed that the MESSIAH is the Son of David, and has come in the likeness of David, in the likeness of mere mortal flesh, but, that the MESSIAH had come in the likeness of YAHWEH. Then he contrasted the name of YAHWEH with the name of YAH, which revealed, that
YAH IS THE SON OF YAHWEH, and the MESSIAH. This means YAH the Son, is always anointed by YAHWEH His Father. It was not enough to reveal that the MESSIAH has come, Peter sought to also explain who the MESSIAH IS. He wanted his audience to understand the Divinity of THE MESSIAH. He also wanted His audience to understand the contrast between YAHWEH THE FATHER, and YAH THE SON.
Section 2 Yeshua is Mar-Yah and Messiah
With this back-drop of understanding and teaching about the nature of the MESSIAH, Peter, dropped the bomb, and identified the name in Which YAH APPEARED unto His people. However, because most translators do not realize the distinction between the Father and Son, in the following verse, they have left verse obscure. For this reason I want to render two different translations of this verse, first in its ORIGINAL ARAMAIC word order, and then in proper English.
"Truly, therefore, should know all the house Israel, that MAR-YAH and MESSIAH ([i.e. the anointed), has made (abad) God [I.e. Yahweh] this YESHUA whom you crucified."
Acts 2 .36 original Aramaic word order
Therefore, truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that God [i.e. YAHWEH] has made this YESHUA, whom you have crucified, MAR-YAH and MESSIAH."
Acts 2:36 Aramaic Peshitta Author's translation
The title "God" [i.e. Alaha] in this context, is being used as a substitute for "YAHWEH THE FATHER" [ as in other verses demonstrated on Page {_____}; "MAR-YAH IS YESIRUA" Section 8 Chapter 3]. This means that 'MAR-YAH' in this context has to represent the Divinity of the Son. However, the fact that "MAR-YAH" is "MESSIAH", also demands that "MAR-YAH" is the Son of YAHWEH. Because "MAR-YAH" the Son is always anointed by YAHWEH HIS FATHER. When Yeshua was raised from the dead, and the Spirit of MAR-YAH again filled that resurrected body, Yeshua was being revealed to be the manifest image of "MAR-YAH", and so in this sense, Yeshua was made "MAR-YAH". And because "MAR-YAH" the Son, does not operate independently from Yahweh His Father, Yeshua was at the same time anointed with the ever flowing Divine LIVING WATERS of YAHWEH. And in this way Yeshua was made MESSIAH (anointed).
While all the above is absolutely true, there is another way of understanding this verse (i.e. Acts 2:36). That is, if the Hebrew understanding of the word "abad" [NOTE #4] is taken into account. Please understand, these Aramaic Jewish speakers, were still thinking out of a Hebrew religious Old Testament mind. And for this reason, many times, the Hebrew understanding of an Aramaic word must be taken into account. Also, as demonstrated in the note, the Aramaic word "abad" has the same dual meaning, allowing for the word (made) to be understood as (servant).
"Truly, therefore, Let know all the house of Israel, that MAR-YAH and MESSIAH (is) the servant of God [i.e. YAHWEH], that is this YESHUA whom you have crucified."
Acts 2:36 alternate reading of the Aramaic Peshitta
"Therefore, truly, let all the house of Israel know, that Yeshua (is) the servant of God [I.e. YAHWEH], (even) MAR-YAH and MESSIAH, whom you have crucified."
Acts 2:36 alternate reading from Aramaic Peshitta
In this translation, it becomes clear, that Peter is letting his audience know that Yeshua Whom they crucified is not only the servant of YAHWEH, but Yeshua is MAR-YAH and MESSIAH.
Either way one understands this verse, what is abundantly clear, is that Yeshua is MAR-YAH and the Messiah! And "MAR-YAH' the Son is contrasted with "YAHWEH" the Father. Because God [Alaha] in this context must represent YAHWEH. Here is one more way of seeing the depth of this verse:
"Therefore truly, Let all the house of Israel know, that YAHWEH has made (known) YESHUA, who you crucified, as MAR-YAH (THE APPEARANCE OF YAH) and MESSIAH (I.e. THE ANOINTED OF YAHWEH)."
Acts 2:36 Aramaic Peshitta amplified!
Truly YAHWEH has made YAH SEEN through YESHUA, unto all the house of Israel. YAH does not stand alone either, but rather, is continually anointed by the LIVING WATERS OF THE OMNIPRESENT YAHWEH.
