SECT5B9- Push

 5.b.9 - Push through to the River of Living Waters

It is written of how Ezekiel, in vision, is being brought through the waters to the ankles, knees and waist [Ezekiel 47:3-4]. The man with the measuring line in his hand appears to be the same one who is helping Ezekiel push through the waters. The word used here for "he brought me through", is the Hebrew word abar [#5674], which means "to cross over", as if "to cross over a river or stream". This is the same root word as the word for "Hebrews", that is a people who have crossed over, as in the crossing over the Jordan in order to enter the promised land.

As concerning the depth of the waters, this does not seem to be the most important thing. It is more important, for the waters to be flowing and moving, so they will not become stagnant. Because the stagnant waters were given over to salt and could not be healed [Ezekiel 47:11]. However, it is apparent that the measures of water are given in greater measure each time, in order to lead us all individually and collectively to the river of Living Waters.

It was a great effort for Ezekiel to push through the waters unto the greater depth; just as it was a great effort for the apostles to tarry for the Holy Spirit [Luke 24:49]; just as it takes great patience to wait for the promise of the Father [Acts 1:4]. Yet, the days of coming to the altar of prayer and repentance, and waiting and tarrying all night for a move of the Holy Spirit, are over. Now we are told that we should not come and kneel at the altar anymore, rather, we should come and stand and offer thanksgiving and praise and forget about repentance and confession. The spiritual thermometers of these preachers is broke; they cannot discern the seriousness of the sins which have swept over our nation and churches. They have not seen the need for weeping and crying out to Yah Yeshua at an altar of repentance. They have not been able to discern that it is essential for the church to tarry for a renewing of the Holy Spirit.

If we, as a church, push through all night, yet the waters are still only to the ankles, then for what reason would we shout and dance in victory? Isn't it more in order, to push through some more with weeping and crying and travailing in the Spirit, until we at least get to the depth of the knees? Yet, when we reach the depth of the knees, is this now the time for dancing in the Spirit and running around the church? Or, is it time to pray and intercede some more until the waters are unto the waist? I realize that by the time we as a church have prayed in the Spirit unto the depth of the waist, that each individual is physically tired and worn out in the flesh. Yet in the Spirit we desire to dance and in the Spirit we desire to run and render thanksgiving and praise as is proper unto Yah our Elohym.

But, if we stop now, not pushing through some more, we will never come unto the river of Living Waters, which no mortal man can push through. Why is it so important to push through unto this place? Because, the Living Waters must make a complete circuit in order to be healed, as it is written:

... These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: Which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.

Ezekiel 47:8-9 (emphasis mine)

The HEALINGS do not begin en masse, until they come unto the RIVER to be HEALED, which means that the church must push through so that it can bring souls unto this RIVER OF LIVING WATERS.

Howbeit, if we don't push through, our own souls may also become desolate, as it is written:

But the miry places thereof and the marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.

Ezekiel 47:11

In the spiritual sense, the River of Living Waters must travel in circuit from Yah Yeshua, unto Paradise and the four corners of the earth, then back into the "Sea", and then from there, back into heaven. [NOTE: Right below heaven is a place called: "Paradise", "Eden", "Abraham's Bosom", "The Sea", "The Waters"].

The waters must be allowed to flow unhindered by the love of the world, the lust of the flesh or the pride of life. But to get those hindrances out of the way, the church must travail in the Spirit and tarry for a renewing of the LIVING WATERS with tears of repentance and confession.

If we are satisfied with where we are at, while the world is spiraling out of control all around us, then perhaps the word of Yah has not even been planted into our hearts, and if it has, perhaps there was no depth of earth. Or maybe the love of this world and the cares and pressures of life have so overwhelmed us, that we are beyond caring, beyond hearing the voice of Yah. Thus, seeking and tarrying for the LIVING WATERS, as they flow from Yah Yeshua, is out of the question and does not even rise up on our radar of things to do; certainly not as things WE MUST GET DONE.

If the urgency of the great sins in the United States and in the church is not enough to cause us as a people to push through the waters, then what will it take?

If we want to be spared from destruction, if we want our families to be spared, we will do as the righteous men remaining in Jerusalem did; for they prayed and cried out to יהוה because of all the abominations they saw being done in their Temple and in their city, as it is written:

And יהוה said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that SIGH and that CRY for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

Ezekiel 9:4 (emphasis mine)

If we are to be spared, we must not only sigh and cry out in prayer concerning the sins of our once great nation, but we also must push through in the Spirit, until we reach the depth of the RIVER OF LIVING WATERS, so we can bring healing and deliverance to multitudes.

However, as we are delving deeper into the Spirit, it will be a mistake if we neglect and fail to appreciate the importance of the NAME in this end times revival.

Why is the name so important? Because any unclean spirit can proclaim that Jesus is Lord. However, only a man filled with the Holy Spirit and armed with the fullness of the truth, can proclaim that the Master Yah is Yeshua, as 1 Corinthians 12:3 reads in the Original New Testament, the Aramaic Peshitta.


For there are a diversification of gifts, but the SPIRIT is ONE.

1 Corinthians 12:4 Aramaic Peshitta [my translation]

The Holy Spirit itself is a gift unto all, sincere believers, but in this context, these are gifts Which spring up from the Holy Spirit, Which differ in nature, one from another, But Paul's point is clear, though, many gifts differ, they all derive from ONE SPIRIT. And the revealed name of the Holy Spirit is Yah יהוה!

And there are a diversification of services [works to be done in the kingdom], but the Lord YAH is ONE.

