Sec 5b8- Yeshua the only source


5.b.8 - Yeshua: The Only Source of Living Waters

Yah, the Son, was hidden in the dark waters and the thick clouds of the presence of יהוה. Then Yah was drawn out of the dark waters and came forth from the thick clouds of יהוה. These dark waters are like unto the bosom of יהוה, from which Yah came forth to be born into the world, in order to make His appearance upon this earth before mankind, as like it is written:

Now they know that whatsoever you have given to me, is from your presence. For the word you have given to me, I have given to them, and they have received it, and truly they know, that I came forth from your presence, and they believe that you sent me.

John 17:7-8, Aramaic, my translation

Therefore, Yah came forth from the midst of the divine essence of יהוה!

The separation of the heavenly waters from the earthly waters, in the beginning, caused the earth to be devoid of heavenly waters. For a while these waters came down from heaven to earth through paradise and the rivers of Eden, which made the garden of Eden a paradise on earth. But through the fall of Adam, the heavenly waters were cut off unto the earth. Yet יהוה is omnipresent, and HE continued to dwell on the earth in the form of the Holy Spirit. Mankind could, at times, have an experience with יהוה through the form of His Holy Spirit, but no man could ever experience His Living Waters. A new route had to be found so that mankind could again experience יהוה, the Living Waters!

Because of Adam's sin and rebellion, all mankind has been cursed with death. The death is two-fold:

  1. The physical body must die and return to dust,

  2. The created spirit in mankind has been cut off from the life-giving Living Waters of יהוה.

Just as the earthly body requires refreshing by earthly air, like the animals, likewise the created spirit in man requires refreshing from the Holy Spirit of יהוה. Just as the physical body requires earthly water to survive, likewise the created spirit in man needs Living Waters for sustenance and growth towards all righteousness. Mankind has need of the concentrated presence of יהוה, not just a little touch of the Holy Spirit. A lack of Living Waters will bring death to the created spirit in mankind. This is why יהוה desires for His people to know HIM as the life-giving Waters. But this type of intimate relationship was not available to mankind, because יהוה had blocked off their entrance to the tree of life:

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

Genesis 3:24 (compare to Revelation 22:1-2.)

For, once upon a time, the Living Waters flowed as (olive oil) from the tree of life, but due to sin, this route to the Living Waters has been blocked forever.

Originally, יהוה placed heaven in the midst of the Waters, to separate the spiritual, heavenly Waters, from the physical earthly waters:

And Elohym said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And Elohym made the firmaments and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And Elohym called the firmament heaven...

Genesis 1:6-8

After יהוה separated the spiritual Waters from the physical waters; HE then made the garden of Eden, so that man could have constant access to the heavenly waters of יהוה. But after the fall, man was separated from the heavenly waters, in fact the Living Waters no longer moved among men, and therefore could not glorify His Holy Name before the eyes of mankind, which is why it is written:

Praise HIM, ye heaven Of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

Psalm 148;4

The Hebrew word here for praise is halal [#1984], which means, "to shine, make a show, to boast" and to glorify before men. Yet, with these Living spiritual Waters being cut off from Moving before mankind, יהוה was not able to get the "praise" before the eyes of mankind, which HE deserves. As long as this state of affairs remained unchanged, mankind could never comprehend the essence of יהוה, and intimate communion between יהוה and man was impossible.

יהוה desired to share His essence with Israel, but Israel could not even see their need for spiritual Living Waters, as it is written:

O יהוה, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken יהוה, the fountain of Living Waters.

Jeremiah 17:13

Yet, יהוה had cut off all mankind, they no longer understood What Living Waters were. So When יהוה offered them to mankind through His Son, most rejected HIM.

By rejecting the Son, mankind as a whole has also rejected יהוה, the Father, because it is only through the Son that mankind has access unto the Living Waters of יהוה. As a whole, mankind rejected the Son, because they could not understand who HE really is. In their eyes, Yeshua was a mere mortal man, and at best a prophet or a king-to-be. However, in the eyes of others, the Son is the second person of the trinity, or perhaps the second person of the twinity (dualism). Few understood that Yah Yeshua is the right hand of יהוה and the voice or word of יהוה, and as such, simply the extension of יהוה upon the earth. Many saw the light, however, they did not comprehend it [John 1:5]. Even those who believed in HIM did not completely understand HIM [John 2:23-24], and of those who believed and understood in part, Yeshua left this message for them:

... If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:31-32

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send  in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 14:26

In order to receive instructions from the Holy Spirit, one must receive the Holy Spirit. But then after receiving the Holy Spirit, one should continue in the word and study and pray and seek for all truth. Yet, so many have been content with "salvational truths", and for this reason have refused to seek for all truth. So, instead of bearing much fruit, they have born very little fruit, and that which remains is just barely alive with very little strength. And even sadder are those who have sought for nothing but "salvational truths" and have even fallen short of that. But, look at the great miracles which happen in their midst:

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity [lawlessness].