When Peter dropped this last bomb, it pricked the men to their hearts, causing many of them to ask, "What should we do, our brothers?" Acts 2:37. In Peter's answer, he pulls together all we have been discussing into one verse:
"Simon said to them, 'Repent and be immersed each of you in the name of MAR-YAH YESHUA for the forgiveness (Remission/Release) of sins, that you may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 A.P. by Roth
In Acts 2:38, the Aramaic Peihitta clearly shows the ONENESS OF MAR-YAH and YESHUA, through simply saying "MAR-YAH YESHUA". The overall context of Acts Chapter two, reveals that YAH APPEARED TO ALL ISRAEL. Therefore baptism in the name of MAR:YAH YESHUA, is also, partly a public confession, that the one being baptized believes that YAH APPEARED AS YESHUA, and HE IS THE MASTER YAH YESHUA. It is a confession that THE LORD GOD is YESHUA, confessing that YESHUA is the MESSIAH and acknowledging His Lordship and His Divinity. MAR-YAH YESHUA is the Son of YAHWEH, therefore, one must at least begin to understand the distinction of MAR-YAH the Son and YAHWEH His Father, so that they can understand the ONENESS
In the Greek New Testament text, the idea of the Divinity is lost altogether. The Greek reads.
"Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2:38 KJV
Whether this should read "Jesus Christ" or "YESHUA MESSIAH", is a mute point The important point is that the Greek text removes the reference to the Divinity of YESHUA THE MESSIAH, that is "MARYAH". The Greek text does not even include a Sacred name possibilit such as "Kurios/lord". All the Kings and priests of ancient Israel were anointed with oil, and were thus "Mashiyach/Messieh/Christ". Therefore this term is not for the Deity, but rather, shows the anointing comes from YAHWEH the Father. Peter already made it plain that MAR-YAH is the MESSIAH in verse 36, and has appeared as YESHUA. Therefore in Acts 2:38, Peter made absolutely sure believers understood tlat MAR-YAH IS YESHUA the anointed of YAHWEH. He did not feel it necessary to keep repeating over and over again that HE IS THE MESSIAH, surely his audience understood that by now. However, they may have missed the fact that MAR-YAH IS YESHUA. Looking at this phrase "MAR-YAH YESHUA", in its full scope of meaning, one must conclude:
None of these things is made clear through the Greek translation; only the ORIGINAL ARAMAIC makes all this clear. This is Why, if the Church really wants to get back to the original Gospel message as preached by the Apostles, they must return to THE ORIGINAL NEW TESTAMENT, THE ARAMAIC PESHITTA, in light of the HEBREW Old Testament Scriptures.
The Apostle Peter had gone to Great lengths to expound the Divinity of "YAH" within the Messiah. Therefore, he not only wanted his audience to know that Yeshua is the Messiah, but also that Yeshua is the manifest image of YAH, and that YAH is the Son of YAHWEH. Then when he puts forth the name of YESHUA in baptism, he does not set the name of YESHUA, out on a limb, standing alone, but rather, he lifts up this common name above every other common name, by saying it in conjunction with "MAR-YAH". The name of YESHUA was the 17th most popular name in Israel, in the first century. However the name of "YAH" is the name that descended down from heaven. For YAH went forth from YAHWEH out of heaven, to come appear upon the earth before His creation.
As for as the Aramaic phrase "MARIY is concerned, it does simply mean "my Lord" or "my Master". It is used in the Aramaic Peshitta mostly to refer to "YESHUA". But, in New Testament quotations of the Old Testament Hebrew, the term "MARIY" is at times used as a Sacred name substitute, in order to show the incarnation of YAHWEH, that is when YAHWEH APPEARED IN FLESH. In these instances "MARIY" reveals the Divinity of the Son, even "YAH", the Son of YAHWEH, that is "my Lord YAH".
Mariy is Yeshua
1. Matthew 22:43-45 Aramaic Peshitta by Roth. However Where Roth uses "Master YHWH" I have placed "MAR-YAH" as in the Aramaic. Where Roth uses "my Master" I have placed "MARIY" in order to acquainted brethren with this term as found in original Aramaic. The name "David" is spelled by Roth as "Dawid", which I put in normal English. So that the focus can remain. the Sacred name.
2. Psalms 110:5-- for more information on the 136 places the ancient scribes removed the name of "Yahweh" and replaced it with "Adonay" [my Lord], see, "THE HEBREW KEY", NOTE #8.
3. Acts 2:25 Aramaic Peshitta. by Roth- Roth uses "my Lord", whereas I have restored original "MARIY".
4. Acts 2:36- (Abad) is #5647 Strong's- to work, serve, enslave, keep in bondage, bond service, compel, bring to pass, cause to, make to; servant, worshipper.
Chaldean/Aramaic- #5648 Strong's- to do, make. prepare, keep, cut, do, execute, go on, make, move, work.
Aramaic Peshitta lexicon by Jennings page 157: (abad)- did, acted, make, urge sin, prepared, wrought, performed, executed, bore, yield [fruit]. Celebrated or kept [feast]. Subjected, tyranning over you.
(Abad)- [treated as if another word]- s servant (generally a bond servant): MT 10:24; 1 Cor 7:21. Royal officer John 4:46
Therefore the same word for to do or make, can also mean servant, as the one who is forced to do or make. And this usage is found in the Hebrew and Aramaic, alike.
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I’m thrilled you loved it and saved it—means a lot! You’re absolutely right to hammer home that calling the "יה" (-ya) in "מ...