1 Corinthians 12:5 Aramaic [my translation] [See note #63]

As already revealed above, the Master Yah is Yeshua, and HE came to this earth to be a servant, so that: his people would follow his example, yet there are many different types of services we may do for the Kingdom, just as there are many different levels of anointing required for the different types of services, even if my anointing for service differs from yours, the giver of that anointing, that is the Master YAH, is ONE.

And there is a diversification of Power, but יהוה is ONE, who works all in all men.

1Corinthians 12:6 [my translation] [See note #64]

Is there really three "ONES"? Or is Paul revealing that ultimately all the gifts and all the services proceed from יהוה, who is all in all? I hope by now that you see that this latter is precisely Paul's point. Paul is also making reference to what the Jewish people call "The Shema", that is:

Hear 0 Israel, יהוה our Elohym is ONE יהוה.

Deuteronomy 6:4.

This is a declaration of Monotheism for all true believers who know the truth. However, within יהוה are the functions of "Father", "Son", and "Holy Spirit"! All three functions are simply different occurrences of one singular divine Nature. The Aramaic Peshitta uses the word qnoma to mean "an occurrence of a nature". This word is used to describe the singular divine Nature of יהוה, which has many occurrences of that nature. This singular divine nature, though, does not have separate persons, there is only ONE person [being], and that is יהוה.

When explaining this concept in reference to the Messiah, Paul continues:

For as the body is one, and in it are many members; and all those members of the body, though many, are one body; so also is the Messiah.

1 Corinthians 12:12 Roth [See note #66]

"One of the clearest statements about [the essential nature of Elohym] in the entire New Testament relationship between יהוה and Yeshua is like that of the mind [head] to a limb of the body. The arm is not a separate entity from the body, nor does it move in any way other than with the full power and intent of the mind. Yeshua is literally the arm of יהוה in this manner [Exodus 6:6, 23:20-22, Isaiah 53:1]. This statement by Rav Shaul proves that this idea is not some modernized Nazarene doctrine, but the original doctrine of Messiah which is founded in the Tanakh;..." - Quote from Roth, Page 522, note 55, for verse 12.

This also helps one to understand exactly what Paul meant by the root word damah, as discussed already at length in Pages 42-45, concerning this context:

Who, being in the form [likeness] of Elohym, thought it not robbery to be equal with Elohym.

Phil 2:6 [brackets from Aramaic] [See note #66]

Because the word for "form" / "likeness" is from the same root word as "members" as found above in 1 Corinthians 12:12. And the Greek translator of the Aramaic renders morphe, which means "(Through the idea of adjustment of parts): Shape; fig. nature:- form." The root of morphe is meros [#3313], which is defined as: "(To get a section or allotment): a division or share,.., pieces, portion,.." And of course, this brings us right back around to the illustration of the body parts, that is many parts of one body or person. Thus the Messiah has many parts, but is only one person. For the Messiah. Himself is simply the arm of יהוה, and is thus, a part or portion of יהוה. Therefore the Greek translator was looking deep into the meaning of damah, to relate it as a part which is formed from the whole of יהוה. The Aramean Church of the East believes that the Messiah has two qnomas, one human and the other divine. A qnoma is a occurrence of nature, and at one point the Messiah's nature appears human, and then at another time the Messiah's nature appears divine. However the Messiah's divine nature also has many occurrences. For His divine nature occurs as the word, and then as the Father in creation, and then as the Holy spirit in regeneration and renewing

Yah יהוה as the Holy Spirit, moves in the lives of His people who will or have sought after HIM, giving gifts unto them, while the lord Yah Yeshua anoints His followers with the anointing and calling to serve. While יהוה works the same in the lives of all mankind, the believers and the unbelievers, the righteous and the unrighteous. This is why it is written that no man comes to the Son, unless the Father draws him, giving him understanding to follow the light. [John 6:44, See note #65]. This preeminence of the Father, יהוה, over the Son, Yah, is spoken of by Paul in another place:

For HE [Yah Yeshua] is to reign, until HE [יהוה] will put all his enemies under his feet. And, the last enemy, death, will be abolished. For HE [יהוה] has subjected all under his [Yah's] feet, but when he said, that everything is subjected to HIM [Yah], it is (spiritually) understood that HE [יהוה] is excepted, who subjected all, to Him [Yah]. And when all will be subjected to Him [Yah], then the Son [Yah] Himself will be subject to HIM [יהוה] Who subjected all to Him [Yah], so that Elohym [יהוה] will be all in all.

1 Corinthians 15:27-28 Roth [brackets mine]

The right hand is very useful and gets much done, but it never lifts itself up over the entire body. And even if this specific right hand has been given a position of honor above the other parts of the body, it will still at some time point out and reveal the glory and honor due to the rest of the body, rather than trying to hold all the glory for itself. Yah is equal unto יהוה, inasmuch as He is of the same substance, and is part of יהוה, and went out from יהוה. However, ultimately, even "the part" of יהוה, will subject Himself to the whole. This is why Yah said:

I can of mine own self do nothing.

John 5:30

Because a part of Elohym is dependant upon the whole.

Likewise, Yah came to this earth to lead His people unto the Father [יהוה]. Because it is not the will of יהוה for His people to know HIM only partially, but HE desires for His people to know Him fully.

A portion of Living Water, will lead us unto a greater portion. of Living Water, which will, lead us unto a still greater measure of the Living Waters, which if we continue therein, will lead us unto the RIVER OF LIVING WATERS, which is Yah יהוה. In this place there will be many healings and much deliverance of every kind. Yet, even the RIVER OF LIVING WATERS is not an end all, because it leads unto the "Sea", which heals the waters. Thus יהוה is all in all. This is why it is written:

And יהוה shall be King over all the 

earth: in that day shall there be ONE יהוה, and his name ONE.

Zechariah 14:9

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