Matthew 7:21-23

It is hard to believe, that there would be believers in the earth, who had faith enough in Yeshua to work all these great miracles in His name. Yet they would reject the law of יהוה, and thus become workers of iniquity. In the context, these believers did not bear fruit. However, it is hard to imagine that believers who worked all these miracles would be entirely fruitless for their labors. However, it is certain from the entire context, that their fruit was not found acceptable unto Yah Yeshua, and was called, a lack of fruit entirely. [See note #60.]

The cornerstone for all Christian belief and faith, is based upon the revelation of who the Son of יהוה really is, each group or denomination of believers attempts to expound on the deity within Yeshua in different ways, however, by dismissing the name of YAH יהוה, their explanations are just the reasonings of mere men, rather than the truth which is able to set the believer completely free, Yeshua made it plain:

...if ye believe not that I AM (he), ye shall die in your sins.

John 8:24

The King James translators added the word "he", which is not found in the Aramaic original or the Greek translations of the New Testament, Yeshua is the singular "GREAT I AM" of Exodus 3:14. Believing this, with the proper understanding, is foundational to Christian faith. This full understanding is revealed only through the Hebrew Old Testament and the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Scriptures, through the name of Yah, יהוה, and Yeshua. The enemy knows the divine essence is revealed through: the name of Yah יהוה, and it is for this reason, that the enemy continues to fight against those who proclaim the name. For once the divine essence has been fully revealed through the name, the Living Waters will be poured out upon those who call upon the name. This revelation and outpouring is destined to happen in the last days, as it is written:

... For Yah יהוה is my strength [praise] and my song; he also is become my salvation [Yeshua]. Therefore with joy ye shall draw water out of the wells of salvation [Yeshua].

Isaiah 12:2-3 [See note #61.]

It is when believers realize the essence of revelation revealed through this context and call upon His name with this understanding that they will receive the Living Waters from Yeshua, the man. Yeshua, the man, is the fulfillment of the type, represented by the Rock that followed the children of Israel through the wilderness, as it is written:

And they were all made one, by drinking the same spiritual drink, for they all drank from that spiritual Rock that came with them, for that Rock is the Messiah,

1 Corinthians 10:4, Aramaic, my  translation

[See note #62.]

Yeshua fulfills so many functions in bringing mankind to יהוה that even if it were possible to list them all, it would still be beyond the scope of this book.

However, these foundational functions should he understood by all believers:

  • Yeshua died in fallen man's place by becoming his blood atonement / remission.

  • Yeshua is the only mediator between יהוה and mankind.

  • Yah became Yeshua [Salvation], so He could dwell with men, reigning over them as King and High Priest.

  • Yeshua rose from the dead and ascended to heaven so that the Living Waters could flow from Him unto mankind, as they call upon His name in faith [expectation].

    • This gives mankind a specific place to look to and a specific name to call upon to get a measure of the Living Waters which came forth from Yeshua.

    • This allows the fury of יהוה's wrath to be appeased, for the Holy Spirit / Living Waters and the blood become one in Yeshua [1 John 5:8], atoning for the sins of repentant mankind.

Yeshua reveals that it is necessary for Him to go away, and shows why:

... For if I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart. I will send him unto you.

John 16:7

When speaking of the measure of the Living Waters, given to mankind as a gift of the Messiah, Paul the apostle confirms that Yeshua had to first ascend unto the highest heaven:

He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill [fulfill] all things.

Ephesians 4:10 [Compare Ephesians 4:7-10]

There is one other thing I'd like to share with you about Isaiah 12:2-3. It has already been stated that: Yah יהוה will become salvation [Yeshua]. But in verse three, where it reads, "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of [the] salvation", I have placed the definite article before salvation [Y'shuah], as it is found in the Original Hebrew, that is "the Salvation" [HAY'SHUAH]. The definite article ha, is pointing out a specific place, to where all must go to draw forth a drinkable measure of Living Waters from the well, which is the man Yeshua. Therefore, all must go to Yeshua, "the Salvation" in order to receive Yah, the word, in their hearts and then back to Yeshua to receive יהוה, the Living Waters. We look to Yeshua by faith with expectation and hope, believing that He is the only source of life, the only source of Living Waters, through whom we have access unto Yah יהוה, only through Yeshua, the man! Knowing this, we also realize that Yeshua is faithful to send forth the Living Waters to all seekers who have Yah the seed abiding in them.

If Yah, the word, is abiding in your heart, seek Yeshua for יהוה, the Living Waters so that the Father and the Son can be united in your soul, in the form and function of the HOLY SPIRIT.

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